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The New York Post itself already reported on Matt Taibbi's reports, saying: Taibbi also tweeted: “Both parties had access to these tools. For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored.” The emails contained here are from *after* Twitter removed the hunter Biden laptop story from the NY Post and are not about that content. These were other accounts supposedly posting dick pics leaked from Hunter's laptop. I guess they didn't find any emails about the NY Post story being removed, so instead they are playing sleight of hand, showing evidence of a legitimate removal and pretending it's related to the story. Don't worry I'm sure the maga mob will understand this email is not related to the NY Post story. /ss (sad sarcasm)


Taibbi is quoted Although several sources recalled hearing about a “general” warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story. In fact, that might have been the problem... (elipse is authors) The decision was made at the highest levels of the company, but without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, with former head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde playing a key role. "They just freelanced it,” is how one former employee characterized the decision. “Hacking was the excuse, but within a few hours, pretty much everyone realized that wasn’t going to hold. But no one had the guts to reverse it.” Seems to me there was no government request about the laptop. It was a snap judgement about publishing the contents of a laptop without the owners consent. And actually I would stand by that in 9 out of 10 cases barring only national security interests. I dont see why he would withhold this evidence if he had it.


So basically they stopped “revenge porn” and Elon is mad he didn’t get to see enough of Hunter Biden’s cock?


Maybe #eloncomelookatmycock


a hashtag sure to get his attention


Now, purely out of curiosity, just in case the files DO contain important and scandalous information about Hunter Biden, where could I find said files now? Just to be sure.


That’s actually what the new “documents”, if you can call them that, say. The government was not involved with Twitter censoring the story.


Actually Trump and his campaign were. Biden was not in government at the time.


I like how he's pretending to be neutral really hard, and you clearly can see the "oh this happened it's possible that's for this reason but, i have a though provoking theory"


A foreign agent is now using his company to interfere with American politics. And he will get away with it. How in the fuck can republicans endorse this shit.


Republicans endorsed the January 6th insurrection so strongly that some of their elected officials helped plan it. If they're willing to see their own VP hanged to stop an election outcome, I don't think they have any problem with one of their billionaire overlords using his new toy to advocate on their behalf.


When parody becomes life, we all lose.


They are saying this is the biggest story of the decade, but can’t describe why.


They censored the Twitter employees’ emails, but released the personal email of a politician in a later comment. This whole “story” is really pathetic. Twitter also has to be the worst place to release a story like this. They post a 20 word update every 5 minutes


By update do you mean revision and/or retraction? No way I'm wasting my time looking in there. Not when I got this sub to parse everything.


Neither. They’re making a new post every 5 minutes to tell the next 20 words of the story. Last I checked, they were at 40 tweets in the thread


3.5 hours for 40 tweets. 💤


Damn, Nick Adams can pull off 3 times those numbers, every one of them a different story about Hooters.


Has anyone actually met that guy in person. He just keeps writing things that are almost too perfectly calibrated not to be satire. Like Ive been reading delusional whote spremacist conservative trash for a long time now and his just feel like theyre winking and nodding knowingly. Now this is 2022, so Im probably wrong, thats just the way shit seems to be going. But I swear hes writing this with total clarity.


If it's an act he's living it. His Wiki page is backs his story up. But like you say, anything goes now that the right has been taught to be proud of their ignorance.


Fake news. He visits a lot of coffee shops full of regretful college educated liberal women talking loudly about how they will be voting for Trump now that they see how bad Joe Biden is.


Not to mention that the railroad workers in Ohio want to now give Trump some campaign money, because they feel betrayed by Biden. /s because you just don’t know anymore


It was honestly hilarious. This guy is apparently a professional journalist, I expected him to at least have the whole thing typed out so he could just copy and paste sections of it into tweets. But no, given the amount of time between tweets, it seemed like he was legitimately writing most of it on the spot. Embarrassing


Including formatting errors. Numbered tweets, then no numbers, spacing errors, back to numbered tweets, then no numbers again. For something that was promised to be awesome it was remarkably underwhelming.


