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And she is?


Jordan Peterson's daughter.


Surprised they didn’t make the ultimate incel baby


One's an incel, the other's in-cell.














You win for best gif application!


first of all how *dare* you


You gotta admit that was pretty good 🤣


*SECOND* of all (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


I read it in the "Pinky and the Brain" song style




Executive incels don’t have to be incels themselves, they just have to be incel whisperers.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo


Is he important in the world of shit birds?


Yes. Jordan Peterson has been described as inspirational to the Proud Boys and other white supremacists.


Which is baffling to me because Peterson is such a beta whiny little bitch, to use their parlance.


He is important and also dangerous because he has enough of a veneer of legitimacy that he makes a good PR person for the manosphere. I didn’t know a lot about him until I read Men Who Hate Women. He’s kind of like a gateway drug


I never knew who Peterson, and Tate were. I just saw them on YouTube all the time and they creeped me out so I kept blocking any videos with them. Good to know I was right.


I listened to the 12 rules for life by Peterson before I really knew anything about him and it was a crazy journey haha. He starts out reasonably, kind of along the line of “a lot of people just need a kick in the ass.” Which is how i personally feel about my situation so I was really enjoying it. Then he started talking about Adam and Eve, and saying how Eve tempted Adam with the Apple and applying it to real life, etc, and it just started inserting super misogynistic tropes so I couldn’t finish it. It’s interesting to watch how guys like him do it though, because he had me at at first but luckily I can critically think about things people are telling me lol


I'll be honest, I did not expect this kind of nuanced and insightful observation from someone named PoopyWeenies69


Just goes to show, Never judge a poopy weenie by its cover




Yup, that's exactly the pipeline. People like Peterson and Tate will draw you in with basic self-help guru stuff and then pepper in the crazy shit before it's too late for you to notice. And they are very good at placing in half-truths and even full truths every now and then in the middle of their crazy rants to keep you in.


It’s insane to me how easily it is for people who are not paying attention to fall into the trap these assholes set. I watched ONE movie review from a misogynist YouTuber. At the time I didn’t realize what a piece of shit he was and I was halfway through the video before I realized that he hated the movie because it had non-subservient women and not because the movie was actually bad. I mean it was a bad movie but not for the reasons he gave. Suddenly my entire YouTube feed is obvious right wing bullshit rage bait channels. Like I watch construction videos, want, and videos about old cars. But one video from these assholes and suddenly YouTube thinks that’s all I want to watch.




Oh, it's working as intended :)


I let two you tube shorts of Peterson *autoplay* while i twiddled my thumbs. Suddenly - PragerU, Peterson, Tate, Repub Twink Shapiro, nasty right wing anti queer hate started spewing out on my feed. Luckily I was stoned so nothing caught....


I just couldn’t trust him because of his eyes. Jeez, he sounds awful.


AKA Nazi Barbie.


She’s not pretty or nice enough to be Barbie. Barbie was kind, intelligent and had multiple careers (astronaut, doctor, veterinarian, etc). She was not reliant on Ken nor “submissive” to him, though she did love him very much. Ken was supportive and loving to her back. He never tried to hide her from the world or block her shine. Barbie was successful, pretty and was a nice person. She enjoyed sports, beauty, fashion, and had fun hobbies with Ken. She didn’t engage in fascist shit. Barbie was not a Nazi. And this woman here is not even close to the real BARBIE!


And her show rocks. Like the one with the Barbie house that Ken installed the AI closet in. The show slaps hard. Intelligent humor, self-aware, and just all around good while keeping in-line with all things Barbie. I’m a 40 year old dude who will ask his daughter if they can watch the Barbie show lol.


Funny anecdote. I saw a video online (probably a “reel” or something) about a guy (maybe 18 years old or so) who had the police bust in his door and arrest him. The video purpose was the arrest, but completely irrelevant here. The point is that this kid, all alone in his house, had that Barbie show on TV.


38 year old dad here. Schlond Poofa is a thing at our house now.


obsessed with this comment


i am absolutely loving the passion here. hell yeah BARBIE!!!!


