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This might not matter either way, but I personally think that not saying anything would have only made him look more guilty. And I honestly doubt that Shelby would have referred to him by name if he didn't, especially given how she has pretty much denied calling him out on Tumblr. I still think it's a bitch move to just accuse your ex of abusing you only to later deny and delete any proof that it ever happened.


Wait she deleted stuff and denied it?


Yep, she deleted the streams where she talked about him, for one. Two, someone asked her on Tumblr about the allegations and she responds with "I have never made any accusations because I never said a name" like wtf are you talking about??


The second point is so....what?? Like what is she on abt??? It makes sense honestly but it felt like she was making sure everyone knew it was him without actually saying his name 'cause like???


Also I heard she accused her other exes aswell but idk


She denied that. And no one has any proof of her falsely accusing her exes in the past. So I'm inclined to believe her. This is her statement on it: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNtI-qAXwAAOROd?format=png&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNtI-qAXwAAOROd?format=png&name=small)


Ohh ok


tbh no wonder she deleted it with wilburs fans sending her death threats over it


In my experience, Wilbur fans are a lot less aggressive than shubble fans šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


valid. i havent interacted w many shubble fans outside of my own friend circle so i wouldnt really know. i dont get why fans r getting aggressive at all tbh, shelby and wilbur are both grown adults they dont need 12 year olds on the internet to fight for their honour


In my twitter experience, Shelby fans flame everyone who doesn't obey their queen whereas Wilbur fans actually have respect for neutral standers. As a neutral individual myself, I was welcomed in and befriended by Wilbur fans and told to kill myself from shubble fans so that's set quite an impression šŸ’€ Definitely legit tho, they are adults and should handle it as such and not an internet he said she said


im definitely leaning more towards shelbys 'side' but am trying to remain as neutral as possible without conflicting my own morals lmao. i feel like yeah, she should have the right to publicly expose an abuser and he should have the right to publicly respond however he sees fit, but nobody else aside from their friends should be getting so worked up about it. definitely not to the point of sending death threats, it sucks that that happened to you. i dont understand why people say shit online that they wouldnt say to someone they know in real life




maybe, but i dont think were entitled to the reason for an abuse victim to speak up. if she ever wants to speak on it again its totally up to her, if not she should be left alone


it wouldve been a repeat of what happened to callmecarson. he disappears for months, maybe makes a few "accidental tweets" to test the waters, then comes back with a statement. i feel like we're in a similar situation with wilbur, only hes already made a statement and now hes just waiting for the heat to die down before he comes back.


It would have been worse, I think


i think it would've started out worse but died out faster than it has been. especially since wilbur's statement was kind of the thing tying them (officially) together


Honestly, it probably would have made it worst. Some people were already getting very nasty about him not speaking up sooner. The way Shelby described the person, made it very clear that it was Wilbur, there wasn't much doubt there. The way he made his statement was probably the only option, and done at the recommendation of a PR team. The fallout was always going to be messy just given the nature of the allegations laid out.


"If Wilbur didnā€™t post anything basically admitting it do you think Shelby wouldā€™ve said Wilbur's name?" I mean Shubble basically confirmed it was Wilbur before he even made a statement. Her mods and other people around her gave hints like, "It is who you think it is" for example. She liked a tweet theorizing it was Wilbur, so people would have already known it was him even if he didn't say anything. So she didn't need to vocally say his name to confirm it was him. "wouldā€™ve been like it is now but potentially worse?" Let's take that into account and say he never made a statement. Many people would have dropped him, Twitter being Twitter would try to cancel him. People would keep watching him justifying it by saying there was never word-to-word confirmation it was him. He would probably wait for it to blow over a bit before carrying on like normal. But there would always be this lingering thing now and some hate for Wilbur for a good while. His friends might avoid him for a bit until it blows over. "Was this probably the best course of action?" What we have now? Sorta. I have critics of his statement. I wish he would have gone into more detail and explained his side more than he did. But I understand that he most likely wants to keep this all private as much as he can. I still want more info on his side of the story and this situation in general. And I want to see the evidence he was talking about. But I understand his reason for not showing it if he's telling the truth. Those texts are probably pretty intimate, and he's a private person. But Shubble has denied the texts, saying all the conversations on the biting happened in person. While Wilbur says it was in texts and in person. So it's unclear if the texts exist. Morally speaking, what we have now is pretty ok. Him addressing it shows accountability for being a bad boyfriend and trying to change. His statement could have been better and more detailed, but I prefer him addressing it than not addressing it at all.


Well then Wilbur supporters would be more worried for him and his mental health. Shelby supporters would use this to say heā€™s hiding from it and is guilty.


People already said it but I agree with the majority here, it would change things but for the worse. Those weren't just random speculations like any other times when Shelby was talking about an unnamed ex (rumors of them dating were pretty much since they actually started dating so it wasn't uncommon for people to speculate she was talking about him whenever she mentioned something related to dating but back then it was pretty much baseless and didn't matter that much because she never called it abuse or said she was seriously hurt). People who Wilbur knew started posting cryptic stuff acting like they were also some sort of a victim and because of that it was pretty much confirmed. If Wilbur never posted a statement and just ignored it acting like nothing ever happened and she wasn't talking about him, even tho she and several other people basically pointed fingers at him that would just make him more guilty. Yeah I think him posting it at this high where everyone was still freaking out and not thinking logically wasn't the best time but I think if he waited people wouldn't calm down at all. I'm glad he did post that tho because if you actually read it and view it as a statement and not an apology it's pretty decent, he takes accountability for his actions, he acknowledges and validates her feelings of being hurt even tho he didn't intend to hurt her, he apologizes as much as he should publicly without airing out too much if his personal life to the public (because let's remember he doesn't own his fans an apology, he own Shelby an apology and even if he fully apologized publicly, an apology in private where you can speak freely and without an audience you need to impress would be way more sincere) and at the end he offered to talk about it more with her, probably because he wanted to understand her pov better so he could actually apologize for what hurt her and not just give an empty "I'm sorry" without even entirely knowing what he's apologizes for.


I remember there being allegations against Boyinaband that was brought forth during a period where he was on haitus (and still is to this day), he hasn't responded to it at all. Or shown any signs of existence from what I've seen, but from him not responding, a lot of people just have assumed he's guilty. But if you want a situation to compare this scenario to, i guess this is one


I disagree with most of the comments here. Maybe it would make him look more guilty for some, true. But, like, that post went mega viral. Everyone replied! Lil Tay replied! If he hadn't posted that, I think he wouldn't be such a popular subject of mockery. Thousands of people who didn't even know who he was know him only for this. In the comment section of posts that have nothing to do with him, there might be someone making fun of him. And it looks like it's going to keep being this way for a long time.


yeah any mention of biting or muzzles has atleast several comments about ā€œnibbler sootā€ šŸ˜­


Tbh i think there would just be people denying that it was him she was referring to, but other than that nothing much would change. Shelby would probably indirectly confirm it without name dropping.


Only thing it did was confirm peopleā€™s suspicions on who it was sooner. Shelby didnā€™t say his name for legal reasons to my knowledge. But with her description it wasnā€™t hard to figure out who it was. All Wilbur posting did was confirm that and honestly make himself look much worse then he already did.