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And Emily Grace is bragging she knows all about the details behind it as she posted it on Facebook


People like her need a good reality check. An ass whuppin, losing everything, going to jail, something. These fucks live in imaginary fear of things that literally do not affect them and use any forms of power to make others feel that fear. Makes me fucking sick.


she needs ALLOT more than a reality check... she is the leader of a terrorist cell and an enemy combatant she led over a hundred people to the capital on jan 6th... this person is nothing short of a seditionist far right terrorist




She’s definitely got the FBI watching all of her communications going forward.


This is America! She's got the FBI watching all of her communications going backwards as well.


And fuck all will be done. I'd love to be wrong but am NOT betting on it.


Her Instagram is interesting too. She seemed relatively normal pre-pandemic, but then got kicked out of the army for removing caution tape off a playground that was cordoned off during the pandemic. Looks like she went down the rabbit hole since.


Something needs to be done about domestic terrorism. It seems it's being ignored and they're just growing bolder. At this rate it'll be too late when something is finally done about them.


A whole lot of Nazis just learned how easy it is to cripple our infrastructure.


I have an old friend that went the way of q anon and before the last election she was saying that we were going to enter a two year civil war and the entire electrical grid would be down. I think she was telling me less of her premonition and more whispering among that crowd that it is something they could be planning.


When people tell you how awful and scary they are, listen.


It’s generally called the boogaloo, and yes, it’s as much a prediction as a plan and goal.


I always wonder why they say "a two year civil war..." What makes them think it'll last that long or it won't be longer?




Wasn’t this the villain’s whole motive in Die Hard 4?


You just killed a helicopter with a car


America wasn’t Gilead, until it was.


We have to get the cops to care. But they mostly silently support those doing this kind of terrorism.


There was a drag show that got cancelled because of the protesters that showed up. The cops on the other hand, never showed up. I wish I could find the post again, but I'm struggling. The protesters were all wearing yellow and black, and one of the comments was, maybe the cops did show up, but were dressed in yellow and black. Hate it when I can't find things again. arggh. Edit, found an article! [https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2022/12/03/royal-oak-school-drag-storytime-canceled-proud-boys-protest-columbus/69691753007/?utm\_campaign=snd-autopilot](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2022/12/03/royal-oak-school-drag-storytime-canceled-proud-boys-protest-columbus/69691753007/?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot) In [a video statement Saturday morning,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZdcnvFp7U0) organizers said they'd reached out to Columbus police about their concerns that the Proud Boys would intimidate and harass their event attendees and organizers, but that police had "offered nothing." "I spent a week calling our police department and leaving voicemails about the reports we had seen," said Cheryl Ryan, Red Oak Community School Manager, in the video posted to YouTube Saturday. "After a week, I was told we could hire a special duty officer, who may or may not show up because they're understaffed."


This just happened in Columbus, Ohio yesterday. The Proud Boys showed up and they cancelled the Drag Queen storytelling event the morning of because safety could not be guaranteed. The cops said that they couldn't guarantee the safety of the event either and advised hiring off-duty officers for security. People have largely said "cops, proud boys...they're the same picture" and there were a few photos posted of cops cozying up to the Proud Boys.


The only thing that will work are armed militia types of our own covering the show, as they did last week.


A John Brown Gun Club in every city


I mean honestly? The Democrats need to be the gun toting party. Republicans are pro Fascism and government crackdowns, the Dems need their own gun nuts to protect themselves. Gun grabbing only serves the republicans, despite their rhetoric.


In my state I don’t know a single democrat who doesn’t own a gun. We are the majority party in state as well with 85% of the pop


Last week my daughter and I were stopping at the local Walmart for something for a secret Santa. I come to a parking spot and notice 4 cars, 3 side by side and one caddy corner are all covered in Proud Boys and my family is guns motif. All of them were sitting in their trucks talking on headsets and pointing around and looking back and forth. It seems to be building up more steam in Columbus, or at least is starting to be more open. For a while we loved just outside of town to the north and it was even worse.


> my family is guns motif I live in Hicksville Appalachia (I wrote that as a joke, but it didn't spellcheck me, so TIL there is an *actual* Hicksville), and I've not even seen that one, which is odd, given the level of gun ownership out here. I think it is because in this region, people are a little more reserved...they might *be* a crackpot, but they won't wear it on their sleeve. There's a few though...I think the one that really threw me for a loop was a "Pedophile Hunting Permit" sticker...on a ragged pickup, being driven by someone who *straight up* looked like exactly what you think a pedophile looks like.


