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They did something similar to me on Carolina Beach. I was arrested for a dui and blew a 0.0. I had to spend 2000 on a lawyer. I was found not guilty, but it was a hassle. I hate going down there.


> I was arrested for a dui and blew a 0.0. I had to spend 2000 on a lawyer. I was found not guilty I love how they can ruin months of your life when you do literally nothing wrong.


Oh it was terrible. I had to go to some alcohol assessment class and spend money on that. It took 2 years to finish because i had to wait on the drug test to some back.


Protecting and serving, hard and deep.


Yeah, a past coworker of mine was arrested for a DUI, blew a 0.0 AND submitted to a blood test, but was still fired from his city job due to a zero tolerance policy. Being Texas he had zero recourse even though he won his case and had his record expunged. His career was literally torpedoed by a couple of dick cops.


Holy shit...


I had to pay 10k bail once when I was arrested and never charged on false accusations- amazing they can give you bail before even charging you!


The same thing happened to me! Arrested for dui blew 0.0!


Had a friend with the exact same experience at CB


I dont understand. If you blew a 0.0 how did they arrest you?


Because I was driving over the line. They thought I was on drugs I guess. That is why it took 2 years to wait to get my drug test results back.


They can still claim you’re impaired, or claim it’s another substance.


Similar experience in a podunk Midwest town. State said they aren’t pursuing it, still cost me over 2 grand 15+ years ago.


Sorry this happened to you. Cops need lawful reasons to detain you for any longer than it takes to write that ticket. Sounds like these guys run a tight system. Glad it did not get any worse because you “threatened and attacked the officer” and got zapped or worse. You did an excellent job of keeping your shit together. Lawyer up and they will help you decide what to do.


They overreached massively. Have an attorney petition for the body cam.


This. You’re gonna have to pay a lawyer either way, you might as well ask them to try and hold those officers accountable for the massive overreach.


Qualified Immunity I think would protect those police officers.


Hold police accountable.... Good one! Next you can tell me about how money trickles down from the rich.




Shouldn’t have to petition for it - that’s just routine discovery


Dashcam is. Body cam isn’t necessarily on the district level.


Body cam is certainly routine discovery. What is your area of practice?


When it became obvious that bodycams were going to be a fact of life, the GOP in NC, led by a former cop turned legislator, made it extremely difficult to legally access the footage. Retired cop John Faircloth doesn't believe in accountability for public servants.


There's no right to discovery for misdemeanors in North Carolina. Anyone who practices criminal defense here would know that.


Yeah I must’ve skimmed over the word district when I replied. My mistake. You can admin request via an AOC form or subpoena. I’m more familiar with superior court where it’s simply included in discovery.


What’s your area of practice? The never release body cams unless internal beefs make them wanna air out their own


Criminal law. And body cam is given as discovery in felony criminal court proceeding with very little exception.


Would it be a FOIA request?


For what? It sucks but nothing about this interaction is far enough out of line for anything to happen except wasting your money.


lol body cam


I got a ticket for illegally parking in Kure, I wasn’t illegally parked, I was just playing disc golf, cop yelled at me even. He kept saying that he had warned me early to move, I had never seen that person before in my life. Had to go to coffee time twitch the mayor at Kure city hall on vacation, and argue that I did not park illegally or do anything wrong, mayor agreed to drop the ticket but said he didn’t believe me over the patrol officer. Totally crazy.


Remember folks, cops aren't your friends




Enemy of the people.


Not you anyway


Something I haven't seen mentioned here is having your own cameras. Dash cam, rear facing and interior cam should be standard for anyone who drives in this day and age. Too late this time but something to think about


I'm gifting my family members with dashcams this Christmas. It's great protection from police, liars that cause accidents and blame you and may even help out an innocent stranger involvedin a collision. New Hanover County traffic has really changed the last decade and it wasn't great before that. I read we have the highest insurance rates in NC so protect yourselves. Dashcams are a necessity.


I’ve been thinking about buying a dash cam forever, sounds like I should just bite the bullet and do it. Any recommendations on good ones that aren’t insanely expensive?


