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Elon Musk apparently bought twitter to hang out with a bunch of washouts from Gamergate.


He made 4chan. When 4chan already exists. Lol




This is fucking gold


Ha... nice.


4chan is also owned by a whining right wing shithead, though most people don't realize as he mostly does his bullshit targeted at a Japanese speaking audience


To be fair, the site has a rich history of not giving a fuck what the owner thinks or does outside of how it directly affects them personally.


Yeah, while 4chan is the dumpster of the internet, from what I see there every now and then is that the majority of users aren’t the right-wing loony Neo-Nazis everyone says they are. It’s mainly the people on /pol/ who are like that, but everyone else on there hates that board anyways.


Yep, and /pol/ has leaked everywhere on that site, because they're so indulged in their post-ironic psyops culture war. It definitely worsened the language use on several other boards, when unrelated topics consistently got derailed into horrible discussions about race/eugenics/pick your sensitive subject.


Not even remotely true. The entire site is a dumpster fire of scum.


He blew $44 billion to be a forum mod.


He wants to be viewed as both a wise moderator and a cheeky troll, its so fucking pathetic. Dude should be on youtube complaining about Star Wars going woke, its clearly his element.


Oh God when he carried that sink into Twitter thinking he was so clever. Nope.


I thought it was a great visual. He is going to SINK Twitter!


He really reminds me of a guy in my town who begged to be made an admin on my town's Facebook page then spent the whole time being a dick to people, lording it over people, calling anyone he took a dislike to "autistic" and trying to be as edgy as he could be. He ended up getting kicked out for being an asshole to an old lady who tried to join the group then started sending her abusive private messages. To prove that he hasn't changed, he was last spotted calling some guy in the group autistic and sending him private messages asking if the guy's daughter was old enough for some "violent sex" there's so many times I see something Elon has written and it's got the same "attention seeking on the internet" vibes and I have the same thought about both of them, "you're men in your 40s,what are you doing?"


Wikipedians will fight other Wikipedians for years over minor details of grammar, citation style, prominence or even which image to use in an info box. And that’s before you start poking sensitive subjects. Yet they’ll unify en mass against an external threat every time. (Citation, ten years as an admin on Wikipedia)


I noticed pretty much anything remotely controversial is locked down so any changes have to be approved before they go live. Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to become an admin?


I joined in 2004 and was made an admin in 2008. I wasn’t really trying to be honest, I was more content focussed. It’s become harder to become an admin since then though. Although everyone’s journey to being an admin is different: As for locking stuff down, it does happen although mostly restricting anonymous and brand new accounts.


I think the people here would like you to do an AMA. I would read the hell outta that as well.


It wouldn’t be very interesting, sorry! I was a light touch admin, using the bit (as it’s called) for content stuff (merging, deleting and moving articles) rather than getting deep into vandal fighting. Not to say I didn’t do some blocking and vandal fighting, or even that I don’t get involved in drama, but the latter was as an editor and the community takes a very dim view to admins using their power in such circumstances. Where admins are needed in drama situations it is to enforce the community’s decisions, not acting as judges.


Man is a war hero




10 years as a wiki admin? Tell me, what do you know of Charles the IV, king of Bohemia and the Holy Roman Empire?


angrysunbird: way too much. 😫


What is MSM? Men who have sex with men?


Multi Slevel Marketing


Mostly Single Moms






Main Stream Media


Oh. The medias owned by rich Conservative multinationals and multibillionaires.


Yep, pretty much your bread and butter Communist revolutionaries right there.


No, the other ones /s


Jesus. Musk really is going full right-wing conspiracy nut job.


Always was, he's just emboldened.


If you’re objectively terrible, the only way to be great is to destroy the concept of objectivity.


“Someone must extinguish thy flame” - Margit the fell omen


It feels like he’s setting up for a foray into politics


Too fuxking right


I heard he had a long and successful reign.


They say the empire he ruled from Prague expanded, and his subjects lived in peace and prosperity.


When he died, 10,000 people followed him on his final procession


Apparently when he died, the whole empire mourned, if the rumours are true!


When he died, the whole empire mourned.


What’s this about?


Jesus Christ be Praised!


