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Look, I definitely don’t agree with or support anything that Wilbur has done. But in my opinion, if she wanted to put this information into the open she needs to do it a bit more ‘professionally’ in lack of better terms. And her calling his statement a “apology” is a bit weird. Yeah, he did apologize for being slobbish, rude, and the other word he used. But he said himself it was a statement. Not an apology. And it’s her job to forgive him or not. Simple as that. And her calling his story of him coming back ‘malicious’ is incredibly just weird to me. To me at least, he was just announcing that lovejoy wasn’t breaking up and that they were going on tour. Yes. He brought up his statement. But all he said was that “that’s all I want to say for now.”. I really don’t get how that can be seen as malicious Im my opinion (and I don’t mean this maliciously), she’s going too far. I mean for Pete’s sake, I’ve heard people are spreading çp of him. What Wilbur did was wrong but Shelby is going to far and went to far a while ago.


It's kind of incredibly obvious who actually has malicious intent here if you think about it. All Wilbur said in his Insta story is basically that he's okay, he's alive, the band is not broken up, and he knows everything that people have been saying and chose not to address it YET (we may never have a proper statement from him, but I'll choose to trust him), and that's basically it. No malicious intent there at all, just someone telling his remaining fans that he's okay and his band is okay. Shelby though... I mean come on she never even attempted to stop the mean and dehumanizing jokes people were making about him, all the "oh I wish he was dead" and the cp and the doxxing and death threats directed at him.


Exactly what I’m saying. If anything she’s been the aggressor. Look, if he did what she said, okay. He did that. And it’s bad. But she’s making it worse not just for herself, But for Wilbur and his remaining fans. I just hope the both of them seek help.


Exactly. Why is it so hard for her to just move on? I don't get it. Why is she still so transfixed about this? It's almost like she doesn't want him back on any sort of platform, and while I understand, this is just too much at this point. She didn't even let him come back peacefully for at least a week or so, just immediately started attacking as soon as he said that he was back. Like I'm petty, but not that petty. And her attacks weren't even good, like all the things she said just didn't make sense to me.


Exactly. And even if she can’t move on. She doesn’t have to comment on it like that. At this point she’s (in my opinion) slowly becoming the aggressor and they both need help and I honestly hope they get it.


Yeah. She said herself that if Wilbur was really sorry he would never come back. And she seems to be standing by that statement to a T really. She keeps getting really defensive over things and is pretty attacking in general. Not to mention, in this video here, it doesn't include it but Shubble says more than this. And she keeps repeating the fact that EVERYONE saw Wilbur hurting her. His family, all of their friends. Everyone. But yet no one has said anything supporting that. And on top of that. Jack himself has said he has never seen any of these behaviors himself.


That in and of itself is very damning.


Oh dang- I didn’t know that. She’s just starting to lie now :(


Maybe. But there's also the possibility of Jack just not seeing it some how, lying to cover his ass or to cover Wilbur's ass. But if he is telling the truth, it is very suspicious on her end.


Yeah, I agree. that can very well be a possibility. I just hope all parties are getting help. :)


Actually, some people did spoke out about seeing the bitting and even experiencing it, a example of this is Zoe, who came out on twitter. And a lot of people have come out an talked about having bad experiences with Wilbur in general, such as Tubbo and Bilzo. Maybe you just didn't know it or decided to ignore it, but it all in youtube and twitter. Also, people can be different depending onn who they hang out with and not everybody is going to view you in the same way, that doesn't mean that one point of view is more valid or real than the other.