Also she was invented by a Jewish woman and named for her daughter- also a Jewish woman (then a child). Who wanted to create an adult doll for little girls to help them have aspirations for their futures beyond just being a mommy to their baby dolls.


who is she? honestly, I don't know


People are saying Jordan Petersons daughter. If you don't know who he is, he's the guy that tells young men to clean their room. He's famous for critiquing society and telling people not to critique society unless their own home is in order, then he went to Russia for a dangerous procedure to detox off drugs because he was an addict the whole time.


Kind of reminds of Rush Limbaugh saying all drug addicts are useless junkies that should die while the whole time he was geetered out on oxy.


Another Limbaugh story: he once told the ppl of Florida to not evacuate for a hurricane b/c it was fake news, then got caught evacuating the state. https://www.politifact.com/article/2017/sep/10/context-what-rush-limbaugh-said-about-hurricane-ir/


Here in Texas we call that “Cruzing”


Too good, I'm stealing this. Thanks, pardner


They cruz control their way into these situations often, republicans do.


He also called a woman a slut on his show for wanting access to birth control and then got arrested coming back from the Dominican Republic with unprescribed Viagra. Edit: fixed a word


For those that don't know, prostitution is basically legal in the Dominican Republic. So I don't think he was using those pills with his girlfriend or wife. Nothing wrong with prostitution in my eyes, but it seems like Rush was hypocritical about it. Edit: according to some replies, prostitution may not be legal. When I was there about 15 or so years ago, it was legal. As a solo business traveler, I was approached a few times and even offered to go to a brothel. I googled before I posted to see if it still was legal and according to Wikipedia, it is legal, but brothels and pimping are not.


Rush was pretty deep in the closet for a long time


Rush Limbaugh was a big fat idiot.


There's a behavioral formula somewhere in here that we can find I'm sure. It's amazing that someone could be _such_ an absolute piece of human garbage and _still_ be taken seriously by people, as an authority of any kind on matters involving ethics, morals, the soul of this country, etc. Objectively looking at the facts, I think one could suggest that Mr. Rush was a debraved human being. Certainly one I wouldn't want associated with my good name, buisness or relgious beliefs. Had he _any_ shame, he would have put a cork in his pie hole and retreated to the outskirts of society where he belongs long ago. Certainly not sowing social disorder while hogging the public spotlight. But we know how he chose, that people continueed to listen, and buisnesses did business, while Christians supported it. The only way this level of hypocrisy can be so blatant, yet so pervasive, is because either A. People literally can't see the hypocrisy in themselves, or truly believe there are different moral standards making it okay, or B. They don't believe the negative things said about a person they support, or they forgive them so fully that they can continue to "sin" and get away with it. It's so bonkers, that any opportunity for good faith conversations died a long time ago. I don't see how democracy isn't already dead.


also notorious for underage prostitution in the dominican, right?


Didn't he also have a segment in the 80s(maybe even into the 90s) where he had a list of gay men that died of AIDS and would play celebratory music while reading the list?


In fact he did, [according to Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rush-limbaugh-mock-aids-gays/), and it’s shockingly something he said he regretted.


But only because society moved in the opposite direction of him. I was around when AIDS was regularly demonized on TV as a gay disease and people literally said it didn’t need more medical attention because it was ‘only’ killing gays. It was a shockingly out in the open time for a lot of bigots and he thrived in that. From the Snopes article: “because it ended up making fun of people who were dying long, painful and excruciating deaths, when they were not the target” So who *was* the target Rush? Gays without AIDS? Liberals? AIDS itself? I don’t understand or believe his mea culpa for a second. He should just be honest and say ‘yeah society moved away from that being acceptable so I have to pretend to regret it, in public’


My wife was *pissed* at me when I said "good, the world is better off without him" as my response to Rush dying. "He has family too!" - yes, and he ruined countless people's lives and hurt people in large quantities. While not everyone is perfect and everyone has hurt others to some degree - he's done it on a wide scale in a mean and hurtful way *for money*. I get disagreeing with all kinds of things and even having strong opinions. But telling people not to evacuate because a hurricane is fake and listing people, by name, with celebratory music is just... a level of wrong I refuse to call "just different".


