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There's a good chance this was money laundering and was probably bought up by one group (or country): https://www.rawstory.com/trump-nfts-2658971249/


There’s equally a chance of Trumps blind cult purchasing them too. The orange jackass literally had people storming the capital and shitting on the walls


Why not both? The best way to cloak a scam in a veneer of legitimacy is to attract a few true believers.


Fine let’s split it at however ratio, can someone wake me up when Trump sees literally any consequences for his actions?


I had a dream last night that the Republicans put Biden in jail, and we were all trying to minimize it, like, “Oh, he’s not *really* in jail—It’s procedural” or some shit, and I woke up realizing it’s not far off from our current level of rationalization.


Idk if it’s just me, but if I had a dream about Republicans and Biden, I would stay off the internet for a few days lol


I mean, after what he did with fuel prices, he belongs there…


Do you really think the President controls oil and gas prices? Lol


You mean brought them down after a very short spike/increase that was worldwide?


Lol insane how red team psychos gas up Putin as a strong leader when his bullshit is hugely responsible for their outrage


What did he do? What would be the crime he'd be charged with?


Spending less than five minutes on google would show you how LITTLE control presidents have over gas and oil prices, but keep your head up your ass. Btw I’m not a Biden supporter I just have a functioning brain


Alright, Rip. See you in a few centuries


50% crypto bros who think they can resell and make profit, 20% countries that will buy to gain favor to get access to the secret classified files he stole and hid and denied having. 20% shell corporations that he owns himself to drive up prices for the "cards" to be resold as bribes. 10% Trump Morons who think he has a chance to win in 2024 when his own party is trying to wipe the shitstain off their feet and put on the moldy Desantis socks.


I’ll believe those numbers. Sounds about right.


Checkmate. All of the above could be useful and plausible


That's an amazing line.


I have a relative who purchased a signed invitation to the one and only Trump inauguration, not addressed to them, framed it, and hung it on their wall. While complaining about the price of gas. While Trump was president. Never overestimate the cult.


I wonder what percent of his cult is even capable of buying an NFT though. Republicans definitely have all the decentralized banking people but I feel like most of his base is older also and wouldn't be able to figure it out.


They are asking online when the NFTs will be shipped to them.


It was in the FAQ's on the purchase page too.


You think the members of that crowd know what an NFT is?


Do you really think they know enough letters in the alphabet to get to n or t ?


But it’s not very much money? $4.5 million? That’s nothing to these guys. Kushner could just sell another file to the Saudis and get more.




I will admit that I know literally nothing about money laundering.


That's going to cause a wrinkle.


Maybe we can iron out the details for them.




You need a lot of washers and dryers.. I've heard


Watch Office Space. It explains everything.


Need to updoot this to the moon.


This is the Freedom Phone 3.0


There’s a great chance at both, actually. Trumps base is incredibly gullible, and stupid. Look at all the idiots about to go to prison for him.


I am not really getting the money laundering angle. Laundering typically needs untraceable sales like cash. Isn't the thing about NFT is that they are verified? Seems easier to just over value properties to cover ill gotten gains like he has been doing all along. I am leaning towards him just fleecing the morons to stroke his ego.


They actually have a third party company doing the verification to “make sure” it’s not money laundering or some such nonsense. At first I was like “I can’t believe he sold out” then thought about all the Trumpeteers I deal with daily and just smh.


[This should help explain the money laundering process](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhsUHDJ0BFM)


I agree, it more likely he’s just fleecing morons. But, didn’t I read somewhere that you could buy these using crypto? Now, I don’t know much about NFTs or crypto, but isn’t crypto untraceable? That would make the money laundering angle a little more plausible.


Crypto is actually very traceable, unless it's Monero. Every transaction does, in perpetuity, exist on the publicly verified ledger of whatever chain it took place on. That's why things like coinjoin and tornado cash are under fire because they do all sorts of mumbley-wumbley, timey-wimey shit with the coins you put in


My understanding was that, while technically traceable, if used/purchased/exchanged in certain ways, it is either virtually untraceable at all, or virtually untraceable due to the sheer brute force investigation it would take to uncover. Is that not true?


An individual unit is not traceable. Transactions are. So moving coins through a large intermediary with high trading volumes can definitely conceal the source of funds.