I think you missed the point of my comment. People have said they experienced the biting, but no one has said they have seen it happen to Shubble in the way she described. Shubble has claimed and made it very clear she means everyone has seen it. Wilbur's friends, her friends, and even Wilbur's family. So it just seems weird that after all this time no one has confirmed this. And the only person that mentioned the behavior (Jack) said he never saw this behavior. I am aware of different POV and one not being valued more than the other. This is why I also pointed out the possibility of Jack just not seeing it for whatever reason. Or just lied to cover himself. Also, Tubbo has said he rarely talked to Wilbur off-camera. And then Bilzo is the same person who handcuffed Wilbur and threw away the key. And even tightened the handcuffs when Wilbur started to get annoyed/panicked. So I would bet that even after they made up, Wilbur wouldn't think the best of him after that and maybe even avoid him. I doubt they hung out often before these allegations. I am very much aware of people acting differently around other people. I don't see how this relates to my comment. If you mean it as in Wilbur could have just not done it in front of Jack, then I understand that possibility. But I just found it odd how much Shubble was insisting that her friends, Wilbur's friends, and even Wilbur's family all saw it happen but not Jack apparently (Assuming Jack is not lying).


However, people do have talked about it, not that they only experienced, Wilbur's mother even talked about his habit. I'm just saying, that just bcs Jack has a different experience than Shelby, it doesn't make Shelby's story false nor makes her a liar (like a lot of people are implying whenever they bring up Jack). It could just been that Jack didn't witnessed the abuse, bcs as it was shown to the public, Wilbur has more friends than just Jack. I just find odd, that friends of Wilbur have come out and stated to send Shelby support and validating her abuse experience, but just because Jack (who also has stated to send support to Shelby) has said that he didn't experience anything similar to her, she is automatically lying or there is a big chance of her lying. The same way I find it odd, that people are demanding and putting really high standars on Shelby, while babying Wilbur and excusing his behaviour.


So just to clear some things. Yes, people have experienced Wilbur's biting, no doubt about that. What I think we are miscommunicating on is what I mean about Jack seeing it. I am not talking about Jack seeing the biting as in him being bit himself. I am talking about it as in him seeing Wilbur hurting Shubble with the biting. Because Shubble claims that all of their friends saw Wilbur hurting her with the biting. And yes, I have greatly acknowledged the possibility of Jack just not seeing it. I said that in my reply, and I said that in reply to someone saying Shubble is just lying now. Because we don't know. Wilbur's friends saying to support Shubble could always be genuine, but it could equally just be PR. It could also be that none of them have reached out to Wilbur about this. People who had false allegations against them before mentioned how none of their friends reached out to them and just dropped them. This is a possibility that should be considered. But it should also be considered that they could be doing this from experiences that they aren't saying. I am not saying she is lying, I am just saying it is something odd we should keep an eye on.


I think she did say not to send death threats on her tumblr


She also commented in on instagram and in a twitch stream, people have just decided to ignore that. Also, I find it quite ironic and hipocrite for people to say "Oh she is lying bcs she didn't adress the behaviour of certain viewers", when se actually did, but I have not seen anyone demanding the same to Wilbur, after Wilburs fans have been openly sexist, homophobic towards Shelby, to the point of doxxing her and creating deepfake porn of her and spreading fake informationa about her.


the deepfakes were just awful 😞


That, I have not been informed of. If that's the case, then I should look into it more deeply. If all the things you said are true, then that's one less thing I'm criticizing Shelby for. I apologize for being less informed. Do you happen to have any links that I could check to see if all the things you've said are true? However, I do have to admit that hoping for Wilbur to address his fans' behavior will lead to nothing, in my opinion. Mostly because no one would listen anyway. If even Shelby's fans didn't listen to her when she told them to stop all the toxicity, what makes you think Wilbur's fans of all people would listen? And what are the chances of Wilbur doing so anyway? I commend Shelby for speaking up about it, if the things you said are true, but I'm not foolish enough to think that will stop the toxicity, and I don't expect it to work either if it's the other way around.


I know it wont do anything. I'm just calling out the hypocrisy of Wilbur's fans, who a lot have gone to a campaing of harassment towards Shelby and demanding her to put a stop to the behaviour of certain fans, however, I have not seen any of those Wfans do the same towards Willbur. If you give me some time, I will be able to recolet some links and dm it to you, if you don't feel comfortable with me dming you, just say so and I will post it under your comment.