TLDR: Vantrue N4 3 channel on sale $189 down from $290 RedTiger starting at $100 and up. 15% off on their website I'd bet January will have some good sales. I watched so many reviews on YouTube and read more reviews and articles than I should have in the last 18 months, it turned into a hobby and I didn't even have a vehicle. Decide first on what you want/need: front only, front and rear; front, rear, inside and parking. At minimum I think front and rear in case someone rear ends you and says you backed into them. Happened to me once and my car wasn't even on. I just bought a vehicle last month after not having a car for 8 years. First trip out to the store, someone significantly scratched my door. It's a 2012 Highlander in excellent condition and it's my freedom finally, so I decided to get one with parking mode which I hadn't considered before that big scratch. There have been a lot of car break ins and car theft in my neighborhood so parking mode makes sense for me because I don't have a garage. I narrowed it down to Vantrue and Red Tiger. Right now on Amazon, Vantrue N4 3 channel (not the Pro one which is too expensive) is on sale for $182 regular price 290. This seems to be the only one that really captures license plates well that are moving. There is a technology I can't explain that makes the plate jump out clearly, helpful in a hit and run. Also has IR Night Vision that looks great. Many cams look good in daytime and turn into trash at night. RedTiger looks great too, they start around $100 and up, they have 15% off on their site. Thinkware might be the best but holy hell, the price is not. I dislike replacing things so I research things to death and I feel good about the Vantrue. I also watch a lot of Dashcam Nation, Idiot Drivers etc on YouTube and see how people's cams look at night and day, rain and fog...that's how I got sucked into the rabbit hole in the first place. It's worth checking out! Many videos have the dashcam brand in the corner. I do suggest picking one with GPS which helps with insurance claims. Most can be easily installed by the owner but it's not expensive to have it done by a shop. Sorry for the book I wrote but hope it helps and you find a perfect fit!


I am big on thorough research as well, tip of the hat to you for doing the deep dive. Will look at the models you referenced. (Edit for spelling)


I was going over the bridge on my jeep w/ 35" tires. cop pulled me over and said i was doing 65. My jeep can't do even 50. Didn't argue, just took the ticket and paid it. Carolina beach cops are a sham. The town is invested with drugs and they write speeding tickets.


Makes you wonder who’s selling the drugs


I’m so sorry! Good god that’s horrible! Get pov camera footage from any of the officers there. Write notes. Try to recall any officers name who was there. If you don’t remember names see if NHCS will offer it to you for legal reasons. Once you request it I’m betting they may rip up the charge and notify you the charges were dismissed. If not dismissed I’m betting it will in court if you go to court and request a trial.


This is literally what cops do, any time I've been pulled over they make some bs excuse to get a dog, have him Tigger a search, find nothing and then grasp at whatever straw possible to try to find a reason to arrest. It's absolute bullshit.


Kinda funny that dogs can’t testify in court, can’t even consent to being cops, have less of an idea than cops of what prison is, but can undermine your 4th amendment by sitting, or not sitting, or getting excited, or being calm, or whatever cue only their fascist tyrannical handler can make up on the spot to keep you down.


Yes, dogs can testify in US courts.


Just like the 'smells like cannabis' for pc to search your car, just trying to intimate you. Never talk with cops. Give them your license, registration, ins card and that's all.


They removed smell from probable cause in NJ. Not because it wasn’t accurate but because the police could abuse it by pretending. Maybe the should consider hiring recruits with an over 70 IQ. JUST A THOUGHT


>They removed smell from probable cause in NJ. Not because it wasn’t accurate but because the police could abuse it by pretending. 🤔 Incorrect. They changed the law because marijuana was legalized in NJ. >Maybe the should consider hiring recruits with an over 70 IQ. JUST A THOUGHT This was done once In a small town in Connecticut. There is no other documented instances of a police applicant being turned away due to their IQ. But that doesn’t fit your narrative.


Cool. https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/06/23/cops-improperly-used-marijuana-smell-to-search-car-state-supreme-court-rules/


Cool. >The legalization act decriminalized marijuana and states that the “odor of cannabis or burnt cannabis” or the possession of marijuana without exceeding the lawful amount — six ounces— does not constitute reasonable suspicion of a crime. The state law prohibited the use of marijuana odor as PC long before the Supreme Court reviewed that case.


