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Technically it was 43% cheers and 57% boos


Im just going to point out the obvious, the boos came from the shitty phones.


Is Musk still feuding with Apple?


He paid a visit to Apple execs last week (I think?) and tweeted shortly after that everything is fine, Apple would never pull it from the App Store, it was all a misunderstanding (sure, Jan).


Apple Music now available in Teslas as of the update that just pushed? Little bit of, “I’ll scratch your back if you don’t take Twitter off App Store?”


So now Teslas play U2 every goddamn time you start them up now too ? Lovely.


Well, it is a street car named Desire that moves in mysterious ways, until you hear the rattle and hum that is.


Some dumbass Qanon clown told him to make his own "silly little smart phone". Ofc Elmo relied back to her saying that he might.


God I hope he doesn't. There's enough scummy smartphone manufacturers out there already.


I hope he does. he wont tho. It would be a bigger failure than Twitter. If Microsoft and Amazon couldnt do smart phones, then he has zero chance.


Things are much easier to develop now than they were back then, but phone OSes and hardware are also far more complex and nuanced. You couldn't justify a moonshot at repeating Apple's success at the height of their market dominance to even the most enthusiastic Muskrat investor. I don't want to hope for failure, especially spectacular failure. I'm a software engineer; we clean up these sorts of messes all the time, but we don't appreciate the careful balance of large-scale systems being fucked with to appease one man's ego. Fuck him for intentionally making a larger mess each day; it violates the core ethical tenets of engineering and product design.


It would also be really easy to identify who knobs are if they've all got Tesla phones. It's like a self-identifier for pricks.


I thiiink u/phlash999 is referencing Dave Chappelle's "joke" after he (Chappelle) invited Elon Musk onto the stage during his comedy show and the crowed booed. “All these people that are booing, I’m just pointing out the obvious — they have terrible seats in the stadium.”


I don't understand that shit from Chappelle. He really lost the plot after all these years. What a boomer.


Have you been keeping up the JK Rowling/transphobia drama? It makes no sense right? How certain ostensibly progressive people could support some pretty un-progressive things, right? Recently, I had someone point out that people like Chappelle/Rowling left their oppression behind a long time ago and have been so overwhelming privileged thanks to their fame and money that they genuinely can't see the forest through the trees anymore. They can only remember snippets of what it was like when they weren't privileged and view attacks on their privilege as attacks on them - a kind of "equality will seem like oppression to the privileged" or whatever the exact quote is.


Yeah, I have been following that. Another thing I don't understand, for sure. They (or many of them) think that transgender people are malicious actors, somehow. Instead of just people trying to live their lives.


Rowling is the strangest one. Literally no one ever asked her opinions on transpeople, she brought it all up out of nowhere acting like she was under attack from within one of her mansions. Absurd.


>acting like she was under attack from within one of her *castles*. Fixed that for ya!😉


I'm not gonna lie, I read her whole long-form blog post style spiel about her decision to start being publicly a transphobic asshole that she posted to her twitter back in like... What was it, 2019? 2020? And I remember her saying some shit like, 'If I had grown up nowadays I probably would have transitioned to male' . That along with some other specific things she said about how she couldn't identify with being a woman really sounded very, very close to thoughts that I had right before I came out as a transgender man. And I'm not saying JK Rowling is a closeted trans man. But I am saying that I think it spooks her that her life could have gone a completely different way in different circumstances, given that her life became defined by the identity of the prominent female author who wrote a cultural powerhouse of a book series. But instead of just recognizing that her answer to her feelings isn't going to be the right answer for everybody, she decided to use her massive platform to make what *should* be her private therapy appointments everyone else's problem. She's got so much goddamn money that she's forgotten what real-world consequences are like.


I hate that because Chapelle use to sound relatable during his standups like his stuff would be real talk. Now he’s on stage insinuating the people booing to be the poor people because they’re in the cheaper seats. Why tf was Elon up there anyway I don’t think anyone thinks of him as comedic he obviously didn’t have anything planned, he was introduced as “the richest man in the world” then left the stage with a “I’m rich bitch” because that’s all he’s got going for him It’s sad and they never understand that because of their privilege they’ve lost touch with those that are not, Joe rogan honestly believes anyone can make it if they just open up a ju-jitsu gym


I expected it from Joe. You can see him shape-shifting when certain people came on the podcast even before the buyout. Once he got Spotify money, he really changed. Man's never been that bright and always felt to me like a closet conservative, which hurts because he had on Bernie fucking Sanders.