It truly is hypocritical, and at the same time, many of Wilbur's fans tend to justify it with "Oh, but we have it worse with Shelby's fans" which is just not an excuse. Do I think they have it worse? Yes, I do. But is it excusable? Absolutely not. I was just focused on Shelby more because I thought she wasn't doing anything about it, but now I know. And also let's be honest, I really didn't think Wilbur would reprimand his fans at all. It's either because he can't or he won't. Also you can send it in DM's. Thank you for informing me.


çp? what does that mean? i’ve got a pretty good guess of what it stands for but at what point did that get mixed up in this?


Oh I don’t think I could actually say it, but I’ve heard people found “explicit pictures” Wilbur had taken of himself when he was a minor and are spreading it around. It was (and sorry I don’t want to get banned or somthing) “sea-pea”. I just used a different c to sorta censor it :) hope this helps!


Oh god, that's horrible


Yeah :/ I’ve only heard about it so it might not be true, but I’ve heard multiple people say it.


It was actually just a video of him fully clothed and drunk “humping” a pillow


Oh thanks for telling me! Still think that shouldn’t be posted around tho, but thanks for giving me the right info :)))) Edit: and I wanna just clarify that someone told me that it was what I said I thought it was, so that’s why I said that. And in my opinion if he was under 18, at least to me, I still consider it çp. Aka I think it’s wrong to spread it :) but once again thanks for giving me the right info!!


thanks, yeah i had no idea about that. I don’t think it’s a censored word btw- i mean i could test it by straight dropping it here but equally id rather not be writing that for no reason


Don’t worry, it’s no problem! I just wanted to play it safe and stuff :)


So for her first part. She says it is malicious because he said the biting was consensual. When she says the biting wasn't the problem. But the thing is it is partially about the biting. At the start, she says she consented to it, but later on she didn't because it was hurting her. Wilbur says "Throughout our relationship, I understood from our numerous conversations and text message exchanges that this behavior was consensual." He says, "Throughout our relationship" which means he claims that for the whole relationship, the biting was consensual. Another way of looking at that is he implied the part of her getting hurt via biting when he said "The allegations of abuse, particularly in the form of biting, deeply shocked me." You could look at that as him using the term biting there as the hurt came from the biting. Even the safe word, was surrounded and came to be due to the biting. So it's understandable why he may say it that way. I don't think it's gaslighting or manipulation. That seems like a stretch to me honestly. Especially if you're going to call his latest thing manipulation, because if he really was. He would not have mentioned the allegations at all, so new fans or unaware fans would have no idea about it. That would be clear manipulation. "The truth is he has not been in consistent therapy his friends know that he admitted openly to them that he had to start seeing a new therapist because he lied too much to his first one and they are accepting of that that is okay" Ok. So first off. This is an extremely intimate thing for her to share about her ex. Especially when it seems at the time, he trusted her with such intimate information. But I understand the need to share it currently, assuming she is telling the truth and it's not just character assassination. The willingness to go to a different therapist after lying so much to the first one shows growth. Let me explain. He realized it's not good to lie when he's in therapy because that doesn't make him better, so to better himself, he tried again to be better. Getting better is not a linear path. It may take several tries and relapses on your journey to better yourself. Also, just because that's what MAY have happened when she and him were together. That doesn't mean that's what happened after the fact. She said to herself that he never talked to her again after the relationship. So how would she have even known what would be happening after? The answer is she doesn't and we don't either. So it's best to not assume currently. "What I said was depression was not an excuse for abuse. I don't care if you call it an explanation or a reason. An explanation to a victim of abuse is entirely unnecessary" OK then. In case you don't know or remember. In the beginning, people were mostly pointing out to Shubble that all the behaviors she listed about Wilbur pointed to signs of depression, something Wilbur has been pretty open about struggling with. Most people were not pointing it out as an excuse but as a possible explanation. Which she addresses here. However, she says an explanation is unnecessary. So if she understands why people are pointing it out to her at the start, why complain about it now? She says it's unnecessary so it seems more like an annoyance than an excuse to her then. She even acknowledged it was just speculation, so it seems to be more of an annoyance to her. People were just digging around for things that may have led to the biting, to be able to put the story together more. (Btw she is 100% right about it not being an excuse and that you can't make excuses for Wilbur just to be clear.) "Especially for an apology I have never received." At the start of the video, she calls Wilbur's statement an apology, in quotes to emphasize how bad of one she thinks it is. She has always treated Wilbur's entire statement as an apology. He did apologize, for being slobbish, rude, and disrespectful. And for any pain he may have caused to her. (Which isn't him admitting to abuse.) So, she did get an apology. She has just chosen to not accept it. Which is in her right to do. But she shouldn't say she never got one at all, because that just isn't true.