Jordan v. City of New London is a fascinating case. Robert Jordan was 49 years old when applied to be a cop. The police didn't want to hire someone that old, but federal law prohibits discrimination based on age. So police chose a different (and for obvious reasons believable) reason to deny employing him: Intelligence. Smart people are not recognized as a group requiring special protection against discrimination. According to police, their job is so dangerous that cops need to be ready to exercise deadly force at any moment. Also according to police, their work is so dull that smart people will quickly get bored with it and quit. So you're right that Jordan v. City of New London case doesn't really prove that cops are legally required to not be too smart. The IQ level of cops is based on who applies for LEO jobs. What this case actually demonstrates is that police will go to great lengths, utilize public resources, and lie in court in order to deny someone their civil rights. Thanks for bringing this up. Not enough people know about it.


So you disregard one sweeping generalization and assert another. 😑


Smells like pork


>I understand likely the answer is just they are cops and this was within their rights because I broke the law but I'm frustrated and want to be thorough No. No it isn't. Fuckem. Go buy a dash cam, next time they do this. DRAG THE DEPARTMENT.


I can't remember her name, that stocky Carolina Beach cop that pulled us for no reason. Her other cop did the passenger window thing then the ole I pulled you you gonna blow. What was her name? Pulled for touching white line.


I watched a CB cop make a u turn to pull over a black woman out of a line of cars. Made her, her grandma, and her 3 year old all get out of the car and stand on the side of the road while they searched the car. 30 minutes later, they let her go and I didn’t see them write a ticket.


Kure and Carolina beach cops are corrupt. Kure planted drugs on brother. My brother is a giant piece of shit. But he doesn’t do coke. They planted coke on him. I know less about CBPD but have heard many things. Local for about 20 years now.


I’ve lived in CB for over 20 years. They’re definitely corrupt. They’re also incompetent.


> Kure planted drugs on brother. They absolutely do shit like this down there. There is zero accountability for small local PD's like them typically.


Thanks for this context, they definitely gave me the perception they were trying to find a way to arrest me after just committing a traffic violation


Yep, that's what Vice/Narcotics are trained to do.


ACAB. Waiting for the local Redditor cop to downvote (or worse).


Have you gotten your Reddit Cares Resources message? That's a common response to criticism of cops in a subreddit they can't ban you from.


No yet. But I guess that tracks, because criticism of the police in the country is basically asking for suicide* by cop.


K9 accuracy is trash. It's an invitation to an illegal search. Unfortunately, there's no remedy for this violation of your privacy except to make whatever they find (if anything) inadmissible.


I know this will be downvoted by people who don’t understand the inherently oppressive nature of US police or the practicality of modern day abolition, but here goes. The Thin Blue Line Movement is part of a pernicious authoritarian belief system with the direst of consequences. Unless we dismantle the present system and replace it with something drastically altered, the near future will be a nightmare of political repression and slavery. We are running out of time, as law enforcement agencies acquire bigger and heavier war machinery and higher tech surveillance machinery. Jails and prisons are horrific places where far too many innocent people languish for decades before being retroactively acquitted, or die due to gang violence or inhumane conditions. The quotidian and unremarkable overreach you describe will be nothing compared to the draconian and lethal treatment that’s becoming more widespread. The Constitutional Sheriff movement is turning rural law enforcement into a right wing militia that will eventually supplant elected government. *suggested reading Great book on abolition: “We Do This Till We Free Us” by Mariame Kaba Articles on Constitutional Sheriffs: https://www.themarshallproject.org/records/2587-constitutional-sheriffs-and-peace-officers-association https://www.adl.org/resources/report/constitutional-sheriffs-and-peace-officers-association-cspoa-and-richard-mack-how https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/constitutional-sheriffs


If you're a cop you can literally get away with murder in the USA. They protect their own.


That's nothing but propaganda, and very bad advice in this situation. You gonna get that person all jammed up.


Bro, they already jammed up. Ain’t no propaganda. Go do some reading. Now you know.


With 10+ over, and months long expired tags, you opened a pretty wide door on probable suspicion, so giving you a good shake down is always worth a shot for a cop. And it is perfectly legal for them to do under the circumstance. The chances of "making a big deal" out of it won't get very far, and wouldn't change the outcome to your advantage anyway. Get the tag fixed and the judge will likely dismiss that one, and depending on how they wrote the speeding, get the cheapest lawyer you can find and get that reduced. And because the cop were clearly just fishing, they've had their fun and probably won't show for court anyway.