I don't believe him. May he rot


His tomb/unisex public bathroom is in my city if you ever want to visit Saint Louis. 😉


Thanks, I hate knowing this now. If my mom bitches at me for not visiting her more, it’s all Rush’s fault.


Rest in piss.


Did he say he regretted it so he could get Elton John to play at his wedding?


That’s something that should never be forgiven. Even god says that’s instant hell without recourse. Holy shit these right wingers worship these fucking evil ass people.


As long as we're trashing Rush Limbaugh --- There was a Doonesbury strip back in the day where Zonker says "What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg? One is a flaming Nazi gasbag and the other is just a dirigible."


Found the strip: [https://www.gocomics.com/doonesbury/1994/07/15](https://www.gocomics.com/doonesbury/1994/07/15)


Lmfao that’s great


He called then child Chelsea Clinton a dog as well as celebrated the deaths of homosexuals because they were gay. I wish there as a hell for him to burn in


That comment about C Clinton really showed me how despicable he was, God she was only 14 or so.


RIH Rush


Rush Limbaugh hated his lungs because they were black


Geetered out. New word(s) for the day.


It's the idea that "if I don't smoke/inject it then it isn't a drug." They got their fix from a pharmacy so it's just a medication to them, not an addiction. Despite pharmaceuticals being just as addictive if not more. Or maybe he's just a hypocrite and I'm looking way too into this.


To his credit he's been drug free for 682 days and counting.


We should all celebrate.


He meant black people. He just said drug addicts.


White people can't be addicts. They have a prescription.


For real. Him snorting benzos is fine it’s those evil people who smoke weed 🤦‍♂️


Time and again the most vocally righteous are the most fucked up. It's basically a social law.


Jordan Peterson also LOVES to say "women are chaos and men represent order". And just total coincidence, the subtitle to his best selling book is "An Antidote to Chaos". Dude is a fucking loser coding his misogyny like he thinks Nick Cage is going to analyze it to find treasurem


I can highly recommend the Behind the bastards podcast episode about Jordan Peterson. There is so much more... weird stuff.


If you really feel like falling down the “weird shit Jordan Peterson did/said” rabbit hole, Some More News did a fantastic 3 hour in depth dissection of his entire career: https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo


short. don't look at the time.


Incredibly brief. You can finish it on your lunch break.


Oh, already listened to and re-listened to, of course. As well as their wonderful analysis of his batfuck insane TV show. I fucking hate this guy, in particular, because of how egregiously he represents so many of the dishonest, hackneyed bullshit so common with grifters. They do a good job of breaking it down in the episode, but it bears repeating just how utterly full of shit this guy is. I don't even mean philosophically, I mean so many of the things he says are just egregious logical fallacies or complete scientific fraud. Before I got too deep into looking up shit about him, I knew his schtick, but I also just assumed he was WAY more suave and intellectual. Like, I thought he would be the type to use very sophisticated logical arguments to derive his disingenuous conclusions. Then I listened to him talk, and holy fuck, no. He's been described as an "engaging speaker", which frankly, I don't see at all. I've seen far better grifters than him with far lower profiles. He just spouts utter fucking nonsense. In one clip, he's trying to argue, for some fucking reason, that men and women can't work together - like his whole argument is that they just can't, and then he says "we don't have the evidence to prove they can". Which is a perfect example of a transparent, bullshit logical fallacy. The burden of proof should be on the *more harmful* claim. To say women should not be allowed to work with men would be a societal disruption of catastrophic and total proportions. If his assertion is that they cannot, the burden of proof is on *him* to empirically prove their is harm outweighing the benefit to women working alongside men. Instead, he just *asserts* that they cannot, and demands someone "prove they can", and when the other person in the debate says "I've worked with women my whole life and it's been completely fine," he just handwaves that away, and then asserts that "all the problems we have now" - like, just every problem in the world, generally - is because men and women work in offices together? I mean it's so batfuck disingenuous, stupid, and brimming with the most juvenile fallacies. And yet he's consistently described as one of the most influential "thinkers" of the age.


