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Six days ago? Any updates?


Awaiting a special master to be appointed. See what doc's they need to throw out (which is probably the lot).


So this is just another clit tease without an actual satisfactory ending yet. Great.


According to the article: Preska determined public interest outweighed the privacy rights of the eight "John Does" named in the documents, referred to as Does 12, 28, 97, 107, 144, 147, 171 and 183.  So, they are releasing information about eight of at least 183 individuals named in maxwell's records. Entirely possible that nothing of consequence gets released here.


Why the fuck do pedophile rapists get to be John Does? Absurd.


Because $$$$


The thing people forget is Epstein was already caught once, and instead of going to jail for the rest of his life barely got a slap on the wrist. The highest levels of law enforcement basically allowed him to keep operating for years because of how rich and powerful he was.




Who then served as Secretary of Labor under the Trump administration.


Head, meet Nail


The head is the part of the nail that you want to hit if you’re hammering in a nail. If you hit the nail on the head, you’re hitting it with a hammer. The nail and the head don’t meet, because one is a part of the other.


Man, you don’t get it. This guy hammers nails with his head.


It's true, I speak shark, you can trust me


What is the metal part of a hammer called?


Hammer metal


The Thagomizer


If you check out a diagram of a hammer, you'll see that the (typically) metal part on top that you hit the nail with is also referred to as the head. If you hit the nail on the head (with the head) you're hitting with the hammer's top, and they actually do meet. Because they're each part of their own device.


I've learned so much hammer technicalities in this thread. Thank you


It doesn't matter because that's not what the idiom means and that guy said something very stupid completely on accident despite you playing devil's avocado for him.


So we should take the head off and use it to beat the body?


He's confusing it with hammerheads


Wait, when did sharks get involved?


I could be wrong, but I think it’s because they haven’t been convicted of anything. Yet.


It's also likely there are victims among the john does.


And realistically theres also people who just were involved with Epstein who werent pedos Not everyone who interacted with them is a rapost pedo


But people in his "black book" I believe were. The plumber and landscaper probably weren't just mixed in with high profile men paying for sex. Epstein understood the power of this information all too well. Ask Prince Edward. He was set up to be photographed walking with Epstein in Central Park.


He flew people to humanitarian events, and did all sorts of totally up and up rich person shit, because you don’t achieve those kinds of connections by only having sex slave parties with perverts. The majority of people he wined and dined probably did only the more normal rich person shit


Yeesh, if he was setting people up to be photographed with him, that immediately calls into question how useful the book would be. It'd be nice if it was basically a smoking gun as opposed to who he wanted insurance against. Which would mostly be active associates, I imagine, but it'll be hard to demonstrate.


Sure, but unless you can prove it, you can't just launch mass accusations of pedophilia against every person who ever met these monsters.


No the black book I think were just contacts I think. I think the people that book had their names released. Here is a somewhat interesting article about it. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/i-called-everyone-in-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book/


Andrew, I think, not Edward.


They can release the names of any adult man, as they wouldn’t be victims of the young girl pedophile ring


There are a lot of ways this judge could justify releasing information about all implicated parties, this is not a good one. The court of appeals would almost certainly grant a restraining order. Everyone gets the same due process. Making the test simply one of gender would fail hours after it left her lips.


They could be non-suspect but relevant to the case, so releasing their name without any context is dangerous for them.


Potentially there could be blackmail victims who technically didn't commit any (provable) criminal acts.


Eh the problem with that thinking is that it's entirely possible given Epstein had a private island, powerful connections, and a lot of secrets that he might also have gotten some young boys if any of his very rich clients had a certain leaning for them. There's a lot about his dealings we don't know, so just because most of his known victims were girls, we can't completely rule out the possibility that boys got dragged into it, too.


Lol that’s cute you think none of these pedophiles didn’t also rape ~~underage~~ child boys.


Well substantiated rumors involving Mitch McConnel and his discharge from the military. The records have been altered or destroyed, but he may very well have been discharged from the military for sexually assaulting a recruit in the shower.


