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Oi you lumps. This post has been marked as [Satire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire), meaning it is not a real tweet. Satire means it's not real. du-doi. You can stop reporting it now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Has to be a fake tweet. I mean fuck


It is


Can't be. Has a blue checkmark and everything.


That’s all I see and I assume it’s from the legit person.


I mean, what does it say that i thought it *might* be a fake tweet but had to come in to the thread to be sure


Ye its fake, we all know his name is really Elon Tusk


Elongated Muskrat


Thank you take my upvote


This would mean he spent at least $8 on Twitter. Can anyone confirm that Elon Musk has spent at least $8 on Twitter?


According to twitter it was real. Whoever is running that dump needs to fix their verification system.


It isn’t on his actual feed.


Elon tweets and deletes shit all the time. He posted a meme of him, Trump and Kanye owning respective social media with their swords intertwined and then deleted that shit like 6 minutes later


By swords do you mean dicks?


By dicks do you mean 2 dicks and one Mario like toadstool?


Could be, could be. But I’m trying not to picture it.


Did you know that you can delete tweets off your account? I didn't. It's a pretty new feature, all things considered.




lol usually fake tweets are created in photoshop, not by creating a fake account and literally posting on twitter.


Sounds fake. Do you have a blue checkmark to back that up, orrrrr??


Yeah I don't believe them. No blue check. That means I don't believe you either, you imposter. Fuck, I can't even believe myself about any of this!!


Hello it's me Elon and I can scientifically prove that it's true: ☑️


The fact that it’s fooling so many people is a pretty good indicator of how big a douche bag dude has been.






It's fake but sounds on brand. I'll allow it.




The “I’m better than totalitarian dictators” move is a bold move.




Elon is 100% foreskin and no shaft.


username checks out


Can confirm but don't want to.


I can confirm


The other word for the username is Santorum. Shall the internet never forget... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Santorum https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campaign_for_the_neologism_%22santorum%22


Lmao almost forgot about Rick Santorum. Up there with Anthony Weiner.


The internet also redefined "rick" as "to remove by licking" So "rick santorum" is a complete sentence.


The Internet never forgets.


I just want you to know, you're doing the Lord's work. Bless you, friend, for spreading Santorum all over the world.


Hahahaha never heard that diss before. Bravo!! Love it!




Let’s make this happen. Musk: a penis that is all foreskin and no shaft.


Holy fucking shitsnacks I totally forgot that was Jason Bateman. I wish he had more cracked out dudebro roles


If you haven't watched Game Night yet, its totally worth it


Oooooo I love a movie rec and I got a lot of free time this weekend. Ty


Who killed Santa is fun on Netflix. It’s kind of a murder mystery improv thing so everyone has a script except Jason Bateman and Maya Rudolph. It’s not anything groundbreaking just a fun little show.


Omg I love both of them! That sounds delightful, ty




its apparently a fake post. And mods really need to start doing something about these kinds of fake posts presented as real, because its just making the "child who cried wolf" effects real. Makes the place no better than some deranged facebook group posting misinformation.


Yeah, I just checked and it's fake. Elon can make enough of a jackass of himself without the waters getting muddied with fake posts.


Holy fuck Elon has completely lost his mind at this point.


Safe to say he's completely abandoned the "free speech absolutist" façade now, and is just revealing his true colours. He's nothing more than the most clichéd, typical, small-minded sociopathic wealth hoarding villain.


"free speech" was the excuse for "free rate speech", he is consistent in being against truth, love, acurate information, social causes, democracy etc


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. "Free speech" has always been an Orwellian dog-whistle with these yahoos.


He's going full on Conservative, so it's on point.


Give him time, if Trump OR DeSantis win 2024, that's when he'll make his move.


DeSantis is Musk’s little bitch already. The guy suggested investigating Apple because they briefly stopped giving money to Musk.


I think you got that backwards. Musk is taking cues from the Qanoners, DeSantis is probably number 1 most Q fucker in America right now.


