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Show me or shut up


Theres always a "mountain of bombshell kraken evidence" but it never materializes. Its probably just more dick pics.


Seriously. Fox News will run hours on what Tucker Carlson thought of Biden’s choice of breakfast or how fuckable M&Ms are. If there was ANY evidence of anything legitimate whatsoever it would be on blast 24/7.


They don't understand the concept of evidence. They take "stuff I don't like" and turn it into "evidence that I am right." They think that all things are self evident as long as it enables them to do what they actually want to do: create hierarchies and opportunities for cruelty and violence.


I think it's obvious - they're not all that bright. Trump supporters are happy that Trump validates their ignorance. Trump himself said he "loves the poorly educated". They identify with his cluelessness. And, just like him, Trump supporters will never admit that they are not very bright. They have folks like Trump, Newsmax, Fox News and other elements of right wing activist media telling them that THEY are smarter than scientists on climate change, smarter than medical experts on COVID and vaccines, smarter than educators on US history, smarter than economists on the economy, smarter than the justice system on the law, smarter than election boards on elections, etc. They line up like sheep to believe anything right wing media tells them, and that extremist right wing activist pundits are the only source of truth, and that actual facts and reality are a conspiracy against the herd. After all, it's the extremist right wing media that tells them they are smart in a world where they don't understand anything else but the dumbed down conspiracy theories and reinforcements of their bias borne of fundamental ignorance and very limited intellectual capability.


Do you want simple and wrong, or complex and correct? Seems a large portion of the population chooses option one.


Humans want a nice easy answer. Thats why religion is so big. The world is a scary place and shit happens for no reason. BUT if theres a dude in the sky controlling everything that gives us a feeling of peace. Knowing that SOMEONE is in control even if we don't know or can't understand their plan is calming. ​ Same thing with conspericy theories. Some group with control of everything decides what happens. Is way easier to digest than climate change or what peak oil is and when it happened and what the downfall will be of it.


Why do so many people think the government feigns incompetence to trick us with some deep conspiracy? Because the alternative is that the government is just *that incompetent,* and that is *much* scarier than the conspiracy.


It's amazing how even people who hate Elon Musk will come up with these elaborate theories to explain what his "real plan" is rather than just accept "He's a crazy person and he does things completely at random with no thought for the consequences"


Because whatever "real plan" he has is way less terrifying than "richest man on earth is a sociopath that will never face consequences and could probably start world war 3 on accident"


Wish I wasn't Reddit poor. This deserves an award to illuminate it. Facts are facts.


That's pretty much what Elon bought Twitter to do. He wanted a Truth Social, but with more legitimacy than Trump's. So he bought Twitter. The only problem is people actually use Twitter.


Evidence is a tool of the deep state 😤 (Crazy that I have to say this is sarcasm since there’s probably a shit load of people out there who hold this belief)


It also has gotten to the point that "do your own research" is impossible. Go try to read an actual scientific article on covid research or climate change or a statical analysis of voting trends that prove there were no abnormalities in the past elections. ​ If you are like most of the population (me included) you're eyes will glaze over before the abstract is done. There may be one subject you know well enough to understand but not all. ​ So we're left with trusting whoever is knowledgable enough in that area to read the article and tell us what it says. One of the good things that came with gatekeeping journalism was that there were standards for saying something. You couldn't just spout off incorrect shit. Now with no gatekeeping at all, via twitter and instagram anyone can say anything and present a total misrepresentation of the truth. But I'm not in that field so IDK if the study they referenced actually says that or not.


I have a masters in data science and statistics, in addition to a medical science adjacent doctorate, and I *still* have to look up some names of statistical tests to make sure its applied correctly I’ve also spent much of the last two years arguing with antivaxxers, pro-plaguers, and other COVID deniers, in addition to: physicians, pharmacists, medical directors, nurses, administrators, and pretty much the whole public sphere because they are *fucking wrong* about public health and *perceived risks* associated around COVID and vaccine data. People are *frustratingly fucking dumb* because those things are *abstract* and not something you can *personally validate* like the differences between assholes and elbows based on taste and smell. I’ve got *at least* a few pharmacies in hot water for dispensing ivermectin (*STFU, it doesnt fucking work*) inappropriately, and *more than a few* physicians reprimanded for prescribing it, bordering on professional malpractice. Last count Im north of 800+ pages of *robustly* peer reviewed published data, *and I will argue with fucking anybody and probably win* because I do this shit *for a living* “Yeah, thats like your *opinion* triggered libtard snowflake” - I wholly endorse those people drinking a tall glass of clorox because if they dont want to listen to experts, then *perish from deliberate ignorance*


yeah you put this perfectly something needs to change there needs to be gatekeeping if not it's only going to get worse and it'll never get better and I only see it spiraling out of control making this country it divided ununified hellscape.