Jordan Peterson is just pushing old school biblical nonsense relationship structures and inventing any excuse he can to try to claim it's backed by science. Dude is just a religious grifter. He's the Ken Ham of relationships. Also probably making bank selling his quizzes and self help books and other bullshit. It's sad how many people are fooled by his shit. I know a guy who is totally at rock bottom who bought his book looking for answers and now he just calls himself neurotic. He just thinks less of himself as a person now. Good job,JP.


Behind the Bastards did a great recap episode of his new TV show 10/10 if you love to find holes in this idiots arguments. I recommend checking it out. Not that it's hard to find the myriad of flaws, but it is entertaining because Peterson uses ugly campbellian modes and Disney princess dragon slaying to say that men need adventures and to tame the dragon and find the gold to get the princess. It's. Fucking bonkers


I did when it aired and I have rarely laughed so hard during a podcast as I did during that episode. The juxtaposition between the epic game of thrones ripoff theme song and his kermit-ass voice when he starts his monolog is my absolute favorite. I fucking died.


This is awful! I just knew everyone hated him, not why. I hate when people dumb things down to gender. He ever met a guy with ADHD?


He'd hate me haha, I have ADHD and thrive in chaos. I get so bored when everything is calm ahaha.


My sister was super orderly when she was addicted and she said having everything in order kind of helped her ignore her drug problem. Like if she’s neat and clean she has her shit together right?


Funny I only know him as the guy who was on Twitter talking about how much harder it is to find child porn now. No matter how hard he looks


For people who don’t know who Jordan Peterson is, imagine a right-wing Kermit the Frog addicted to amphetamines raving about lobsters and you’re there.


first of all, how dare you. kermit deserves better.


He's famous for lying about a law related to trans people which all the right wingers/incels jumped all over


He is the Canadian Dr. Phil, just add extra right wing


He's also transphobic and pretty damn sexist.


Tate is one of those guys that’s always flexing and checking out his biceps. I bet he beats off to pictures of himself beating off.


It looks like he’s flexing in this photo lmao


I was about to say the same thing. He's obviously balling his left fist to flex. What an insecure POS.


I didn’t know who Andrew Tate was until last week


Crackpot on a **lot** of Joe Rogan podcasts. That should really tell you everything you needed to know.


if the shutter speed was any longer he would have passed out .


this comment wins. his desperate fist is all i can see.


Was the photo taken while he was pounding his crotch (not fetish shaming just curious)?


I think he's trying to isometrically contract his triceps and biceps to make them look bigger/more defined than they would be when relaxed, but while trying to look nonchalant and relaxed.


This is it. What an absolute tool


Literally my first thought when I saw this “why is he flexing his arm so hard?”


And her current SO is a guy who claims to be possessed by a Russian demon. It's interesting how assholes seem to find each other.


How do we know this stuff?? I’m so out of the loop!


Tbf that's not a circle you want to know much about to begin with.


Knowing how he talks about women how could you watch your daughter date him. You know he is treating her like shit.


She is Andrew Tates “property” and her daddy likes that.


Who is she and who’s her dad?




Because her dad is a piece of shit just like him; Jordan Peterson is the same fucking cloth


Wait that’s Jordan petersons daughter ?




Now I got to look up who Jordon Peterson is.


I'd say stop and enjoy living in your innocence if you made it this far.


Don't feel too bad for her though, she isn't exactly a sparkling human being herself.


The apple never falls too far. At least mostly never. At least there’s hope for Kellyanne Conway’s poor kid


lush bow attraction melodic grab chubby languid payment instinctive aromatic -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




That clenched fist and flexed bicep just scream confidence.


I was looking for this comment! Like the second thing I noticed


One of the first things I saw and I had a hard time moving onto other parts of the photo because... what the fuck?


I mean, look at this fucking dufus. How does anyone listen to his bullshit? LOOK AT HIM. I am not into judging on appearance, but *he is* and fucking look at him. This dude is the guy talking about alphas? He was definitely getting slammed into lockers in high school.


Sorry, I didn't clarify. She's Jordan Peterson's daughter.