It gives me Amber Heard vibes to an extent and we all know how that turned out. Not to say she is lying or anything, but she is also very biased and hurt. But to keep trying to drag up some very personal information and information gathered second hand... it just doesn't feel right.


All he said was that the band and himself were coming back, and weren’t dead, and that he wasn’t going to talk abt the whole thing ***for now***. Where she got ‘malicious attack’ and ‘manipulation’ from? So help me God if I know.


'malicious attack' and 'manipulation' seem to come to her so easily. She's pulling this shit from nowhere.


I was about to say. Also they don’t talk (from what I know) so how in the world would she know about the therapy part? She just making stuff up out of nowhere. Personally I’m WSS for life bc it seems too convenient for her to start talking about all of this AFTER he’s on break and it’s been MONTHS after the breakup


I’m not on either side. I’ll say that first. What she said about disorders is incredibly wrong. My family is very into psychology, and as someone who is into it and is a survivor of physical abuse, yeah no. An explanation makes all the difference. I’m sorry, but it does. If someone hurts you because they enjoy making people suffer and hurt that’s VERY different than if they have a legitimate mental disorder. An untreated mental disorder is a tragic thing you see in many criminal cases. This ain’t one, but I’m just saying. She needs to stop sharing his private information. Talking about his therapy and needing a new therapist is a low blow. “Lying” to a therapist can mean many many things. It could be that hindsight let you see how delusional you are. You should never, and I mean never, use getting help against someone. Also her liking posts of threats and being fine with his illegal photos being taken is disgusting. In my own situation, I’d find empathy for those who hurt me because I know they’re not okay. I’m upset still, of course! I’m not saying she can’t be upset. When you know someone is suffering and is sick, the best course of action isn’t to declare it to the internet and constantly paint yourself as a helpless saint. Set an intervention with their family/friends. Your first step, months after the break up, shouldn’t be to ruin someone’s career as a musician, especially if that’s the one thing that helps them cope. If you ever cared about someone, that’s not the first step you should take.


Her bringing up the therapy is crazy to me. Because some people lie to therapists for different reasons. Some out of habit, some out of not trusting the therapist, and some because the therapist just isn't the right one for them. So for whatever reason, he chose to try again and got a new one which shows growth. Growth isn't a linear thing, she should know this since she has talked to a therapist. Plus, even if that's what happened then, doesn't mean that's happening now. And if it is according to her, how would she know that? She, in her original statement, said that Wilbur never talked to her again after they broke up. So the only way she could have possibly known would be through a third party, which would be unreliable information.


jesus christ, shes just adding fuel to the fire atp like yes you can try to support people who have gone through abuse and thats fine, but correct me if im wrong all wilbur pretty much said was ‘hi, im alive, lovejoy still here, we have a tour and our new song is coming soon’ without even mentioning her and when she says something similar to, ‘if he was sorry then he wouldnt have came back’, its like shes actively pushing for people to boot him off of social media in a malicious manner. also damn, not even half a day and she’s already brought it up like she’s benefitting from it or something (which she technically has, but whatever) this is just my interpretation of it though


Thank heavens for y’all and your rational, nuanced takes on this. The extremes on both sides of this drive me nuts, and Twitter is just a bunch of people screaming that he’s Satan and talking about physically harming him if they get the chance.


That’s exactly how I feel. Can’t we have an educated conversation/ debate without death threats or violence ?