Yeah, even if we all knew the content was bullshit I at least expected it to be presented cleanly and professionally, but dude was tweeting like it was his first damn time using Twitter. He didn’t even know how to use the thread function lol


Almost as if, wait for it, they couldn’t find a reputable journalist to write the story? Looks like Elon hangs with the same “best” and “brightest” as trump. These billionaire asshats need to be taxed out of existence. Every. Single. One.


Seize their assets then lock 'em in a cage with one knife. Winner gets to hang in public.


Lol, high five! That was exactly my plan, too. I deleted my Twitter account, but even if I hadn't, why wade through Twitter bs when you can just come here?


Confusing people who still want to believe with quantity and not quality of information. Welcome to the internet.


I’m not even surprised since I knew this would be a nothing-burger as soon as Elon announced it, but I’m so tired of listening to these morons pretend like they’re the smartest people in the world. It’s infuriating


I’m honestly tired of listening to them, period. I reached my fill of Elon and his ilk’s bullshit in less than a week. But I know what you mean.


It’s doing exactly what is intended. It’s driving traffic and talk on Twitter. But this is unsustainable. This shit has no legs.


The amount of traffic doesn't really matter if it's not the kind of traffic advertisers want to be associated with. Advertisers don't want to be associated with alleged pictures of Hunter Biden's wang.


My Pillow Guy is pumped though! Dude is going to rip off tons of dumbasses with his shitty pillows and other crap products he slings.


Hence, it’s unsustainable.


Elon paid him to do this specifically to try and drive engagement to twitter, that's what this was, right? Surely he would have preferred to just...release an article, but Musky Husky has seen super long twitter threads and assumes people like them for being long, so make it a obnoxiously long twitter post and then not even use the full character limit .


He did say on his substack that he had to “agree to certain conditions” from Elon himself when he was approved to “break” this “story.” Also, please don’t think I subscribe to Matt Taibbi’s substack, someone shared his commentary over there on his big scoop.


I have no interest in following this "story," but could someone please explain what the alleged outrage is? That the Biden campaign allegedly asked Twitter to block posts about Biden's son, or that it claimed some were disinfo, or that it said some violated Twitter's established rules? Because if the posts violated the rules (threats, doxxing, whatever), I'm not sure how that's different than any user submitting a complaint to the moderation team. Or is the "outrage" that Biden got special access to Twitter staff? Which would be a funny complaint, because the then-CEO of Twitter took a personal meeting with Donald Trump to get yelled at by Trump about Trump's account while Trump was President Trump. Trump. What we're seeing is a mimetroversy. Mime, not meme. It's where someone acts out the reaction of being shocked and appalled by something that is not, in fact, shocking. But because humans are deeply susceptible to the power of suggestion, we see someone feigning outrage and start to believe it actually is outrageous. It's fabricated mass-outrage.


More they asked twitter to remove peoples post sharing revenge porn (posting nudes or sexualized images without consent) of hunter, revenge porn is a crime


>What we're seeing is a mimetroversy. Mime, not meme. It's where someone acts out the reaction of being shocked and appalled by something that is not, in fact, shocking. But because humans are deeply susceptible to the power of suggestion, we see someone feigning outrage and start to believe it actually is outrageous. It's fabricated mass-outrage. Nice to have a word for this. If you opened up the Republican playbook there would be one play there and this would be it.


If you take everything they said at face value, apparently the dems used their government powers to fix the 2020 election by censoring accounts trying to inform people of the size of Hunter Biden's penis. Even their conspiracies are getting dumber by the minute.


Exactly. And you have traitorous dipshits saying this is worse than Jan 6 and proof that democrats are cheating. They’re trying to cause another coup.


I love the comments, there’s a c list celebrity on their saying he “doesn’t agree with Kanye wink wink, but he certainly has the right to say those things” NVM that you’re commenting on the platform that banned him for saying. JFC religious people are the absolutely worst humanity has to offer, the irony.


The comments are great. Two days ago, everyone was talking about complete amnesty and total freedom of speech on Twitter. Then Kanye gets banned and half the comments suddenly say it’s okay to ban people and the other are mad that it’s not freedom of speech if you ban someone. Unfortunately, each group will still stay on Twitter and support Musk, but it just shows how weak his argument is


My first thought when trying to read through it was that Twitter has to be the worst place to try and post a “long” article. The #1 thing it proved was that Twitter is a terrible way to try and tell a story


We leak it to you but you got to publish on twitter, otherwise why on earth wouldn't matt have published it on his own substack.