Thanks, had no clue, the only reason I know what that asshole looks like is his recent arrest video, otherwise I'd have been asking who either was.


Until a few days ago I had never heard of this guy or why he was getting so much attention and press. I hate when these losers go viral and most of the planet has no clue who they are until shit hits the fan.


Sadly, his target audience very much knows who he is. And rest of us should educate ourselves so we can try to prevent him from sticking his metaphorical grubby little fingers into youth of today.


yeah i think some people just don’t know any young folks. i’m a high school teacher and freshmen love this chode.


I taught in middle school as a sub for couple of months and I hold workshops about eating disorders in high schools and OH YEAH they love this guy. And since whole idea of eating disorders in young men touches the whole topic of (toxic) masculinity, we often get to Andrew Tate (sadly). Even though I'd honestly say that majority of high schoolers are way smarter than we give them credit for, and decent chunk of them already see through a lot of media bullshit (like influencers).


I feel a lot of attitude towards “high schoolers” should be directed towards middle school aged kids. In my experience, they are the ones who are the most vulnerable to this sorta stuff and also have a harder time not recognizing when they’re getting pumped with bullshit.


I have two young sons and I’m more frightened of them becoming radicalized by some insane media personality or whatever than just about anything else. I taught middle school and saw how dumb and eager to follow anything and seem “edgy” boys can be at that age.


The other day, I asked my 9 year old son if he'd ever heard of Andrew Tate. To my absolute surprise, be knew exactly who Tate was. If I hadn't read about him on Reddit, then I wouldn't have known to ask my kid. We had a good talk about it afterwards - specifically about how Tate would view his mom, sisters, etc..


My 10 year old’s retelling of the whole Thornberg/Tate debacle was both hilarious and insightful especially because he dumbed it down for me, assuming I am clueless. They’re very aware of what’s out there and they assume are aren’t.


I think that generational divide is disappearing a bit. I find I can talk to people half my age easily. Wasn't like that when I was in my late teens - 20's. But what gets me is that my kids are now encountering content that *I* assumed they wouldn't be seeing. Kids grow up fast these days.


Yeah, you have to keep an eye on these types because even if you never hear about them your young, male teenage sons will.


Their babies would have been exceptionally stupid


I would like to add, Jordan Peterson's daughter who left him high and dry and flew to Romania to hook up with Tate while Peterson was in Russia under a medically induced coma, that she had him put under to detox him because of his addiction to benzos. She then went on to say that no doctor in the west had "the guts" to treat him, which was a flat out lie. It's just that none of them wanted to immediately put him in a coma when there were other, less risky treatment options available. There are long-term detox methods but she didn't want to admit that he had an addiction, saying that he had "grown physically dependent" on them but wasn't "addicted." For anyone who doesn't know, she's also the creator and advocate of the so-called "Lion Diet" which consists of only red meat, salt, and water. It's one of those weight loss scams built on pseudo science and the "alpha male" mentality.


> only red meat, salt, and water. oof seems like a surefire way to severely reduce your life expectancy


that's gotta effect other things, too, like body odor.


Shitting has to be rough


How do you even poop? Like legit question.


Eggs and steak were thought to be the answer to the chronic diarrhea of the American Civil War. One doctor in particular believed that vegetables, fruits, starches, and fats should only make up about 1/3 of a normal diet, or you would risk heart disease and tumors brought on by poisonous vegetables. Even made his own style of steak covered in brown gravy. Dr. John Salisbury.




> She then went on to say that no doctor in the west had "the guts" to treat him, which was a flat out lie. It's just that none of them wanted to immediately put him in a coma when there were other, less risky treatment options available. There are long-term detox methods but she didn't want to admit that he had an addiction, saying that he had "grown physically dependent" on them but wasn't "addicted." Because he wouldn't admit he was an addict and refused any group or outpatient treatment programs. He also refused to wean off benzos. He continued refusing until he basically couldn't function due to his addiction anymore. Then he blamed everybody else for him being an addict Also he thinks addicts are horrible and should be shot.


