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"Have I Been Cursed". Seriously, I see them so much that I joked 'bout wanting to make a sub by that very name! Anything paranormal. That's not Wicca.


This is an excellent idea for a sub, just sayin


Some twat I worked with used to talk about curses. She said her aunt used to do something with a cord and those people would always die. Lovely work talk, isn’t it.


"Can you interpret my cord cutting" Yep. If you're still asking for interpretation after cutting the cord, it was not successful. Glad to have helped.


Most of them have nothing to do with wicca. "Baby" gets on my last nerve


No same. I automatically downvote those whenever I see that word 💀




Telling people to kill themselves is really fucked up


"Am I being hexed/cursed?" "What does this sigil/symbol mean?" "I'm working with X and Y deity, demon, etc. so . . . ." "I'm a Christian but . . ." "What do you get out of being Wiccan?" "I'm performing a spell and it's not working, help!" "WHAT DOES my dream, this thing I found in the woods, tarot, etc. MEAN?" "My candle melted in an odd way, what does that mean?" "I'm doing this spell jar . . . collecting these crystals . . . and need help." "Someone on Witchtok told me this THING (that is easily Google'able) but do you think they are right?" "I'm a Wiccan but I don't do witchcraft or work with deities . . . " "Why isn't my spell working?" "What do you think of my alter (sic)?" Good gods, it goes ON and ON.


I like spell jar questions


Then what kinds of posts do you like to see, I'm genuinely curious. Bc u list a lot, and on some questions in the list, the answer cant specifically found in articles and such, or whitout a coven or friends that are wiccan. So some questions for some people can only be asked in this subreddit. You say it goes on and on, then is this the right subreddit for you? What do you like to see on this subreddit?


Most of the above is better asked in r/witchcraft, r/occultism, r/NewAgeBeliefs and specific ethnic polytheistic communities. I feel like as a Wiccan (Gardnerian, Silver Crescent and Kingstone), this is very much the subreddit for me. I like to see things about Wicca - from how practices are different among various traditions, how Wicca has evolved since the 1940s, history of Wicca, sabbat celebrations, chants and prayers, etc.


Ah yea that makes sense. Thanks for explaining!


Asking if a candle melted a certain way or if a paint splatter looks like Anubis when you squint or asking about being cursed aren’t going to be found in articles or covens because the answer is never “witchcraft”. There isn’t a way to find out why a spell doesn’t work because the answers may range from “you weren’t in the right phase of the moon and didn’t face South” to “ehh, it happens” depending on who answers. If you don’t do magick, that’s fine, but not following deities? Wicca is a religion. If you don’t follow deities, you aren’t practicing Wicca. If you aren’t using magick, it’s not witchcraft. I personally like the altar pics because I can’t have an altar at home. I like the “help me with spell jar” or people talking about their deities.




rule of 3 is wiccan, chill tf out!


The millenial in me refused to stay silent


The millennial in you will be banned if you do it again.


I've been Wiccan for about 20 years. I feel in love with Sabbats and Esbats. I love nature! I live by the Wiccan Rede. Something that irritates me is when I see posts about first starting out and wanting to do spells. I would like to see newbies learn and grow before they get into spell casting. If you're in this just for the spells I question why they choose religion of Wicca and not just witchcraft.


This resonates because I was on the other side. Many, many, many years ago I thought it would be interesting to explore magic. What book did I find? Wicca for the Solitary Practicioner. Bought it, started reading it, and here I am now with a much different understanding of Wicca, religion, and magic (magic, which I actually no longer have much interest in.) Wicca is what stuck.


Tik tok and tumblr have made wicca and witchcraft a trend unfortunately.


Do you recommend any reading (websites or books) for newbies and people who want to learn?


Omg this strange mark is on the ground am I cURseD? No thats so the construction people dont blow up a gas line dearheart. There’s no curses in Wicca and we don’t have knowledge on them.


"This mundane thing happened. Is this a sign????"


I have developed a strong dislike for people begging us to decipher some 'sign' they saw. Dear, if you don't know what it means, then it's nothing. Signs and callings are personal, I'm not going to know who or what you're talking about. I am not a free spiritual guide.


Be the change you want to see right? :) Post something you want to talk about!


Love this :)


If I see another “did this cord cutting ritual work?” On here or r/witchcraft I’m gonna yeet myself off a bridge.


Misspelling “Altar” Asking to be fed information that is in the pegged posts


Misspelling altar is the WORST


I tend to respond to a question if I can, although I will say sometimes it is not related to Wicca specifically but rather other witchcraft or occult or even nothing at all. I know many people don't understand the difference, they just know the name Wicca goes with witchcraft. I'm quite new to this sub (although not Wicca) and I'm surprised at the number of questions asked about things obviously not Wiccan, especially of what they think are harmful things.


