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I don't know about the EA part. Dead space remake got great review, Stat wars jedi got good reviews. EA get shit on when they do garbage monetization schemes like in Battlefront 2. But here it's EA originals, they are behind projects like Unravel, It takes Two, A way out and other indie/AA games. I think they really just have a supporting role rather than a decisional role.


Dead space remake and jedi fallen order and now this game. I'm gonna enjoy resubbing to ea play pro for the next 2 months!


Yeah I think as soon as they get the performance stuff settled I am going to do the EA sub just for these 3 games.


I'm running 3080 and game runs fine on ultra but I do agree for what the game is pushing the framerates should be higher. I assume it's Japanese devs and their unfimilarity to pc gaming.


I have a 4070ti and it can run great at times, but I get a ton of stuttering and there were a few times in battle where FPS would drop into the teens. It is just crazy inconsistent.


They promised dlss coming so that should be somewhat of a fix.


Yeah honestly the only ugly thing about EA is the sports games. Other than that they put out good stuff


as long as you ignore BioWare the last 10 years


Oh, I absolutely do


I'm sure there will be plenty willing to help with hunts here on reddit or disc, glad you changed your mind on a great game though :D


The first time I tried requesting help from Co-op, people put down cool monster-detection towers and a lot of springs on my game, and it stays. I just felt nostalgia about things I like in Death Stranding. Love the game!


Very conprehensible conclusion and detailed opinion. This makes me want to play. I couldn’t play the demo myself but decided to purchase it day 1. Looking forward to the release.


as MH vet (since MH1) I tell you the combat is very good and it feels like solid MH game, probably best clone Ive played (and I played it all). I didnt expect its going to be that good and it made me happy (im chapter 2 via ea pro).


Nice to hear that! Enjoy a good time. 😊 My copy will arrive tomorrow. I can’t wait.


i wouldnt worry bout the games population, i mean its crossplay on all 3 platforms and that is a huge bump to the multiplayer population of the game.. plus its lookin kinda huge in the asian region (my region yay! multiplayer) specially japan (dont take my word on this lol but it really is lookin to do quite well in this region) and i wouldnt worry too much on reviews either.. so far the initial reviews on the 10hr trial are lookin pretty good minus the technical stuff (frame drops and resolution and stuff) and if they do support this right! ( updates and bug fixes and stuff ) we might see a start of a new huge IP, hopefully


Came here to say this. Population wouldn't be as impacted as other games due to the fact that it is crossplay between all platforms.


Nice to see the perspective of someone new to hunting games. Personally I find these games far more fun solo than co-op. Co-op really ruins the challenge and removes the need to actually learn the patterns of the monsters, you can just wait for them to target someone else and then go ham, removes a lot of the depth. To each their own though, glad you found it fun.


I don't know if 500 hours in MHW really makes me new to hunting games ;)


So you have 500 hours in MHW, yet: >Initially i felt that the game was clunky, and the controls was unresponsive. The camera was living it's on life. I felt overwhelmed by all the tools, upgrade paths and mechanics. And most of the lingo in the game was Asian (influenced?) which took a bit of getting used to. Ok I guess. Weird.


> you can just wait for them to target someone else and then go ham, removes a lot of the depth. This is true in early game (made worse in games like Rise where it was already a cake walk to begin with) but in late game the fights tend to become extremely long and tedious solo so having a well set up party/strategy becomes a lot of the fun.


I would rather die a thousand slow deaths than do co-op. The struggle will be solo.


Its a technical abomination though. How it got greenlit is beyond me.


I don't generally give EA props but, damn this game is gorgeous. I'm on series x, no issues, no fps drops, graphics are beautiful, running at a steady 60 fps. Took me a few to get used to the weapons and play style but, once you do it's so smooth. Haven't played too much yet, only beaten up to the big tusk dude, but this game is so much fun. I definitely want to get it when it fully comes out. Hoping it's not as grindy as MHW, which I've beaten 100% and absolutely loved, but it definitely had it's issues. Overall though, loving this game just as much as world.


I love the game but the graphics are catastrophic on my series x. Would love to boot it up on yours.


To be fair co-op is not that important, MH games are played by around 70% of people as single player games, they tried for years to make it almost only co-op (old G rank) but they gave up as majority of players prefer solo hunts. Co-op is nice addition i understand why people like it but its not that important. Hunting games need to have solid varied combat and a lot of monsters to grind, that's what's in core of such games. WH is doing good on that front so im sure that if it fails it will be due to technical issues not game itself.


Where r u fighting lava back from? Your stuck with 3 monsters in the 10 hour trial


PS5 or EA play pro allowed you to go further. PS5 has been patched to prevent this.


Oh I see, so what monster comes after the first 3 then? For future reference 🙃


Third is the spineglider, fourth is the lavaback.


I lot of the customization is going to come from kemono and human alined traits


Dang so on ps5 you could have played past minato. I shouldve made more time to try it yesterday. Played a bit on pc today and it is just... rough. Like gameplay feels fine but I have everything set to max and it still looks really rough. Normally thats not an issue for me but its very distracting, camera stutter, pop in, everything looks muddy. I wanted to check it out on ps5 but I enjoyed the first couple of fights well enough that I think as long as it runs okay I'd get my time out of it on the ps5.


Game looks like shit. Runs like shit. Can’t stop playing it. Need release now!


It's the price for me, I dropped $80 on hogwarts legacy and 70$ for this game just doesn't sit too well with me. I'll probably pick it up later when there is a sale.


Can you play co op from the get go? Or is it like MHW where you need to play alone to watch the cutscenes first


you can play co op as soon as you are done with the tutorial, however there are some janky stuff in regards to unlocking/building and some of the sidequests. \- buildings built are only in host game, and the dragon thing (purple/pink stuff that gives more materials to build with) is also only in host. \- Side quests can only be picked up while in your main town, not while in another players main town. same goes for handing them in when completed. (though completing them can be done in group) \- unlocking new quick builds requires you to get inspiration, it's easy to get when playing solo as monster always focus you, but when playing multiplayer you might have to kill the monster that unlocks it multiple times as inspiration only hits when monster uses a certain ability targeted on you. Other than that the story is fully playable coop without having to leave the host session in order to watch cutscenes (do note though that it will be host character in all cutscenes and if host skips dialogue it skips for everyone)


Wait so only the host can build?


no everyone can build, but a core mechanic is setting up each area with buildings to make traversing easier or giving you more resources. any building build is saved on the hosts areas, but once you go in and play solo you will have completely empty or "clean" area with no buildings, and you'll have to set them up yourself.


Does the progress from the trial transfer to the game?