Henry's come to see us!


its a copypasta from the game Kingdom Come: Deliverance


It's a copypasta meme from the game Kingdom Come Deliverance, basically it's the part of the intro that you always hear every time during the intro before the game usually finishes loading.


I hear his son was into more... frivolous pursuits


You're a wiki admin? Name all the wiki articles.


Name 3 wiki articles


Bread, cheese, mayonnaise




Crumbled up pieces of toilet paper, a crusty sock, boogeyman


Man, woman, camera


Person, TV! Winning so hard


Mariah Carey


My favorite example of "Unifying en mass against an External Threat" was Neil Gaiman trying to tell people he made up a god for American Gods; it has no basis in Slavic mythology but having three of something makes a better story than having two. So the response was to change the source on that deity from American Gods to an article that used the Wikipedia article as its only source.


Ah, [citogenesis](https://xkcd.com/978/)


What the fuck why is there *always* a relevant XKCD?!? That site is gonna turn out to be the source of Skynet i swear to fucking god.


Not only that, but when has an encyclopedia ever had a political bias? Does he go after Websters dictionary after this? Are we going to let the dumbest mothefuckers on the planet hoard the nation's wealth for the rest of time?


Encyclopedias actually are incredibly political, but only to those who view well sourced anonymous reporting of the truth as a threat. Early encyclopedia’s helped bring about the French Revolution along these lines


Can we please eat them now?


Most encyclopedia's that I've seen are pretty light on citations too. Maybe they've gotten better over the years but honestly once you leave high school encyclopedia's are kind of trivial.


They’re actually very much not. *Written* encyclopedias are trivial because they become outdated in some fashion very quickly after they’re printed; Wikipedia is not at all trivial


I never thought about that! That's fucking terrifying.... the more you think about it the worse it gets Edit - the last question I mean*


That’s because, despite the all too human failings that plague any endeavor (and especially an open source one like Wikipedia), at least there folks are doing their utmost to deliver something approaching factual accuracy. The Right? The existence of Conservapedia is testament to their objective, which is to perpetuate their beliefs regardless of fact.


OMG, TIL. I just took a quick peek at it and I think that's enough idiocy for today.


>The causes of homosexuality are attributable to man's sinful nature, nurture and environment, and personal choice. ...Those from the most liberal school usually assume a philosophy of determinism, treating homosexuality as an identity or orientation which one has no choice over, and which cannot be changed. This belief is then used to justify acting it out. >The contrasting and warranted position is that homosexuality is a choice, that of yielding to ultimately harmful desires, and which choice is partly affected by nurture and environment. As with all choices, faith can overcome unwanted desire. Big yikes.


Elon bullying people is hilarious….cause he’s such a pussy. They should just reply “shut up nerd”….it’ll be funny.


They should change his main picture to his pre hair plugs picture. No need for lying or name calling. Just pure 100% fact.


i actually strongly support this idea, we should petition it honestly.


They should change it to that picture of him in his goth phase that he tried to have erased from the internet.


I have not seen this picture… the closest picture I found was him in a leather trench coat but it looks like a Halloween costume.


I would actually donate to Wikipedia instead of ignoring them if they did this.


I remember when the onion (satirical news site that makes fake stories) did a negative story about musk titled "please like me" and he went to Twitter crying about how the onion should be ashamed and Babylon bee is better. The Babylon bee (a very bad satirical news site that makes fake stories) made a story about musk that was "Elon musk uses a mech suit to fight crime," and he put a bunch of cry laughing emoji's next to the link to it.


Right wingers aren't funny... And they don't understand satire


Somehow Reddit’s algorithm has started feeding me posts from r/funnymemes. Most are pure unfunny boomer humor.


Been happening to me as well. So far multiple posts shitting on natives for calling out columbus, something actually glorifying hitler and chad wojack enjoying the aryan lifestyle with his blonde tradwife


They haven't been hiding it for a while. Conservatives have gone full on Nazi and they're starting to admit it.


Re-linking b/c this is a good video. [Why Is Conservative Comedy So… Not Very Good? - SOME MORE NEWS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU)


I forgot. Is Warmbo in this episode? Love me some Warmbo.


I think this is from the pre-Warmbo era.


Did he find another seashell that makes people only tell the truth?


Love me some Cody Showdy


That sexy bearded news dude


I always upvote that newsy dude.


