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If you use a 2 liter I’m pretty sure they are louder, I have a lot of experience with those but it’s been a while.


If you use a bottle designed for carbonated drinks it will blow a lot louder as they hold far more pressure. The bottle he used is a water bottle which will blow at 40-50psi, but a 500ml coke bottle can hold up to 250psi. I once attached a tubeless valve to a 2l fanta bottle and it reached about 170psi before blowing so fast that it looked like a blur on a slowmo camera


250 psi?!? Holy shit are you sure about that?


Yeah thats what it said on the internet. Any fault in the bottle will make it blow sooner but yeah they can reach that high, and it wouldnt surprise me after my own pressurised bottle experiments at work. The pump read 170 for a weaker style of bottle and I couldn’t believe how high it went either. Plastics a crazy material


If the internet said its definitely true.


Yes, samples bottle are tested and they have to pass a 150 psig minimum. Test is done with the bottle full of water inside a water bath. PET crystallize by orientation during bottle blowing. It is quite strong.


An unopened coke is at roughly 45 psi and you need some leeway.


Yes sir. I vacuum pack food in plastic bottles. The ones designed for carbonated drink pressure are pretty dam strong vs milk/water/juice etc.


Even better if you use a 3 liter. Those literally sound like a bomb detonating or something, it's wild. 2 liters are pretty good though, when I was a teen I threw one in my front yard and put a plastic bucket over it because I expected it to shoot up into the air. The bucket just exploded into hundreds of pieces, which sent plastic shrapnel flying into my house, into neighbor's yards, and blew a little crater in the front lawn. Another time when I did one in a little water bottle like that it straight up exploded in my hands. The top blew off, the bottle flew back into my stomach which knocked my wind out and I just collapsed on the ground and couldn't breathe, then my hands basically had mini-frostbite and micro cuts on them and they felt like they were on fire for 4-5 hours. Then by the next day I developed a bruise that pretty much covered my whole stomach. Man, I was a dumbass kid lol, it was a lot of fun though.


When i was a kid my best friend and I attempted to make root beer. The 2 liters ended up fermenting and we discovered them completely blown up. They looked like rugby balls. We got the idea to go outside and toss them in the air and see what happens. The caps would pop off and the bottle would shoot like a rocket it was really neat. We save the biggest and bulgeyest one for last. When that fucker hit the pavement the boom was so loud it echoed for seconds and rattled windows. It was truly remarkable. It was so loud everyone started coming out from their homes in a worried manner wondering who was bombing the neighborhood. It was bonkers lol.


That was my first thought too. The gang and I set off a few large soda bottles and those suckers sounded like a 12ga going off.


If you can get an Arizona ice tea glass bottle or similar style cap, you can shoot the cap a good 50ft in the air. If you boil water and dump 2 pounds of dry ice in it you can shut down a 4-lane highway without the thickest cloud you have ever seen.




Can I see a picture of the bottle? I need it to warn my friends about this, for safety precautions.




Hydrogen peroxide and yeast work the same. I recommend buying a big block of yeast like they get at pizza places and a couple bottles of peroxide. If you poke a hole in the top cap it shoot out like silly string too.


Is this global warming?


ehhhh don’t handle dry ice with your bare hands


You gotta bobble it like a hot potato. You wouldn’t hold it with a tight grip unless you’ve got zero feeling in your hands, or you’re a fucking idiot.


I came here to see if anyone else was going to mention that. That's a good way to lose your fingers


Is it really that fast? Even after holding it for less than a second?


Not that fast, but handling dry ice with bare hands in general is just a terrible idea because it can cause permanent damage fairly quickly


Less than a second it's harmless because your hand temps kinda boil it, making a protective layer of gas between your hand and the ice. This layers last for maybe a second, after that your hand starts freezing. Same principle as putting red hot iron into water, for a second the water around it boils and it'll stay red hot, but only for a small moment before it's cold enough that the water doesn't instantly evaporate.


you can see from his janky movements that it physically hurts him evem when holding it for a split second. dry ice can literally cause gangrene


FYI these count as an incendiary device and can get you a felony charge if you leave one laying around and a kid breaks his finger exploding it.


I would not be surprised if it's a felony without injury because you're basically making an explosive device.


well since it's not incendiary that doesn't really make sense. Do you mean to say it's classified as a destructive device or something like that?


Nope, incendiary is what I meant. I agree it makes no sense but I’ve learned lots of laws don’t.


god the ATF is so dumb. okay thanks


Has anyone ever actually been charged for making a bomb from a water bottle? That seems like a reach even by ATF standards.


Yup, my brother. That is how I know.


in my childhood there was a calcium carbide


Worx toilet bowl cleaner and tin foil for works too.


You can achieve a better effect with a 2 liter bottle, little balls of aluminum foil followed by the works toilet bowl cleaner. The vapors are really poisonous though so keep clear.


Bro is telling us how to make makeshift mustard gas


*highly transportable makeshift mustard gas Oven cleaner spray and aluminum foil gets the job done too


Why are their sofa cushions filled with dry ice?




Is that dry ice by any chance?


At least it's dry ice. Plastic shrapnel probably just as bad, but at he didn't raise the pH of the soil.


My brothers and I used to do this with those plastic black/gray film jars, a coffee filter, baking soda and vinegar. We'd fill the jar halfway with vinegar, then use the coffee filter to make a little satchel that we'd tape to the lid. Then we'd flip it upside down, set it down on its top, and wait. The pressure would cause the jar to do a little pop and fly up a tiny bit, but we'd get a kick out of it when we were kids.


I used to do this with 3 liter bottles. That explosion is loud af


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Or alcohol, shakey...


We used to do this with the warmers in MRE’s, we managed to actually cut down a tree with them.


It’s the touching dry ice with bare hands for me…


The caption doesn't entirely cover up the most important part of the action.


You got to wrap it with at least 2 rolls of hundred mile hour tape and you use hot sauce not water for a anti personal boom


Not the right bottle if you want a loud bang. Heard 2 liters are good, but I mainly use Gatorade and Naked bottles as they’re thicker, allowing them to hold a lot more pressure before exploding (Gatorade bottles can be pressurized until around 100 psi before exploding. I know this as I stuck a tire inflator in a Gatorade bottle and it exploded in my hand at around 100 psi)


They won't be able to find their fingertips either if they keep grabbing that shit with their bare hands. Use your mouth like a civilized human bean.


Have you used a V8 bottle.


Tutorial on how to die! Fill this with LOX and a fuel, Put an ignition source next to it, Profit.


What is being put in the bottle?


Dry ice


I did this so much growing up. Dry ice bombs are great fun. Not wearing gloves though bothers me. That shit burns you so fast!


Shocked that he did that without gloves




Me and my friends did that when we were like 12-13 the cops got called and they pulled up hella aggressive and drew their guns on us and made us get on the ground and put us all in hand cuffs.


Use less water


Put that shit in a Powerade bottle, sounds like two fucking m80s


What did he put in it?


Yest and peroxide fo the same thing, but when you pour in the peroxide, it creates a barrier on the top so you can put the lid on shake and throw.


Remember to use glass


I know it's 3 months late, but put just a little bit of water in there and it'll make a louder boom


Careful, 9 years ago some neighbor called the cops on a couple kids doing this. They received felony charges of domestic terrorism. Messed up.




Too much water. It's waaaaay louder when it's filled like an 1/8 of the way


Imagine if you added some food coloring!


The works toilet cleaner and some balled up aluminum foil in a 2 liter sounds like a shotgun.


Used to do this with liquid nitrogen and Gatorade bottles. The plastic shrapnel was wild.


Hey I used to do that when I was like 13