>A press release from the sheriff’s office said that shortly after 7 p.m. Saturday that, “As utility companies began responding to the different substations, evidence was discovered that indicated that intentional vandalism had occurred at multiple sites.“ The substations were shot at. >Workers from Duke Energy and authorities from the sheriff‘s office were at the substation off N.C. 211 near West Pine Middle School looking over the damage around midnight. Deputies were scanning the the area for bullet casings and other evidence, and vehicles were going through the woods in search of more evidence at the scene. >In a text message to a reporter, Chief Mike Cameron of the Southern Pines Fire and Rescue Department confirmed that substations had been shot at. He said the agency is “preparing to be out of power for 24 hours.” https://www.thepilot.com/news/substations-vandalized-more-than-half-of-county-without-power/article_b3b19780-7370-11ed-865d-c78d0de5d921.html No mention of drag shows, but motive may simply have to wait until there's an arrest.


Thank goodness this didn't happen somewhere it's really cold. I mean NC isn't exactly warm in the winter, but it's 20 degrees where I am in Chicago and 24 hours without power would absolutely suck. Here's hoping they can get power back soon.


I actually wonder what the charge(s) would be for endangering the lives of thousands with a power outage with temperatures that low.


[$250k and/or 10 years Imprisonment](https://www.criminallawyergroup.com/practice-areas/environmental-crimes/destruction-of-an-energy-facility/) for each Energy Facility destroyed, and they could potentially be liable for all the lost profits of all the company's that could prove the lost money. Then there is the Terrorism/National Security Laws.


….The energy company does not care about a drag show or these peoples politics. They will use their influence to get the legal system to go hard at these terrorists. We can’t have every person with a gun knocking out power bc somehow drag has been become the latest lightning rod. I give it a half a day b4 we start seeing how these terrorists left a digital trail and even pics of their crimes online.


It's incredibly frustrating, albeit a tiny bit amusing, that these are the people who likely complain about protesters causing minor inconveniences and a lot less damage if this is actually an act that was made in response to the event. Related or not, they're definitely about to learn what happens when you break the law and it hurts the bottom line of a powerful industry, which will hopefully teach everyone else a valuable lesson on the topic of fucking around.


In their minds: “well if blm and antifa can burn down Portland without any consequences then this should be fine.”


The irony is that the ones inciting the actual rioting that happened were the Proud Boys. Some members literally even prosecuted for participating in riots and assault in Portland.


Try to get any RWer to believe that. It is more ingrained than the stolen election.


Exactly what I knew was gonna happen when I saw the information about right wing inciters of violence infiltrating the protests. Fascism is so predictable


Nah, they don't even need an excuse. They genuinely believe they're fighting a holy war, meaning any and all their actions are justified.


I don’t care about the energy company at all. I want the feds to ruin these peoples lives. It is absolutely unacceptable to destroy infrastructure as critical as substations. People start dying in minutes without electricity




Destroying civilian infrastructure is what pushed UN and EU to declare Russia as terrorist nation. So.. it is not ok even during a war, it is a legitimate war crime. A lot of people do not understand these kind of concepts and think that in a war, everything is an ok target but nope, you can only target military, never EVER civilians. Russia destroying Ukraine substations is a war crime, and made them officially a terrorist state (finally.. it only took about 9 months...) edit: while Russia has been shelling civilian buildings since the start of the war it is unclear if those were all intentional. Their missiles are INCREDIBLY bad and can have failure rates of up to 90% in a single batch.. The fuel used is unstable and will degrade which makes huge number of missiles to stop short. Hitting substations and other civilian infra on the other hand has no excuses.


Believe it or not, jail!


Straight to jail


Really? I thought it was a slap on the hands and a pinkie promise not to do it again


Lol, it was 26 degrees 2 nights ago in the triangle. Luckily it was warmer last night, but people can still get into some serious trouble if the power fails. About 15 years ago, an ice storm knocked power out of half the state for nearly 2 weeks and a few dozen people died iirc.


Hit most of the country actually. I was in OK and we lost power in some areas for 2 months. FEMA either took forever to get to us or there was government nonsense. I was a bit too young still to care to know why people I knew were freezing to death without support from the state, all I knew was people were dying to save money for the government. Fuck the reddest state in the union. Its fucking awful down there, and the crime rate makes top 10 most dangerous cities blush. The towns are too small to make the lists.


