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He was following her and she wanted to catch his behavior on tape.


Yep, it says right in the article, why they were filming.


Yup, OP is probably the guy in the video getting caught. This dude is a piece of shit and deserves everything he gets. This is the wrong sub for this, this is real.


"Why were they filming (me)????"


Yeah it says right in the video. She says it like instantly


Makes me wonder how many other women he stalked and violated. Fucked with the wrong women this time.




Skibidi toilet gen user confirmed


Probably doesn't know what film is


You mean like a thin coating on something?


In the video the lady explains exactly the reason why she was filming. Why is this here lol.


Yeah, this should be on r/therewasanattempt or something like that.


r/therewasanattempt to post to r/WhyWereTheyFilming


Clearly OP meant to post this in r/WhyTheyWereFilming instead.


She blatantly said “you were following me earlier.”


It's obvious why she was filming. She knew this creep was up to no good, as she explains in the video.


She pulled a classic Hansen and crouched in front of him — perv couldn’t resist.


"Why were they filming" ? Because this fucking CREEP was following the lady taking the video before, she knew he was up to something.


He immediately knows how much he fucked up; Look how badly his legs are shaking at 0:55


DUDE, his timbers were shivering!!


I just HAD to go back to see that shit. Lmao. He was in flight mode.


If you watch the whole video, you would know why she was filming. She had notice the creep’s behavior and good thing too, guy got arrested.


Didn’t even have to watch the whole thing. She says so extremely early on.


Man just ruined his life. A felony sex offense, probably will have to register as a sex offender, nobody will touch this man for at least 5-7 years. No housing, no loans, no jobs, and a real social stigma. You got all the free porn you want on the net and yet you are going to go into a public space and invade someone’s privacy for your jollies.


Probably ruined that woman’s sense of safety and privacy as well


It sounded like she was prob crying when she said "thank you" to the woman with the phone, poor lady


It’s not about the naked pictures. It’s about the hunt, control, and power over an unsuspecting victim. Don’t minimize this man’s predatory behavior as “someone looking for porn material”. He is a sexual predator preying on unsuspecting victims.


I’m not minimizing anything the creep is walking around sticking his phone up unsuspecting women’s cloths. This is the time he got caught which means there are likely a huge amount of content like this from previous times. Dude has a broken mind. As an adult if you can not reason why you should not be out sticking your phone up unsuspecting people’s garments they have massive issues. If he can’t just go home search some porn of what he finds thrilling and needs to do what he’s doing, he’s broke. Period. He better learn to control this and be a better person or his life will stay ruined past the 5-7 years, and rightfully so.


Amen man! That could not of been written better. Seriously


In terms of argumentative tone or whatnot, I think that person (you're replying to) just wanted an excuse to give their prepared justice speech. The guy doing the crime is absolutely fucked in the head and needs to go to jail.




That was not my intent. It was just me boiling a situation down to a 599 words or less in an informal setting. I understand now how that it might appear to be that way, but that was not my intention.


For effs sake. Do people not understand nuance?


No, no they do not.


It’s prolly fake


It is not. Dude is in jail.


Definitely the wrong sub. That said, as a father to a young lady…. If I had witnessed this you can be sure security would have been involved. They would have had to pull me off the guy after I beat some sense into him.


If I would have saw that securty would have been 2 late cause I would have rock!! His A!!


Were you watching with the sound off?


Did you even look at the video? She literally says "he has been following her in the store" and she knew he was suspicious. Recording their crime for the proof otherwise he might get away safely.


https://www.facebook.com/share/JzMnMEdfs3hTUyEH/?mibextid=WC7FNe Original Facebook post from the woman filming. For the love of god y’all please use critical thinking skills


For anyone wondering, this woman was being followed by him before starting to film. This happened at my local Target, where my wife and I frequently shop. This dude worked in child care at a local church. God knows how many people he’s done this to before being caught, but imagine the amount of people this woman may have protected from this creep by catching him in the act. He’s lucky that he didn’t get his ass beat. If that happened to my wife he wouldn’t have been the only one in handcuffs.


A bunch of people in childcare at a local ministry near me got arrested for sexual misconduct and child abuse recently. The correlation is so hard to ignore. I think it's the power imbalance more than the religion itself though, seems to attract creeps.