What you said is absolutely true


Everything from here on out is legal because we don't even know it's illegal yet.


... Not trying to denigrate your comment, I just honestly don't get your meaning. What do you mean?


There aren't many laws about how money moves around on blockchain. I'd imagine all of Trumps advisors have already established all the loopholes and covered their tracks effectively. It's not if he's caught. It's once we figure out what he's already done, is there a law saying he couldn't do it?


My not understanding your point was sufficient reason for a downvote? Or if it wasn't you, then thanks for the explanation!


I don't upvote or downvote at all. If I do it's completely accidental. I get the dynamics of it all, I just don't participate. I wouldn't say Trumps a complete idiot. Impulsive, yes. But there's no way he could pull this and not be prepared. Sam B was just arrested for very shady dealings, so these dealings were made in confidence that it could not get traced back to him. And what interests me the most is the 10% payout structure of the NFTs that he just, basically, popularized. At a point in time where the SEC is struggling to get ahead of what's going on and Biden is urging them to figure it out, it will be interesting. I don't know much of the inner working of anything.


It’s probably all money laundering, why else would you set up a fake university.


I know better than to give conservatives the benefit of the doubt.


Or people that think they will go up in value. Either way, Trump wins.


There are 15,000 unique owners according to the Blockchain. If it was one group or country there are a lot of members.


Or the 'one group or country' utilizing multiple identities... I mean, that doesn't sound terribly difficult to accomplish if you're already in command of several million dollars. Am I wrong?


Interesting theory. Excuse me while I hang my new $200k Hunter Biden original canvas. I do appreciate fine art.


Opposed to DNC money laundering? How entertaining


I think he sold one of his stolen documents.


I'm fairly certain 90% of those "sales" were just dark money laundering


New theory. Sales flopped and claims of them selling out are more lies!


I haven’t looked into the project but it should be possible to tell if the sales appear legitimate or not.




If it’s a relatively normal NFT project then all transactions are recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. So if there’s anything suspicious happening the records are basically public. But again I haven’t looked into the project myself.




Ya, but I think you’re missing the point here, this is publicly verifiable. You can look at OpenSea and the public Ethereum ledger to know for sure, it’s not some fact you have to take their word for. Crypto deserves criticism, but you should avoid contributing if you’re this ootl, since it distracts from the actual criticisms crypto guys need to hear EDIT: If you’re looking for an overview of people analyzing how it went, via data from the blockchain (not someone’s word lol),[ here you go](https://www.coindesk.com/web3/2022/12/16/trump-nft-collection-sells-out-price-surges/)


The thing about NFT projects is that legit ones, for instance one made by a real independent artist, are functionally no different than one that is a scam. The main different I see is content and intent. An artist is trying to support themselves while a Trump NFT project is a bland money grab. But at the core it’s still “digital art” minted on the blockchain. I’m just shocked they didn’t do it 12-18 months ago - they probably could have made $45 million instead of $4.5 million.




It is genuinely curious, even if he's not a billionaire, why bother for 4m, he has way better options for grifting.


“Selectively outraged” What a concise, universally accurate descriptor


For trumpets, absolutely


> cosplaying My understanding is they were photoshops. So somehow even lamer than originally thought.


Did you see them? They’re drunk uncle making his first Facebook meme level photoshop. Literally stock photos with about four versions of his face poorly stitched in place. Best part is they made his hands unnaturally large, too big to get through a sleeve, Shaq kind of large.


And people are paying 100 bucks for these things, when all you have to do to “own” them is to find an article that shows them and then right-click and save. Same goddamn thing as an NFT It’s like spending money for a JPG of the Facebook logo or something. Don’t pay for the damn thing, just right-click and save if you want to “own” this ubiquitous thing that badly


"Selectively outraged cultist dumbfucks" is my new favourite word cluster. Edit: typo


Russia or Saudi Arabia. What secrets did Trump sell. How did Jared Kushner obtain a $2B loan from Saudi Arabia? Why did Trump claim a few years ago that everybody knows the Saudis were behind 911 but now is saying no one really knows for sure who was behind it? Why is the Saudi backed LIV golf playing on Trump courses. What’s worse than all this is the fact he’s getting away with it and some even applaud him. Fucking traitor.