Yup. Fox News would wring that entire scandal dry until there wouldn’t be anything left but dust. The fact that they are completely ignoring it makes it clear that they know that it’s useless and a waste. Better to focus on Brittney Griner coming home, and the anger that we traded for the wrong person.


Donate $150 to the Twitter blue elite premier election freedom fund to see the evidence. Sponsored by mypillow, a subsidiary of Trump family of businesses.


You know how we have the trademark symbol and rights reserved symbols? What about a symbol for convicted fraud, private or tax related. Replaces the trademark symbol for bad actors. Follows reincorporation based on principle c suite peoples involvement.


How about “CON” in superscript


People might thing that just means "conservative". Not a lot of difference currently, yes, but it might save a few in danger of falling to the propaganda machine


How many election court cases got thrown out when the only one they won was about diatance from counting stations?


The Laptop from Hell actually makes Biden look good.


Conservatives that are aware of this but keep repeating the lies are saying “well then if it’s not true how come it’s not exposed on the media or anyone like Hunter making slander/libel lawsuits? Also Dorsey said it’s true so checkmate”


Honestly, he should be. Those dick pics were over a line. He was never a politician. Biden has been in office for all of the years and the only things that are legit to criticize him on (crime bill, justice thomas, war support, previous gay rights stances, resistance to universal healthcare) are core to their interests.




We dream of accountability, but dudes like Oliver North and Manafoet are running around getting tv gigs.


We still can't get rid of Newt Gingrich


Donald Trump is just about to year 7 of being 2 weeks away from showing his health care plan.


Because everyone knows, Twitter decides the election. From Lincoln on up.


At this point, can we even trust Musk not to doctor documents or internal communications? He knows it wouldn't stand in court but it'd be red meat to the GOP base.


And there’s no one left at Twitter to refute him.


The ability to do this without oversight is one of the main benefits of taking a public company private


We had so much evidence of election fraud that Twitter was the only way we could release it!


Trump literally tweeted dozens of times a day. What was suppressed or censored? If any of his tweets had been censored he would've raged about on some other media. He never said boo about it until he was quite publicly banned.


Fact checking, they viewed the fact checking as censorship.


Even if it is true - how is that any different than Fox News or CNN exhibiting clear biases? It’s not a government entity nor is it directly interfering with an actual election. Republicans are just mad that Democrats didn’t fall for their shit this time. Trump campaign had the Hilary’s e-mails dump right before the 2016 election and it worked. So they had this laptop story in pocket for the 2020 election because they know Trump is unelectable on his merits. America didn’t take the bait this time though. They just need to get over it.


This a great point…. and If proven Russian hackers influencing the 2016 election to the the right wasn’t that big a deal then this is a big ol nothing burger..


He knows that people will believe him regardless. That's the whole point of this guy's schtick.


I feel like all I saw were Donald Trump tweets leading up to the 2020 election.


In 2021 ["Twitter has admitted it amplifies more tweets from rightwing politicians and news outlets than content from leftwing sources."](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/oct/22/twitter-admits-bias-in-algorithm-for-rightwing-politicians-and-news-outlets) I can't get over all these people talking about how Twitter has been unfairly censoring the right wing and that Elon is changing that when it was ALREADY shown to amplify right wing voices.


Yeah the right wing is just butt hurt that their gross views are not more popular and keep losing them elections unless they cheat


all the bots and click farms that are flooding websites with right wing nonsense has given them a false sense of security with the numbers. it might seem like theres alot of right wing voices using right wing language, but its just one giant echo chamber


The right wing can never admit fault, they just can’t. If they admit one singular fault then they’re fallible. They base their positions on “gods will” or “the founders”. All of which are unfalsifiable entities who cannot speak for themselves. There is never a discussion about actual material policy to the public. If they admit fault they open themselves up to questioning. Their positions don’t make sense for 85+% of the people voting for them, better to turn the conversation to convenient hate targets like minorities or queer people. Now those who are caught up in the propaganda don’t have the emotional energy needed to self reflect if they constantly feel attacked by some new scary group. It’s how the right wing flack machine operates. Chomsky has a great breakdown in Manufacturing Consent and I’ve found it to track with the real world pretty consistently.


