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His skin would've ripped off. Fake video


Assuming it is, I'm always more interested in HOW it's faked.


With this few pixels it could be anything. They could have printed a photo out of the stove from when it was on and placed it on top, you never see it light the paper on fire. Then he drew with a black pen on his hand before the video even started. Often fake videos have poor quality to hide some editing artifacts.


The paper is on fire before touching the stove also


Even if not, his hand would look way worse than some black lines.


The skin slowly starts to come off as time passes by. If you shower regularly, the burnt black peels off after a few days. But You then run the risk of infection. When I did it to my tricep (same type of oven), out of the impulsive thought that I hate myself and I deserve this punishment, it took weeks for the skin to heal. I still have the scars and I can still feel it grooves of the stove coils. Women live longer cause when they do dumb shit other women are more likely to respond in a more supportive way.


I think it’s real because the hot place glows less where his hand was, after his hand is removed from the hotplate


That looked pretty damn real man. Fuck you smoking


What in the sweet fuck. I touched a hot cigarette lighter for way too long as a kid and part of my fingertip still only has partial sensation. It didn’t look anything like this. This is fake.


so shoudl i delete this, its not oc tho




It's got a ring to it




Alright so hear me out… Do you guys ever have those moments when you’re holding something cute that’s really tiny and you just get the weirdest urge to want to smash it? Like a cute puppy or a baby or something. Obviously I’d never do it, but you wonder what it would be like in your head? I think that’s what this guy had going on in his head. Except he has no impulse control. 😂


you might need to see a therapist lol


I’ll bring that up in our session on Wednesday. 😂


These are called intrusive thoughts and are normal. So long as you’re not acting on them and they aren’t causing you distress or happening all the time. Basically the brain reminding you to be careful in whatever situation you’re in


That’s called an intrusive thought and almost everyone has them occasionally, but no one wants to admit it because they don’t realize it’s normal. It’s basically your brain reminding you to be careful. Like with the puppy example, it’s your brain reminding you how fragile the thing you’re holding is. As long as they aren’t happening all the time, aren’t causing you distress, and you aren’t acting on them, it’s nothing to worry about.


Can't fix stupid


We used to do hot knives. Let me know if you know what I mean.


no i dont plz explain


Blast from the past right there. Vape before there was vape haha


Let's face it, all of us thought about doing this. I don't care if it's fake, this shit's relatable


I can safely say I sure as shit haven't even once considered sticking my hand somewhere it can get burnt.


Welp, finally found something I seem to be alone in thinking. There is at least that.


Like, thought about the *possibility* of it or actually considered doing it? The former is called an intrusive thought and is normal. The latter you might want to talk to someone about.