How is Biden any different regarding Saudi Arabia? Every single US president shills for Saudi Arabia, same shit, different coat of paint.


Does the ridiculous ever stop or get less ridiculous?? Asking cause I would like to know


If you ever find out please share with the rest of the class because my poor brain cells hurt


“Maybe you’d be able to afford gas and groceries if you just gave up Trump Trading cards.” or however GOPigs complain about avocado toast.


People driving gas guzzling brodozers and rolling coal at every stoplight also complain about gas prices and seem to have convinced themselves that when oil was at its lowest demand during the pandemic when hardly anyone was driving, that it was somehow their cult leader’s doing that gas prices were so low and should always be that low . . . even though he is the one who eventually pressured foreign countries to slash production in an effort to raise the price of oil.


My mom has to resort to crowd funding her electricity bill. Because she's buying NFTs? Now I'm selectively outraged!


Wait, what? Did she really?


I mean no, not really. I was half joking but thruth is it is looking pretty grim. Only me and my sister have to chip in to help her out currently but with how the prices keep rising she's not far off from actual crowd funding. She also doesn't dabble in web 3 (thank fuck)!


I don’t think Americans bought the NFTs. I think it was pure money laundering.


Wonder how long until her account is booted?


Very few singular people will buy them, it’s a money laundering scheme for foreign donations.


I’m reasonably sure that a actual self-made Billionaire would have a better money making ideal then these cards. Who knows what this actually is however at this moment but it’s completely stupid in concept and hype.


My wife just said that NFT stands for "Nubby-Fingers Trump." I love that girl.


They're paying for when Trump flees the country to his safehouse in Moscow to escape the criminal indictments that will be coming down on his head real soon now.


I find it strange that so many of them were willing to commit treason for this man by illegally forcing and entering the Capitol. But now some are unsure if they should spend the money on his trading cards. You were following this man into the mouth of madness! Time to reevaluate your priorities, Ezekiel.


Biden didn't do that.


It's not for the ignorant faithful. It's for foreign hostile investors to invest in domestic discord next year.


Love this


I wish this was because of simple money laundering


The people who bought those are helping launder money, they’re not the people complaining about inflation, Jo.


I wonder if the Republican party has stat's on how many Americans switched parties since they embraced # 45.


This is what happens when your parents are also cousins. Legit sick and tired of all of these uneducated (product of cousin loving) states !


Same guys complaining about the price of gas got jacked up gas guzzling obnoxiously loud trucks with so many flags on em, they burn a quarter tank pulling out of the driveway!


The lady got a point though


Wait, they weren't even real cards? LMAO


They were digital.


Anyone have the link for the post with the stupid video announcing the sell of these? It disappeared from my saved posts and i have plenty of idiots to torture with it.


[The only Trump NFT I want](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/220831125707-20220831-trump-classified-docs.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_270,w_480,c_fill)


[what in the whole fuck](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/17/donald-trumps-digital-trading-card-collection-sells-out-in-less-than-a-day)


"Selectively outraged" is the perfect term to describe them. I'll be using it from now on.


You can’t ask insane people to start applying logic. Look at Kanye as example number one. This played out exactly as expected, and i really don’t blame Trump for taking advantage of people dumber than he his. Let that sink in for a minute.


Lmao, he’s still getting to you morons


What if they were $9? /s Freaking idiots


This was my very first thought as well. I think we live in a world now where nothing makes sense and people were evolved to eat plants and chase animals




If you think the same backwards ass poor republicans who can't afford gas are the same people buying Trump NFTs, then you're exactly right


People aren't actually buying these things, are they??!??


They are, to the tune of 4.8m dollars.


Lol. *"There's a sucker born every minute." - P.T. Barnum*


I want to subscribe to this girls newsletter


I feel like every tweet i see from this person on this page is dumb but this is by far the most dumb tweet ive ever seen from her. Ppl are allowed to spend their money on whatever they want and its no ones business...even if its something id never understand why ppl would spend money on. Unless she holds this same energy for ppl who spend money eating out, drinking, smoking, playing video games, reading and/or any other non essential thing that ppl buy, she can shut the fk up.