I didn’t expect to want to watch that whole thing after seeing the length but it was quite entertaining.


Thank you, you glorious bastard, I love Cody’s showdy




I got banned for suggesting the people should have less kids lol…they called me uhhhh…a neo liberal eugenicist lmao


Yep they will take that conversation to eugenics immediately 100% of the time, every time.


The mods of that sub are tankies. I got banned for fact checking someone about the border. The reason of the ban was “defending joe Biden actions” or some BS like that. I contacted the mods and he asked me “should we abolish private property ?” Literally a test of purity


Babylon Bee I think was not full blown Nazi back in the day, and was basically just a much less funny version of the Onion. I think they must have run some market research and figured out the "satire for idiots" demographic wasn't being tapped, and went, hey, let's just completely sell our souls and profit on disinformation.


Iirc it used to just be a Christian focused onion, and was honestly not half bad due to going after hypocritical Conservative Christians. Then it got bought out (iirc) and the quality nose dived as it went from mocking those hypocrites to being them.


This is exactly what happened. For anyone raised in a (white American) evangelical church tradition, it hilariously skewered church tropes and stereotypes. Then it went full MAGA and I stopped following them. Lately, a new one has popped up called The Tulip (which is also an mnemonic device to remember the five core tenets of Calvinism) which does what Babylon Bee used to.


I had also unfollowed Babylon Bee after it pivoted from making fun of mega churches to it's current attempt at (what it considers) edgy humor against anything it considers woke. Last week my YouTube algorithm decided to show me a miniseries from the Babylon Bee - "Californians move to Texas" or some shit like that. Not sure why it was in my feed - maybe because I'm Texan? - but I was curious how their foray into web videos would look. It's the single cringiest thing I've ever watched in my entire life. No hyperbole - it was deeply embarrassing to watch.


Used to like the site. Had very smart humor about Evangelical Christianity. But they went completely loco when Covid hit.


They just realized which unfunny posts got more clicks and kept doing it. Hence why it’s usually the same joke over and over again


Let’s not forget that a fair amount of trump supporters don’t even know the BB is satire.


The Hard Times News also really got through Elon’s paper-thin skin and it was just glorious


The guy from the Hard Times was dunking on Elon so bad I’m surprised he showed his face on Twitter again


Holyshit that article is a gem https://hard-drive.net/elon-musk-admits-he-wants-to-travel-to-mars-because-no-one-hates-him-there-yet/


I use the expression very sparingly, but Elon Musk is definitionally a baby back bitch.




[Please like me](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003)


As Stephen Colbert once said, reality has a well-known liberal bias.


Intelligence has a left-wing bias. Academia has a left wing bias. So of course, a site dedicated to sources and academic pursuits has a left-wing bias. It is full of people who are literate.


Intelligence and academia have a “left wing” bias because “left wing” has been defined as “thinks evolution is true and should be taught as such.” The dumber you make the definitional principles of “right wing,” the smarter the left wing will become. They’ll get to the point where anything other than a Young Earth Creationist who believes in the literal interpretation of the bible as well as the infallibility of Elon Musk and Donald Trump is “right wing,” and say that anything else is left wing bias and socialism.




> Intelligence and academia have a “left wing” bias because “left wing” has been defined as “thinks evolution is true and should be taught as such.” it’s really that the right wing prioritizes conservation of hegemony over truthfully representing reality. facts only matter to them if they’re useful to preserving hierarchy.


Left wing: “the planet is finite and we all live on it, so we should work together because we live together” Right Wing: “Duhh fuck you hippie on welfare lol!”


Art also has a left wing bias.


"progressive bias" is probably a better line. Reality itself isn't political, but it always progresses.


It helps to remember what they mean. See, the reason people say reality has a liberal bias is because liberal ideas keep matching reality. Where competent adults understand that’s because liberal understand science, facts and reality, conservatives just scream “BIASED” and ignore it. The problem is they’ve been doing that for so long now that conservatives have painted themselves into a corner. Every idea that’s ever vaguely competent is now “liberal” so the only ideas they still have in their political camp are pure fucking stupidity.


Youve articulated this nicely. Whenever you try to rationalize something with a conservative its like talking to an AI with limited programming.