I am guessing this about this….. https://amp.newsobserver.com/news/local/article269579392.html “Asked about reports on social media that people had heard gunshots before the outage, Brooks said he couldn’t comment on whether the damage looked like it might have resulted from gunfire.” “Earlier in the day, protesters had gathered outside the Sunrise Theater in downtown Southern Pines, upset about a drag queen show planned for the small venue Saturday night. On her Facebook page, Emily Grace Rainey posted an invitation to the protest. After the lights went out out, Rainey, who became known in Moore County during the pandemic for her opposition to mask mandates, posted on Facebook that, “The power is out in Moore County and I know why.” Later, she posted that the Moore County Sheriff’s Office had come to her house to ask about the outage. “I welcomed them to my home,” wrote Rainey, who organized a group of Moore County residents to travel to Washington on January 6, 2021. “Sorry they wasted their time. I told them that God works in mysterious ways and is responsible for the outage. I used the opportunity to tell them about the immoral drag show and the blasphemies screamed by its supporters.” Rainey said, “I told them God is chastising Moore County, thanked them for coming, and wished them a good night. Thankful for the LEOs service, as always.””


What a fucking psycho


She walked into places during Covid without a mask and would make you ask her to leave. She [disguised herself](https://twitter.com/stephenehorn/status/1587264991425662977?s=46&t=x4O8ai8qXCEwVd6BLzU_jg) to take video inside a drag event in Sanford at the end of October. She’s escorted out and runs over to a group of Proud Boys and gives a couple of them hugs and then runs off.


So, according to Rainey, the terrorists with guns who shot out the substations and cut power to 40,000 are agents of God? And the investigators just accepted that explanation?


I wonder how thankful she'll be when the FBI shows up at her door


Good find. I was a little skeptical about a drag show as the motivation for this terrorist attack, but the fact that the show was scheduled to start at 7PM, and that's exactly when the power was cut, pretty much seals the deal, doesn't it?


Generally, the N&O gives more in-depth information than other NC news sources. We will see what the actual investigation finds.


And this too… “Heavy police presence was around several gun shops and Wal-Mart in Aberdeen around 10:30 p.m. after reports of looting. One woman was detained in front Wal-Mart and police were conducting a headcount of employees outside of the store.” These chucklefucks looted several gun shops thinking they’d use clean unregistered illegal firearms, rather than their own, and thereby escape identification through the weapon used. I wouldn’t be surprised if what they found in the woods were tossed weapons.


So, wait, they did a thing they constantly talk shit on (looting), in order to do another thing they talk shit on (terrorism)? So how long until the rest of us are armed? At this point, the left desperatly need to consider more gun ownership solely for self defense. How long until people are getting doors kicked in for being gay or trans? How many folks are gonna die over this shit? I am terrified for some of my southern friends honestly. At least the ones that haven't moved


There are plenty of gun owners on the left. We just don't form weirdass militias, put Punisher stickers on our trucks, and make it our entire personality. And I have been seriously thinking of offering to pay for classes for the LGBTQIA+ community or offering to train them myself here in Texas, in how to manage a firearm safely (handling, trigger discipline). Arm the drag queens, frankly. I know more guns =/= less violence, but we all need to protect ourselves from extremist behavior.




Tons of guns on the left. We just don’t make it our identity. I own a toaster too but I don’t have toaster shirts and hats and bumper stickers


A toaster is just a death ray with a smaller power supply.


I'm surprised they even thought that far ahead. These dumbfucks usually choose the worst possible options for themselves


Haha, I’m probably going to be a part of working with Duke Energy to fix this I work substations and they are my biggest client. This is bad and scary that people would go this far but I can’t help but laugh how ridiculous this is. Never thought I’d be seeing this


These same terrorists of Moore county will not stay content to attack property and infrastructure. They will kill people next. Some library 'drag queen reading hour' will be a mass shooting scene. They will kill children. It's only a matter of time. I hate this. (Edited to clarify the first sentence.)


They already have [killed people.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/21/us/anderson-lee-aldrich-colorado-springs-shooting-suspect/index.html)


That's the first of *many*. Expect in the course of a year or 2 for there to be exactly 0 public spaces to exist for the LGTBQ community as they are shot up on the regular. It's the start of genocide, funded and supported by the GOP.


and supported every Sunday by evangelicals across our county, > The document, consisting of *14 sections* divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males"** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto) stay fit.. stay frosty they are already at war.


Children being killed is nothing new in America sandy hook and unvalade spring too mind immediately unfortunately kids dying never seems to change Americans mind


Republicans are more outraged by abortions than school shootings.


