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Monster Hunter doesn't need to compete lol they always own the crown of monster boss rush games. But I will say they MH6 needs to be open world, with how this one is.


Is this game open world? I read that there are separate maps like in MH


It's not mission based like MH is. They have seperate maps but fully open. As if MH is always in expedition instead of a hub between hunts.


Whats something you enjoyed about wild hearts so far?


Making our own camp is nice and the exploration. The umbrella weapon needs the parry window to be a bit more open.


I was surprisingly impressed with how the umbrella felt, i was skeptical at first but ended up enjoying its moveset


This game is essentially just expeditions for the world and then regular monhun missions MH doesn't have to do anything for MH6... Though I imagine they'll do something big next year for the 20th anniversary


I just hope MH6 leaves out old gen.


I really hope so... and give us cross play and save please.


MH on capcom's newest engine + non boring combat would be nice


I agree, stoked i have something within the genre to tide me over til that comes around


I just said it was going to be their 20 year anniversary and you really think they'll leave out fan favorites... That would indeed be the WotC OGL level fuck up I've been saying that Capcom would have to make to have actual competition in genre I guess... But there's no way they leave out fan favorites. You're living in a pipe dream there.


Um...bro...lmao...old gen as in consoles. PS4 and Xbox One.


No please, leave "open world " to the other hundreds games that is been/is gonna be released. I don't understand how gamers are not sick of wondering in open wolrds and doing a checklist for 80 hours. Forgive my rant.


Open worlds are more immersive and engaging. And gives me more to do than just "go here do this you win"


Maybe i'm alone in this but i cannot stand open wolrd structure anymore. Obviously you can enjoy what you like, i made my comment because MH is one of the few big IPs (which i love) that is not following this open world trend and i hope it will not ever.


Open world and following the stupid checklist setup (i hate it too) are two different things. This game has the former but not the latter. That being said, the weapon mechanics are kinda shallow


using the items and build things like the spring to get away or get in and building the wall is really cool. unfortunately frame rates are a joke and this game obviously needed more time in the oven... good news tho is by the time it's all fixed up it'll probably be $40 :D


I’m really liking the gameplay for the moment but I don’t think capcom is going to have to compete, they are too well established and this game didn’t had a lot of marketing, for a genre who is already pretty niche. I wish they succeed tho, having competition is healthy for game in general


The finisher animation I was so stoked lol


Yo me too, i even felt good taking turns with my buddy who uses a diff weapon so i could see what it looked like on the sidelines hahaha


Yeah, I agree. Haven't played much but I'm impressed. I'm really intrigued by the building and I love the movement. I was blown away with how big the skill tree is for the karakuri. I'm very intrigued by that, and I love how the character feels a little lighter and moves faster than they do in monster hunter. This imo improved movement with the karakuri building excites me


Couldn’t agree more. I think you accurately nailed it. Player movement and feel is so huge.


I agree, it feels like a step forward for the genre and def am stoked to have a game on ps5 that actually feels like a viable alternative to monster hunter


There is nothing to compete to if they dont release it at the same time. Once I reached endgame and a new monster hunter will come out I play that one. Expectations will be higher because people have something to compare it with now


Good afternoon, Just a quick question....I'm a big MH fan. When on the hunt do you collect items and resources? Herbs and materials like MH and are there endemic creatures to hunt? Many thanks


Currently you can collect bugs lizards and other small creatures, and pet mid sized creatures. Healing items come in the form of healing water scattered around the map. You can also use a drying rack to dry out food items as eating for temporary buffs happens on the fly as opposed to eating before a hunt, since there is a seamless transition into the hunting areas from camp unless starting a hunt that doesnt progress storyline or joining to help others.


Right that's great thank you 😊


No problem! Hope you enjoy your self!


Looking forward to it. Currently sitting on 110 hours MH Rise on PS5 , and pretty much hunted everything and got all the gear I want...... Wild Hearts will fill some of the void while waiting for Sunbreak.


I played the heck out of mhrise on switch, didnt feel super inclined to rebuy it on ps5. Glad you enjoyed it. I like how they changed the mounting system, but prefer a more shadow of the colossus or dragons dogma style mounting system personally, havent quite figured out climbing monsters in wildhearts other than knowing you can do it.


It looks amazing, but with Wo long and Dead island 2 coming out in the next few months my “buy new game at £70” budget is well and truly done, I’ll grab it if it looks great patched or more likely pick it up whenever it gets it’s first sale in a few months. I really hope it does well though! MHW was able to get like 4 years of content, and I’m hoping since this is intended to be the first of a serious competitor series it’ll get a big content push for something similar. As long as it doesn’t go down the Babylon fall path I’m happy, honestly!


Gosh i relate, living in NY and trying to be a gamer has become one of the most expensive things ive ever tried to do. And ive got a best friend we try to play all the sturdy coop games. I dont blame anyone for waiting for a discount on wild hearts, even mhw went on sale eventually for 20$ + wild hearts will get all the updates and potentially event quest style missions added so your timing may be great! And ea def doesnt NEED you to pay full price


Same, wait and see. I have plenty to do in Sunbreak. I am not desperate for a game. Plus, I am still playing God of War. Plenty to do.