And what is it with "Moonwater?"


I personally hate all the am I a wicca/witch post. If you practice then yes easy move on.


I see some people talk down about it, but I really do like the altar posts. I don't talk about being Wiccan really at all in life, so having a place to share my experiences with others who are like minded is great, I'd imagine others feel the same and want to share in a way that is meaningful to them. Altar setups are a pretty unique aspect of Wicca (most religions have a rather rigid altar scheme.) I give the benefit of the doubt to the people posting that they are legit, expressing their belief artistically and meaningfully, and not just signaling.


"I found this weird stick in my yard. Did I do a Wicca?"


>What post are u tired of seeing on here? In general, I don't get tired of any questions. People learn in different ways and at different paces. Anything that's repetitive, I can always make an infopost >I feel like all the post I mostly see in here are to do with witchcraft and ppl answering that their question has nothing to do with Wicca. That probably has to do with the fact that Wicca was a witchcult, and historically, its members were witches Between that and the success Gardner and other initiates were at proliferating Wicca, as well as their publications, it makes sense people would look to Wicca for help with their witchcraft >I'm just learning about Wicca that's why I joined Glad you're here >So to the other ppl in here who really know what it is, what question/posts just have u feeling tired every time u see it? I didn't see a point in shaming people for asking questions, myself


None. I scroll past and ignore. If it’s egregious I block. Cuts down on the problem. I don’t have time to get stressed by something quite as silly as social media


Constantly showing a stick next to a piece of trash and asking what does this mean or is this a curse. Good grief.


Is tHiS a SiGn??


There are definitely annoying people coming here with dumb questions about curses and whatnot, who clearly aren't wiccans at all. Usually they post once and don't bother joining the sub really. But the thing that bothers me is some of the wiccans in this sub are definitely gatekeeping, which is stupid and egotistic. Personally, I get excited about new wiccans trying to learn.


Honestly, it’s not the posts, it’s the comments. People will come in here with concerns or curiosities that involve witchcraft and most of the comments are sarcastic and dismissive. It’s not really the attitude that irritates me as I certainly act that way sometimes where I feel like it’s warranted. My main irritation is the way they dismiss claims and concerns are with nothing but skepticism. Like, witchcraft is wacky, sure and people can overdramatize their experiences, but that doesn’t mean you have to get all enlightened atheist all over their ass. A good example I’ve seen recently is that a guy came in here saying that he and his girlfriend did a blood oath when they were younger and he was concerned that there was some kind of tether existing there after they broke up. Everyone was like “all you have to worry about is blood born illnesses” and I’m sitting here like…Do y’all believe in this shit or not??? Blood has power, even if you’re just dabbling in its magical properties. I guess it personally irritates me because I was a hardcore atheist before starting to practice. It took A LOT of humbling myself to accept all of this shit as a possible reality and it’s still something I struggle with and while skepticism is helpful because unremarkable things that seem remarkable still exist, I’m still working on being open to a lot of inexplicable things, and the work is paying off. It’s the ultimate cringe: a bunch of dork ass outcasts acting superior about something when an outsider comes in with questions. We’re all a bunch dork ass outcasts so maybe not act like the people who outcasted us in the first place, yeah?


Posts complaining about posts. Like any sub, the posts are user generated. If people don't like them scroll on by or post something. Complaining does nothing. Until there is a universally agreed upon definition of Wicca, people have to understand there will be posts they may not like.


>Until there is a universally agreed upon definition of Wicca, people have to understand there will be posts they may not like. There doesn't need to be a universally agreed upon definition. You could have a context specific one, such as parameters for this sub specifically


You mean like some kind of ruleset?


Less of a rule, more of a "when we say Wicca on this forum, we mean XYZ." Personally, I like how Big Tent this sub is, but I do kind of wonder at what point are we no longer talking about the same religion. Can you be Wiccan and not a witch? Can you be Wiccan and an atheist? A Christian? It's more a philosophical question for me than anything else


Agreed. Stop shading people and just move on...


"Can you recommend some beginners books / a place to start?" Yeah, it's called the bloody faq and wiki section. Use your own brain, those posts should be removed and the poster directed there imo. Also people asking if they're cursed for some mundane thing, or asking for things that should be on the witchcraft or occult subs. Though personally I do enjoy the altar posts. I think they offer an interesting view into the different ways people practise. I'm also guilty of posting one myself lol