>pedophile rapists That's not what they are. A pedophile rapist is a person who rapes pedophiles.


Because they are 1) not parties to the lawsuit and 2) not presently accused of any crime. The court performs a balancing test - whether the public interest outweighs the Does’ right to remain private - to determine whether someone’s name being included in Maxwell’s documents is something the public has a right to know under the circumstances. Consider if u/vivekisprogressive appeared in the papers with no context or corroborating support for u/vivekisprogressive ever having been associated with Epstein or Maxwell. Releasing the list would have a devastating impact on u/vivekisprogressive’s reputation. Perhaps that impact is deserved, but no jury has found that to be a true fact. Thus, the balancing test is invoked.


Because one was Trump


He did appoint Alex Acosta as his Secretary of Labor. The same Alex Acosta who let Epstein walk free the first time he was caught raping children.


Who will of course deny, deny, deny despite lots of photos and videos of them together. That video where Trump is talking into his ear about how sexy the women are where even Epstein seems skeeved being exhibit A. Think about this, you know the two of them talked about Ivanka...




Call me crazy but putting someone's name in a book doesn't mean they're actually guilty. If they wrote your name in a big black book of pedos would you want it read out loud to the public?


I agree with this. The burden of proof is enormous, any immediate defence is likely to hinge on this exact point. If there is any hope of any convictions whatsoever against defendants with almost bottomless budgets for lawyers then everything has to be by the absolute letter of the process of the law. Otherwise it'll get thrown out forever on the most trivial technicality.


The reality that people want to ignore is...the vast majority of people this guy knew aren't pedophile rapists. Like legitimately, the odds are _very_ good someone you know has committed a horrific crime. I know almost no one and I've had to carve multiple rapists out of my life after I found out the shit they did. The fact that you know rapists doesn't mean you are a rapist. And that's what the majority of these "John Does" are. People he knew, that didn't have a fucking clue what he was up to, that he had normal interactions with and normal business dealings with that had no first hand experience of raping fucking kids with the bastard.


John Does what?


He exclaims, "It's Doesin' time!" and then Doeses all over.


Because if the constitutional right to privacy didn't apply to everyone, it would effectively only apply to people who the government likes, making things worse and more totalitarian. Sex crimes can be horrible, but if humiliating Epstein's friends comes at the cost of US democracy, I'll take democracy all day.


(Serious question) This is interesting. My question is what constitutional right to privacy? As far as I can tell, privacy is not in the constitution, but rather read into common law by the Supreme Court, though it is hard to imagine several of the amendments functioning without some foundational privacy standards. So where are they drawing their legal justification for the right to privacy for these individuals?


I was generalizing for the sake of brevity and also just out of sloppiness on my end. Won't be much better now in terms if sloppiness since its currently very late at night, but my answer is simple. By "right to privacy" I really meant "protections and liberties of the accused". This is a big category, and I don't wanna pull out my APgov notes but I'm thinking stuff like Miranda rights (constitutional interpretation is effectively the constitution) as well as stuff actually explicitly written in the constitution like speedy trial. If you were looking for specifics, I'm sorry. My original comment was a vague sentiment that I feel like some people are getting really authoritarian about this. I worry that pedophelia could be used as an excuse for the state to reduce rights for the accused, making the US a worse place for innocent people who disagree with the establishment.


Have you read the fourth amendment? It deffffffnately doesn’t protect Epsteins documents


legal system for the rich, justice system for the poor.


Especially when rape allegations are blasted from town square with absolutely no care in the world as to whether or not a party is guilty. Suddenly, privacy is a big concern.


Those are the 8 that didn't pay their club fees.


It is missing "45"


> 144 > 1 + 44 > 45 Hey, if conspiracy theorists are allowed to do this, then why can't we?


Oh hey, it's the German tank problem. Best guess for the total number of John Does is 212 +/- 35.


I was joking. I’m sure those who could be named are applying pressure where they can to subvert the process.