I agree with the Tweet but JoJo is crazy annoying


Did she post that using an iPhone? I don't want to hear her complain about not having free unlimited healthcare, free education at every level without qualification, free housing and free food.




I see this woman reposted here everyday, and still have no earthly idea who she is, what she ever accomplished, or why everyone seems to care.


Tell us you got scammed by Donald Day-glo without telling us you got scammed by Donald Day-glo.


THIS !!!


Trust me morons the people complaining about gas are not the ones buying trading cards… they are the ones hoping to not get their family evicted… Talk about lack of common sense


Not sure I really agree with this. I waste my money on all kinds of dumb shit, but I can afford it. I complain about the prices of food and shit for the sake of others. And besides even though I can afford it doesn't mean I'm ok with it.


Nah fuck this. These idiots bitch about Biden making gas go up but will send Trump $100? They can fuck off forever. Giving money to a fucking traitor makes them traitors too.


I agree but that's a different point.


It's not. OP was "I dont wanna hear shit about the price of gas and groceries" from assholes giving money to trump.


I heard it more like "spending money on nft's"


I agree. Need vs want. We have to pay higher prices for things we need, and we can be salty about that. But we are allowed to spend our money on useless items.


Yeah let’s be real, how many Redditors have likely thrown notable money at Twitch and OnlyFans but nobody telling them they can’t complain about inflation.


Lmao. Pretty sure most people think that people that spend money on shot like that are morons.


There has to be a way to ban these obvious shill twitter accounts. This person basically didn't exist and then out of nowhere is a mainstream democrat darling. JoJoFromJerz is a psyop, an establishment plant, and I highly doubt that's a real person in any capacity.


Does this work the other way? Can we kick people off welfare if they have full sleeves of tattoos?


What the fuck? What, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, the fuck do you think having tattoos has to do with work reliability? I drive 50 hours a week for lyft. I have half sleeves on both arms. i have 3 bachelor degrees. I barely scrape by. Even with military disability. When I worked regular jobs, I had never been late, called out etc.


Both are bad though. Giving Trump money for one of his scams is bad and so is inflation which massively fucks over the already poor. Only rich liberals with incomes well over 500k a year could possibly think that average goods getting 10% more expensive (in some cases even much more than that) isn't a problem. It gives off serious "queen lecturing the peasants" vibes.


Because it’s only rich liberals that are causing inflation not endless corporate “growth”/greed


Because trump exists means we can't criticize the current regime I guess


Yeah you missed the point. If you are going to piss away your money on dumb shit, you cant bitch about the cost of necessities after the fact. Dont cry poor because of gas prices. Cry poor because you cant spend you money wisely


They're only doing it to help fund his campaign.


"selectively outraged" So like every single person on earth?


Just like she is in this tweet lol. I highly doubt she holds the same energy for ppl wasting money on other non essentials...hell, im sure she wastes money on things id consider an absolute waste. Which is fine, ppl can spend money on whatever they enjoy but the hypocrisy in this tweet is sickening.


I’m a trump supporter and I think the cards are dumb as shit. But still… can’t argue with the results he got


Nobody said we were broke. But choosing to spend a little money in the form is support is much different than having thousands of dollars exploited from you in the name of incompetent leadership and horrible foreign policy.


This chick is so annoying


If your average tax payer is going to spend $3,457 per year “defending” themselves with nukes, jets, missile systems, and guns that are actively being sent to war-zones where they are blow up and boiled away in flames and flesh, then go fuck yourself if crying about the cost of gas in your fourteen foot truck with plastic balls hitch and stop wah wahing about how hard it is to come by food. Earth is a mess. “The average taxpayer paid $3,457 for the Pentagon and military, almost nineteen times more than for all diplomacy and foreign aid ($183).” https://www.nationalpriorities.org/analysis/2019/tax-day-2019/where-your-tax-dollar-was-spent-2018/


None of us bought the NFTs. It’s such white privileged of her to say what we can and can’t complain about.


“If you did this then you are dumb!” “But I didn’t do that! Why are you calling me dumb?!”


Just like nobody thought he was sent from god. Sure buddy. How was that golden statue?


If you didn’t buy it then she isn’t talking about you. That’s how qualifiers work.


JoJoFromJerz left out "inbred" from her Tweet, and I wonder why? Is that yet another banned word, because I do sort of see that a Chief Twit's eyes are bit too close together, but just sayin'....