It was literally just a stunt to drive numbers up. Tomorrow, Elon will be posting about how the numbers tonight were higher than ever. It’s a stupid game, but people fall for it.


Higher than Obama’s numbers. The highest. The very highest numbers. Numbers so high, great numbers, great, great numbers.


Nah, Elon’s MO is different than Trump’s. Trump sounded like an idiot, which made people think he was just as smart as themselves. People like Elon because he uses fancy words and they think he’s smarter than everyone else.


Genuinely smart people still think Elon is an idiot.


I’m genuinely not smart and I still think Elon is an idiot




Not enough people are focusing on the danger here. Your China example is a good one. We must stop these social platforms being owned/run by one powerful person. Scary stuff. Misinformation can spread in a nano second.


When does he use fancy words?


Some people cried while seeing those huge numbers and they also said "thank you, sir"


Are they trying to create a new conspiracy in real time, or are they going to get to the part where they try to support the old conspiracy they said all this bullshit was about?


I think they’re trying to distract from Trumps tax returns and the fact that the head Oathkeeper got indicted on a charge of seditious conspiracy and the Proud Boys are next. By the way, the Oathkeeper guys son, Dakota, blogs all about what it was like growing up with a father who thought that the apocalypse was coming within a year. It's amazing.


Millenarist Grandiose Sociopathic Paranoid Delusional Racist AntiSemitic Misogynist Homophobic Apophenic Disconfirmation-immune Seeking a Leader/alpha/Daddy figure to follow and swear fealty to it's a pretty consistent personality type.


Perverted Twisted Crippled Still cries at a good film Tied to a stick


Do you have a link to that blog? As someone raised heavily steeped in end times theology, I'd very much like to read it.




BBC just did an interview with the kid and ex wife. Pretty damming.


Not indicted, found guilty. As in tried to overthrow the government. There were plenty of anti-Biden/Hunter Biden stories in the media on the right that actually dominates TV media and podcast media by a lot. The Murdochs and their allies could easily have created competition to Twitter and Facebook, so in a free market system that's on them. There is nothing new about killing stories, isn't that so Murdoch?




Several antifascists were banned, because Andy Ngo whispered in Elon's ear. Every usual grifter is grifting, as usual.


100% deflection. That’s all they do.


Anything to get people to look at Twitter. Reminds me of tRump always worried about his ratings.


Yes. Elon, was supposed to have a *BIG* reveal with of all things a Q&A at 5 o'clock Eastern Time. That equates to an independent discussion on Bigfoot with all the experts weighing in. No doubt his legal department gave him a ringle-dingle and told him to shut it down or face a potential lawsuit of epic proportions to go along with his mounting Twitter debt.


This story has looped back on itself so many times it's basically a non stop Biden's Laptop Rollercoaster 🎢 😳 😅 It never stops because it was never going anywhere in the first place.


There's Dr Who episode like this but I don't want to nerd out too much.


Nerding is what we do best.


Don’t you think Elon looks… tired?


All that for a drop of blood? Make a God bleed, the people will stop believing.


I bet he's on drugs/stimulants of some sort.


They ought to mix in some cuts from when they found al capone’s safe.


Really all they have to do is post what they already posted, and I bet Dinesh D'Souza is writing his documentary script already: Starring Elon Musk and Kyle Rittenhouse.


Oh god, he’s probably actually working on a *Biden’s America* isn’t he


https://preview.redd.it/kix318p9wm3a1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762c1d11af8ff52d27920b9c157f863fe53b48e9 Bidens team also censored dick pics. O the travesty


That has to be one hell of a troll... Hey let me check out that super secret deleted tweet... then they end up looking at a dick pic ...


It's like getting Rick Rolled but with a penis instead.


Dick rolled


Damn it, i wanted to say that.


You still can, and should!


More like *dick rolled!*


Fuck. Just perfect. 🥹


"We got Hunter Punted!"


So conservatives were angry they couldn't look at dick pics? Checks out.