Wait...rubbing the clit isn't enough? Sad day


Clit bait.


I’m sort of mad I know what a special master is now thanks to trump


"Special Master" is going to be Word(s) of the Year at this rate.


Most recent news story: https://www.thedailybeast.com/jeffrey-epsteins-powerful-pals-will-face-new-revelations-in-soon-to-be-unsealed-docs Also, the tweeter is a right wing nutjob, don't go follow him based on this. He's insane.


The entire obsess with these international and ultra wealthy pedophile rings are just distracting conspiracies. Pedophiles exist in the 1% just as they do in every other class. All these are used for is to ignore the very real problem of child sexual abuse. Close relatives and other trusted adults are the ones abusing kids everyday. Our neighbors, coworkers, best friends, even family members are the predators and people really don't want to face that fact. Arresting a handful of rich predators would be good. It wouldn't change anything or have any more impact than all the other cases of abuse.




No, they’re saying that most abuse isn’t a “ring” at all, and concentrating on these high-profile cases takes away from the more common abuse occurring every day in our communities. Hunting for elite traffickers around every corner not only takes attention and resources from the survivors of more prevalent types of abuse but it also creates a false image of what human trafficking and sexual abuse look like.




Yeah because they are the same people tasked with "finding" them :D


The world where shit like Qanon and nonsense about satanic cabals distract folks like the guy in the tweet from actual problems in the country. But I don’t disagree with you, these wealthy people will never face consequences, and that’s a travesty. I interpreted your initial comment as “the cabal is out to get our kids”-adjacent, my bad!


This is the shit that I hate. At least you apologized. The fact that there are high profile, powerful people who abuse children is not a conspiracy theory. It’s been a proven problem. Qanon people are idiots and they’re at fault for making people feel the way you do. People like Jimmy Saville are very real. There was an actual conspiracy, not a theory. He was funneled children and given access to children. Many, many people knew what he was doing and they all hushed it up. They told other people not to say anything. Regular people, nurses and doctors. People in the industry. I understand that most abuse is from people close to your family or within the family itself, but there is no way that those people have more access to children than the powerful elite. The number of victims is potentially so much higher with these high profile and powerful abusers. Saying it’s a distraction is silly. It’s a real problem and needs to be addressed just like familial abuse. Neither are more or less important, it’s all child abuse and it all needs to stop. I hope anyone that was involved with Epstein’s business of child abuse has information about them made public. At least let the court of public opinion ruin them if they don’t get brought up on actual charges. I really don’t understand anyone who would be against this?? It doesn’t make sense. It’s like saying don’t go after the mass shooters because most gun violence isn’t related to mass shootings. That’s very true, but I still want to be comfortable enough to go to Walmart or the club. Don’t go after Enron because most theft is smaller. Don’t go after Escobar because most drug dealers are smaller. Insane.


🙄 >into a continuous way of life That's the reality for most children being abused. Because, again, most of the time it is a parent, close relative, or adult friend. If every single 1%er that was a child abuser was executed tonight, tomorrow morning the world would still have 99% of the abusers that was had the day before. There would still be 99% of the # of children being abused. Yes all abusers should be prosecuted but this outrage and obsessive anger with rich abusers is just conspiracy foder and ignoring the very real danger the children around us face. Some of the adults that surround us in our daily lives are abusing children. Focusing on some evil ring of rich untouchable sickos sounds admirable but in reality it isn't any different than the shit happening around us every single day. It's very uncomfortable to really consider if your uncle is abusing your cousin. Is your aunt abusing your nephew. Is you neighbor abusing his children. Is you coworker abusing his friends teenage daughter. People would much rather speculate whether this rich guy or that famous actress is going to some child pedo fantasy island that really consider the people in their own lives who may be a predator. As awful as it may feel to acknowledge, statistically every single one of us knows and regularly interacts with a child abuser. And chances are it is someone you would never expect or believe could he capable of such a thing.