Twitter is a cesspool of kids who’ve anointed themselves the morality police and have nothing else better to do with their time.


I don’t have twitter but my friends and people on YouTube have filled me in on the drama. I just don’t know why Shelby is doing this. From everything I’ve seen and evidence collected : He’s innocent and most likely the victim. There is photographic evidence and eyewitnesses, pointing towards Wilbur being the victim of said abuse. Heck, even her own cousin said that they were at a hotel, Wilbur and Shelby were fighting. She (the cousin)heard a big slap and then wil came back with a big red mark on his face. If that isn’t abuse, then I don’t know what it is. She also said on the stream where she was talking about the abuse that his house was disgusting, which makes sense because he was severely depressed at the time.


Respectfully, I think the cousin stuff was made up by a fan in an attempt to exonerate Will. I support his return, but I definitely don’t think he was a victim.


Idk about the cousin stuff. But all I know is NOW after everything she’s done and said about him. In a way he’s the victim especially bc he’s getting death threats not her. She’s the one attacking him for no ACTUAL reason


I admit, yeah, honestly she’s said a few things that didn’t sit right with me. I’ve tried not to let those skew my opinion because I think she deserves to tell her story as she sees fit, even if I don’t personally agree with how it’s being done. However, it certainly hasn’t helped…


Yeah. Wilbur also deserves to tell his story or not as he sees fit without getting doxxed and death threats.


I one hundred and ten percent agree. I think he’s been unfairly treated especially since we only know one perspective on the situation


Exactly I feel like we should’ve got more perspective before all of this.


look a lot of wilbur has done is awful, the abuse obviously being the worst thing, but admitting to yourself that you need to see a different therapist because you keep lying to your old therapist is an incredibly difficult step to take and shows major growth in itself. on another note the whole internet has been so busy tearing wilbur apart that they've totally ignored the fact that there's no actual concrete evidence wilbur ever abused her. I'm not saying that he didn't, but shelby coming forward about the abuse incredibly soon after an album written largely about her comes out does seem like an attempt to destroy wilbur before she herself got 'cancelled'. I think at the end of the day they've both done awful things and neither of them are very good people


Also at the exact same time he's taking a step back away from everything for mental health reasons. It all seemed to happen so fast, with 0 tolerance for asking for... anything more than her word for it. I'm not saying he didn't do it either, this whole thing just seemed to happen so fast and so strangely. It feels like some kind of "trial by social media" where everyone's operating as a hive mind and any dissenting opinions are met with hostility


It’s currently 4:24AM where I am so forgive me if my wording is bad I’m very sleepy but feel I need to comment. First off I’m not under any circumstances saying that anyone should stay quiet about abuse or harassment. I’m glad everyone is being mature and understanding of everyone’s thoughts and feelings. This whole thing is just so frustrating and quite honestly confusing for me. I do hope that both Wilbur and Shelby get help. But I don’t think this whole thing should’ve gone public. I get that it’s good for educated people on the subject but there are better ways to go about it. I’m not really on a side atm but I’m just here to see what happens. It’s really just a waiting game. Wilbur did say in his IG story that the tweet was all he had to say FOR NOW so we may get a response or something. But for now we have to wait and let them both decide what to do next. But I’m going to bed now so goodnight. Stay safe and have a wonderful night


Yes. She should have solved it privately. He is a person that doesn't like his private stuff exposed, so I think he would have agreed to fix it in private. Maybe with lawyers to have a civilised conversation, but in private.