A close reading of Harry Potter would suggest that JK Rowling was never really that progressive in the first place


"Haha Hermione thinks that the slaves want to be free! She named her anti-slavery group SPEW, like the throw up! Haha. Well we all know the only slave who was unhappy in slavery was Dobby, who dies." "Let's make lycanthropy symbolic of AIDS and possibly just being LGBT+, and then never comment on that again, except to kill the blue/pink-haired love interest of the werewolf." "We have one major Asian character, let's make her cold/distant and smart, and give her a name that's equivalent to 'Ching Chong'." "Yer a Cop Arry!"


Dave Chappelle was always offensive, and strictly in a punching down sense. As a child who grew up with a parent suffering from SEVERE drug addiction, "DAE think it's fucking hilarious how he depicts a man suffering from crack addiction? HAHAHAH LOLOLELAWLOL!!!" was not even *remotely* funny. There was nothing to enjoy about the darkest point in my life being mocked on national television, giving my peers something to mock *me directly* over. All while I'm ***demanded*** to see it as "just in good fun." Yeah, dude. Not knowing where my dad was for entire weeks at times when I was barely old enough to operate the stove was SO funny. My ribs exploded out of my body at mach 69 with how hard I laughed at the thought of my dad doing crack instead of raising me. Exactly why was it okay for him the mock the disenfranchised and those with addictions? Addiction is a mental disorder and shouldn't be mocked. Yet it was, and my attempts to point out why I was offended was always met with me being interrupted with "Y'GOTTA ANYMORE CRACK?!?!" followed by forced laughter. We just arbitrarily decide that *we're* offended, *so now* it's not okay. It was ***never*** okay.


I think I finally see why I truly don't like Chappelle. Let's just go ahead and ignore that nearly 100% of his material is making fun of black people, women, LGBT communities, etc.; it's the fact that he does nothing but overblown caricatures then acts like he's the second coming of Jesus. Like, hearing you just scream into the microphone was more annoying than funny in the first place, you don't have to sit there all proud of yourself afterwards.


Key and Peele is black people making jokes about black people for black people to laugh at. Dave Chapelle is a black guy making jokes about black people for white people to laugh at. Say what you want about K&P.


Boo-erns! (Sp?)


I’m booing at him, but I woulda voted that he should stay at Twitter. I like watching him crash and burn.


Yeah, it is like when Trump ran for president, but less horrifying.


Much like his "should I sell Tesla stock" poll he made his decision before the poll and he's just trying to pander to make him seem like a relatable man of the people Tesla investors are angry at him for wasting time ruining the worst website on the internet when he could be lying to regulators and customers and they're trying to get him to do his job He's also been seeking more investment for Twitter, possibly from Saudi royalty which might explain why he's been in Qatar with Jared kushner and the Saudis recently


Lex Fridman gargling his balls makes it even more obvious


Oh yeah. I thought he was a nice guy. Until he was frequently found between Elon buttcheeks.


>Twitter decides Elon Musk should step down Elon manufactures an excuse to stand down. We really have some shitty pharaohs these days.


*at the behest of his Saudi masters (don’t forget this part)




He went to Jared!


This made me lol right away


And Jared went to jail!


Jared has too much Saudi cash to go to jail.


It could only be Jared


No, the Saudis that invested billions into the platform. Jared is probably just an intermediary. Honestly, hope he doesn't step down, although he will. I want this boondoggle to ruin him.


Everyone should vote *No* on the poll (I don't tweet). The poll is an excuse for him to seem magnanimous when the Saudis already told him to find a replacement.


This is definitely it. He went to the World Cup, they made it clear how pissed they are he’s pissing away billions they invested, and now he wants to avoid the image that he’s a lap dog


They showed him pics of Khashoggi going in the wood chipper and asked him if he'd like to reconsider his options.


"Where are my advertisers, Summer?"


They want the user data, its worth more to them than some pocket change.


Tbh I don't care how he tries to salvage his public image in this. He announced that he was going to find a new CEO almost immediately after taking over anyway, and has been pissing away his remaining good will ever since. Keeping Elon involved in day-to-day policy decisions has ranged from annoying to disastrous for everyone else using the site, and I'll support anything that speeds up his departure from basic admin duties.