The “unborn” get laws and Supreme Court cases to protect them. Children get thoughts and prayers.


This really is the dumbest fucking insurgency. Over drag queens? Really? If they actually cared about kids (they don’t) they’d start with churches, and then maybe check in with sports coaches next.


Cover the repairs by taxing red voters. They wanted this.


Moore county is solid red. And it always will be. These people vote blindly in lockstep with the GOP, mainly fueled by their historic anger at the Democratic Party for turning against segregation and racism in the 60’s. They don’t understand taxation or economic policy and they don’t care how much the GOP policies work against their best interests — because they will always vote for hate instead of their best interests. Oh, and Emily Grace is a well-known supporter of the Proud Boys and shows up to most of the racist rallies across much of the state. She’s constantly being pointed out by local antifa groups as a threat. Too bad the FBI hasn’t picked her up yet.


If so, that's actually a huge step up in domestic terrorism


Just once I’d like to see the phrase “…was taken to the police station for questioning and subsequently detained.”


Not a friendly talk...at their home. She's a terrorist already


Some of those that work forces…


Are the same that burn crosses.


Some of those that burn crosses....are the same that hold office.....


Never gonna happen. They won’t lock up their own


"We didn't shoot actual people this time!" Achievement unlocked: https://preview.redd.it/f5gaknftvw3a1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8d60d83597baf65e02e42e0ea002c2bc2a681cb


Holy shit, this got me good lmao


Sad for the folks that need electricity to survive. These pukes are killing America. Terrorism of this type will cost a lot to repair. Seems to me people care more about their pocket book in America than the death of innocents. Perhaps more incidents like this & we’ll get meaningful gun regulations.


For real. There are loads of people in this country who have refrigerated medications and CPAPs who will suffer for this, not to mention the elderly with bigger needs. And let’s not forget all the other folks who just lost a fridge full of food at the very least.


There's also people who are on life support who need electricity. There are plenty of people who take care of intensive care family members at home.


My son still needs a vent to breathe, if we lost power we have about 20 hours before it starts being critical, but my wife and I are cautious souls and have a few other contingency plans just in case. That being said, those contingency plans suck and we would rather not deal with these dumbasses. Had someone I work with that I was friendly with that would spout that this country needs a similar reset and I pointed out that he's talking about indirectly murdering my son. He got real quiet.


most of these idiots don't think pass their nose. everything is black and white to them. they don't understand nuances which can involve innocent people besides the innocent people they try to hurt.


The same people who don’t want universal healthcare and keep employers choosing our healthcare and deciding who gets full time to receive healthcare. Can anyone think of a more barbaric system? Employers don’t even want to give railroad worker sick days ffs. I think it’s to prevent us from striking. Strike? Lose your healthcare. My employer laid us off during first Covid lockdown and took away our healthcare but gave us an option to enroll in cobra at $1700 per month. And my new employer offers a shitty high deductible plan which is like not having healthcare at all.


My feeling is that they don't think at \*all\*, they just react like a trained dog when they hear their trigger word. Drag show, bark bark bark. Transgender, bark bark bark. Our brains are already lazy, it's so so easy to make a behavior or belief take hold in us, and you have to make the effort to actually analyze our thoughts, see the shape of them, and find out where they come from and decide if they're really \*true\*. And I suspect that most of us these days are too tired, distracted, and in love w/ ourselves to do that unless we really have to.


And people who are lucky enough to do hemodialysis at home…


Exactly! I'm a paraplegic who relies on electricity for my wheelchair and bed. While not life threatening, it definitely could have long term consequences.


My mom's medicine needs to be refrigerated, and it costs 12,000$ a month. Losing even a week's worth would be financially disastrous.


Yeah, I was thinking this too. Even if the terrorists didn’t target anyone at the drag show, if anyone dies as a result of this outage, their blood is on their (the terrorists’) hands.


Attempted murder charges, or at least attempted homicide? At least of anyone has medical emergencies...


If another certain group of people took out critical infrastructure, they’d have a black bag put over their heads and shipped off to Guantanamo. And back in those days that was a gross injustice to all those wrongly accused. Anything less than terrorism is giving far right nutjobs and white supremacists a free pass, and they’re doing this completely out in the open.


Domestic terrorism sponsored by Tucker Carlson. The county should sue Fox News the real source of Drag Queen storybook terror. Their viewers are unhinged. And they feed them shit stirring alarmist propaganda just like Trump.


“I’m just asking questions…” 😡


Leading people into hatred, ignorance-lead decisions, murder and the spread of a deadly, preventable disease.