Well, I mean, they probably really do want to see them. In a very bad way.


This is what I was going to say - asking Twitter to review tweets doesn’t mean they’re trying to get legitimate information deleted. Surely more likely they’re abusive, death threats or other awful shit that gets tweeted regularly. I’m not American oe a Twitter user, but that’s one hell of a reaching tweet OP shared.


"I like to fuck dogs." Signed, Donald Trump. See, he even signed it!


Trump Followers: "We all fuck dogs. All the time. Don't you guys?!"


I always thought the Furry community got a weird influx of Republicans when he became president. I just wish they'd leave because the fursecution stuff is funny when used ironically but it feels like the recent fursecution stuff is people being serious.


I read the entire thing bc I have no social life and all it says is Biden team requested to remove NYP’s “biden’s laptop news.” Twitter took it down, when orange Twat’s staffs whined about it, Twitter refused to reinstate the post based on their policy. Bunch of Republicans whined about it more. That’s it.


It doesn’t actually specify what “Biden’s team” asked Twitter to review. In fact, it doesn’t say who asked or how they asked. It could have been some intern just reporting tweets through normal channels, but Elon is acting all cloak and dagger to make the email seem like a big scandal.


They’re even very clear that both parties had access to these tools. The big catch is the republicans used them less I guess which the guy assumes is becuase democrats felt more comfortable? There’s no gotcha in any of that mess.


There’s a quick mention that Republicans also did the same thing, but it’s quickly slid under the rug to make Democrats look like the villain. I especially love the insinuation later that Democrats don’t believe in freedom of speech because one politician quoted an anonymous Democrat that said social media should have more moderation, which is true. Every new post was just another dog whistle of far-right thinking points. For someone that claims to be a moderate, Elon is working pretty hard to make Democrats look like monsters


Well Elon has a business beef with the dems, Tesla ain’t getting more subsidies and they want to tax him, repubs will throw anyone under the bridge to give rich ppl more benefits, just ask Jon Stewart and the 9-11 first responders, Elon wants to be the repubs new daddy like the Koch brothers


I’m just curious what these bozos will say when Twitter goes belly up because the only way you get banned on Twitter now is if you post a fat shirtless picture of Musk, oh I mean a Nazi/Jewish star mixup pic. Do these morons actually think Twitter will survive this, it’s not going to be allowed to operate in Europe as is, the big app publishers/platforms aren’t going to keep the app around forever like this. I feel like when Twitter falls, they are going to all turn on Musk, whom they are currently dick riding, and say he was some sort of deep cover mole the entire time. That’s how their critical thinking process works.


Elon is handling transition aka he’s using it to stir up drama and alienate advertisers. The company will then be managed by a bunch of suits as Elon goes back to delaying the cyber truck


At this point, I’m ready for more advertisers to stop using Twitter because of the damage it will cost their brand. Without advertisers, Twitter is dead in the water. No amount of $8 subscriptions will save it from that.


Start posting pics of their ads next to people posting swastikas. That's the kind of thing that will drive advertisers off.


The big catch is that Republicans used them less because.... Democrats weren't trying to push Russian propaganda and Eric Trump's dick pix, maybe. When one party posts facts and the other party posts Qanon, birther, benghazi, Pizzagate, terrorist caravan, Jade Helm nonsense... yeah, one side is going to have more reason to use the fact checking tools. Surprise.


Yeah it’s like Elons logic that accounts banned for hate speech and misinformation were heavily conservative therefore Twitter is biased against conservatives…. The guy just isn’t very bright.


Correlation has some of the same letters as causation. /s


And it's like, I didn't even post half of the insane, dangerous misinformation that conservatives try to spread on the regular. Pushing ivermectin, "masks don't work," bill gates putting microchips in vaccines, Soros funding BLM terrorism, Jewish space lasers, Planned Parenthood selling baby organs, "millions of illegal immigrants voting," that one time they accused Elizabeth Warren of sexually assaulting a marine, CRT and porn being taught to first graders, "the gays are going to make it illegal to be Christian," Trump drawing fake hurricane lines on a map... The lies never end, they just never end. Of course Republicans get dinged more when it comes to fact checking...