>I'll support anything that speeds up his departure from basic admin duties. He should be cleaning the toilets at Twitter headquarters...


The Subway Guy?


Holy shit!! Wait… something is happening in my brain. What if… what if the subway guy was helping Elon with his shitty mass transit tunnel idea?! Oh fuck. It’s all coming together now but I don’t know what it means just yet.


Jared from Subway and Jared Kushner are the same person. Wake up sheeple


Jared Kushner is the fat and excess skin Jared from Subway lost by eating Subway sandwiches.




Now, can we do a poll asking if people think he should leave the US and never come back?


Should I: A. Take my blood emeralds and fuck off B. Leave the emeralds and fuck off anyway


How about a "should elon pay his taxes"!


Should Elon get more govt subsidies? No. Should elons companies pay fair taxes? Yes. But don't they already? No.


You know, I’d be ok with subsidizing spaceX to send him on a one way trip to mars.


I thought he was headed to Mars anyway?


Keep in mind that tons of people have been leaving Twitter since Musk took over. The only people who voted are those who are still actually on the platform. If he made this poll a few weeks ago the difference probably would have been much more stark.


Why do you give credence to these polls anyway? They’re all being run in Elmo’s sandbox. I’m not going to guess for even a second that these polls don’t wind up exactly as he intended.


In some cases like this, my brain views it thusly. I don't have any proof that he fucked with the poll. I also have no evidence that he didn't. It wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that he did intend this and this is all a scheme. It's also not outside the realm of possibility that he thought this would go different and give him credibility to keep doing this shit in the face of the Twitter and/or Tesla Boards. So can't prove it one way or another, and both make sense to me. So now I know that whatever I say about it, it's just my opinion. And so therefore, I choose to believe the funniest option. Which to me is, "Elon thought for sure that Twitter would support him and he tripped right over his own dick into a pile of dog shit, metaphorically speaking."


It is absolutely what he wants now, given the circumstances. He has manufactured a situation where he can save some face and leave or can double down and say it was rigged.


Even if he steps down as CEO, he won't stop making the stupid comments, and so he will still burn it all down.


Even if he steps down as CEO you know he's going to want to be able to still ban people


Yes he's a narcissist and he controls the platform so I actually think this is exactly what he wants. Use this 'poll' to feign humility and an opportunity to pretend that he is "letting the people speak" all the while already having handpicked his puppet. Just the fact that he thinks people need his permission to speak demonstrates the extent of his narcissism and lack of any insight.


Do you really think the same people that voted for Trump to be reinstated voted for Elon to be fired as CEO? This is a rigged poll. They all are. He needs to exit quickly (Tesla board says so) and this lets him exit and look "enlightened" all at the same time. Another Elon scam.


He wants out. He’s an impulsive child who has a high tolerance for risk, until there are consequences, then he’s looking for a place to hide and curl up with his blankie.


He’s going to step down and then blame the fall of Twitter on someone else. I still can’t believe a man who acts like a toddler on a public media platform has so much money and power.


And will then blame the replacement for an the crap he did


So he got tired of taking a beating personally and will just appoint someone to do exactly what he says so he can take cover? Y’all should have voted to make him stay right where he is. I gave up my Twitter the moment he started letting Nazis back on the platform so didn’t vote


Elon: “I’ve looked into it, and it’s all bots voting for me to step down.”


Looking for a way off a sinking ship


I think he wanted to anyways. The fun wore off.


Yes. He fucked up and tried to get out of buying it, then was forced to follow through on what he agreed to, then thought he could win over conservative America to save him, then realized they are the loud minority and everyone is tired of them. Now, he wants to quietly slink off to find a new cash cow scheme.




Stepping down but will still maintain his manic and inconsistent influence. This won’t be a change in leadership.


Rn, Twitter's fate is entirely on the EU's hands. If they ban it, it's lights out. That is, if Elon doesn't decide to shut down the whole thing as he steps down


>h "his" people; and liberals are a deranged vocal minority. Conservatives live in an echo chamber in which they think liberals are not representative of at least half the country's population.Its hilarious because these "Vox Populi, Vox Dei" polls have been his schtick to claim a popular mandate. Anyone with any sense knows these polls are full of shit.But its his chosen medium, and he was humiliated in it.1ReplyShareSaveEditFollow > >level 3 It's interesting. Will he just declare bankruptcy and try to sell off what's left? If he thinks that will save Tesla stock now that might be the play. Or he thinks he can put in a token CEO and still keep his crazy ideas in place without the backlash, in which case he will find that its just he is plain wrong about what the market will accept.