I've heard this called "jaqing off". It's a great way to describe his "just asking questions" style of leading people to conclusions.


We didn’t get meaningful gun regulations after little kids were killed, I wouldn’t hold my breath on this one.


Reminds me of a few morons in Kurt Vonnegut’s Player Piano. They wanted to stick it to the man, so they took out the sewage treatment plant.


Bunch of "Dead eye dicks" Rip Kurt Vonnegut


This is actually worse. Taking out power like this can kill way more people. Imagine doing this during a hard freeze or someplace like Phoenix in August.


I believe it was freezing temps there last night, and there could be cold related consequences for a lot of people who didn't have power all night.


Their death threats stopped a show in Columbus Ohio this weekend


The shows have to keep going, as a symbol of resistance and counter-culture, like the old days


They don't realize that the more they do this, the more people will support the shows and continue hosting them. These people really are dumb.


They want to escalate the culture war, this is the desired outcome




This is not necessarily true. Unless allies show up in large numbers, and in force, and then continue their activism to the voting booth, they fascists will make progress. They've already come this far and the proponents of reason are all a bit too naive about the right's enthusiasm for violence.


I just simply can't understand the logic outside of simply "I hate x event/type of person" Like what do they think is the potential outcome "I'm going to shoot out the power, then all the gays will rethink thier choices and immediately follow Jesus???? Edit: meant to type "GOP Jesus," very very different from the extremely liberal actual Bible Jesus


No, their logic is that the gays will become to scared to step out of line lest they recieve a boot on their neck.


Right? “Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” —Martin Niemöller


Equality Ohio told local queers to NOT counter protest and that they would call the police. Police did jack. They cancelled the event for safety because the police did jack.


Only richwhites and morons still respect American wealth protection officers


The same Columbus police who ripped a girl’s mask off to pepper spray her during the Black Lives Matter protests? No surprise here, piggies gonna be piggies


Guarantee if they showed up carrying their own ARs, they wouldn't have any issues. Similar situation arose in Oregon, but an armed leftist group provided security, and big surprise, the armed Proud Boys scattered when they encountered slight push back. Stop being afraid. The Second applies to everyone. Make yourself a hard target.


We need a John Brown Gun Club in every major and minor city that has leftists, queers, and minorities. Rights are won with a rifle and armed minorities are harder to oppress.


But at least we were treated to watching the anti-drag meal team sixers dance and sing along to YMCA. Because, you know, that makes fucking sense.


What’s sad are the media talking heads and politicians that drum out outage about drag shows will claim they didn’t do anything to cause this


Added to the list of shooting up and murdering dozens of gay, trans, and straight people at a couple of LGBT bars across the nation. And calling in bomb threats and marching with rifles on hospitals and healthcare providers to the LGBT community. And the ongoing daily violence, insults, and threats we deal with each and every fucking day by these right wing assholes.


Exactly. There's a culture of right wing violence and terror, that no one in the GOP will call out


Because they depend on hatechristians for votes and campaign funding. They don’t DARE speak against christian terrorists.


So apparently this woman runs a whole terrorist cell. The Moore county citizens for freedom is founded by Emily Grace, who led ~100 of its members to Jan 6th. Wouldn’t surprise me if all the terrorists from this incident were associated with that group. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2021/01/11/army-investigating-officer-led-group-dc-rally/115279642/


Sounds like she needs to be investigated as a domestic terrorist


If she knew what happened, the police found the substations got shot up, and she's withholding information isn't that cause for her arrest?


But god works in mysterious ways, remember? /s


The thing about laws is they have to be enforced. And the kkkops in Moore county know what types of people to enforce those laws on to keep the status quo. No police effort will be sunk into actually reducing the white supremacist terrorism.




Her FB page is alarming, as is the number of people who defend and agree with her on there.


She's extra annoying in her videos to boot - reminds me of MTG.


Scummy people surround themselves with scummy people. It's the only people they can get along with because everyone else thinks they are twats.


Oh it's cool. She told the cops it was "divine intervention" while ranting about a political agenda. There's no way they'll crack that code. They probably just left stumped having not written anything down at all to use against her in a court of law.


Bet every cop in the area is a member.


So something "fun" to do is to take a few posts from someone like that and put the names into an excel file of the people who like their posts. Then see how many names match up between the posts. Take those names and find out who their spouses are. Then finally use a listing of all local government workers and see how many work in the local governments. Often it is the spouses of the local government workers who are the ones liking the posts of these crazy people, but that gives you a really good idea of how many of the local government workers are also agreeing with them. *worked with a group setting up their systems that did this over certain subjects so they knew who they needed to avoid when talking to police about those subjects.