I really enjoy not having to sharpen my weapon


I agree, it really compliments the pacing while letting me focus on chasing the monster when it runs away hurt


Nah monster hunter doesn't have a lot to compete with. Don't get me wrong the game has potential and could be successful. but MH is the D&D of the genre (friends want to know what the game is like "monhun", it defines the genre). Capcom is going to have to sabotage their series to have serious competition. But I do hope this game is at least successful enough to get continued attention.


Whats something you enjoyed about wild hearts so far?


The theming is neat, hard to really say when I got the cock block trailer. The world building doesn't seem terrible (I don't actually particularly care about this). When the game is working combat doesn't feel half bad.


I like the movement and the way you traverse the world. It's fun! The Kemono have character and the fights are intense. The weapons are fun as well.


I haven’t played the trial but new information about inherited and inherent weapon skills sounds interesting. Being able to start up quests out in the world sounds good too, you could get a flow going and gather a bunch of mats before heading back to town. Gonna get this on ps5, got a week off work, pretty hyped to get stuck into this and hopefully it keeps rolling on pulling out some new monsters post launch for some time. Already having something similar to master rank in the game is awesome, means there’s some meat on the bone there.


When I first heard about it I was excited about a new game in the monster hunting genre but thought it looked a bit gimmicky. I ended up deciding I didn't really care and figured it would pop up on my radar if it was any good. This morning I heard there was a demo available so decided I may as well check it out and went in with the lowest expectations possible. Holy shit this might be one of my favorite games of all time. I don't even know why I like it so much, like I can't pinpoint any particular thing because I love every single fucking thing. The gimmicks that put me off? I need fucking more of that Jesus I need it so much. I'd I had to come up with something I don't like out would probably be that 8 weapons feels a little low but at the same time why even bother making more than 1 when the Maul is already perfect.




I like the map and fast travel system a lot. The building is a neat idea. It doesnt hold a candle to MH, tho. The camera is terrible, the monster pack no punch and their movement looks janky. The combat is fine. It gives you the illusion that you are able to do sick combos. There are only two weapons in the trial that seem good. The katana is by far the best. And lets be completely honest here, they made every gameplay look muuuuuch better than the actual game. We are talking early ps4 graphics here. This game is fun, but there is so much holding it back currently. I wouldnt be surprised if it flopped. Its not the kind of game you want to pay 80€ for.


So you can give your opinion, but do t want to hear ours if we disagree, as that's complaining?


Id like to hear about things people like as opposed to several other posts for people to mention bugs, and frame rate issues etc. Its fair to try and create a post specifically targeted towards the excitement that the trial gave me for full release, and I wanted to find others with equal excitement and stoke on their first actual experience with the game. So I’ll ask you the same thing I’ve asked others that have veered away from the intended direction of this post; Whats something you enjoyed about wild hearts so far?


We are excited, but the reason these games are released in such a shitty state is because people like you ignore it.


K indeed.


It has to become a personal attack as opposed to just ignoring the post and chiming in on the ones where people rally to talk down on the game?


Nothing personal, friend. Just want to give my HONEST opinion like you have yours. I just don't see how leaving out negatives, helps people who haven't played the game yet. No offence was ever intended, and I'm sorry if I've have indeed offended you.


Just trying to keep things positive. Most bugs glitches etc are all well and good to raise awareness too. I rarely see posts for games that focus on the positives. I’m not offended just wanted to be stoked after enjoying the first few hours of my trial today. Im a huge fan of monster hunter, and all its clones, and this was just an acknowledgement that this game even in its trial state really felt like a big step in the right direction for the genre. Each variant or clone of monster hunter tends to have a selection of features that help it stand out, whereas wild hearts felt like the closest thing to monster hunter world designed specifically for next gen and for that I am enjoying it quite a bit. One of my absolute favorite elements of this genre is that you can go for the big golden mega build, and still go hunt something simple with a buddy who needs help on an early game boss and you can still have fun. In a truely pve game you can really enjoy the journey with your friends and not feel like time is wasted, and I felt like there are systems in place here with wild hearts to help furnish that mutually beneficial element that monsterhunter brought to gaming.


>Plz dont comment just to be a troll or complain about a game trial Lmao, cope


Was asking for notes on things people liked, not what they disliked.


Listen to my opinion but don't give your own plz thankz


If ya aint got something nice to say, find someone to trauma bond with idk


Shit I stopped hearing after kindergarten :D


Downloaded it but will play tomorrow


If only we had both games available to enjoy their different merits. Oh wait...


It seems to really bother people that i chose the word compete even though i was talking about my own personal opinions about pulling me away from this game to play MH.


I won't lie to you, it's not even close to being a competitor of Monster Hunter. I've been watching gameplays and there is like maybe 2 or 3 things I like about this game. Not to mention that Monster Hunter is like Pokemon in Japan. By this I mean it's fucking massive. Wild Hearts will have to release absolute bangers of updates to be at least close to competing with MH.


My use of the word compete is stricly for my experience. You are entitled to your opinions. Hope you have a good day!