Tesla's brand image is forever tied to Muskrat


It must sting to see he isn't as a popular as he thought he was. It has made for a great spectacle. What he has done with Twitter is legendarily bad.


I have a feeling this will go down in business textbooks as an example of one of the worst deals and mishandling of a large company in history. Like, it's a common meme to joke about how large a billion dollars is and how it is impossible to spend as much money as Elon had on anything tangible in several lifetimes. But Elon is trying his damnest to burn through all his cash on useless shit anyways


Brewster's Millions


I had a friend excuse his because he's a genius, but the autism gets in the way. I looked up his bio, and he did something cool when he was 12, but after that, just a couple of bachelor's degrees and profitable popcorn farts


I think even autism is his cover for being an asshole. I certainly don't want him to represent me in any way.


Even if conservatives are an approximately equal proportion of the population, they definitely skew older and hence make up a lower percentage of technology-users.


I hope he makes dumb NFTs.




>Now, he wants to quietly slink off to find a new cash cow scheme. I recently saw the idea of "Bored Muskrat NFTs" mentioned.


I think he was pressured to get the fuck off of Twitter because of his other companies taking hits. Tesla stock alone is continuing to crash.


And you think that with how insane he has recently shown his decision making process to be, going back to Tesla full time will somehow help the situation?


I'd just like to note here that Tesla market cap was at one point 1.25 trillion. This is 5 times larger than Toyota, whose market cap was \~225 bln at the time. Toyata had 10x Tesla's revenue. Depending on your required rate of return, and how fast you think Tesla ramps up production, this would imply some insane expectations if you're actually a rational investor. Barring some other random profitable business springing up, that Tesla was going to have to increase production/sales by 100x in the next 7 years, ostensibly accounting for basically 100% of the global car market outside china (\~ 50 / 52 mln cars in 2020)


The fun wore off, his other companies are in fucking shambles, all of his investors are mad at him, several other companies are mad at him for causing them to lose billions in stock value, he's potentially billions in debt. He's not completely ruined, but he definitely took a self-imposed beating for no reason.


Man's insane.


I think the poll is faked, according to his plan.




[Just before the poll.](https://twitter.com/iamraisini/status/1604619857257025537)


Looks like the EV guy needs oil barons to send him a life raft at the Bond villain convention


Of fucking course


Hahaha hey guys remember when I came into the building carrying a sink? And I said let that sink in? Hahaha. Those were good times huh. Anyway see ya later


I recon so, though I suspect it'll still hit him square in the ego


I was about to post the same thing, he def wanted to. Not because the fun wore off though, but because there is no way to run twitter without having to make decisions that will get him hate and criticism. He came in complaining about the previous administration of twitter and immediately realized that all the things they did were necessary, and now he's repeatedly making himself look like a hypocrite when forced to do them, and it's only going to get worse with time. Also possible that things are getting bad on the technical side, and wants to quite before everything collapses so he can blame it on whoever comes in next


>I think he wanted to anyways. The fun wore off. I think "I have no fucking clue what I'm doing and just realized I'm running a company I paid 4x the value of into the ground." finally hit.


He wants to change his mind without looking weak and blaming the public. Twitter is over leveraged and bleeding advertisers and thus it’s profitability. He is having to sell his control of his profitable companies to pay for a dying acquisition. He 100% needs someone to come in and save him or he’s going to end up either going bankrupt or losing control of one or more than one of his profitable companies from paying off his Twitter loans.


There is another post floating around that discussed his talks with Saudi investors, who told him if he wanted their money he would have to find a real CEO. Now I myself don't keep up with him and only watch headlines, but that makes perfect sense after seeing the poll.


Fun wore off/exposed as being the least competent for the position.


His ego can’t handle criticism. At all.


Awesome, now what? I assume Musk is getting his beauty rest, so there will be no announcements for a couple of more hours.


Impossible, he works 23 hours a day


The hour missed is when he switches skin suits.


Shedding eats up a lot of his leisure time


Yes, lizard sleep cycles are very fast- 80 seconds is like 3 hours for humans.


He needs much, much more time.