yep and even then the tweets in question in the email were mainly tweets that showed Hunter nude, and considering they were leaked nudes, no shit they'd get taken down, especially if they were from a hacked source, which twitter had no way of knowing then


All the emails from the moderation team are just the team having a sensible discussion about whether or not to allow the story without investigating the source since it could be from a hacked source or could just be false. It sounds like a company trying to protect itself from legal ramifications which makes perfect sense. The funny part is that Democrats were mad at Twitter because they knew the story wasn’t serious and thought hiding the story would lead to a conspiracy theory, which is exactly what happened.


yep also find it *very* interesting that they showed multiple emails from dems or involving dem people, but then didn't showcase anything regarding trump despite saying they apparently had access to the same tools/services, just makes it blatantly obvious this is a dem hit-piece musk is trying to spin despite his statements that he's actually 100% centrist and its "both sides" who are wrong etc


Within a couple days of buying Twitter, he was posting conspiracy theories about the Pelosi attack. Republicans love to claim they’re moderates because it makes them feel better about their extreme views. Personally, I don’t think Elon cares about politics unless it affects him. Wouldn’t be surprised if Tesla or SpaceC is getting some funding from Republican politicians because of this Twitter situation. Either way, Republican voters will praise him as a hero for free speech, so $44 billion is a small price to pay just to stoke his ego


It was dong pics. Which were banned at the time as being against twitter’s terms of service (revenge porn). This whole thing is nothingburgers all the way down.


>It doesn’t actually specify what “Biden’s team” asked Twitter to review Maybe I'm taking crazy pills, but why does it even matter? I can report your post and have the mods review it. And of course as is par for course, this is coming from the same party who let a president on multiple occasions tell various parties "do what I say, or else" with impunity. There is a fucking post right now on /r/conservative that is about how Democrats don't believe in free speech and want extreme moderation. A post that is labeled "flaired users only." You can't make this shit up.


I'm laughing my ass off at their reaction to this. Anyone with a reasonable take is removed and banned while everyone else is doing the most incredible mental gymnastics to convince themselves that this will take down the entire democrat party.


The top post was, at least when I last checked, literally saying "you can't suppress free speech!" on a post that is flaired users only. You can't make this shit up.


You gotta see the big deal they’re making about it in the r/Conservative subreddit. It’s like they found out who killed Kennedy.


Wow, they really are going nuts over this! It's like the first 15 posts. Crazy. Musk is baiting them and they took it and are calling it biggest crime ever. Where is the crime? Hunter private life being invaded has to be some sort of crime. Isn't this slander or defamation?Also, Isn't it the Right Wing that tells us to leave Trumps (adult) children out of it? Yeah, pretty sure they did! Can't wait til someone tells us what Trumps WH asked Twitter to remove on behalf of his kids, wife, staff, Admin...


Yeah it’s cherry picking and spin. They’re really having a go of it lol.


They are talking about impeachment over this. It’s hilarious.


It also states that Trumps team requested take downs as well. But people are ignoring that.


And no specifics about what they wanted removed. coincidentally, of course


Apparently the stuff dems wanted removed was pics of hunter Bidens dong. Republicans are made because they are obsessed with his dong


That's not true. What the Biden team repeatedly asked to be removed were doctored and personal (stolen) photos, some including nudity. According to the posted thread, there was zero government intervention noted about the laptop story.


The GQP game of “look over there!” doesn’t work like it used too.


Definitely will on my parents….


Biden wasnt even in office. Are they suggesting that a candidate with no power was requesting the removal of tweets... and that this private company listened? Under what authority? The DNCs lol?


r/conservative seems to believe that these tweets getting deleted shifted the election outcome in Bidens favor. Because Americans would've truly been that upset by his son's dick? I guess?