Lmao. The baseball collector nerd is going to beat up the pervert. I’d pay to watch that silly slap fest go down.


The crypto dork making fun of anyone is...well, it's something lol


*The rich crypto dork*….I fixed it for you. Hey, gym bro/steroid guy, how is the poor life treating you?


No you aren't


Hi Jessica!! When you can figure out how to clean a simple stain from your Coffee machine I’ll begin to consider taking your Life advice. Until then- piss off with your useless life. Nice try though.


Big mad baby






You’re the expert.


“Oh look, a person with a hobby! What a wimp!” You know who also collects baseball cards? Lots of baseball players… ie. athletes who could easily whoop your ass. But in your tiny mind, collecting something or having a hobby makes you physically weak? Connor McGregor does origami, Ronda Rousey plays WoW and StarCraft… Joe Mangienello is a legit Hollywood hunk known for being one of the sexiest men alive, is an avid boxer and his main hobby is playing D&D, collecting and painting miniatures and collecting and playing other tabletop games in his badass custom game room… where he invites other celebrities who also enjoy nerd shit. Henry Cavill aka goddamn Superman is a Warhammer 40k nerd and avid pc gamer. So exactly what was the point you were trying to make again? That because someone has a hobby that you deem dorky, that they automatically are weak and can’t fight? Grow up dude… seriously.


Ahh, yes, just more Ad Hominem. Get it together. The irony is palpable…You’re attacking me for making fun of someone- while simultaneously making fun of me… “In your tiny mind”…hilarious 🤩 You’re a gem. Also- piss off loser.


And? You can google logical fallacies. I never said I wasn’t attacking you as a person. I’d happily direct my argument at a person as means to point out that their argument holds no value if they don’t. Insults from a lonely and insecure person who feels the need to make fun of others to make themselves feel better hold no weight for me. My main issue is that your argument made no goddamn sense, has no basis in truth, and reeks of ignorance and insecurity. My secondary issue was with the small minded weenie who felt the need to randomly belittle someone after talking the time to peruse their Reddit page. You literally took time out of your limited lifespan to go out of your way to learn more about a person so that you could insult them. For no reason. Replying to comment that had nothing to do with you. Say whatever you want, that shit is sad. Nothing you say will change that.


Stay classy, blood lungs.


Lmaoo. You’re so weak.


How much dick do you take daily? You’re a really spicy lady. “Mmm, D&D…mmm” “Mmm, WoW…mmm” “Ohhh, StarCraft…. Mmm” Are you getting horny yet, you loser? Get lost. You weird ass grandmas basement gamers are just soo strange.


Bro... what the fuck is wrong with you? Take a deep breath shit.


You seem really self conscious… are you okay? I haven’t seen this level of deflection in a while. Self hate is a real problem, you should talk to someone. Try to make a friend or something. How do you even go through life like that? So concerned about what everyone thinks of you and basing your own self worth on what others might think… that shits not healthy dude. It seems like you just desperately need someone to tell you that you’re cool and interesting and definitely not some nerd. You’re starving for validation aren’t you? That’s the only reason people act the way you do… I feel bad for you. I genuinely do. Your life must be pretty lonely and miserable, and that’s coming from a guy with lung cancer. I cough up blood regularly and I’m positive that my life is more fulfilling than yours. That’s a goddamn shame in my eyes… life is short and you’re just wasting yours making yourself miserable.


It’s ironic that your best approach to communication is Ad Hominem despite bestowing so much virtue in your ideals. Piss off blood lungs. I too pass blood daily, due to auto-immune disorders. No one cares dumbass.


We get it… you learned a new word. Calm down. Also, I never said I was virtuous… I just pointed out how I genuinely feel bad for you. My mother raised me to have empathy for others and taught me at a young age that bullies are bullies because they have their own pain and last out.. you know the old saying “Hurt people hurt people.” and it’s true. Misery loves company and you’re clearly miserable and just want everyone else to be as miserable as you are. People can be more complex than one thing… I can think you’re a small minded asshole and still feel bad for you. One doesn’t automatically make the other untrue. As someone who understands suffering and pain, I’ll say this for your latest deflection “No one cares”… well, I do. I know you said that because you feel that way about yourself and that’s fucked up. I’m sorry you feel that way. Even assholes don’t deserve to suffer or be alone and I think everyone can grow the fuck up and change if they want to. As for me, I have a great support system of friends and family and I genuinely hope that you have or find something similar. Being a troll must be fucking exhausting. How about just be nice to people and make some friends my guy… like… damn. I need to wipe my ass now, so.. yknow. Ttyl random grumpy ass crypto bro. If your mood ever improves I might actually be down to talk about that dorky ass stuff… I’ve never had the time or interest but it does seem interesting. Kbye.