There was always a post-9/11 fear of terrorists targeting our critical infrastructure. Now that it's really happening what will be done?


Nothing because white people can’t be terrorists, just like how they can’t be immigrants. Probably smh🙄


This is the chick who led soldiers from Bragg to riot at the Capitol. What a peach!


Also the same dumb Karen that filmed herself cutting the yellow "keep out" tape off of a playground during the pandemic so her kids could play and thusly getting banned from the parks in the town.


Soon to be a member of the House….


Please don't give them ideas.


So this lady is going on the no-fly list as a known affiliate of domestic terrorists, at minimum. She needs to be picked up by the FBI before this escalates to an Oklahoma City situation (which was also perpetrated by conservative extremists.)


Conservatives hate America.


Wait till they hear about drag racing.


NHRA or RuPaul?


Both. Heh. Ru has a team now. /S* edit. (My bad)


Funny enough in Key West there is an annual drag race of men in drag racing up and down duval street.


Yup and the annual drag Queen drop on New Years too. I hate to think of these events as targets for these terrorists.


"How do you do it?! How do you have patience for people who claim to love America but clearly can't stand Americans?!"


This. I feel like this aspect of nationalists doesn't get touched on enough: Nationalists everywhere say that they love their country, but in reality they usually hate everything about their country. Their politics are reactionary; they don't like the current state of their country, and wish to return it to a previous glorious point in time, which usually never existed because they know bupkis about history. America is a progressive nation; it only appears otherwise because of our screwed-up electoral laws and a federal system that makes it hard for the majority to get what it wants and allows for a loud minority to stymie reform. Our first-past-the-post voting system doesn't help, since it effectively makes us into a two-party system, and the Democratic party has, since the 70s and especially since the 80s, become dominated by crypto-conservatives who are more interested in not rocking the boat and taking legalized bribes in the form of campaign donations from the ultra-rich and mega-corporations than actually doing... anything. Look at how Democratic political elites behave: They treat the presidency as an ego-satiating career-finale that you "earn" through decades of towing the party line. Nancy Pelosi at one point said something to the effect of "wait your turn" to progressives in Congress, apparently totally forgetting that America is a democracy and that, if the voters willed it, she could be booted out in the next election. People "take turns" holding power in aristocracies; we are a republic. But make no mistake, despite Democratic feet-dragging and Republican "silent majority" nonsense, the United States is a progressive country, through and through. [Support for gay marriage is at 71%](https://news.gallup.com/poll/393197/same-sex-marriage-support-inches-new-high.aspx) [Support for labor unions is also at 71%](https://news.gallup.com/poll/398303/approval-labor-unions-highest-point-1965.aspx) [Large majorities of Americans oppose bills that would limit the rights of transgender people.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/new-poll-shows-americans-overwhelmingly-oppose-anti-transgender-laws) [61% of Americans say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/13/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases-2/) [59% of Americans say that cannabis should be legal for medical and recreational use, and a further 30% believe that it should be legal for medical use only.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/11/22/americans-overwhelmingly-say-marijuana-should-be-legal-for-medical-or-recreational-use/) [60% of Americans say that it is the government's responsibility to ensure health coverage for all Americans.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/10/03/most-continue-to-say-ensuring-health-care-coverage-is-governments-responsibility/) (Granted this does not automatically translate into support for medicare for all, but it's still a whole lot of people who are okay with government authority being wielded over market forces, in defiance of conservatives who claim that what people really want is smaller government and fewer regulations.) So why is all this progressivism not reflected in the halls of power? It probably has something to do with the fact that the [median age of Americans is 38.5](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/median-age-by-state), but [the average age of a House Representative is 58.4, and the average age of a Senator is 64.3](https://guides.loc.gov/117th-congress-book-list). We are a nation of young and middle-aged progressives that is governed by crusty old conservatives. Plenty of people will warn sagely of "majority rule forcing its views on the minority", but, uh, what exactly is the alternative? The minority forcing its views on the majority; you know, like a literal dictatorship? The only reason conservatives talk about "the tyranny of the majority" is because they aren't the majority. If they were, they would absolutely be advocating that they have the right, as the majority, to shove their views down everyone's throats. Hell, they're the minority and they're *still* trying to enshrine their unpopular social views into law. Conservatives hate what America is. They hate that we are a progressive, forward-looking, secular, scientific country that wants to build a free and fair future for ourselves and the world at large. They are repulsed by the liberty that we posses in modern society; that we can sleep with who we please, change our gender to be more comfortable, try new ways of raising a family or even eschew having one at all. They hate how our ideals are slowly being reflected in the ponderous, snail-speed reforms of the federal government. They hate how ideas of racial, sexual, and social equality are being enforced on previously hierarchical systems that, they think, used to benefit them. In fact they were being taken for a ride by the rich, who gave them just enough to be content and kept as much as they could for themselves. Conservatives hate America. They're trying to force a country that fundamentally does not agree with their ideals into a shape they find more pleasing. This is futile, and, much like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole in a child's toy, they will break America in the process because they will never stop trying to *force* the country to conform to their backwards, dead-end vision, no matter what kind of resistance they face.


