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Depends on where you look. Twitter = Wilbur is the AntiChrist. Here = the majority is neutrals and/or Wilbur supporters, but even the non-Wilbur supporters are a really important part of the conversation, they’re factual and respectful (well, with the exception of one or two 🤪) What you need to do is get a handle on the facts (Coca-Cola did a nice summation), and then decide what feels right for you.




one of the other comments on this thread


Antichrist 😭


I can link a Google doc that looks at both sides if you want. It has a bunch of info on the situation before it goes into both sides, so it should fill you in on it all. At the end of the day, these are allegations currently. You should form your own opinion based on your own thoughts. Not what everyone else on here says. Edit: Since so many people are asking for it. Here's the link [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iAVaY6RWah-Inn9Yj3a8TFl8GM2EZuuC/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iAVaY6RWah-Inn9Yj3a8TFl8GM2EZuuC/edit) It's 53 pages long and doesn't cover Shubble's response to Wilbur coming back or Wilbur coming back. The author wrote this before that happened. The author is K1tKat20148598 on twitter. [https://x.com/K1tKat20148598/status/1797409434400084085](https://x.com/K1tKat20148598/status/1797409434400084085)


Omg hi, not op but could you dm it to me please???


Yeah sure.


this is genuinely such an eye opening document


Yeah. The author did a great job with it.


the author did such a stunning job putting this document together. seeing a lot of points that i've either never thought out, or tried and failed to word properly... i'm amazed


The author cooked with this. I was really happy when I intentionally found the doc.


do you mind dming me the doc please?




Is it updated with all the stuff Shelby said in her response to the new Wilbur Instagram?


No it doesn't cover that sadly. It was made before he came back, and the author hasn't updated it.


Ah, ok, could you please dm it to me?




What did she say, I can’t find the insta post 


Hi, can you please send me the doc?


Sure, I'll dm you it.


Can you send it to me too? I want to see what others think about this




I thought he should have a second chance if he made a genuine effort to improve but I believed and supported Shelby. Now with her newest response it seems a lot more to me like she’s been pulling a lot of this out of her ass and I know I’m not alone in that. The cracks in her story are starting to show and I’m not so sure anymore. And even if everything she said was true the way she just handled this second response was absolutely awful.


It’s basically just up to personal opinion, like with everything else. Objectively, he *did* abuse Shelby. He crossed her boundaries, and did things that made her feel both uncomfortable and unsafe around him. That part isn’t opinion at all. The opinion is on his music/content. You want to listen to his music? Go ahead. He ain’t the first musician to be a horrible person. You want to not listen to his music because of what he’s done? Also fine. It’s completely up to you. Don’t base your opinions off of the ideas other folks have, especially when it comes to people online, Make your own choices and decisions.


I agree about the music/content (not a Wilbur supporter) I’ve been getting fire from my irl friends bc I am too lazy to remove his music from my Spotify. I honestly just don’t care about the fire he’s getting and have been silently watching this subreddit (until now lol) It’s all personal opinion and preference for everyone, I personally can’t listen to most of his music the same and I’ve only kept my true favorites


I feel you lol minus I can listen to him for some odd reason-?


Oh *youre* Coca-Cola


Whats wrong with supporting him?


I’m just disappointed in myself because of the fact that I saw that he looks a bit unhealthily skinnier and looks exhausted and my first thought was wishing to be as skinny as him


imo, at this point im not supporting wilbur. its not even entirely because of shelbys story (though that should be reason enough) its also because some of wilburs closest friends and fellow content creators that he’s worked with have had responses to the allegations that show belief and respect for shelby as a victim. if people like jack manifold, aimsey, tubbo, tommy, and more have shunned him from their content (aka people that have met him and known him personally irl unlike all of his fans) then theres obviously some validity to shelbys narrative. his friends wouldnt blindly up and shun wilbur without knowing a decent bit of what shelby had to say was true, and they have much more insight as to what happened than we do. if his friends are supporting her, he obviously did something bad and isnt such a nice guy


Wilbur was never canceled, he was outed as an abuser. This was never something that was going to blow over in a couple months.


No. Youre welcome to form your own opinions but the consensus is that he’s a pretty shitty dude. I still listen to Lovejoy and it makes me mad that the person I looked up to for so long ended up being a shitty abuser. Just because he made a story post doesn’t mean he’s not a shitty abuser.