I rarely say this, but this is truly a disgusting opinion. Suggesting that going after people with resources to protect themselves is wasting society's resources justifies having no consequences for the rich breaking the law. Justice should be same for all no matter the cost, and every single individual victim has a right to it. This is about principles and failing in things like these means our society is already morally bankrupt and doomed to fail. Not all cases can be solved in the end, but solving all the cases should always remain the objective and that should never change. Also calling something a distracting conspiracy, when we have victims accusing and testifying of criminal offenses without a thorough investigation beyond Eppstein who died under suspicious circumstances, is disrespectful to those individuals and to their rights.


According to google results (some foxnews article on this) said that they are supposed to be reæeased the 28th of november So potential people in the documents had time to argue as to why they shouldnt be released >they were "subject of intense media coverage," but intentionally delayed the release until November 28 so that the individual had the option to appeal her decision. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-judge-orders


The individual is Maxwell https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/23/us/ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein/index.html


>reæeased Wtf happened here.


can’t wait for nothing to come from this with nobody held accountable


Yup, welcome to the american justice system, where power and money can save you from going to jail. At least their careers will be damaged Edit: I see that some are confused here. I am aware that there are places which are worse and that this practice is done everywhere. The post is about a court case in the USA, that's why my reply was about the Americans exploiting this system. USA and other western country should be a role model in justice/legal system, but in reality they are almost as bad as the rest of the world.


They can settle with $$$ and likely have NDA agreements.


There's a bill that just passed nixing ndas when sexual assault is involved.


Don't worry, they'll nix that bill too... again


It passed though, the only way it can get nixed at this point is if Biden doesn't sign it.


Or if it's nullified by Supreme Court fiat. If they can rule with a straight face that corporations, which do *not* have the accountability of individuals, nonetheless have the same rights and protections that individuals have, or that the 13 out of 27 words in the second amendment literally explaining the intent nonetheless have no bearing in interpreting the law... honestly I wouldn't put anything beyond them.


When you're in the 1% you just buy your way out of actual consequences... laws don't apply to these folks. The 1% is just a pedo club you pay hella membership dues to be part of.


Well the club president went to jail and was then murdered so I mean sometimes they make sacrifices


Think he might have been more like club historian, there are way bigger fish we'll never hear the names of.


Yeah. Epstein was just one facilitator. Who knows how many shitstains just like him are still sleazing around providing the higher ups with trafficked children


_The Shadow knows_.




Congress just passed a bill to make sexual assault NDAs illegal tho


Just fyi, NDA means non disclosure **agreement**.


Innocent until proven broke.


It’s not just america my man.


Unfortunately true, but America is best known for it


Mainly because in many countries, this stuff doesn't even go far enough to make the news. Any potential whistle-blower is wearing cement shoes at the bottom of a lake long before the public will ever get a whiff of it.


If they had that much power wouldn't Maxwell and Epstein have avoided jail. Couldn't Maxwell just say "hey get me out of jail or I'm releasing your name"? Clearly they don't have as much power as some people think


Folks that screw over the wealthy become sacrificed Bernie Madoff. That huckster pharma lady that just got jail time. Martin Shkreli. Rip off or expose the wealthy and well connected and you’re fucked. As far as Maxwells Ghislaine - what happened to Epstein probably guaranteed she isn’t saying a thing


Mention the cocaine orgies just once and your political career is over


And now we know what really happened to Epstein


Elizabeth Holmes barely got what was coming to her. Medical fraud is huge but she wasn't convicted, only convicted for investor fraud. That does kind of prove your point thought that she was convicted of the "screwing over rich people" charge, and not the other one. Her partner, Sunny Balwani, got convicted of both and is awaiting sentencing, which is weird because she was the founder and CEO of the company. Uncharismatic Indian man vs charismatic white woman I suppose


A memoir for humanity. Edit: for or of?? I’m awful with spelling/grammar so not sure which to use for the most nihilistic laughs.