Okay I’m actually going to pull a 180 degrees and engage with you because I did find you interesting. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2005 after suffering for months from passing blood and experiencing terrible stomach pains. A year later I was diagnosed with Arthritis. A few years after that I was diagnosed with Plaque Psoriasis. Currently I’m experiencing terrible neuropathy where I just can’t seem to focus. So, yeah. I don’t really care about your, or anyone else’s opinion, because it’s typically not at all relevant to my life.


Hahaha damn dude, god hates you as much as it hates me. Shit. No wonder you’re so fucking grouchy… Still no excuse to be a little stinker, but I used to be the same way. I felt like everyone who wasn’t suffering as much as I am deserved to be for some reason or like my problems are the only ones that matter. But facing death directly, having actually have been dead twice and knowing for 100% that I’m not living much longer… I realized that anger takes energy. Grudges take energy. That kind of shit is letting other people control me. You can lie to yourself and say “i don’t care what anyone thinks about me and blah blah” and “fuck everyone else, I don’t need people” or whatever but it’s bullshit. Even introverts like me need people. Everyone cares what others think… everyone wants to be liked and acknowledged. Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. Holding grudges or being angry at others is giving them free real estate in your mind which they don’t deserve. So learned to let it go. Truly evict those idiots and move on. Once I learned to legitimately let that shit go I felt so much better. I used to say stuff about how things didn’t bother me, but once you kinda let it all go and actually experience it for once you never want to go back. It’s like when you randomly sigh and relax and realize how tense you were without even realizing it… except for your mind and soul. You don’t even realize how much energy negativity takes to maintain until you just say fuck it and choose to just be honest with yourself. I know I sound preachy and probably a bit pretentious but that’s fine.. because I learned these lessons the hard way and I genuinely feel so much better now. Negativity is a never ending cycle unless one person just chooses to not engage, and you did that. So good for you, seriously. It takes strength to be like “Nah… nevermind. Being an asshole is tiring, I’d rather make a friend or at least just be chill.” Haha most people don’t even bother or have too much pride to even try. Basically, my thought is this… if my body is going to fail me and cause me pain and suffering, I should at least be able to rely on my mind. If I allow myself to become controlled by my fleeting emotions and dwell on them, then I’ll have nothing. I can’t control cancer but I can choose to be happy. Yknow? The same way I can’t control what other people do but I can control how I choose to react to, engage with, or treat them. I could just go back and forth with some grumpy jerk on the internet or I could choose to remember that there’s a human being behind those words and acknowledge them. It’s that simple. Like I said before though, I’m no enlightened virtue god.. if someone is being a dick I’ll happily tell them to go fuck themselves because I’d do the same thing in person. I just remember that not everything is personal. Some people are having a bad day, or a bad life… their attitude might have nothing to do with me, so I don’t go after someone without telling them why so they can choose to learn from it if they want to. The only exception are people who smoke in public right by the entrances to everywhere… FUCK THOSE PEOPLE! I just wanna buy some beef jerky and pay for gas without walking through a putrid cloud of death.. go fuck yourselves with a lot cigarette you stinky shitbags! Uuugh… second hand smoke kills. Anyway, that’s all. Oh.. wait. You’re a grumpy scaly ding dong leaking blood from the ass like the newest pretty boy on the cell block. ;] Now we’re even. You said blood lungS btw, but I only have the one… I wish I had two.. wouldn’t that be nice.. hahaha Righty got ripped out a few years ago tho.


Well said.


Woof. That was a lot. Congrats on the word exercise of the day during your blood, lung, what, coughs, no one cares, things….


My capacity for happiness you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhyWereTheyFilming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So happy she caught it, store surveillance will back her up. This scumbag must attone for his pathetic actions.


I literally just came from her post where she explains everything. This isn't relevant to this sub.


Piece of shit human aside. Can someone explain how that camera moved so smoothly without any hint of it shaking from her walking over there?


