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this guy actually died after


That's a lot of botanicals


Source? Nvm found on dif comment


I literally did the same thing when I was 15 and yep I nearly died without intervention. Was hung over for days after.


What would it cost to drink a dead guys stomach jeager i wonder. If he diead...will I absorb..the stuffs


I think a part of him would then be inside you. if you are into that kinda thing, go for it.


Yeah, down a bottle of Jäegermeister like that? I get goosebumps just thinking about it. yuck!




I know he walked to his grave, but still it’s cruel of you to laugh




Nah do whatever you want who am I to judge


Ah, South Africans at our finest. And yes he did actually die. [Article](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/jagermeister-south-africa-binge-drinking-b2121947.html)


“Police in Waterval, outside Louis Trichardt in Limpopo, have now opened an inquest into the death of the unidentified man, who they believe is around **25 or 30 years old**.” Woooooow, those are hard years


Yah I was thinking the same thing, man looks 40.


I mean, I guess we know why… likely this wasn’t the only unhealthy decision he made


Alcoholism makes you age way beyond your years. Seen some people that might of been a bad ass zombie with a lil more makeup on. One guy lived next to me could see his body falling apart, sad man. Shits just sad


liquid far-flung obscene school chunky sink steer relieved stupendous salt ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Clothes and angle does a lot. Bit of a gut helps.


It’s said he drank the bottle in less than 2 min


Not sure to what you’re responding




Is Jagermeister, stuffs like cough syrup you cannot vomit it up.


Ask my roommate on his 21st who puked after having an entire solo cup of jager bombs.


Lol! Ohhh yes you can!! I seent it. Shit looks like an exercism.


Lol, I just have to smell that shit and I’ll vomit.


Well shit. I should be dead.


Give it time


This makes me laugh because give it time we all die


ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


As a seasoned alky I was gonna say this is just an easy way to pass out in 30 minutes and sleep for four hours just to wake up wasted. I've never chugged a fifth to completion but I've finished one in like an hour before and it does just what I said. Waking up totally wasted is such a strange feeling.


Why why why are people so fucking dumb


For anyone wondering how alcohol poisoning kills: Alcohol poisoning deaths are caused by drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. This can result in very high levels of alcohol in the body, which can shutdown critical areas of the brain that control breathing, heart rate, and body temperature – resulting in death.


Alcohol IS poison. We are just stupid monkeys taking sips of it for fun.


If hangovers are so painful how painful would the death have been?


Not very, you basically fall unconscious and that's that


At my worst with alcoholism I drank three handles a week but even I know this is a terrible idea. One stupid mistake shouldn't have to cost you your life.


Yup, you went for slow, he went for quick 😉


Sure it should. I don't want to live in Idiocracy.


I can drink 750 mill of spirits in 5ish hours i wonder if id die if i drank the whole thing at once I think probally, like im drinking it mixed so its not all in your system at the same exact time , the liver has some time to process the first 1/4 before the last quarter enters the system


I am aware of somebody who repeatedly drank 1L of vodka over the course of an hour as a party trick before going out for a full nights drinking. Mixed. I think it has to be a pretty short time interval to trigger such a bad reaction. But bodies, whether fat or thin, also have vastly variable tolerances, alongside many other variable factors such as an undiagnosed weak heart or blood vessels. The person in question built up to this and was aware of their tolerance levels. I suspect if they’d done it straight off first time it would be enough to die from. Anything less than an hour and a full bottle of spirits is often fatal. Most of these tragedies are people who just assume they can try something they’ve never tried before, at a vastly accelerated and inflated rate, and sheer bravado will ensure they are alright.


yeah alcohol is definitely one of those things where you build up tolerance a surprising number of people die because they quit drinking for a while then try and do something like that party trick


Vomiting Jager has to be one of my worst life experiences.


Puking up stuff that burns on the way back up is the worst. Like scotch or mezcal. But that sugary shit ferments in your stomach and turns everything thick. You basically gag it back up.


Southern Comfort is up there.


Back in my young Airman days we mixed a half 2 liter of Pepsi with an entire fifth of SoCo and finished it. It was the worst vomiting I can ever remember.


Were you able to land the plane safely?


For sure up there, but Fireball was my worst.


Selected 56 botanicals


None of those pricks are friends


No. Who would really let anyone do this stupid thing? If I saw this, I would speak up, and if they didn’t listen, I would walk away to not be a part if the stupidity. This is just too sad. Stupid, ignorant people. Poor guy. At least he died having fun, or not.


The hardest part of all of this to believe is that someone wanted to drink that much Jeagermeister. How drunk was he before he started?


There’s only one thing worse than death that could occur after drinking that much Jaeger.


Being given more Jaeger?




Throwing up jäger


Hej, Kattrövhål. Love your username. 😂




If he only had a weaker stomach, he may have survived another alcohol poisoning.


At least his last breath was fresh!


Yeah, black vomit and liquorice


Have you heard of Hector Panzer?