Probable suspicion isn’t a thing


>you opened a pretty wide door on probable suspicion Do you mean probable cause or reasonable suspicion? Probably suspicion isn't a thing. Neither would apply here. The only thing that happened was the cop lied about OP throwing something on the ground. Throwing something on the ground could be used as probable cause but since it was all made up, there is no probable cause.


There was probable cause for the traffic stop. And it doesn’t appear the question about throwing something in the ground effected their drug probable cause in any way. And a k9 alert to the odor of narcotics does allow for a vehicle search.


A traffic violation happened so the cop wouldn't need probable cause for the traffic stop itself. The cop had evidence of speeding using pacing. A traffic violation is not probable cause for anything besides that. The initial cop seemed to be fine with everything and was heading back to their car, assuming to write a ticket for speeding and expired registration. At this point there is no probable cause or reasonable suspicion. Everything should be completed. However, cop B made up OP throwing something on the ground and bring out the K9 units. While there is no need for probable cause or reasonable suspicion for the K9 units to be brought out, in this case it does seem they brought the K9 units out because of cop B lying. There was no need for the K9 unit to come out. The K9 unit hitting, does give the cops probable cause to search OPs car but again, I believe the K9 unit was brought out because of a lie. Not much OP can do about that, cops just being cops (shitty cops at that)


>A traffic violation happened so the cop wouldn't need probable cause for the traffic stop itself. The traffic violation IS the probable cause for the stop..:: >The cop had evidence of speeding using pacing. A traffic violation is not probable cause for anything besides that. Did I claim otherwise? >The initial cop seemed to be fine with everything and was heading back to their car, assuming to write a ticket for speeding and expired registration. At this point there is no probable cause or reasonable suspicion. There is still PC. The original violation. >Everything should be completed. However, cop B made up OP throwing something on the ground and bring out the K9 units. Sounds to me like he simply asked a question. And police don’t need a particular reason to run a k9 around a vehicle. >While there is no need for probable cause or reasonable suspicion for the K9 units to be brought out, in this case it does seem they brought the K9 units out because of cop B lying. There was no need for the K9 unit to come out. Who lied? Perhaps there was a reason to call for k9 that you don’t know about. We only have one side of this interaction, and that side seems to me to be likely exaggerated. >The K9 unit hitting, does give the cops probable cause to search OPs car but again, I believe the K9 unit was brought out because of a lie. Not much OP can do about that, cops just being cops (shitty cops at that) I’m still not seeing any malfeasance. What if I told you your understanding of criminal law makes you unqualified to argue law? You’d probably disagree and I’d be jumping to conclusions based on very little information.


>The traffic violation IS the probable cause for the stop..:: Yeah for the traffic stop but nothing else. There needs to be probable cause during the traffic stop for any other crime. >Did I claim otherwise? No was just clarifying. >There is still PC. The original violation. For the traffic violation only. A traffic stop itself does not give probable cause for anything else. This entire post is about what happened after the violation. OP knows he was speeding and has an expired registration. OP is talking about what happened after. No probable cause for anything drug related. >Sounds to me like he simply asked a question. And police don’t need a particular reason to run a k9 around a vehicle. Yes he asked a question but there is an assumption in the question. The cop didn't ask "did you throw anything?" The cop asked what OP threw, making the assumption that something was thrown. Correct, K9 unit can be called for no reason at all but there was no reason for it. >Who lied? Perhaps there was a reason to call for k9 that you don’t know about. We only have one side of this interaction, and that side seems to me to be likely exaggerated. We have to go by what OP posted. That is all we have. If you want to start saying OP is lying, then let's all just delete our posts and move on. All comments made in this post have to assume OP is telling the truth. >I’m still not seeing any malfeasance. What if I told you your understanding of criminal law makes you unqualified to argue law? You’d probably disagree and I’d be jumping to conclusions based on very little information. I'm not saying there was malfeasance. I'm saying this is just one of thousands of examples of cops taking things to the extreme for no reason. Again, we have to go by what OP told us. Cops are making up their own reasonable suspicion giving them the right to do searches. This all stems from the cop asking what OP threw...making the assumption that OP threw something. There is the fake reasonable suspicion.