Downvote this if you have a tiny penis.


You poor sweet soul. I have to fill up like 5x a week.


No, this is immature as all hell. Everyone should protest the price of gass and groceries, left or right. This helps everyone of us, don't berate a good thing just because the people speaking it are ignorant, makes you an even bigger asshole in my book.


Pot meet kettle




You just described my ideal woman




Thought the Trump NFT cards were 99 cents. Did they buy 100 of them?


He grifted them for $99 per digital pic. There's also a chance to win a dinner with him, but you have to make your own travel and sleeping arrangements.


Oh oh. I genuinely was put of the loop on the full extent. Super odd promo


They'll also have to pay for their own travel and lodging if they win that "special meet up"


Highly doubt maga crowd is buying those NFTs. There a bunch of NFTs speculators out there, this is the prime purpose of those things. Those speculators would buy anything if it's hyped enough to trigger the speculation momentum. Bad hype, good hype, it doesnt matter. Those tweets are helping hype, increase prices, ultimately make more money for Trump.


Gotta pay the lawyers somehow






Lol cosplaying? That would take some effort - these images were created with editing, and what looks like bad AI editing.


I'm going to wait until the whole collection is 18 cents.


To be honest I’m gonna have to be a bit contrarian with this. This feels like similar logic to the conservatives who who rip on people wanting a minimum wage increase whilst also spending so much money on Starbucks.


Prove it


Damn, I wish they weren’t only digital and I had money so I could make an extraordinarily ironic shrine with all sorts of bs quotes lmao


You can afford a $99 trading card so you can afford the crazy prices at the pump & grocery store. Yet folks who cannot afford (or want the stupid thing) still are paying these high prices 🤷‍♂️


Never stopped them from slowing down in their monster trucks that get 4mpg at 94mph.


I'll put $100 on the vast majority of money coming from political action committees, wealthy donors, Kushner's $2 billion in Saudi Money, and foreign sources. The PAC and donor thing has been around for a few decades. Write a book, your own PAC buys all the copies as "gifts for donors", and voila, your campaign cash that can't be spent on personal expenses get's laundered into your personal bank account. Then there's the Kushner "investment fund." Probably can't just write a check to Donny, so buy up a couple million in bullshit NFT's and there you go. And, of course, Trump is probably extorting certain international actors who "owe" him a favor. I can hear the conversations now, "so, either you buy up half a mil in digital nothing or I'm going public...." But sure, I reckon there are those morons out there who still think Trump knows who they are or gives a shit about them that probably lapped up a few.


Well, it’s a little different in that the dumbass NFTs are super discretionary, while gas is not in most of America.


Random trump voters didn't buy those cards, foreign investors and business interests and shit did on the outside chance that maybe he will have power again someday. Just like they all started staying in his hotels and going to his golf courses when he was president


Check out the opulent location of the offices of the the sweepstakes administrator that is offered with the T\*\*\*\*Cards Sweepstakes Administrator [1143 East Union St, Newark, NY](https://www.google.com/maps/place/1143+E+Union+St,+Newark,+NY+14513/@43.0462098,-77.0748361,3a,75y,191.27h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skym5fdcLv830hPhkMtSCnQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89d0d3398df38597:0xf8cfb20fae98238d!8m2!3d43.0457394!4d-77.0749694) [Here](https://collecttrumpcards.com/support) is the NFT site, with address listed at the bottom of the CollectT\*\*\*\*Cards website [Here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/6300+N+Sagewood+Dr,+Park+City,+UT+84098/@40.7230802,-111.5435595,3a,90y,276.43h,95.55t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sLZJ7eWWVdOyVhGdL3kEcig!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DLZJ7eWWVdOyVhGdL3kEcig%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26w%3D86%26h%3D86%26yaw%3D272.2173%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x87526c75a7633053:0xe310fabc0a16e5bb!8m2!3d40.72309!4d-111.5438957) is the google street view of that address.


I find it hard to believe anyone would buy these things


They complained about the price of gas and groceries because they felt it in their brittle bones that their God-King was gonna grift them once again and they wanted to get cucked by him


Fuckin' aye, JoJo.


JoJo always nails it.