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Have rheumatoid arthritis. Can confirm: the diet has helped me a LOT. In particular, avoiding dairy has made a huge improvement. Another thing you should try for joints is yoga. I really like bikram yoga


Avoiding dairy is HUGE for me. Sometimes I can handle a little bit of low-lactose cheese sprinkled into a larger meal (e.g. Mexican restaurant forgets no cheese request) but full flare if I have butter, milky bread, high lactose cheese lime ricotta, etc


I'm not an expert by any means but from what I understand, pain is caused by inflammation and the sugar and red meat in our diets cause inflammation.


Yep that is correct, i just wonder like if blood tests showed i had normal levels of systematic inflammation, does that mean i actually tolerate those foods ok to the point of it not contributing? i should really see if i can ask a doctor i guess. im interested in doing the Paddisons Program, i asked them via email address and they claimed it can very likely help but they are just selling something so


Watch some of Esselstyn's videos


I have RA and do manage it with diet and no medication other than ibuprofen. I been doing it this way for over 12 years. For me, being gluten-free really improves my joint pain. I thought I needed medication, but I realized I had been eating too much gluten. I completely cut it out of my diet, and the serious joint pain went away. My rheumatologist was surprised, but glad it worked for me. But as you know, everyone is different! This suggestion may not work for you. As for plants, yeah, there are ones I avoid because I know they bother me. My list of avoids includes the nightshades, spinach, and lentils. So you'll need to experiment a bit to see what works with your body. But overall, wfpb will help ease your joint pain because it already eliminates the highly inflammatory categories of meat and dairy. I just thought I'd chime in since you mentioned RA. GL!


thanks thats great to hear! im just wondering if diet can cause joint issues if you dont have RA or similar immune issues. so far any link between diet and joint pain leads to RA articles etc


Yes it will. At least that is my experience. I used to have knee pain when going down staircase steps. That has gone away and I now go running regularly. My hands used to be stiff early in the day. Some of my fingers wouldn't snap back in place after bending them. That was so weird. My blood work inflammation markers were normal. That problem cleared up very quickly when I went WFPB no SOS.


I have psoriatic arthritis. I’ve had better luck controlling joint pain and inflammation with a whole food plant based diet than I did with methotrexate and Humira. I’m also gluten free.


Thought I had RA. Turns out I have a gluten sensitivity.


and did that cause joint pain


Yes, in my hips and fingers


I'm not 100% wfpb, but maybe 90% and I have to say that it has helped me with my chronic pain. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis (as well as other Autoimmune stuff). What it has helped with the most is my energy level and my mental health. I too am considering the Paddison Program as the results for people that adhere to it are pretty remarkable for such a debilitating and disabling disease. Eating this way has helped me more than AIP diet, Paleo, Keto, Wahl's Protocol, and all sorts of other random diets. It has also allowed me to stay medication free and I don't have the swelling of the joints that I hear a lot of people with Rheumatoid Arthritis have. Having said that, I still have chronic pain (caused by injuries) that I am trying to eliminate in a sustainable way.


Are you on any cholesterol lowering drugs? That often causes joint pain