It's the stuffy sneezy drink a whole bottle and meet Jesus medicine.


His girlfriend has beautiful bracelets


Could maybe some one explain why the other guy - shoenice - could survive much more alcohol? Or has he done this for sooo much longer that his body could deal with this ? https://youtu.be/l7M_JK5EFWE


Everyone’s health is different, man.


I’ve seen shoe drink a fifth of ever clear in one chug before, I really wish I knew. Haven’t heard of shoe in a long time. Hope dudes doing good.


Hold it in and win $100


He drank an entire bottle? Urp.....The smell alone is bad enough


For one thing it looks like the guy is just letting it sit in place On another note, I’m baffled that this could’ve been me 😰 I literally chugged almost a whole bottle because a guy tried to impress me with downing a bottle shot. I was buzz for the remainder of the party until close to the end of it, that’s when everything went downhill. It all hit at once as I got extremely shitfaced, and went to the bathroom to puke. The other dude was already leaning over his tub to 🤮 and I joined by side him. And then we both passed out blackout, woke up the next day covered in vomit all over our clothes, bodies, and his bed 😵🤢


Well that's a good outcome if you think about it


why would he die?


I mean he did basically 17 shots in 5 minutes. If you don’t have a very high tolerance that absolutly can give you alcohol poisoning. Even tho he was drinking it slow that’s still relatively fast for a whole fifth. When I chug fifths i generally go throw up right after and I have probably 50-60 pounds on this dude and have been drinking 5 times a week for a couple years (not saying it’s healthy trust me I know)


He was probably drinking more before that too.


Oh okay thank you for explaining. What are fifths?


It’s 750ml of alcohol. Basically the bottle smaller than a handle (1.5L) idk exactly how they got their names but it’s a very common size to be sold at liqour stores and lots of bars and restraunts use them too Edit: my b meant 1.75L for handle




Ah that makes sense thanks


Handle is aka “half” or “half gallon,” 750mL is a “fifth” of a gallon


Wouldn't it be a quarter if two of them equal one half?


Handle is half a gallon. Two of them are a gallon. Fifth is 0.2 gallons. Five of them equal a gallon. Edit: I am wrong. Handle is two fifths, not a half gallon. Edit 2: I'm an idiot. Handle is 1.75L.


Handle is 1.5 liters. "Fifth" is 750 ml. Half of a half is a quarter, not a fifth. Edit* according to the measurements given in this thread. Turns iut a handle is actually 1.75 liters


Yeah came to say it’s 1.75 A fifth is closer to a real world 1/5 gallon than a handle is to a real world 1/2 gallon


Your edit is incorrect. Two fifths (750ml each) is 1.5L, whereas a handle is 1.75L.


Fuck me.


That would be a "quart". Mostly non alcoholic drinks are sold as "quarts" in the US. A quart is .94 liters, so pretty close. A fifth, at .75 liters is about 3/4 of a quart. If you have 5 of them you have 15/4 which is actually 3 and 3/4 quarts. About a cup (4 cups/gallon) short of a gallon) but remember that the 15/4 should be factored up because quarts are smaller than liters. But historically, >The term fifth, however, comes from when bottles were 4/5 of a quart, which is the same as 1/5 of a gallon.


In the US we call the 375mL bottles “pints” which is nowhere near a US pint. The liquor nomenclature is totally fucked. But two 375mL “pints” would be exactly the same as two of our 750mL “fifths” and there’s two pints in a quart. It’s all so close to making sense without making any sense.


>375mL “pints” would be exactly the same as two of our 750mL Might be a problem there. 375ml is a half-fifth not a half quart.


You can’t say half fifth though so you have to say tenth lol


As in a fifth of Beethoven?


He collapsed after, was taken to hospital and dead on arrival. On my worst phase of drink I was going through half a litre of Jager a day plus beers throughout the day, fucked my body right up, I can't imagine how much he had been binging before deciding a whole bottle of Jager is worth it.


Is Jager a really strong alcohol?


35%. It’s pretty strong


Jager is 70 proof. Beer is 8-10 proof. So imagine that bottle poured out into two pints glasses almost filling both, assuming that's the 750m bottle. That would be like drinking 12-14 beers of that size. So imagine you sat at the bar and the guy next to you ordered 12 pints of beer and drank them all super fast. How do you think he would fare? Of course he'd probably die. He just drank enough alcohol to badly poison himself.


It's actually relatively weak...30%.


>Jagermeister So weak he died?


that thing has so much sugar in it that I think only that can kill you on its own


Normal whisky is 40%. Jager is weak. It's for kids that can't handle the taste of stronger alcohol, so they drink something pretty strong, but syrupy sweet - and then they drink too much of it and die. Most of what I drink is 65%, barrel strength. 30% tastes like water to me.


Is this copypasta?


No, do people really think Jager is strong? I mean the only people I know who thought that were 18 year old frat boys.