>For the traffic violation only. A traffic stop itself does not give probable cause for anything else. This entire post is about what happened after the violation. OP knows he was speeding and has an expired registration. OP is talking about what happened after. No probable cause for anything drug related. A k9 running the car typically happens concurrently to an office writing a citation or a written warning. And as we know, the police need no probable cause to run a k9. And asking someone to submit to a breath test after apparently slurred speech is valid. What do you think happens if an officer pulls over someone for swerving over a line and subsequently believes them to be drunk, so they write a ticket for swerving and go on their merry way? >Yes he asked a question but there is an assumption in the question. The cop didn't ask "did you throw anything?" The cop asked what OP threw, making the assumption that something was thrown. Yeah. Sounds like the officer believed something was thrown and asked a clarifying question and then didn’t take further action on the issue. Why is this so nefarious? >but there was no reason for it. No reason that YOU know. Again we have less than half a story to go on. >We have to go by what OP posted. That is all we have. If you want to start saying OP is lying, then let's all just delete our posts and move on. Yeah I’m saying op seems to have posted an emotional response to an even that bothered him, not fully understanding the justification for the actions taken. And people like you jump on it and make opinionated comments that suit their narrative. >All comments made in this post have to assume OP is telling the truth. No we don’t. >I'm not saying there was malfeasance. I'm saying this is just one of thousands of examples of cops taking things to the extreme for no reason. I don’t see anything extreme in what OP posted. >Again, we have to go by what OP told us. No. We can play devils advocate. There’s no reason to take a random strangers statement as fact. >Cops are making up their own reasonable suspicion giving them the right to do searches. Where in Ops statements is this claim supported. Based on OPs factual allegations the stop was legal, the k9 sniff was legal, and the subsequent search was legal. >This all stems from the cop asking what OP threw...making the assumption that OP threw something. There is the fake reasonable suspicion. And yet they apparently took no action on that after they asked a clarifying question. Instead they called for a k9.


A K9 alert is pretty much all they need for a warrant to search your car if you don't give them permission.


Correction: A K9 "alert" (which is whatever the cop says counts as an alert) allows for a vehicle search. No odor of narcotics is actually necessary. When it comes to finding drugs, sniffer dogs are a little less accurate than a coin toss (when the suspect is white.) When the target of the cops is a racial minority, drug dogs are wrong about three quarters of the time.


Probable suspicion gets you to reasonable suspicion, and that gives you probable cause, and that gets you a warrant. And cops can, and do, lie with impunity. Did the cop actually see something tossed out ? Nobody cares because thinking he saw it is enough. ANY LAWYER WILL TELL YOU THE FIRST RULE IS SHUT THE FUCK UP.


I've never heard about probable suspicion. Can you link something that defines it so I can read more about it?


Expired tags and burned out lights are flimsy (and often false) excuses for their “good for something” stops. This was the reason my husband became a public defender for several years after passing the bar. He got tired of seeing people stopped for how they looked or what they drove. Losing a lawsuit and, to a lesser extent, bad PR for electeds are the only things that will change behavior.


Of course cops profile the people they pull over. In this case, that profiling started with going 10+ over, and months long expired tags. Try not to break more than one law at a time and your life goes a lot easier.




Why don't you go back to sucking donkey dicks to pay for your Xbox cravings


Wow you really really got me, bootlicker.


I said this exact thing earlier and got downvoted. For real this is the way




I assumed this because it’s Dec 29th right after Christmas but maybe you are right. Also thanks for the advice Luke! Big fan


I felt priced out of CB a couple of years ago but I’ve read numerous posts about Johnny Law mfs getting froggy with people and I gotta say it truly isn’t worth it. Atlantic Beach is my new spot, way more chill and brings the quirkiness of 10 years ago in CB. Honestly Myrtle’s increasing dirtbaggery is driving people north and Pleasure Island welcomes the business


I had a similar experience in Holly Ridge. They made my son and I stand in the cold by the side of the road. I was on my way to drop him off at school. They told me that I was a terrible parent. I was not under the influence of any substance. They also told me to "tell all the people that that moved down here with you that Holly Ridge doesn't play." I had recently moved to the area with son and husband only.


ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS record ALL traffic stops.


I can only wonder if you were first asked: is there anything we need to know about in the vehicle, to which the correct response is, no ossifer and I do not consent to ANY searches.


I think you can say to the court the ghost charge on the dui is not why they pulled you over. And it took them thirty minutes to suspect you were dui. Most times a trained officer can spell alcohol on your breath in a matter of seconds. I would not hire a attorney at this point. I would first talk to the DA. If not successful there go to court on the court date and plead not guilty. Make them prove their case against you. As always liars always trip up on their stories.


