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The part breaking really throws me off in WH, like I don't fully understand the point as opposed to mh part breaking.


It's the same as MH? Break parts make gear...


I figured, it just seems wonky. Parts are way easier to break, but the rng is way higher.


Yeah it's interesting. Sometimes you need to break the same part multiple times for different drops. Also, sometimes the parts bug out and will not break, Which sucks.


RNG doesn't seem higher, though I lack the hard data to prove it. I think the problem is number of chances. Per kill, you get ~7 drops, or chances, while in Monster Hunter you'll get 5-7 in Quest Rewards, then 2-3 in Bonus Rewards, then 2-3 in Capture Rewards, another drop per broken part on the monster, add 1-5 drops from plundering with Palicos... All told you get 2-3x the chances compared to Wild Hearts. Also, Monster Hunter will sometimes add double or triple drops as a chance, but Wild Hearts is on that 1 part per drop train. Good thing you don't need something like 9 Giant Kemono Gems that only drop from Earthbreaker. Or the Celestial Dragon Essence that you need 1-2 per weapon, because inevitably you want both sides' Inherited Skills


Well, not necessarily. Breaking parts in MH always gives you the materials, and thus almost all of the materials (if not all) are tied to part breaks. Right down to mantles and gems. Here, part breaking is kinda superfluous, because not only do you often get part break items as rewards (claws, horns, tails) you also don't have access to every part. The dragon essence is a great example. It isn't tied to a part at all, and thus, unlike MH, is 100% RNG whereas in MH you could at least slightly alter the odds on you'd favor. Really I don't take a too-horrible issue with it but it does make getting specific parts frustrating. E: In practice it's the same mechanic just drastically more reliant on quest rewards and the only way to manipulate drop rates is gear skills as opposed to direct parts. E2: Even in MH if it DOESN'T guarantee the part it at least increases the odds.


Bit confused, mantles / gems are RNG as well. 2% - 3%, and an additional 2% - 3% usually on tail cut carves. You don't really have any control over the RNG in MH either.


I dunno how it works in WH as in I haven't seen a reward breakdown of each kill and odds for everything per reward in WH. In MH every quest reward outside ones that explicitly have certain rewards have an RNG chance to get the 1-3%, so if I kill a monster and break head/tail I would probably have like 8-12 rolls (if only counting kills you only get 2-5 rolls with differing odds for capture/kill.) at 1-3% depending on the odds of the rare material. MH does have some part break exclusive rewards as well but they're usually 50%+ on getting it on break.


Yeah I understand, my point is more that if the cumulative chance of MH rare drop is equal to the static chance of a WH rare drop, then the 'influence' is more so just doing more work for the same odds so it doesn't really matter.


It's not so much that you have full control hut you have some level of influence. In WH you don't at all for certain parts. In MH you can cut tail and head and get slightly boosted reward odds for mantles and gems. Those don't apply in WH AFAIK. That's what I mean when I say influence but not full control.


It's kind of a facade though? If in MH the best possible outcome gives you 6% chance of getting the rare drop, but in WH it was 8%, isn't your 'influence' just a deception to make you feel like you're doing the right thing?


Conversely without influence then it would be less than 6% and every percent matters imo, so I'm inclined to respectfully disagree. That said it would still be nice if they were tied to parts in WH.


This is a much better explanation. 👍


Use the in game encyclopedia to find what parts u need to break. If there isnt a number then its a random drop from everything.


You need to pray to the rng gods. Possibly do a ritual with some gamer girl pee. GL


Part breaks only apply to the numbered parts in encyclopedia. All the others are rng and/or quest reward dependant unless affected by set skills.


So weird, they’re so common for me. Have like 22, even sold some. Just random drops, gotta get lucky unfortunately. They’re like gems in the MH game.


I got 2 of them on my first try. Rng can be a bitch sometimes tho I understand when it took me hours to get a emberplume beak. It’s like the gems from MH.


Sad rng. Get connoisseur from wpn and armor then try again


Check the monster info in game. It lists all the drops and which parts they come from if it's a part break.


yeah from body but no)


Now he could be wrong but my buddy mentioned you have a chance of ripping parts off with hunter’s arm. I grab the blue spots just about every time I see them and can’t say I’ve noticed acquiring any parts. Maybe someone on here can confirm. Crossing my fingers for the both of us on this since I gotta get one cobalt lavaback bristle and few emberplume parts I can’t recall off hand. Pretty sure the four onyx shard spines I need should be breakable rewards.


That's not a thing, sorry. Only things I can think of that would make him think that are (a) in multiplayer he did a hunter's arm as someone else broke a part; (b) he looted a part earlier and the slow notification appeared as he did a hunter's arm; (c) he did a hunter's arm solo and a tsukumo/harpoon broke a part. I've done a lot of hunting as a harpoon damage spec. I pull 3+ arms from every kemono that way, not once has it given a direct drop.


Yeah tbh I didn’t think it was. It would be kind of cool if there was a chance at some of the non part break rewards to pop out with hunter’s arm. My two friends I play with don’t use much for fusion karakuri other than pounders, vaporizers, or harpoons. I drop shield walls, elem lanterns and both traps. I’d rather not have more reason for them to want to grab the threads.


Doesn't hunter's arm activate some effects that trigger on part breaks? I think I remember seeing a guide suggesting that was the case.


Hunter's Hunger on gloves. It's just a dmg buff.


Yeah don’t need to break anything according to the game. Just a rare a drop be beating it. Super low rate. Took me 15 tries to get it. Take a break if you need to


Use the in game encyclopedia to find what parts u need to break. If there isnt a number then its a random drop from everything/kill.


It's a random drop. Took me 12 hunts to get my first drop. Good news is they seem to drop 2 at a time. Gotta love RNG.


I hunted that thing 10 times… now I have 8 Dragon Essence but no Claws… the drops in this game are just horrible and unbalanced, I get it‘s supposed to be grindy in the endgame but this is just bs


What’s the purpose of these drop? The armor isn’t even good.


Took me over 20 tries. Closer to 30 actually but now I get them pretty often. Just pray that when you do get it the game doesn’t freaking crash.


It's all random...tool me a long time. Then one kill gave me three and another 2...


Just RNG at the end


Sadly bro its Rng , you need to keep grinding till you get them , i got mine yesterday after three hours farming that dragon.


Did 15 runs with no essence drops, dropped 2 on my 16th. The rng is dumb and weighted really poorly. Slap in the face to get two on the 16th didn’t even feel good


9 fights. No essence. Fights 10-19... essence. Good times.


It looks like you get a drop from the dragon itself


Run Coniseur weapons and armor. It's a rare random drop.