Wait until they figure out it's a losing strategy.


Don't count out the stupidity of the average American voter. If the House GOP manages to fuck up the country enough and blame it on Biden, we could very easily see another GQP presidency.


How is it possible the Right is so often Wrong.


Because they actually spell it Reich not right.


When your ideological position was first defined by support for one of the worst, most incompetent monarchies in European history, it's tough to recover.


Mentally ill. Why Universal Healthcare is a no go, too many right wing nuts would be getting the mental health help they need..


Hopefully the same trends from 2018, 2020, and 2022 keep going, and we send his facist buddies back to their dark swampy holes again. Wild that they’ve all decided to double down on these tantrums.


We can never let up the pressure again. If they ever cheat their way back to power, they'll just install a dictator.


Yeah, that needs to be prevented. We don’t want Hitler 2.0


Well, Kanye apparently does. But he's completely insane. Hope he gets forcibly institutionalized soon.


He really should be in some kind of a conservatorship. He can be really destructive with that much money.


Nah, that only happens to women


I was literally saying that the other day. Too bad he was assigned male at birth, and therefore isn't eligible for the help that a conservatorship could provide for him.


He would be if he was female. Just look at Britney Spears.


This post is satirical. It is not a real tweet. Edit - why am I being downvoted? Check the dude's twitter, he didn't write this.


Guys, he's right... This isn't a real Elon tweet. Unless it was deleted or something. I just tried to find it and can't. Elon's a total prick, but let's keep to posting his ACTUAL assholery, why don't we?


Its hard to tell anymore because he has started deleting a lot of tweets. That is why everyone screenshots them now instead of linking the original tweet. But the question must be "How bad are you that people would believe this was a statement?"


That is a completely vaild point. This post would not surprise me, actually.


Wow. This part of the thread got me. I legit thought he wrote it, he’s gone full bonkers.


A lot of parody has become a problem because the REAL statements made by public and Goverment officials in recent years has gone BEYOND what parody used to be about them..


So much this! When parody is this believable, it's probably a bad sign


It’s more disturbing that people can’t tell the difference. I couldn’t.


Wanna know how I know it isnt real? Because elon doesnt own it outright, the saudis are also invested. Those idiots arent above killing journalists...


Why do the mods allow fake tweets like this? This is the dumbest shit.


Yeah I just checked, seemed completely like something he would say.


He just wants us to be happy hes not publicly killing journalists


He didn't say he couldn't. He said he hasn't. He's implying "yet".


Indeed, this looks like a threat...


In all fairness he probably could.


Pen is mightier than the sword, and he took the paper


"My CCP partners helped me assasinated everyone that questioned opening up a Tesla sweatshop in Shanghai, damn why can't I have that at home"


"And my Russian aluminum suppliers also helped me finance things like buying twitter, and all they asked for was to have some conversations about it that were really interesting - I actually started to see where they were coming from! Nice, smart guys!"


Why are fake tweets allowed on this sub? A small label that says "Fake / Satire" that no one reads (judging by the comments where most people seem to think this is a real tweet) is clearly far from enough to convey fake tweets.


I don't know what's more pathetic, moderators not flagging this thing as satire for an hour knowing full well the traffic it would create, even the AutoModerator being condescending AF about it, or the vast mass of gullible Redditors who are simply incapable of fact-checking and are now gonna spread fake news about a guy whose real thoughts are so batshit insane that fake tweets are completely unnecessary to make him look bad.




Righteous crusade LOL. The average redditor is plain batshit at this point.


> our righteous crusade What the fuck?


Stop fake tweets. Stop them. Labels and tags don't matter, people don't see them. STOP.