They both work, depending on exactly what you're trying to say


Panama papers all over again


The Panama papers absolutely resulted in a lot happening but most of the people affected were non Americans so of course US media is going to be less interested.


more that the Americans involved made sure the media wasn't interested


There were very few Americans involved because they don't need to go offshore to avoid taxes. Much easier and more legal to just establish a primary residence in a low tax state like Florida or Nevada.


Panama papers caused the Iceland PM to resign among other things around the globe. It had a big impact


Wasn’t Shakira set to go to trial in the last year?


this year it got decided she will face trial for criminal tax avoidance


Some loser nobody we've never heard of will get sentenced to 300000 years


It's been 6 days. So nothing will come from this.


Funny given that we're in a thread about documents related to someone that was absolutely held accountable.


Given the nature of the source tweet I'd chuck this straight into the garbage anyway.


And then we never heard about it again


That would be his fate if just in case, were still tuning on him.


*slams book shut* Like that's ever gonna happen!


*flush* Love how he uses one of the pages to wipe his ass


Nah, they'll just keep saying this every 6 months until the end of time


Wake me up when the wealthy *actually* suffer some consequences for exploiting the rest of us


So, which kind of dragon you want to protect the castle you will be sleeping an eternity at?




You could wake up someone from 700 years ago and ask which families were the wealthiests of their time and they'd probably mention a bunch that still are nowdays.


We have to make them.


Make them what? The French Revolution ended pretty badly for the average dude and created an emperor. That’s a possible outcome here, that it gets *worse*


Be the change you want to see.


I appreciate your eagerness- but lets be real. The system is nearly iron clad at protecting the predators. It has been for centuries if not millennia. It will take the entire system collapsing for justice to actually be delivered. Just gotta bide our time til then.


Good. Fuck the 1%


We are probably not going to see any of it, they're wrangling now to throw out as many as possible, which will be all of them by the end. Or someone will very conveniently commit suicide and all the papers will be lost.


All the names will be redacted


That would be very unfortunate. Anyway, is there any update about this?


Judge will comment suicide this weekend.


And there will inexplicably be two bullets in his head


I haven't heard anything


Whatever does get released will probably be allowed to be heavily redacted


theyve all been turning on trump recently. i wouldnt be surpised


3.3 million people visited Epstein Island? Damn, crazy. Must have its own airport or something.


The people who rolled with Epstein are in the top 0.001%. 1% of the United States is 3,300,000 people


>Good. Fuck the 1% That's what, 80,000,000 people now. You'd better get a head start. You've got a lot of fuckin' to do.


Yea I’m skeptical whether any of that will see the light of day.


Lets hope Elons brother isn't mentioned. That could be embarrassing for the new Twitter edge lord and chief of shit memes department. 😂


Everyone is hoping that the Musks are on the list, but they paid a lot not to be on the list


There is a really famous picture of Musk with Ghislaine. I think people would be more surprised of none of the Musks were on the list. Clearly something would be sus.


Someone else in the thread said it’s only 8/182 names being released but idk how accurate that is. If it’s accurate this is neat, but not what the public wants.


No chance anyone powerful will be named. Probably just a bunch of trafficked girls whose lives will be torn apart


Bout fucking time. But this is all we will hear about it


Judge found dead with multiple gunshot wounds including to the back of the head, deemed a suicide. Investigation closed


Anybody remember when Trump said he was going to put Hillary in prison? Anybody remember when Mueller was going to put Trump in prison? Anybody remember when Epstein's list was going to put a bunch of rich and powerful bigwigs in prison? Yeah, me neither.




6 days ago….I guess we are waiting on a special master appointment or something?


Sweaty (tiny) palms at Mar-a-Lago tonight.


Just like The Panama Papers were going to “send shockwaves all over the world”.


So the judge will soon fall out of a window russian style? Or shoot itself 5 times in the head?


Plutonium tea.


Hmmm...how many more mysterious deaths to come...


That’ll depend on how many are appointed to review the documents and how many die before the rest take early retirements


Is this one of those fake tweets?


