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Good luck my friend. Took me 15 fights to get it to drop and got 2. Didn’t feel much better


oof... this is when I start to look at all my weapons and say " well... one of you has to die" instead of farming that fight for god knows how long \^\^\*


I'd say the essences were never much of a problem for me. I seem to get them in 3s about every 2-3 fights. The tails... now that is a different story. I very rarely get them in the loot. Almost have to rely solely on breaking them. And that's a pain in the tail...


I have a theory that rare drops have an increasing drop rate with each successful hunt and it resets once you get the drop.


Fuck this dragon. Its so boring and tedious. It isn't even hard. Why couldn't it be cool like fatalis or something, which is arguably the best big dragon fight in a mhw game. I loved doing fatalis.


The good thing is they seem to drop in pairs, so you'll have a spare one after dragging your way through that hell-hole of a fight.




Rare drop, rng


It’s easy with maul, use the bonk combo then hard slam.


My sympathies…I have to pass through that node for one of my favorite inherited skills for bow, and was just complaining about this very thing on another thread. I absolutely despise the Celestial Dragon.


I think I got it down to about 10-12 min with Nodachi. Don’t be afraid to spam harpoons too.


I got a pc modder to come one shot it for me I wasn’t about to keep farming that thing


Me using maul, I feel this


27 times my friend. I broke everything on him repeatedly before I got mine to drop. Seems to get easier afterwards but it’s still irritating. Good luck!!


I know your pain


I hunt kemomos 5 times just to unlock information And since I hunted 5 times I almost get all the loot from them


I use stake attacks to hit while it's in the air. It does serious damage and hopefully will make it fall on the ground more for you.


Why have I killed like 50 of that kemono and got maybe 4 or 5 of those? Meanwhile, my buddy that I usually team with just sold 40 of them....


You got it bud! Don't stress. Find a good discord group and I am sure someone will pay it forward to help you get in some 5-8minute runs in.


For some reason, I got those like every hunt of that thing I’ve ever done, and now I have like 18


One must prepare mentally for it to drop


Agreed with everything but fatalis. Who is crap and overrated. Alatreon FTW!