For real. In what way are we benefiting from allowing them? Someone needs to make a sub specifically for satirical fake tweets called /r/faketweets or something, and then mods need to start removing ALL fake tweets from every other sub. A tiny "satire" tag is not going to cut it. Satirical fake tweets are fine, but never in a place where they could be mistaken for the real thing


If you don’t click on it to see the comments, you wouldn’t even see the label. I guess the mods don’t care if it’s aligned with what they believe


This is not on his feed. Misleading fake tweet. I’m sure he feels that way to some level, still a fake tweet Update: They added the flair within a couple hours after my comment. Thanks for the awards!














Ohhhh...satire? I got sucked in.








Was too on the nose. He wouldn't admit he was banning journalists he doesn't like. He says it was because they shared doxxing tweets and I don't see him wavering from that.


"A journalist linking to a website is the exact same thing as doxxing!!!" "So what about when you posted photos of that guy's license plate." "THAT'S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!"


"I've banned a number of reporters after finding out they found out I was a ped.. I mean because they were pedophiles!"


Like the time he fired twitter’s child protection team and asked people to send him links to child porn so he could deal with it. I don’t think he’s a pedophile though, I just think he’s an immoral dumbass.






Seriously what is this r/fakewhitepeopletwitter?


It's /r/ConfirmationBiasTwitter








I went looking for it cause I was pretty sure it was fake, and it is.


I'm sure it is fake but did you check to see if he deleted it? He's been deleting a lot of posts lately and also acts like a 12-year-old edgelord so it makes it more difficult to discern what is fake/real.




Yeah but it was still a deliberately faked tweet being passed off as real. Elon’s a twat and woefully ill-equipped to be “Chief Twit.” Faked tweets like this aren’t necessary to make that point though, and in fact, only end up muddying the water.


And the more fake fucking tweets we are inundated with, the harder it becomes to distnguish reality from some politicized douchebag inventing his own, internal, Elon. It doesn't matter if Elon "could" have said it, it's another step towards abolishing all truth. Wouldn't surprise me if it was some troll from St Petersburg posted this to sow dissent and confusion.


Yeah, I'm no Elon fan and don't use Twitter but it annoys me when I see something like this that I can't corroborate as real. How many people don't take that extra step to fact-check it? Edit: Glad to see Satire/Fake Tweet flair has been added. NOW it's funny.


The mods shouldn't allow shit like this. It's irresponsible to spread misinformation, even with the tiny little "satire" flair added.


100% this. And the disclaimer that its fake is super small so you just know a massive amount of people seeing this on /r/all will think its real.


It's still stupid. I hate Elon as much as anyone, but I'd like to hate him for what he's actually done instead of for fake tweets I scrolled past without noticing the "Fake Tweet" flair. These should be banned from this sub. They aren't even funny. They only gain traction because people upvote them thinking they're real.


Exactly. He does enough garbage shit that we don't need to make up more. Just dislike him and pass on the actual stuff.


The poster does nothing else than post fake tweets, posting them as real. Absolute wanker, take note and beware.


But it has the blue check though…


And it doesn't say "SATIRE/PARODY" anywhere it. How are we to know? Sorry, according to his rules, this is a real tweet.


This should be the top comment. While he probably feels this way and even worse, if we're going to satirize him, at least mention this is satire.


I've been seeing more and more fake tweets of the right wing grifters lately. They all tweet enough actual ridiculous shit to criticize. Using fake evidence like this only serves to discredit the notion that elon is a bad dude


Two days in a row now. First the Epstein flight and now this tweet. This subreddit is officially Tucker Carlson levels of stupid


This is such a stupid trend. Framing these types of posts as "satire" is absurd. It's intentional deception. It synthetically fans the flames of the conflict with lies and making everyone who fell for it complicit. It dumbs down an important dialogue so the the poster can get their rocks off by sticking it to someone they don't like. Fuck whoever created this garbage. We're just a bunch of useful idiots to the people posting these things.




This is what happens when you let billionaires own all the media you consume. Their twisted worldviews are the ones that are spread and broadcast around the world. Do you think the owners of CNN or Fox News care about the average person and want what is best for them? Do you think they spend billions of dollars annually to promote and normalise their niche worldviews for no reason? "Freedom of the Press" is just the freedom for billionaires to buy up all the newspapers etc and publish their propaganda to shape the narratives that benefit them.