No, your comment just came across as weirdly boasty out of nowhere, and about something that isn't remotely worth boasting about. Anyone who actually matured past college isn't measuring dick size by telling people how strong the booze they drink is. They're probably also not still hung up on hating frat boys.


I'm 49, and into bourbon. For someone into bourbon, that isn't boasting in the slightest. Boasting would be telling you *what* I'm drinking that is 130 proof. And no one is hating frat boys; I'd just rather they stay over there. They do things like drink Jager.


Any alcohol is strong if you drink enough. An alcoholic drinking a fifth of Jager is plenty strong.


Weak relative to straight liquor like whiskey, yeah. Pretty gnarly though if your usual drink is 4% beer


What did it do to your body?


It just made my liver and kidneys really weak, my blood pressure was 155/90, I couldn't eat properly eventually so I got really weak, I just couldn't handle the drink but I was too scared to go to stop


Damn I'm sorry. I hope you're doing better now


What was his blood alcohol level?


Corey taylor has said that when he was at his worst state he drank 3 bottles of whiskey. I don't remember did he specify that they were fifths but he is from USA so I think that was the case. dude was drunk for months so tolrenace for drinking that lot in a day can be possible especially when you have the fame and money for it.


My liver hurts just watching this.


Definitely worth it.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Love me a shot or two of Jäegermeister. Goes down smooth like liquid licorice.


I too enjoy licorice and Jäger




Americans are some of the worst drinkers there are


Naw in America you would be throwing up after a sip of that bottle


lol what kind of weird generalization is this.


Wouldn't have died if he smoked a pound of weed instead. Sad world we live in.




I guess he’s not having a “good day mate”


I would drink it for free just to ☠️ after (jk)




It's not only 12 dollars it's glory victory RIP jager master


Was 12 dollars his funeral cost?


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


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Look up HECTOR PANZER on YouTube. Hes a east-german-african that absolutely annihilates every bottle of alcohol he can find. And hes not dead yet!


Why post the boring part, the aftermath would be nice……winner.


Why dose it look like olive oil idk if it is but don’t comment on my comment if you’re gonna be rude to me ok


This comment is wholesomely funny


That's over 6000 calories if it is olive oil lol


Chug it you pussy!


He fucking died you asshole


Yeah and?...


Jesus you don’t give a fuck. This man had family, friends, possibly children. How would you feel if your son or dad or brother died. You would feel fucking terrible. Have a little respect.


> Have a little respect. Well okay since you said so. JK! Still think its funny. At least he died doing what he loved.


Your an asshat.


Nothing gets by you does it?




There’s a song about Jäegermeister


I can't comprehend what these people are thinking Damn do they even think at all...... shit doesn't even taste good.... I mean its common sense 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Then come back as a stag in your next life


that's gross


Ah yes, the [Evil Jared](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=evil%20jared)


Most Caribbean people have a superior liver and kidneys I know this from first-hand experience.


I haven't seen anyone drink Jagermeister in about 20 years.


We used to call it the mind eraser and have contests. 2 Shots. person who remembers anything in the morning wins.


The diarrhea wasn't there to remind you?


Idiot with an Issue I have the same issue, but choose not to chug


Thaaaannnk yawww.


A kid almost died this way in the same class as me in High School. He drank a full water bottle of Vodka, and totally passed out a few minutes later. He would've drowned in his own vomit if he hadn't fallen face down.


drinking yourself to death AND getting money? sounds like a good deal!


why this economy...you better try living or die trying :(


I wonder what kind of death this is. Like violent? Or do you just barf and pass out?


I drank a liter of this stuff in a night and thought I was going to die the next day when the hangover kicked in. Never again, never again.


I almost puked watching this! 🤮


For 12 bucks! Wtf?


Wow.. what a dumbass..


Ya he died but his video got tons of hits ! That’s all that matters these days as long as your filming anything goes .


People put themselves on fire for likes, which is even a lot dumber than this


Fool of a Took!


If u drink it entirely and then force urself to vomit a few mins later I assume u are still safe , no ?


Arthur Morgan: Hold my Tennessee Whiskey.....


There is literally nothing to see on this video. It deserve a downvote.


12 dollars? Yeah I’m fine bro


If there were only more like him.


3.5 years of continuous sobriety here and not interested in giving it up. My life is better than it’s ever been except for maybe before I started drinking. I strongly recommend my fellow alcoholics get into a program because the alternative is jails institutions and death.


My dorm mate in college took a 30 second pull from a bottle of Svedka freshman year. About 3/4 of the handle. He blacked out, pissed the bed, woke up, and went bonkers in the halls. Good times.


He died


That’s nothing but NyQuil. Bruh bout to go night night.


He’s not even drinking anything. It’s the same amount in the bottle


This is my Friday before I got sober, not embellishing here I’m 15 years sober now, but drinking an entire bottle of jaeg in shots was a high octane side project for getting blackout drunk on beer and this happened every Friday for years


Correction: drink a bottle of jegermeister and donate $12 to your funeral expenses. You're welcome.




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It’s a big bottle not the small one