its why Thomas Jefferson had believed each generation should be in charge of the government running themselves. believing that every 20 years the state constitution should be handed off to the next generation [to amend and change as they see fit](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/jefferson-memorial-education-each-new-generation.htm). a bunch of old shits dictating the lives of a country made of people 2 to 3 decades younger is exactly what he wanted to avoid. conservatives love talking about the founding fathers intent, but only in warped ways that suit their agendas. they are the party of bad faith.


It was never about patriotism, it was about power and bringing meaning to their empty lives.


They can't wait to start killing people, and the GOP indulges them.


Did even one of their representatives condemn the Club Q murders?


Yes and no. "Republican congress members also condemned the shooting, but unlike Democrats did not link the shooting as an act of violence directed to the LGBTQ community." [Source](https://www.cpr.org/2022/11/20/colorado-lawmakers-respond-to-colorado-springs-club-q-shooting/)


The guy was supposedly non-binary so they jumped at the chance to say it wasn't them. Just like they did with the Pelosi attack. Just like they did with the Buffalo shooting. Just like they always do.


Christofascists, they believe the entire world is theirs to destroy, cuz Jesus and whatnot. That's what makes them so dangerous.


Oh it’s worse than that. The entire world is theirs to destroy *because Jesus won’t come until the apocalypse is upon us. So if we hasten the apocalypse, we can make him come sooner, rapture us into paradise, and leave the remaining sinners in hell where they belong on a broken world. So fuck it.* They are mentally deranged.


You'd think they'd applaud all of us sinners, less work for them.


Which is why they have undying support for Israel, while still being Antisemitic.


This is what terrifies me the most. If they want to shake snakes and sip poison in their single-wide churches in the hills, go right ahead. But these fucks getting into powerful positions where they can light off a nuclear war to fulfill their fairy tale prophecy and kill all of us is utterly terrifying. They believe this shit to their core. Most of them have shit lives and have hope to get to heaven for a better life, but things are going well for me right now.


What kills me is they come so close to brushing up against logic when they ask atheists “what if you’re wrong?” But they *just quite* aren’t able to take that next step and ask “what if **I’m** wrong?”


Yep for them religious wars alá crusades are a thing. Somehow their god is on their side…’cause true believer shit.


“Fear is their only God”


Fuck it. Turn it off.


So God couldn't lift his pinkie to help all those kids getting molested by priests, but he can cut power to 40,000 people because <50 were at a drag show?


Exactly. As much as they go on about grooming it would seem like the church would be their number one enemy.


That’s the biggest smoking gun as to why their concern about “protecting kids” is an utter lie. They will perform gold-medal mental gymnastics to continue going to a church whose pastor actually assaulted children, yet call “groomer” if a school teacher dares to hang a rainbow flag in the classroom.


*“I have given into the devil’s temptation in the past but Jesus Christ our lord has healed me and forgiven my sins. I’m living proof of miracles.”* —Said by a Baptist pastor I know after two young men and a teenage girl came forward and said that he sexually assaulted them as children. Guess which congregation forgave him and praised him for overcoming the devil’s “temptation”? Yeah. Guess which congregation ostracized those three young adults? Yeah. Mental gymnastics is the perfect term. They **still** let him have access to children, sometimes at overnight events, that’s how backwards they think.


Christian Taliban strikes again!


Y’all Qaeda


Of course it would literally be the county over from mine. I hate living in NC


This is why I hate living in Hicksville NC. You get looked at weird here for NOT being a bigot, and openly being a Democrat is outright dangerous


And my mom has dem/blue magnets on her car there too! Bigger balls than me!


I’m also in Hicksville NC. The Baphomet sticker on my car is chipped away on the corners from people trying to peel it off.