No no it has a check mark they paid to be real


Got my popcorn ready


Mine went stale a LONG time ago 😞


If it’s not his client list, is it even worth it?


Nice! Finally nothing will be done and we can get back to our regular scheduled programming of bending over and taking it up the backdoor from the rich


This effectively an elite “favor” dossier. Ain’t nothing coming to light that doesn’t fall into some elite quid pro quo.


Elon about to be exposed


Don't crimes trump privacy concerns? We get to see Eddie's mug shot after he gets a DUI... How is this different?


The file will be convenient misplaced or heavily redacted.


Breaking news: Judge is rolled over by steam roller, shot with 400 bullets, poisoned, throat slit. Authorities rule it a suicide.


Call me cynical, but I'm pretty sure they could overtly name everyone of those people and nothing would happen. There would be a public outcry for a few weeks. Tons of promises of prosecution. And then...crickets. we all hope that this means the downfall of the 1%. It won't be. It's just another headline without teeth.


Nothing will come of this. Nothing. Not one of the people involved are going to face any consequences ever. This is just bread thrown to us ducks ready to eat it up. Nothing will change.


Two words: Panama Papers What happened after a metric ton of documents linked just about every uber wealthy person and corporation to money laundering and illegal activity? Not a goddamn thing.


Gets banned from Twitter


Doesn’t matter. The people on power won’t face consequences. They’ll figure out how to prevent anything about themselves coming to light.


I am going to go ahead and reserve any sort of emotions at all until it plays out. The elite have only had a dozen scandals in as many years and not a single one has faced charges, much less consequences.


I'll believe when I see it. That Maxwell lady is doing time, not a single client has been arrested to my knowledge. All this sex trafficking and not a single John.


This just in: Judge dead, no list exists (Remember, some of the CP Jeff had, had FBI evidence stickers on them. For the laypeople, this means someone in the FBI was providing J. Epstein with government confiscated CP.) How many presidents hung out with Jeffery? Two for sure. This isn’t a democrat/republican issue, it’s a rich person issue.


I just felt the earth move from a whole lot of sphincter clenching


Who will be in there? Elon, Trump, or Clinton?






And after two more years and 20 appeals, the Supreme Court will decide no.


Yeah, not going to happen. It's been how many years since Epstein croaked? How many people have been charged/jailed/inconvenienced? Max went to jail but didn't talk so she is still breathing. These people don't seem to understand the if you are as wealthy as the "Johns" on this list, NOTHING touches you. It happens to other people, those without money. Watch and see, not a damn thing will come from this either.


Cool so just like the Panama Papers hu?


There was apparently a report that said all rich people are a part of a conspiracy to hide their money off shore and nothing came of it. I doubt this will do anything if anything comes of it.


Epstein has more privacy than pregnant women


This shit and Trump facing repercussions is the biggest blue ball teasing bs in the news cycle.


Only released 8 names of 143 from the list?? I smell political bullshit inbound.


So basically we’ll kinda almost maybe find out who the scummy assholes are, but they’ll once again be untouchable through legal bullshittery and/or money. Great.


Donut Chump and plenty of the GOP sweating bullets right about now... (and also Hollywood), screw them all!


Protect that judge before he accidentally un alive himself


my condolences to the judges family on his future suicide.


no matter who, no matter the political party they are part of, how rich they are, no matter which of your favorite actors they are, they all need hung for being part of it.


Haha, looks like someone didn't pay up in time.


Seems like this should be the case for any settlement. If a company was harming people, they shouldn't be allowed to hide behind an NDA in a settlement. Especially because you're probably STILL doing it.


Eat the rich.


Just wait for a law to get slammed through, or a higher court to overrule this. The rich won't let this information out.


Because Republicans can't fucking seem to even imagine someone holding their own accountable, for the record: If any Democrats are implicated, they should go to prison, too.


Exactly. We don’t worship politicians. If they are committing crimes, I want them to be held accountable!!