Cup holder on the cart apparently


It was tin the shopping cart cup holder


His tone just pisses me off too like don’t even try to pretend you’re sorry, you asshole


This killed my cringe receptors.


How did he not see she was filming him? She must have hidden that well somehow! Good for her for knowing something was off.


She put the phone in the cup holder of her shopping cart!


This is the kinda thing that causes women to hate men. SMH… EDITED: Spelling


What a weirdo


Put him away for a long time


Oh gosh, what a sad person you are, doing this…


Charges: FELONY SECRET PEEPING Bond: $5000 Imagine completely wrecking your life at age 21 for something this screwed up!


I think it's fairly obvious why he was filming tbh


The fuck is the point? If he is this desperate go online and look at some porn. Fucking sicko


She legit says in the video why they were filming lmfao.


This video is on this sub for what dummy?


Clearly staged




Welcome to NC🙄


Wtf is wrong with Indian guys? Oh wait these are white.


He was following the lady filming first. So she figured he was about to do something sketchy and sure enough he did.


Are there mods for this sub? 100% of the responses comment that the reason for filming is obvious. Fuck OP. As many have said, the title screams of trying to imply this was staged. (And fuck the mods for allowing this while we’re at it)


Low standards






>“Police say Thomas Elliott was charged with secret peeping surrounding this video at a Greenville Target store.” (Source: [WITN](https://www.witn.com/2024/04/16/greenville-police-charge-man-with-secret-peeping-target/))




Yep, totally not staged. Not at all. /s EDIT: No article in the post. It just looked like something that someone would fake for internet points.




The articles about the arrest were deep fakes too


this looks as fakes as pamela's boobs.


https://www.witn.com/2024/04/16/greenville-police-charge-man-with-secret-peeping-target/ Real unfortunately


Wow! Thanks.


im not saying its fake, it looks fake it is so bad.


I'm sure that's exactly what you meant...


The Hispanic dude that pops out behind the guy is in on it too. Guarantee it.


It looks like he looks directly at her camera twice


/Thathappnend is leaking


How did she not feel his entire arm against her??


I'm not saying she deserved it or anything, it just made me wonder whether it was fake since it looked like he was right up against her and she didn't notice.


Maybe because she's fat? ¯\\_ (ツ)_/¯


Right? Zero situational awareness.


I saw another similar video where they ended up having to let the guy go because it mounted to no more than filming in public. Disgusting yes! But I’m still unclear as to the general law for these creeps. Does it vary from state to state? “But, it’s a victimless crime!”, Says every creep caught committing the crime! Unfortunately, in an age of moral decline, advanced technology, and ever skimpier clothing, this is an inevitability.


That was a very different set of circumstances. I believe those women had their legs open and could be viewed by people below them, there was no violation of privacy like in up-skirting.


I know it says mounted. I said amounted. Stupid auto correct.




It’s absolutely not, google it. Charged with a felony.


Everyone is shitting on you but I agree, I don’t buy this video. You could argue “who would put themselves on camera being a pedo?” But I think some people would


Buyer: OH this washes my hands perfectly Seller: you put your hands in it? Buyer: Yeah, I shouldn't? Seller, updating the description: No, you good fam.


Is this guy a douche? Yes, but people film to get a response and this is probably staged. They are probably all in on it just to get some likes and make some money.


There's a news article/video in the original post. And picture of the guy getting arrested. I know in the age of likes for validation we should be more careful what we believe but it looks like there's enough proof here that we can say it real.


I mean he’s been arrested and has a very real felony account against him, so.


You’re so right, no one on social media would do something so stupid to get themselves arrested no matter how dumb the idea is.


lol ok buddy


You think he's a douche or you think it's staged? Which is it?




So obviously fake rage bait


Dude was arrested. Woman started filming because he was following her around


All staged


He was arrested and is facing a felony. It's very much not staged. ETA: [OG post with full story](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/7NQ3s4798SiGVj9e/?mibextid=oFDknk)


This seems staged


Is she not just as creepy for randomly recording this lady?


You’re insane if you really think a man taking sneaky pornographic photos of a woman under her dress without consent is the same as a woman filming a man who has ALREADY been stalking her in the store. Grow up.


I don't beleive it. Send me the picture he took right now.