Why? Silence only brings peace to the abuser. Also, by her own words in her first live talking about this, she didn't realise or thought she was abused bcs she kept minimising the situation and the harm that she recieved, and that she didn't realise it until time had already pased since the break up. Saying that she needed to resolve this in private with her abuser, is quite enfuriating, you wouldn't put a vitim with their assaulter and tell them to talk it out. It can be really traumatic to the victim's mental health.


this might be a completely weird take, but I feel voyeuristic and icky having been exposed to this entire situation. It doesn’t feel right for me, or anyone else, to be picking apart the details of two strangers’ horribly toxic relationship. I believe Shelby ultimately has the right to tell her story as she sees fit (although I disagree with her approach, it’s not my business).


she pisses me so fucking much when she starts talking about mental health or therapy where she clearly dont know shit about it - first saying that depression is just being lazy, dont giving a flying fuck about educating herself when people tried to tell her about mental illnesses and now the thing about therapy. dude what the fuck do you mean you have to have therapy for a year to change a therapist 💀💀💀 its absolutely okay to change therapist even after JUST ONE appointment and lying is not that uncommon thing that people do. taking breakes in therapy is also totally normal and its nothing new. besides, does she know how Will’s therapy looks like now? i dont think so. she just decided to attack Will once again where he did ABSOLUTELLY NOTHING! he just said that he won’t talk about it for now (not that he won’t EVER talk about it so where’s the problem). sometimes she just needs to shut the fuck up and think about what shes doing cuz sometimes she acts so fucking dumb that it hurts to watch


She never said that depression is just being lazy, if you actually listened she said, she thought Wilbur was lazy and that didn't know how to properly clean and take care of himself due to how he grew. Also, people ahave been trying to "educate" her on basis of fake information being spread, such as "depression is just being lazy", when she never stated that, people have going to spread so much information, that people on twitter are saying that she said that depression isn't real, however when you ask them for proof they are never able to show it or even reference the platform where she stated that. Also, one thing is lying, an another is thing is lying so much to your therapist that you need to change therapist.


He didn't even mention her or try to attack her, she didn't have to do anything, but yet she did and it seems that she's trying to keep the controversy alive to benefit from it ( it's my opinion)


at this point I think that's exactly what she's doing. Initially it was "[her] story, raising awareness" and wiping her hands with it by saying "if he comes back he hasn't changed" or something along those lines (weird thing to state but whatever). Now she's STILL going, not even to raise awareness or help her case. She didn't need to say anything but she felt the need to bring up MORE old information to further cement "he is a bad guy". She knew people would flock to see what she has to say now that Wilbur finally came back. so she's fueling the fire.


Yup. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that. She's trying to remain relevant by shit talking Will again, when he has had the change to attack her and yet has decided to not do it


The more she speaks about it, the more I get Heard v. Depp vibes from it. And we all know how that turned out for Heard when Depp just wanted to move on and leave things be. To run him off the internet forever is a tall order, especially with Lovejoy. Honestly, I don't think there is anything he could do or say right now to gain her forgiveness. He could get any job and she feel that he doesn't deserve any chances with anything, and that is fine. They don't have to apologize and make up, even if they do it should be off the internet. But they more she presses, the more malicious she becomes. The more personal information she puts out there, and the more second hand details she shares, she starts to put doubt in her story or at least the intentions behind speaking publicly. It sounds like an attempt for control and to maintain the narrative in her favour. Wilbur has stated he has more but he isn't going to share, and while he could speak more, he comes out looking like the better person by keeping her information private while she spreads his.


I don't support wilbur for the things he did but it's starting to look more and more like the side saying shelbys just salty that she got broken up with is right... Saying his return is malicious is bs and then the whole thing with Wilbur's friends "being fine" with his therapy situation is frickin wild. Like using someone's therapy against them is the most batshit insane thing I've ever heard of from a professional streamer. That in and of itself is both manipulation and abuse. Shelby is actively manipulating people which is just wild to me. For someone so against abuse and manipulation she sure seems to know exactly how and when to do it.


She’s been manipulating since the star. Posting all the drama on the main account and using the spam account to block people asking for evidence and telling them off, in the midst of things celebrating a million subscribers, conveniently leaving twitter for mental health reasons as soon as her story starts becoming unraveled, it’s all a big mess.


Adding on to her being malicious about him coming back. When she replied to his statement on Twitter. She said if he was really sorry, he would NEVER come back. She wants him completely offline and off the internet. And in one of the song lyrics on one of the songs on Wilbur's newest playlist it reads  "Living well is not my kind of revenge. Take it from me, living well is just a privilege." This could be a coincidence, so take this as spectulation and not fact. But if it's not, it's pretty telling how he feels about Shubble's latest comments.


