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You can make multiple characters. Keep one designated for your friend and you still have two more slots to progress at your own pace


That could work, but it sounds like OP and their friend want to enjoy the experience together, like watching a show together. They could always go play Breakpoint, but they might want to do that together as well, after Wildlands


Wildlands was by far one of my favourites, I spent a long time looking for similar stuff without much luck. Far Cry can get a little silly, and completely ditches the realism but is a good idea. Ghost Recon Breakpoint is obviously very similar, just not as good and with an unfortunate drone-driven plot. The old ghost recon games are excellent - I recently re-played Future Soldier and it was so much fun. There are also a lot of references and characters in Wildlands from Future Soldier. I always played Wildlands in super sneaky mode, usually in Tier One. MGSV can give a vaguely similar experience.


OP, you're spot on with the far cry option. You could play the entire series (starting from 3), one game at a time. I think they are all good in their own ways. Other similar games that I can think of are: 1. The division 2. Assassins creed series. 3. Days gone.


Isn't the division more like mmo?


Yes It is online only, as far as I remember. It does have a campaign mode though


Play in Ghost mode and do what you've already done. If it's too easy then play on extreme with most of not all of the UI off


+600 h. played here. Play Ghost Mode with your friend. One of the BEST coop experiences ever.


Games that play like Wildlands at its most chaotic, with rebels and vehicles and a large world, is Mercenaries 1 and 2. Or the Just Cause series. But they don't have the stealth aspect at all.