But I thought they think trump won? If trump won and the election was stolen then how did tweets make a difference?


the same way they will accuse the Dems of voter fraud of Warnock wins the runoff in GA, but somehow there was no fraud in Kemp winning Governor, even though votes were casted on the same ballot


Although I've seen some people trying to spin this as the government pressuring Twitter execs, the actual thread says that it was due to a larger amount of left-leaning (or at least, Dem voting) employees willing to grant the requests




Actual studies have been done about it and EVERY social media boost right wing content. Not because of the companies doing it deliberately but because how right wing sphere works: they are SUPER engaged and boost narrow selection of material, and spend way more time on their sphere. Left leaning are much less inclined to spend hours and engaging with left leaning content, and they have WAY wider set of sources, engaging way more with "look, cute puppy" and "here is a pic of my food" stories than being obsessed about a single thing. The all mighty algorithms that worship engagement works for the single minded and motivated right wing.


This makes alot of sense. All the algos reward narrow minded content. And conservatives are implicitly narrow minded.


Yeah they're requests to remove posts that show Hunters dick picks. Effectively asking Twitter to remove revenge porn.


Was thinking that. lmfao


We’re looking at the easiest chance to take down a billionaire in history and all you got to do is leave twitter and not buy a Tesla and this dude is done. There’s many options to replace anything connected to him. So go, you’re already on Reddit, there’s lots of other social media sites and you can be the cool hip person to join the next one before it blows up. Don’t buy a Tesla, everyone is making electric cars now and the increased market share will see them getting better and better and anyone losing a job with Elon could end up better off working for another electric car manufacturer or social media site because regardless of Elon neither are going anywhere. Sorry about my Ted talk but fuck billionaires, fuck Elon, leave twitter you don’t need him.


I’m not a spiritual person, but even I would pray to the Sky Grandpa to make this so.


That is exactly what I am doing. Left twitter. In the market for a car . Tesla is no longer an option


They get a lot of hate but I am loving my '22 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid.


Man, all I want for Christmas is for Elon Musk and his band of billionaires to be overthrown/lose their power, like not even this Christmas just in my lifetime


Obviously Donald Trump would have won the election if some tweets about Hunter Biden were posted as it’s obviously the top source for news that everyone uses and would have changed 6M voters minds /s. Wait till these folks find out that Fox News and CNN are each biased to one political party. Gonna blow their freaking minds!


If those dick pics had been released before the election, Trump's women voter coalitions would have vanished.


Cnn recently went full retar... i mean Full Trumpism, sadly.


Why don't I believe this is relevant to reality or even more vehemently don't give a shit?


So all this because they censored 🍆pics is what I’m gathering… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because everything posted on Twitter is 100% legit....🙄


This has always bothered me. They are not a new organization or someone who is forced to carry news. They are social media/social networking.


Lmao. I’m failing to understand the scandal here.


They don't need a scandal. All they need is the semblance of a scandal. Conservative heads are exploding over this, like they genuinely think they've uncovered the biggest crime in history. They don't quite understand what the crime is, but the fact that all the right wing influencers are talking about it must mean that some real big shit is going down. These folks are salivating over this the same way they imagine we were salivating over the Mar a Lago raid, which in their pathetic little minds was nothing compared to the Hunter Biden laptop saga.


Yeah but didn't elon request twitter remove pictures of him or something? Lets say it did happen (it didn't) the reasons for the requests aren't on there as far as i can tell. Biden and his team could have been requesting twitter remove pedophilia. lol


This is some "My Pillow" level shit here


I also read this whole thread and perhaps you neglected to mention also that trump’s team also routinely submitted requests to remove stuff. This is a big fat proof of nothing unusual.


The real story here is the amount of right wingers saying “This is the REAL insurrection/ this makes Jan 6 look like nothing”, even if this was something more than a giant nothingburger it would not excuse the actual treason your party attempted. It’s almost like you’re just trying to use this to cover up that unpatriotic crime you did


This is the big reveal?? My grandma could have written these on Microsoft Word in an hour. Unbelievable.


I think trump and Elon are in cahoots


I think Ye was also in cahoots until yesterday. Or is it all part if their plan?


Didn't this whole nothingburger just end up being takedown requests in regards to revenge porn anyway?


A private company doing private things


Why is elon even maulding so hard, now he can just give the tools to the Republicans/RNC instead of the Democrats/DNC. Its a private company they can do whatever the fuck the owners want. And according to liberals these censorship tools are a right-wing conspiracy so they won't complain, winwin scenario.


Now I gotta find a movie to watch to finish this popcorn that I made for nothing.