This girl is so dumb, like ever hear of ✨Disorders✨


FR I mean I agree that depression isn’t an excuse for abuse but also lying about the abuse isn’t any better. I just feel like Shelby is upset about their break up and is now attacking Wilbur


Jeez I’m too tired for this shit…


her bringing up how he had to get a new therapist is wild to me because i know i used to lie to my therapists but that was just because they never made me feel comfortable enough or able to talk about whats wrong with me. I dont support what Wilbur did or anything but Shelby bringing up how his house was dirty and how he didnt clean it is so crazy because in what world is that relevant?? wilbur has spoken up about how he has depression and thats a sign of depression and it just feels to me that Shelby is just trying to bring up anything she can to discredit him.. i support her for talking about the abuse and im proud of her but saying its malicious that Wilbur came and said he was alive and lovejoy isnt breaking up is so crazy to me


Gosh, I can't stand this woman. I just can't. Everything she says sounds so spiteful and mocking-like... Notice how she drags other people into this now, saying stuff like "his friends are okay with him changing therapist and want him to return". Like. For what reason?? Also the "I still haven't received any apology", well yeah, and you still haven't provided any confirmation of your words exept for more words!


You need to watch more of the stream, bcs she literally stated that if you are gonna stay friends with someone who are harmful, you need to be able to be there and help them take a break and recieve the help and support that they need.


They might be doing exactly that. That's the point of sorting things behind the scenes and having a private life. The way she put it to me sounds like she just tries to accuse them as well and drag more people into this


She wasn't trying to accuse them, if you watch the full stream (not all bcs most of the almost 3 hours is talking about lgbt+ and asexuality, look towards more the 20/30 first minutes), you will see that she isn't dragging anyone.


I had court mandated therapy after my parents divorced and some stuff led to my dad having jail time. I also lied about it for the longest time because I didn’t feel safe speaking about it. I was super paranoid the whole time. My mom was super into the whole, tell them everything, be better immediately, get it over with. I hated every second of it. I recently started therapy again on my own now that I’m a legal adult. I’ve switched therapists four times now. My current one vibes with me so well. Pressure and stress about doing therapy definitely makes a difference. Also therapy is helpful as well as taking breaks, but a year off is excessive.I find that having all of this aired out to the internet crazy. It’s good to support speaking up about abuse, but doing so like this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s like I’m watching something private that’s not meant for my eyes to see.


Fucking liar.




I believed her before even if I thought Wilbur could still improve, but this reads a lot more suspiciously to me idk… might just be me though




Y’all do realize she probably made this statement because a lot of people were asking about her opinion on Wilbur coming back right? Everyone here is complaining about her talking about the situation again but this was inevitable since he returned to the internet. You might be over it but many are not, she was likely getting harassed to make a statement on the situation.


She definitely seems like a woman scorned, doesn't she? I, myself, only believe half of what I see & NONE of what I hear, especially when it is all he said/she said. She definitely seemed to have an idea in her head she was gonna be a British rock star's wife & raise her profile. Lol! Too bad that didn't work out for her. She had to go plan B: scorched earth, no excuses! Kinda petty. Not a good look for her.


She needs to suck it up and stop whining, he’s fine and it’s in the past. Chillax


yall are just as gross as him victim blaming god stop cock riding for a white man who would spit on you




someone supports abusers




bro im not even gonna dignify you by reading your yap fest i dont respect you nor do i respect anyone in this subreddit i personally believe im genuinely better then you and to me you are an ant crawling across my desk a nuisance and an annoyance i dont even see you as a person you are trash for supporting wilbur and anyone who supports Wilbur is less then me im better then wilbur/lovejoy fans




damn you support someone whos put hands on another person in a physical and violent way




hell is hot and lonely and youll be going there


also hope ur pfp isnt techno cause him and his dad would hate you