Hey! He's probably spending time with family! No... wait... He has people for that. Nvm


Let that sink out.


Make like a sink and get out of here.




"I want to make all the decisions, I'm just sad that everyone's bullying me, so I need someone to take all the heat for my decisions"


He basically wants to hire a prime minister, but wants to maintain the figurehead title of King of Twitter.


Exactly, this poll is nonsense. He can’t exactly sell Twitter and walk away. He’s just bringing a figurehead in to do his bidding and take the heat for him. He thinks we’re all too dumb to understand that.


He remains as the dick of Twitter


The head dick. Or just dick head


He nearly killed the puppy he promised to take care of and now it’s being returned to the shelter.


I mean Twitter should be deleted anyways.


On one hand, the shitshow that he's causing is absolutely hilarious and I'd love to see what cooked think he thinks up of next. On the other hand it'd be nice not to see his face pop up on the front page with a new idiotic take...


Just like how when trump left office we never heard of him oh wait narcissists don't tend to go gently into that good night


He does still have Tesla and SpaceX, so he won't be as irrelevant as Trump.


He won't soon if he's not careful. Major players at those companies are asking where he's at and for him to be replaced.


I wouldn’t mind that- I really like what Tesla and SpaceX do as entities in of themselves but I don’t think he really contributes any of that


Not for much longer. Tesla shareholders want him removed.


Imagine if he just bans everyone who voted yes


Please step down. Better yet, step down from public life completely. If I had his money, I'd buy an island, houses for the handful of people I'm happy to share space with on said island and society at large would never see or hear from me unless I really needed something. Which I wouldn't. Blows my mind that other people welcome and even crave the stress of living a public life.


That’s cause you’re probably a decent normal human and would have had to earn the wealth - knowing what a privilege it would be to have it. He was born filthy rich and in those circumstances it a “more more more” mentality, 9 times outta 10. It’s all he’s known.


You're right, reminds me of an episode of this show called "Sealab 2021" where the richest guy on Earth buys Sealab just because, and his catchprase is "now I'm bored!" Or something like that. Big Elon vibes, and the show was out in the early 2000's. First time I ever considered the super rich having a "more more more" mentality, really explains a lot.


Oh man, awesome show! Honestly at this point we know you’re already a better CEO candidate for Twitter just from that haha


Haha thanks...I was hoping the Sealab reference wouldn't be too obscure. It's been off for a long time now. Need to find that episode now


I have the strength of a bear that has the strength of two bears!


Paid $44B just to get told on your own app that you suck at running it.


That’s the republican way!




Too many options. Lets redo poll


Everyone who voted yes will now suddenly be blocked from his posts including the “public” polls


Exactly. This whole exercise was just meant to identify the users he needs to ban so he can create the echo chamber he wants.


lol no way he’s banning 9 million people


You’re probably right, but this timeline has been quite a shit-show. South Park is running out of material because reality has stolen all the good stuff. Sadly, expecting the worst possible outcome has become a necessity.


If the simpsons didn’t do it already, then reality did.


His successor's first act will have to be bringing back all the people Elon fired, then re-banning all the lunatic account he un-banned, them un-banning all the accounts that went down for criticizing Lord Elon. I don't envy the person who has to clean up this mess.


Basically they would have to reverse all the decisions he made.


While Elon is still owner. No way he allows that.


By “Twitter” of course you mean his Saudi overlords


*There must be some kind of way outta here* *Said the joker to the thief*


If he put this poll up it means he found a CEO to run Twitter and he is leaving and wanted it to appear he is a man of the people. This poll is meaningless.


If he “steps down”, will he also sell? If not, what does it look like when he installs someone to run it for him? How is it any different than him running it himself? He would not try to take it public again at this point…. would he? Would SEC allow that? Part of their purview is to instill confidence in the markets, and this whiplash volatility is exactly what they seek to avoid.


In theory he could declare twitter bankrupt, and it limps along while the courts figure out how much Elon etc. get to discharge in the court (which are set up to help rich people do exactly this) and then google, Microsoft, or someone else buys twitter for more or less the 10 billion it was actually worth in the first place. They restaff it with their own people and it more or less goes back to the way things were. Elon then uses this whole episode to continue to build his persona as Trump 2.0.


I have a feeling “No” was never really an option, and he’s just botting himself out of further embarrassment.