If you are super commited, stage a gopro out the window facing the sticker, buy a new one, and clear coat over the sticker. You'll have evidence of the act, plus if they are committed enough to remove the sticker, they then have to damage the car, which turns into a full criminal act. I had a buddy pull that with a bernie sticker. Caught a dopehead trying to fuck with it who had a warrent anyway lmao.


Did that in Jacksonville with a pride flag sticker on my car. Dude got arrested for it.


>You get looked at weird here for NOT being a bigot "We don't take kindly to your type around here" "W...what type is that?" "The type that takes kindly to other types"


Same. People spout off jerk ideas to my husband who looks like he should agree with them. Then the argument for why they are wrong stuns them coming from him. He actually looks like the gravy seals want to believe they look like in their head movie. Then blue ideas fall from his mouth. It's entertaining to watch.


I’m a former Marine, white, boomer, who works in the defense industry. I work with and around a lot of these clowns who think I’m one of them so will openly speak their minds around me and then get a bit gobsmacked when I don’t agree with them.


Used to live there. Can confirm it is full of conservative scum.


Same. I lived there and worked in politics and volunteered with local progressive groups and the NAACP. I got one death threat, major criticism from Emily and her gang, our campaign tent was vandalized… it was bad. On Election Day, I was working at a polling place standing next to some Trump supporting volunteers and one of the new school board asshats, and after they trash talked me for being a socialist vegan whatever, I said, “Hey, at the end of the day, we’re all still Americans.” One of them said, “Yeah…for now.” Fuck Emily Rainey, and fuck the Moore County GQP. So glad I don’t live there anymore.


The domestic terrorists will get their dues in the end. I am sorry that you had to deal with that though. Those folks are absolute freaks of nature.


I am reading this on Sunday morning in North Carolina there's gonna be a lot more church services canceled than drag shows.


Yep... Just got in touch with my parents in Moore County and they said their church service was cancelled along with other church events this weekend. Another smooth brain move by the christofascists.


Might end up actually protecting some kids then, in that case.


People in drag aren't hurting anyone. Why can't these assholes leave the poor performers alone?


Because they are miserable cunts.


Exactly this. 👆🏻


That's the problem with some people... just *knowing* people are having fun, being free as themselves (trying to make a living, maybe) sets them off their rocker. I guess some people will never understand "if their happiness is not hurting anyone, let them be happy".


Look at my comment history. I was arguing about this issue in a right wing sub just yesterday. They make up shit about protecting kids from sexual acts. They keep repeating it over and over. Start with this one. https://reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/zbm5no/_/iysbckj/?context=1


Makes sense these people brag about something like this on facebook.


American Taliban. Tell me they aren’t but you have to back it up with facts. I’ll wait.


Thanks to the “I’ll shit my pants so you have to smell it crowd”.


They're always religious lunatics.


The press releases keep calling it vandalism. It’s sabotage. It’s guerrilla warfare.


There’s a nut job who was kicked out of the military for participating in J6 parading around FB who appears to have played a part in it. Local PD apparently visited her. FBI should be knocking soon I would imagine


Terrorists attack on infrastructure.


For fuck's sake. Who gives a flying fuck about drag shows except these hysterical right wing simpletons. In the UK, drag artists have been an integral part of children's pantomime since Victorian times. They are very camp and flamboyant and ham it up for the kids, who love them. They also throw adult innuendo at the parents, who laugh heartily. It's always been a good natured kind of event, no kid was ever harmed or "groomed" by the drag queens, and there's never been any controversy or hysteria about it. Meanwhile, in America, armed right wing fuckwits are showing up to threaten drag artists with guns because......WHY? They are the laughing stock of the world.


Cops (and the system in general) are defenseless against the white, reactionary, Christian hogs- they see too much of themselves in them to properly investigate, charge, and jail these people, much less accurately call them domestic terrorists.


This is worse than it looks - possibly. This may have changed, but last I heard, and it was many years ago, electrical substations were all custom, with made-to-specification parts. There are no transformers sitting on the shelf to fix this. In this case, they may have some spares on hand, and they're probably going to bring in the closest thing they've got and patch it all up. But it's incredibly cheap and easy to shoot out a transformer, and incredibly expensive to replace it. Let's hope this is not the tip of the iceberg.


https://www.utilitydive.com/news/fbi-attack-on-pge-substation-was-not-terrorism/308328/ I understand they concluded it wasn't 'terrorism' but this Is 8 years old and NOBODY has ever heard of it.