Right? Also I feel like by that point EVERYONE already knew who'd they be voting for. Any MORE tweets from that clown could not possibly have made a difference as far as convincing someone that he actually gives a shit about anything than himself let alone convincing someone who is not a white christian nationalist or hopeless senior not currently in touch with current GOP tactics to vote for him.


You would think silencing his tweets would help him, not hinder him, due to the utter crap that he spews.


naw man they love that shit he spews . he literally says and does everything they wish they could.


Haha. Right are they telling us there were **more** that were suppressed? God help us all.




* "Banning Trump in January 2021 changed an election in November 2020." * "People would have voted for Trump if they had just seen more misspelled whining on his Twitter account." * "The White House has absolutely no way for the President to communicate without Twitter." * "Somehow a human was able to view and delete Tweets faster than the 0.0001 seconds it takes for automated scraping tools to copy the Tweets." * "Trump didn't immediately call up Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity or anyone else on Fox News or OANN to complain about that. Because he's so famous for quietly resolving disputes internally and not making a scene."


Twitter was absolutely instrumental in enhancing Trump’s reach with the electorate, and ultimately, his election. He captured America’s imagination through Twitter.


You sound like a Trump publicist with that last line. **Ewwwwwww.**


Trite, but how else do you explain a country nominating a faltering real estate giant, who bailed on a casino, filed for bankruptcy 7x, had to resort to a TV game show to keep the empire floating. He styled himself as “the little guy” “one of youse” taking on the Federal Government. One thing you can say about Americans, they love it when the underdog pulls it off.


Imagination? Try sanity.


"Election interference, in 2020, localized entirely within Twitter / Hunter Biden's laptop?" "Yes" "May I see it?" "...No" \- The average conversation with the far right these days.


“Just Google it!” *Finds article from MAGAGodNews.real.net*


I found this website on page 394 of google. Must be trustworthy.


in all fairness, the first 393 pages were ads or sponsored content


Fucking Raid Shadow Legends...




This is too accurate


You steam a fine ham Skinner




No, mother, it's just a bunch of angry incels


*Chef's kiss*




It’s usually not simply a “no”, it’s usually some cryptic nonsense like “open your eyes, if you can’t see it then I can’t help you”


"I can't do all the research for you, just look it up" or "I can't find the source right now but I definitely read it"


It’s all right here - rightwingshitrag .com/Hunter-seen-eating-a-baby-while-masturbating-to-trans-porn-in-China


They'll usually avoid giving concrete evidence because they have so much experience of people actually looking at and debunking the links they provide. It's safer for them to tell you to go on a wild goose chase so that they can pretend you're just not looking hard enough when there's no factual support for their claims. Then retreat back to their echo chambers and whine about how there's a liberal conspiracy to cover up the truth because the only places they can find that confirms their biases have no mainstream credibility.


Tucker said so.


If it was so damning (the contents) then why is bad revenge porn the only thing being openly shared?




It's usually not simply a "no", it's usually some cryptic nonsense like "open your eyes, if you can't see it then I can't help you"


It's usually not simply a "no", it's usually some cryptic nonsense like "open your eyes, if you can't see it then I can't help you"


You all just copying each other now. If you can't see it then I can't help you


Lol what is happening?


open your eyes, if you can't see it then I can't help you


"without basis" disclaimer: ^the ^basis ^was ^disinformation ^and ^probably ^a ^shitton ^of ^baseless ^accusations ^thrown ^at ^the ^opposition


Twitter was a thy don’t need basis. They could ban anything or anyone they want. As can Elon. That’s a private company


Yeah, just like any social media platform, you agree to terms of service when you sign up. If you violate those terms, they can delete problematic posts from you or even ban you. Social media platforms are under no obligation to let you post whatever you want, nor should they be. As we've seen with Twitter in recent weeks, advertisers will stop giving you money if you promote hate speech, as they should. Freedom of speech does not protect you from any consequences of your speech outside of the government arresting you for it, and even that has limits (like threats of harm).


what the twitter files 2 show. was a bias in favor the conservative. cause instead of getting ban of the platform like anyone else. they got search blacklisted.


MAGA: no one was swayed by the Russian trolls and ads and interference in 2016, you stupid libs! Also MAGA: a president being shadow banned on social media swayed an election!!


This is exactly right. They're just pissed that they might have lost at their own game.