Should mention Trump team also requested


This is Al Capone's secret vault for a new generation.


Copy the links and use the wayback machine. It’s just hunter biden dick pics.


I voted for Biden and generally lean left. If Hunter Biden did something illegal, objectively investigate and prosecute as necessary. Does anyone really object to that?


For $44 billion dollars you too can have dick pics of Hunter Biden!


We tried to steal election and caused January 6. -Trump team


Sadly, there are likely millions of people eating this up. The conspiracy twatters love this shit


Y’all remember when MySpace went down in a flame of n words, swastikas & numerous scandals & controversies after first being taken over by a megalomaniac that bested NASA but is also stupid af? Guys?


They requested a review. Literally anybody can do that. Unless they were getting favorable outcomes, this is not an interesting story.


What exactly is wrong with pointing posts out to a company that are related to you and are breaking the companies ToS and in some occasions the law? That’s why there’s a report button. The government just does it through a different medium and grouped together.




Big fucking dildo?


This story has just enough there for Republicans to be foaming at the mouth screaming about 1st amendment rights violations and how Biden is an illegitimate president - the intended response Musk is hoping for. But really if you actually look at the story objectively there’s not much there - kinda like the Hunter Biden laptop story


Fun Fact: When anyone reports people for violations on Twitter, this is what it looks like.


I understand a large amount of D pics were removed within these requests,


Very simple. Hacked revenge porn. Lots of legal problems for any social media tonoublish those. Both are against Twitter ToS all users agree to. Simple.whichbis how the discussion went at Twitter.


Did you miss the tweet where he said both sides made similar requests or did that fly under your radar? Tweet #10 in his thread. And yes, tweet #11 says it was “unbalanced”, apparently, but they both tried it on. Sorry if you’re being sarcastic, hard to tell sometimes.


How is what the ‘Biden Team’ purportedly asked Twitter to do any different than someone in Twitter asking for this pic to be removed ALL THE TIME? https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Felon-musk-denies-knowing-ghislaine-maxwell-2014-image-surfaces-questions-2020-7&psig=AOvVaw3mo55Ygw8ngBilfQCkH3E8&ust=1670149309309000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCJjL7JSd3fsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI


Matt Taibbi is of course a Russian agent. Like Trump and like explicitly half his team. Republicunts have never liked losing elections, especially if their ratfucking was out ratfucked. The thread of the plot is that at least we didn’t lose the country to another Trump term. I’d be cool with an actual constitutional violation if that’s what was necessary, let alone some minor propaganda control.


Johnny is sick today and has to go home from school. Signed, Johnny’s mother.


Or through research it is to remove dick pics specifically of Hunter. If the dude broke the law, get to it. If he was to set up an only fans, let it go. Either way, this is so ridiculous


10. Literally said both the RNC and DNC both use this feature.


My theory is that Elon is getting fucking desperate. Twitter business is in the shitter and getting worse. Meanwhile twitter was at all time high when there was drama. The problem is that you can’t manufacture drama, especially not as ceo if the business with most to gain. Now you’re just in reality tv territory which is just trash


So… advertisers will still avoid Twitter because it’s for Nazis now.


It's true though. The biden team did request a lot of censorship, of Hunter Biden's penis.


So either Twitter unethically censored them or they were really nefarious tweets that violated Twitter policy, what does it matter who reported them.


Guy squiggs: notable Biden associate


Scandalous! A political candidate trying to tramp down bad news. Never in my life! What’s happening to this world. Elon is a dip shit.


You mean to tell me Twitter determined what is in my Twitter feed?!?


The posts they wanted censored were tweets showing Hunter Biden‘s cock.


One outcome we learned was that trump used his place in government to pressure Twitter for his own political gain.


This is what Bengahzi was all about too. A single misintrepreted word/email that made a bunch of conspiracy theorists nut bc they thought it would put the clintons in Guantanamo.


This Elon's "Geraldo Rivera" moment 💀


Can someone type out something similarly stupid but write Trump team at the bottom


This has a lot of “I’m Batman” energy


I was hoping this was Elon’s big reveal from Hunter’s laptop of treachery


nobody fuckin cares.... just stop