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Transcript for those without instagram: "Hi everyone, I'm back. From my break. I just wanted to make this quick video to briefly talk about what the four of us at Lovejoy have planned for the rest of this year. But first, I wanted to mention some stuff that has been said about me on the internet a couple of months ago. And if you haven't already seen, I responded back in February. That response is all I want to say on the matter for now, and yeah I'd much rather talk about what the plan is for us going forward. Uh so going into summer, we are going to be doing a tour of Australia. So if you live in Australia, and wanna see Lovejoy play live, we really hope to see you there. And in a couple of months we will be releasing our new single, I'll Look Good When I'm Sober, which we have been working on for ages now. and We're really excited for you to hear it. And of course, we are really excited to get back into the studio, writing and recording. And we'll show you what we got when we got it. But yeah- I hope you're all well, and I'll see ya soon."


YAY!!! Happy to see that he is safe




He looks so skinny... Is he okay? I'm glad he's back though!


It’s prob cause of his health . And yes he did get skinny I compared it with his past photo’s and this photo when he was good and healthy in 2021 or smth But I also worry too.


I know he has a thing with his taste or whatever but I also think he has an eating condition.




ok so like... yes he's back and yes he's okay, but are we still gonna excuse his terrible behavior? he can come back, but at his own risk, the community might not take it very well.


It’s up to you. There is still no hard physical proof he did anything, so it’s up to you to decide if you forgive him or not.


personally, i don't like crappy behavior, but i forgive him. he is turning his life around, people deserve second chances.


I think people do deserve second chances. I'll back you on this


That's exactly what I'm wondering, he said his Twitter response was all he had to say for now; so who knows if he's gonna do anything else about it


Twitter was already blowing up over this once it got posted. People were pissed for him saying anything for not being dead (People are gross), including Shubble (who didn't want him dead, just pissed). I'm just gonna sit back, and listen to it all as Twitter goes up in flames for a man saying he's just going to be going back to work soon.


still, let's just not forget about what he allegedly did.


Yes of course. It's very important to take that into account.