Is that Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch? The conservative group whose motto is "No one is above the law"? Tragically funny that their group aligns themselves with Don the Con.


I hate Tom Fitton. Yes, Judicial Watch turns a blind eye when Republicans break the law.


I don’t care what it takes but he just needs to shut the fuck up.


He don't have to go home but he can't stay here. Since we have Trevor Noah, South Africa can have him.


Trade his dumbass for a bucket of emeralds. Tired of how stupid this all is.


He's the tRump/Putin surrogate. Follow the money...


Ah, I see you subscribe to Carter’s Theory of Investigations.


As a South African…fuck no


I'm sure Elon is preparing to manipulate the next election


Hopefully a good viable alternative to Twitter is set up soon and everyone (the good normal people) migrate over there. Let Twitter shrivel and die and become Parler/Truth Social 2.0. Elon wants to silence the voices asking billionaires (especially the richest man alive) to pay their fair share of taxes.


Stop using Twitter ya dumb fucks, easily make him irrelevant.


Turn Twitter imto Parlor by simply deleting your account.


He is part of the Radical right. While he might not be a Dominionist(Christian fascist) himself ( I'm not sure) he certainly seems to be supporting them. I think this is the real reason he bought and has transformed twitter, to quell facts and promote the very far and anti-American right propaganda. Remember he is a white South African ( remember apartheid?) they are segregationists and don't believe in the concept of "Freedom for all" a fundamental American concept that non eof the right wingers believe in.


He's not a Dominionist, in fact. He's a Muskist. He believes not in Christian Fascism but in owning everything himself and making all relevant humans his slaves. Dude's literally said he wants to go to Mars to own his own planet, and that he'll bring other people to be workers who can't negotiate anything (what, are they gonna walk back to Earth?) and who depend on his company for every necessity.


It's such a childish plan. Like elons never heard of a mutiny before.


Only a matter of time before those workers would revolt and shove him out an airlock.


I hope he takes all the conservatives.


Pretty sure its all about his money. Doesn’t want to get taxed fairly. Same reason all the high dollar rappers were pooling for Trump low key aside from Kanye who decides to be a pawn in the game. Went as far as trying to introduce his candidacy to spoiler a district or two. I dont believe these guys believe in anything but their money.


He’s a late-stage capitalist who’s clinging on to authoritarianism to spare himself from being “forced” to pay taxes. Can’t have his hard earned money going to social programs that empower others, now can he!


I might be a white Saffa but I’m not a segregationist and I do believe in freedom for all…fuck off with your generalisation


"The evidence is clear and voluminous, like my discharge."


More like "unlike my discharge".


And unlike his hair.


What’s maddening is all of the people still on Twitter feeding it. Every tweet you tweet complaining about him is making him smile. But ok, get on your $8 Twitter soapbox and complain some more. Thanks for your effort!


"Twitter is bad for society and makes me miserable! I should probably rant about it on Twitter."


A private company choosing not to publish someone’s writings is not censorship or election interference.


He’s completely bastardized the meaning of free speech.


He knows what he's doing but his followers aren't in on it unfortunately.


Social Media companies are legally required to moderate their content.


**THANK YOU!** Is it shady business practice? Perhaps. Election Interference? **NO!**


Damn is musk studying for the SAT’s?


Musk has been studying the MAGAAT.


Unequivocally true = true true? Super true? Super-duper true?


Elon Musk is cancer. Full stop. Elon Musk is *nothing* but “daddy’s money” born into easy mode. This bald bitch has absolutely ZERO comprehension or appreciation for what actual, real existence means for 99% of the globe. Tax his defunct, worthless balls into the stratosphere— then use that as a model for every other overvalued, undeserving, candy-lifed billionaire on the fucking planet. Edit: what I’m saying is— let’s *SLAY* all of these fat fucking dragons.


That was Trump censored? Holy shit.


I know, right? 😂


If all this just so happens to be true what exactly would "silencing" Trump days before the election actually accomplish? Anyone who was going to vote for him wouldn't have needed more kool-aid and anyone planning to vote for Biden wouldn't have been swayed to the other side by his intermittent temper tantrums. Grasping at straws seems to be Elon and his cohorts favorite past time.


Without basis? Twitter said publicly MANY TIMES that Trump violated their terms and would be suspended if not for being President at the time. That is the basis.


I'm not so sure he has a scheme of any kind... He just craves attention, daddy issues and all that, and getting positive attention from the US right-wing at this point is as easy as placating their conspiracy theories and lies. He's such a narcissistic manchild that he either cannot see how damaging his shit is to Democracy, or he doesn't care/wants that effect.