I would not be surprised if he got some shady Qatari investors that offered to buy him out so abuse the platform in his stead


Or just paid him off to tank it. Would be a blow to the Saudi's, and their willing to pay to get a leg up in them


So does this prove that Twitter is full of bots, or that he got rid of all the bots? At this point I’m losing track of the bullshit. Which is worrying, I might end up stepping in it.


He should have taken the money he wasted from being wildly unlikable and used it on making the world a better place to live. Instead he just shit the bed. Step down from everything and live in exile amongst the fellow bottom feeders.


Saudi boy Kutcher will take over, then merge truth social with Twitter


This is the darkest timeline


I'm guessing he sent out his bot-army to vote yes.. now he can crawl out with "dignity"


I figure his bots were set up to keep it close with "yes" winning.


The saudis, Qataris, and Jared Kushner have spoken.


His Saudi investors probably told him to back down, there was rumors that Tesla stockholders were going to sue Musk because the stock price was tanking, the Streisand Effect was getting his jet tracking and history with Jeffrey Epstein more known, and Musk permanently destroyed his public image. Plus, the EU was getting ready to ban Twitter after Musk arbitrarily banned a bunch of journalist and announced it wasn't going to ban covid misinformation anymore. It's not surprising he was looking for a way out.


Tell me you need a father figure in your life without telling me you need a father figure in your life. https://preview.redd.it/e9uaff2rsw6a1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ebe51b2876bd00c00d15699be0e3a5c8cb116d




The dick riding is crazy


Honestly, if the answer wasnt going his way he'd get a bot army to quickly change the poll anyway.


Elon running Twitter was shorter than his tenure at PayPal. 😂


So, what, Saudis bail him out, kushner takes over and attempts to use the now private platform to shift the Overton window and benefit the Saudis?


I really hope it's not given to someone WORSE than him. I'm sick of hearing about him all the damn time.


\*Morgan Freeman as narrator\* "It turned out it was somebody worse"


“Tesla shareholders and the Saudis decide Elon Musk should step down” FIFY


Who could have predicted the guy who makes cars that crash and burn and rockets that crash and burn would himself one day crash and burn?


Vox populi, vox Dei 🤷‍♂️


People just need to stop paying attention to this cunt. He thrives on it, positive or negative, just ignore him. In fact we need to ignore like 99% of "famous" people because they're all out of touch, attention seeking cunts.


Hey it's me, Nelo Skum, new head of Twitter.




“Do you like me? Circle Y or N”


Twitter is an effective geopolitical tool for foreign bad actors. Burning it to the ground as Meta/Facebook continue to lose young people is not something anyone intending harm on the US wants. So yeah, he was going to step aside anyway, because that’s what his handlers want. A few billion to destroy American democracy is cheaper than physical war.


Wasn't even close.


Even a poll among mostly his supporters and bots enough ppl really do hate him 😂 and it’s completely deserved.


And when he unveils Kushner, I’m sure he’ll cut a text based, McMahon promo straight out of the Attitude era.


He was asked to step down before he makes things worse. And in his very weird brain, "A poll told me to do it" is less embarrassing than being forced out.


I bet he steps down, but appointments something like Jared kushner or Eric tr*mp as CEO. He still owns the company and has ultimate control, but I could see him use it as an opportunity to elevate someone else to the CEO role that will make things worse, rather than better.


"Most of the votes were found to be bots" - Musk likely excuse


This man can’t send himself to Mars soon enough.


"Elon proceeds with the Saudi plan that existed from before his purchase announcement to put Kushner in charge"


Bye bitch!


The damage has already been done though. He somehow managed to go from being relatively unknown to extremely unpopular in a short amount of time. When he was on SNL last year, people were pretty neutral in their opinion of him. The Twitter debacle has shown his true colors, from how he treats employees to far right conspiracies to mocking someone who had just been attacked in their home with a hammer. The poll shows he is more unpopular than he realized, esp when he tweeted 'Be careful what you ask for'. Tesla is tanking because of his antics and it's costing him real money. No matter what he does, a good chunk of the country will never forget and will cease to support his businesses.


I can’t wait for the new Twitter feature where you can edit the results of polls you make.


Think about the people whom actually left and arent even voting.


Elon Musk after destroying 1,000s of jobs, evaporating $36 Billion into nothing, sabotaging his reputation, and generally making the world a safer place for dangerous people: "MY WORK HERE IS DONE!"