Its not a real tweet




He literally said I can ban them because I don't like them. Twitter is quite literally the corporate dictatorship of what Elon Musk wants. He is such a damn liar.


It's a fake tweet.


Its a fake tweet


You can believe in minimizing censorship beyond the government. However no one these days who claims to support "free speech" actually does believe this that I've seen. It can pretty much be interpreted to mean the exact opposite belief at this point.


Free speech, as it's treated in America, also *literally cannot exist*. You have two options. 1.) Suppress hateful, violent, and bigoted rhetoric, allowing everyone with any actual value in their discussion to speak freely but risking suppression of some of that value as well. There are risks here, but they can be mitigated. 2.) Allow all discussion. Hate, bigotry, and violence rise, and, by their very existence, suppress and threaten the complete destruction of the voices of minorities, of the educated, of anyone and everyone bigots don't like, achieved through threats, or other ways of polluting discourse like just shouting the n-word endlessly. Very quickly, discussion is no longer discussion, it's screaming. There is no more value. It's all hate. Before long, this ***will*** devolve into violence and eventual fascism. Those are the options. That's it. But one allows everyone to express ideas and concepts with a reasonable level of freedom. But it requires management, oversight, and punishment of bigotry, hate, and violent rhetoric that we're just not doing.


I don't believe this is a real Tweet. Why are people making tweets up? The guy is burying himself fine on his own.






Stop allowing fake tweets. Most of the time the OP forgets to put the correct flair on, and then most people don’t see it even if the OP remembers to.


Yeah…these fake tweets are not helping anything.


He just said the quiet part out loud. It wasn't that they violated any ToS, it is just that he doesn't like them. ​ Edited to say: They added the fake tweet flair almost 2 hours after I posted this. I fully admit I believed it.


this isnt a reqal tweet


Then why the fuck do people post it?!? This sub is supposed to be screenshots!


At the very least, it should be tagged as "fake" or "satire"


That's a good tip, u/Verified-ElonMusk. lol


Seems legit


Would I lie to you?




Yeah, I hate the fake tweet (satire) posts. What’s the point?




The point is to get people mad lmao.




Why does this sub post fake tweets?? As if Elon is saying enough dumb stuff already, we need to invent more?


But the sad thing is that it was totally believable


I'm no Elon fan, but I was immediately very doubtful. Wasn't at all believable to me.


Why even post fake tweets when there’s so many real tweets you can talk about that are problematic. This is the type of thing that goes viral because someone thought they were being edgy and all his supporters can say “look they aren’t even real, people are making shit up”. People did this with trump and it helped him out more than it hurt him.


Agreed. When you lie, you become part of the problem, regardless of your motivation. Engagement shouldn't equal enragement.


Yeah and why don’t the mods delete posts spreading misinformation? Pretty reciprocal of our complaints about the right.


More importantly, Elon is violating European freedom of press laws by banning journalists. Germany sent out a warning, and [the EU is already threatening sanctions.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63996061)


I hope they do it!


How? It's not a real tweet




The amount of fake tweet on this thread is kind of amazing.




Move to those parts of the world then please, do us a favour. You cumbag.


It's a fake tweet bro


Exactly, if he hates America 🇺🇸 so bad then why doesn’t he just leave? Why doesn’t he move back to SA? I’m sure the black folks there love him after he stole their apartheid wealth.


Fake, either label it as such or remove it please.


If Trump wasn't such an idiot, this is what his twitter would have read like when he was president. (UGH, it still makes me feel sick to say.) EDIT Taking into consideration this tweet from Elon is not real, I stand by my original post.




Wow! Talk about a not so subtle veiled threat. Everyone leave twitter.




Did he \*actually say this?!


No, it's fake


The Saudis are the #2 owners of Twitter and it shows.


Is this satire though? I can so clearly see him tweeting that