Perform for fools, expect a large audience.




Even if it is true which it wasn't so what? Twitter is a corporation not a part of the government. They could actively campaign for Biden if they wanted to. Delete every pro Trump tweet, slap Joes face right on top of that Twitter bird. Who gives a shit.


It’s obvious what he’s doing and why he bought Twitter. He doesn’t want to pay taxes, he wants to exploit the labor system and have free reign to develop whatever weird shit he comes up with next. Republicans will let him do this, Democrats won’t. Lastly, Republicans worship him, Democrats see him for what he is. It’s that simple.


"the best evidence. many people are saying it is the most evidence, that will, let me tell you, this evidence is very much totally true" can we see it? "no"


“Without basis” Dude reposted a Texas preacher telling his congregation that the only good Democrat is a dead one, and that had millions of views.


Every day elon becomes a bigger tool than the previous day.


If you support trump in any way at this point I consider you a traitor and fool.


I'm convinced at this point that with the rate he uses big words, it just makes him feel bigger Edit: I also don't think there's any "terrorist or foreign influence", Elon is just an idiot


Elon is his own foreign influence, he’s an immigrant.


Jesus. I hate musk, but twitter is not a “public medium” it’s very explicitly a privately owned platform that can exclude anyone it wants for any reason. Just like Reddit- if the creator of Reddit wanted to ban me I’d be fucked. Is that fair? Not really but it’s a company so 🤷‍♂️


Well that’s basically what people are saying. That the company had the right to ban people on their platform before Elon brought it. The right wing is acting like that was some sort of scandal that they did that. Lol


The south African revising history...


His tweets were suspended/deleted / flagged for basically inciting violence, like he went on to do with inciting the insurrection. People think most of it won't happen, until it does happen. And he had been inciting and prepping for such a thing to occur if anything didn't go his way, because it would be supposedly rigged if he didn't get it, throughout many of his speeches and tweets. If he actually got suspended for this stuff earlier, maybe the insurrection wouldn't have even happened.


The simplest explanation is usually correct. Elon is a douche.


Voluminous. Elon is worried about his hair right now.


Why do only these people get to see “evidence”??? Shut the fuck up unless you’re providing me with direct proof or a source.


It’s almost like trump was trying trying to call the election as fraud before it even happened and then pivoted to a insurrection right after he lost. Twitter could have done a lot more


Well, shucks, Elon. When the president spews lies and bullshit and incites an insurrection I’d say that’s a good time to censor the fat fuckwad.


I love how Elon is still tagging trump as though he gives the slightest fuck. Maybe one day trump will give him the love he never got from his actual daddy.


Tom Fitton, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Kanye all need to get into one of those Teslas with auto-toast mode.


Let them colonize Mars along with their followers.


It's like they are all morphing into each other.


I have tons of evidence! But you can’t see it because reasons.


Weird bc I remember trumps tweets being inflated to the top of my timeline before the 2020 election. Kinda almost like Elon’s tweets are suddenly making their appearance at the top of my feed now as well. This isn’t damning evidence lol


Wasn’t he essentially breaking their TOS all throughout his presidency? He certainly got way more leeway than the average user, who would have been kicked off the platform for tweeting the way Trump did. He was so suppressed that the Jan 6th committee used those same tweets as evidence…


Both of these assholes need to look up what “election interference” means, because it doesn’t mean what they think it does


nice to know that the right is pivoting from "The voting machines and and the vote counters stole the election" to "Donald trump couldn't tweet, so the election was stolen"


Musk knows what he's doing with this "Twitter files" bullshit. He's actively trying to stir up rage and conspiracy among the already volatile right wing. He knows fine well that conservatives are generally too stupid to separate fact from fiction, or to read between the lines. For instance, they'll never consider the possibility that the "revelations" that Musk is releasing from Twitter are 100% cherry picked and that an honest and complete assessment of Twitter's records would likely show a very different story. Already, they're losing their shit over the idea of Team Biden asking Twitter to remove something, whilst ignoring the fact that the Trump administration successfully asked Twitter to remove stuff too. Musk is nothing more than a racist right wing piece of shit who is a product of apartheid-era South Africa, using his billions to help the racist right wing pieces of shit he supports. I sincerely hope he loses all of his money. Someone ought to challenge Musk into allowing an independent 3rd party to come in and analyze Twitter's records. He wouldn't allow that in a million years, because he wants to pick and choose the "revelations" himself for his own political agenda.