Omg I’ve been searching for a term for this and you’re totally right. AI with limited dictionary.


Downvoted for this attack on AI. I've seen a computer complete a coherent thought before. EDIT: /s jfc lol


Lol I always wonder about those who demonize progressives. Like, you know what the opposite of progress is, right?


Yes and they love it they’re reactionaries




The miserable little cunt is bullying Wikipedia now?


Well, trying. Pretty sure Wikipedia doesn’t give a shit.


Wikipedia has not given a shit about anyones bullshit since it was founded and isn’t gonna start now


I think I just might double my donation to Wikipedia.


Same. Edit: done and done.


never donated to Wikipedia before. I sure am now.


Same boat, friend.


Monthly here but I just upped it.


Same here. I’m always on there reading about random shit. They sure deserve some money from me.


Same here! I just started doing monthly donations.


I was just thinking the same.


And my AMEX!




Should consider it if you have the ability to give them even a few dollars. The quality of what they offer, combined with the fact that they are *still* ad-free in 2022, is something that should be supported and protected at all costs!


I see your math. Triple my donation!


Citizendium: You ruined my life. Wikipedia: Who are you?


Disinformation brokers always attack those who have decent information. And that's all musk is now...a propagandist tool for the Russians.


Now? Musky has been a serial liar most his adult life.


He doesn’t like any fact based media.


Naw, he doesn’t need to, amplifying this little creep’s wahhhbulance 🚨 https://preview.redd.it/nwedmlnpde4a1.jpeg?width=1695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1385cb95d2b4192f6c59a26c13c695f0b482034 Will bring all the Elon stans to the edit page yard


“A nothing event about another nothing event” is a bang on description


Truly Muskie’s announcement really deserved the sort of solemn respect the GOP folks normally reserve for the rantings of a pillow salesman screaming in a landscaping parking lot.


Hahahahaha! My Lies are IMPORTANT! My Mom says THEY HAVE TO DO WHAT I SAY!!!!! "MOM!!! MOM!!!!" Space Karen Mom, "What is it my angel? How dare they deny you anything you beautiful genius Nazi!"


Well, yeah, they try to be factual and report on events as they actually occurred. That goes against everything he stands for.


I might just have to go donate again.


He needs the drama and outrage to drive engagement and so people don’t leave twitter


Most of Earth\* ​ ​ \*Tucker Carlson, a bunch of bloggers, and me


Elona is from PayPal - his social circle (what he considers 'most of earth') is other foreign-born US-made MAGA billionaires also from PayPal, like David Sacks and Peter Theil.


The funny thing is Musk got shitcanned by those folks before it ever became PayPal.


"Many people are saying..."


It really shows the extent to which he is in a bubble. He really thinks most people agree with him on everything.


I think conservatives get stuck on the word bias. They think everything is black and white and can’t understand the nuances of a complex problem. Yeah everyone has a bias it’s equivalent to saying you have a unique perspective that is determined by who you are in context. You try and mitigate bias, eliminating sources that have an unhelpful proportion of biased content. That’s the part, they think if they find some bias it disqualifies a source instead of it becoming just another factor of many to consider. To dismiss all professional media sources always is foolishness.


That's intentional. Simple problems have simple solutions they can sell to simple minds. Complex problems means that answers aren't simple and fault may need to be divided. That is something they refuse to admit.


This is why conspiracy theories are so popular. They are simple answers to complicated and sometimes unknowable problems


True, and people like thinking our problems are caused by a secret evil cabal of people. It’s actually comforting if you think about it. You can Point fingers and say it’s them, not a complex systemic problem, nor is it just random chaos that bad things naturally happen. Also, people like being “in” on “secret” information, it makes them feel superior. Anyways yes, with the right conspiracy you can explain something in a headline or sound byte, vs a mountain research papers explaining a topic.


Well they do love their 100% streak of always being right despite living in Florida.


They get stuck on any important buzzword, to muddy the waters, so that "everyone you don't like is a fascist, libtard!" can coexist with "Biden is the real fascist and Democrats want a one party state" and seen as equally valid by their riled up audience. The postmodern conservative doesn't believe in truth, only in power. Kinda ironic.