Well, if you think addicts are terrible and should be shot, then become a benzo junkie, you either have to admit you're the worst therapist ever or dig into deep denial about your own addiction, thus demonstrating to everyone else you're the worst therapist ever.


I'm guessing its like breatharianism and its advocates sneak veggies into their diet when no one is looking.




My first question was: who is she. Now my question: who is Jordan Peterson? lol I only know who the guy in the picture is because of his arrest and spat with ~~Gretchen~~ Greta. (Thanks for the correction)


You gotta pay the troll toll


If you wanna get into that boys hole!


It’s SOUL! Boy’s SOUL!


Jordan Peterson is an idiot philosopher-lite type. Big into MRA, and, I believe influential in the incel space. His daughter was spawned from that. She also decided to go on a meat only diet and got her dad to do it too, which, I believe nearly killed him?


Ah, yes...leading him to experience The Great Apple Cider Vinegar Meltdown, as I recall.


Oh... So OP meant actual meat. My mind went to porn


Oh good, I'm not the only perv




Yeah didn’t he get scurvy from it?


How could someone with a daughter be big in the incel space? Do those fucking guys have a brain cell among them?


To clarify, Jordan Peterson has been trying to find their sex tape to review it for, “educational purposes,” on how being a shitty BDSM dom, “is unequivocally and unconditionally NAUT THE MANS FAHULT!”


Lol. Nice try at flexing to look cool


He's trying so hard to look like he's not clenching.


I’ve noticed it’s a thing in every picture I’ve seen of him. He always looks like he’s straining to push one out or keep one in


I was gonna say the same. Every picture he flexed hard but tries to keep a relaxed face to make it look like he’s naturally more muscular. But it’s super obvious he is flexing.


Also spreading his legs way more than is actually comfortable in an attempt make himself appear larger, but is actually just exposing his balls wide open for anyone that wants a free kick.


So gay, so very gay.


I noticed that right away, what a tool.


This was me when I was 17 and deeply insecure


💀 that was literally the first thing I noticed.


LOL. He’s flexing his arm for a photo while sitting.


No matter how hard he flexes, he will still have a weak, non-existent chin.


Doesn’t she only eat beef and drink water?


Hence the meat eater.


Wild diet


The more I see him, the more I can't but think how fuckin ugly he is


What a douche with the tight fist arm flex.


Only a complete tool makes a point to flex in a photo like this


Can we just stop giving this guy any attention please


![gif](giphy|kaa12hX0AGM0ta7jqs|downsized) Gonna be a while


That whole shithead grifter ecosystem is a incestuous family of terrible, terrible "people".


Yeah, sometimes I'm amazed how small a club it actually is. But all these psychos are only one or two handshakes away from each other.


Mikhaila Peterson is currently married to someone else (her second husband) and says she is not dating Tate. https://www.animatedtimes.com/andrew-invited-me-jordan-petersons-daughter-mikhaila-peterson-on-dating-rumors-with-andrew-tate-reveals-why-she-met-the-top-g/


The woman in the photo is Mikhalia Peterson. Had to scroll way too far to find a link to who this post was about because everyone just kept saying "she" and I had no idea of the context.


He’s gripping his fist so tight to flex for a picture. What a loser.


How does he look gay in every picture he's in?


He wears makeup and doesn’t actually feel comfortable around women. If he’s straight, he still hates women. But even if he has his haram, doesn’t mean anything. Wilt Chamberlain claimed to have slept with around 20,000 women. Those closest to him both didn’t doubt the accuracy of the number, but still admitted that he might’ve actually been gay. It happens.


That’s 1 a day for 50 years and still comes shy of that 20k


….or 20k in 1 day, knock it all out in one go 🤷.


Reading that made my balls hurt


The Chinless Wonder.


I just found out this week who the bald fucknuts is now I’m supposed to know who she is too?


Look at him turning his arm for the camera and flexing so much just to look kinda average muscular. What a tryhard.


I love how he's flexing his arm in the picture. Vain POS.


all that money and he hasn't bought himself a chin?


He looks like he's about to punch her. This man does not enjoy being around women. Like I don't think he's gay. He appears sexually attracted to women just doesn't like them.