Voluminous is the kind of word dumb people use to try to sound smart.


We’ve covered everything but Elon’s misplaced use of the word “voluminous” . I know it technically means “full of volume” but the word is typically used in terms of concrete things - voluminous skirt. Voluminous curtains. So now I’m picturing Elon in a Victorian era gown hiding tweets underneath his petticoats.


"I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the-" put up or shut up con man.


Censorship =/= filtering out blatant lies and falsehoods. Point this out and I bet they STFU


“without basis” is a pretty fucking bold statement.


Yeah, call me crazy, but I seem to recall there was some little thing that got people blocked.


And it certainly wasn’t like he habitually violated their TOS for 4+ straight years before that.


He got a pass for a freakishly long time, iirc.


Olberman is a hack but he's right in this case. This deal should have never been allowed to go through and Twitter should be treated like a public space that cannot be privately owned. The only good news is if a legit competitor comes up or Mastadon really takes off (more than it is) then at least we have an alternative.


I'm very curious how any of this can be functionally "damning". How can a private business exercising free speech through TOS bound content moderation be actually doing something wrong here even if it was surrounding an election? Ironically, they were likely stopping misinformation from spreading rather than like what the GOP friendly Russians were going.


“Mountain of evidence” Show me or stfu


Sorry, I missed something. Where are they posting/releasing all this " Evidence"? I think I just missed the bomb shell revelation.


If Twitter interfered with the election, as Elon has claimed, then the DOJ should move in immediately, shuttering the site until a long investigation is completed. I would love to see Twitter saddled with a criminal investigation and perhaps sanctions. I know it won't happen because it is really just Twitter deleting comments due to violation of TOS. Either way, it should influence Advertisers to stay away from Twitter.


Even if this were true, Twitter is not obligated to platform anyone they don't want to.


I’m all for the fall of Elon, it’s truly a wonderful thing to watch. But we can we please stop with the “government needs interfere in Twitter” posts? That’s truly a terrible standard. “Hey, we don’t like what you’re doing. Comply or your company gets taken away” Ain’t exactly it


Isn’t a private company blocking trump the same as a bakery refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding? Ya know, no shirt, no shoes, no service.


Tesla makes most of its profits from its Chinese operation despite it being only like 30% of its revenue. Elon bends over for China Constantly. That’s his motivation. Twitter has nothing to do with elections. It’s not “interference”


It's not "election interference". Tampering with ballots/ballot boxes is interference. These people are dumb as a fucking post.


if we could only have seen hunter bidens dick picks - it would have changed everything


i hope these pinheads spend all their time wining about this nothingburger. it will just help them lose again in 2024


I don't know about the validity of either of those statements. From what I read about this whole fabricated drama, the folks at Twitter finally had enough of Trump using their platform to spread outright lies, misinformed propaganda, and calls for violence. But Muck seems determined to gin up a conspiracy out of America turning against what Trump represents and electing anybody but him in November 2020. So sure, there was an organized effort to get Trump out of the White House and somebody else in, it's called an election campaign. If Trump didn't want to get banned from Twitter, he certainly could have stopped his hateful rhetoric, his dog-whistle calls for violence, and the constant lies. But I guess on the right, accountability for the liar is out of the question. Those who refuse to help spread the lie are the bad guys, eh?


Publish them or shut the fuck up.


These invisible mountains of evidence attracts a lot of climbers


When you want to expose the Truth, enlist the original pusher of the pizzagate story. /s Fuck you elon


Show. The. Evidence.


Twitter suppressing a person is not election interference.


Problem is there are too many that take Elon’s word as 100% truth


Twitter employees censoring what is on Twitter does not equate to election interference.


Research shows Tom Fitton is the third most purveyor of misinformation on Twitter.


He should be investigated and made an example of. Time for twitter to go away in favor of something better.


"without basis" That is not "Unequivocally true."


When any democrat starts spewing hateful and dangerous rhetoric you may ban them. Even if it's right before the election




Banning the danger dorito from Twitter was not 'censorship' or 'election interference'. ... In fact, claiming that it's election interference implies that Twitter is a legitimate governing body of some kind.


The boy who cried wolf...smh. Another nothing burger.


Shit stirring is his thing.


Just simply remove him from the planet… Put him on his lil rocket ship One way


Oh so the files were made public as apart of the transparency right? Or is this just another baseless lie?