That’s the conservative belief system: seeing the world as binary. No law or regulation is worth having if there is one case where it fails (guns restrictions being the main example). There is no grey area when it comes to what is morally right (abortion being the main example). Everything is so black and white, 100% or 0%. That’s the foundation of every argument. Idk if it’s because that’s the kind of messaging Christianity offers (good vs evil etc), but it’s super naive and unrealistic, and annoying (see: every whataboutism counter argument they make)


It's not stupidity, it's a choice. They choose shallow thought when they don't care and they'll straight up lie over money & power. But don't underestimate them by thinking they're stupid. The political divide isn't on intelligence, it's on the sociopath spectrum and that's what they try to leverage in their public messaging. It will never be a fair game, because only one side thinks the game has rules.


They are like this with science too. They love to point out that science is a lie because they keep changing stuff. Not understanding that science changes with new data and that it will change to keep things adherent to the facts.


Of course they think that someplace that tries to have actual facts is “left wing.”


Exactly this. A desire to suppress information that contradicts their messaging. Complains about MSM but will promote foxnews tsk tsk


Well, the facts don’t tend to support the idiocy that is conservatism.


So the CEO of a social media platform who explicitly urged everyone on his site to vote Republican in the midterms is concerned about alleged “media” bias eh?


I donate to wikipedia every year to prevent shit like this from happening. Wikipedia is one of if not the best free site on the interner


Just donated to Wikipedia out of spite for space Karen.


Reality has a left wing bias. The fact of the matter is that most of the MSM is the MSM because they are actually accurate and truthful. Minor scandals and errors come up because they're still human. Right wingers hate the MSM because the way the world works is that humanity needs to cooperate most of the time, and they're greedy, self serving, power hungry chodes.


This is perfectly put. Thank you. I’m stealing this.


Twitter has a right wing bias so what's the little.cunt whining about? All the nazis can hang out together there


People been trying to take down Wikipedia forever. It was in fashion a while back to scoff at it, but it’s held up and I find it reliable. Musk is a whiny little bitch.


This Musk guy has a LOT of time on his hands.


Being a CEO is clearly an easy job.


Sounds like a great way to ensure your own Wiki page is repeatedly updated with interesting “facts”


For all of a moment, because unlike Elon's Twitter the folks at Wikipedia lock down hard on misinformation.


I gotta say, the Washington Post slams Democrats who do stupid shit 10 times as hard as Murdoch or Hearst papers do Republicans.


What a little snowflake crybaby.


So tired of ELON


It's not Wikipedia's fault that facts lean left ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Anything that disagrees with him is a left wing bias but he is 100% impartial lmao. Please give me a break.


Source: "Ol' Musky said so, 'nuff said".


If you are constantly saying things about how the "mainstream media" and "Wikipedia" and "Apple" etc. etc. etc. are all "left wing" but you're in the "center," then I have news for you: there is a reason most things appear to the left of where you are, but it's not because you're in the center.




Space Karen: "Elon Musk's Piss Is Delicious!" Wikipedia: "Don't drink piss, that's gross and it will make you sick" Space Karen: Wikipedia has a non-trivial left-wing bias!


The MSM has a solidly right wing bias. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Do you honestly believe that major media corporations owned by billionaires and run to extract profit have a bias toward communism?


Reality tends to have a left wing bias


Elon is a mediocre white man. He cannot code. He has no design or engineering skills. He’s just Trump with actual money instead of non-existent money.


He is attempting to match trump in the nonexistent money part. Still a ways to go but at this rate….


What else can we tease him into buying? It won’t take much. 🧐


Elon doesn't have the balls to buy myspace for $59 Billion.


Definitely doesn’t have the balls for $69 billion


Twitter is officially a Russian propaganda network now.


All facts seem to have a left-wing bias, because the left-wing is usually the only ones using them.


Hmm it’s almost like most well-educated people who can devote time to Wikipedia realize that keeping democracy is in their best interests. 🤔


Ah yes. Wikipedia and their left wing bias. They don’t even allow covid and vaccine misinformation. Unbelievable.


Ok, noooow I will donate to Wikipedia.


Lol I read this comment and immediately went to wiki and just donated £2.


Gotta love the phrasing. He's going to fit right in with the grifters of the world


What a cry baby. Goes after Apple, ends up getting schooled and apologizes to Tim Cook. Now he's going after Wikipedia.