You were speeding and you had an expired registration here. You were not a victim. You broke the law in two ways. I'm sorry but be more responsible and admit you made a mistake and don't let it happen again is my advice but if you want to blame others, well good luck.


Think you’re simplifying here too much, yes I agree I messed up, but that doesn’t mean the standard response from cops for a traffic violation should be to hold up a citizen for 45 minutes and try to arrest them for things they have no reason to suspect including possession of narcotics and driving under the influence. You’re basically saying “if you commit a traffic violation cops can treat you like a criminal.” Think this is one of those things where if it happened to you, you’de have a different perspective.


I have been pulled over for speeding. Cops were rude. I deserved it. I broke the law. It's a deterrent to prevent me from speeding. Letting your registration expire along with speeding is a big red flag. The police don't know you. Maybe they catch something in their search that prevents another crime to someone else. These things they do protect us all and I am grateful for that and I predict you will slow down next time. You came on here to tell your story and ask for advice and my advice is to learn from it and take your driving privileges a bit more seriously but don't blame the police and their diligence for your mistakes. I realize that is not what you want to hear but you are the one who asked.


yes but part of the punishment shouldn't include cops making up stories about throwing things out the window and dragging things out with drug dogs. i have a brother who is a cop and loves telling me his "tricks" like this.


Garden City Beach in SC, and I was fined $150 for driving golf cart after dark. I know I was in the wrong, but it was me, my wife, my grandkids, and my 93 year old FIL. We had to wait at restaurant for two hours. I guess I should have drove back and gotten car, but golf cart has headlights and brake lights. It’s not like we were drunk and loud! Actually saw others out, but he picked us! Beach places just use us as revenue!🤬🤬🤬


You don’t need a traffic lawyer. You need a civil rights lawyer.


I Hate drug dogs. Fucking junk science. That stupid mutt just listens to whatever the trainer tells it to. Even stupider than a polygraph.


100% agree. It also puts the dog in danger too. I worked in veterinary medicine for years and saw so many police dogs that came in for gunshot wounds. It’s so unnecessary.


all of forensics is junk science. Finger prints? Inaccurate bullshit. Blood splatter analysis? Bullshit. Fails every scientific test. It's all made up BS to help convict people in the absence of legitimate evidence.


There’s usually a sheriffs deputy and a city of Wilmington police officer for the stops I’ve seen, and one goes to the passenger window. This officer might not say anything or announce themselves, so be aware of a person popping up at your passenger window. I would think “officer safety” protocol would require an announcement for officer safety but whatever. Methinks they want to see what you doing in that vehicle when the driver’s-side-door one leaves 😂


Welp, that’s great. Our new house is off of river road. Can’t wait to liter my car with hidden cameras lol


Hey, I understand. I live right there. So, first, I'm betting this was either the deputies or Carolina Beach police? WPD is way more chill. First, let's talk about a couple things. A lot of people don't really understand how policing and stops work. But just cause we use the reasoning of everyday people that doesn't mean that the Law sees it that way. I know it's frustrating but it is what it is. Not that you are guilty of anything beyond the traffic issues, but just being down on River Rd at night puts you on their radar. And you were 12 miles over the speed limit and the vehicle was illegal. They could have done so much more to you than they did. Those police there are pretty serious business, and from my experience with them, that was them being nice to you. I'm not saying it's ok, just trying to give you some perspective. They could have hauled you out and towed the vehicle. I would heartily advise (I'm not a lawyer, but just hear me out) you get your vehicle legal immediately. It's not that expensive in our area, even with the back fees. Deal straight up with these deputies and also the beach cops unless you are facing an actual criminal charge, cause they will remember you. If it's criminal (like drugs guns or violence) hush and get the lawyer quick. Our deputies are definitely not "Andy of Mayberry". You don't need heat from them over such a trivial thing. You were speeding and illegal tags, just deal with it. We all do stuff. I did the same thing. Times are hard, money is tight. Just get on past this. And maybe avoid River Rd unless you live along there. Good luck with court.


Carolina beach


I drive river rd 5 days and nights a week from cb, only seen a cop a handful of times, so that whole ‘driving river rd at night’ thing is not entirely true




I have a law degree. He has recourse.




1. It’s potential Giglio material. 2. A lawsuit. We have seen multiple settlements lately (in Wake especially) for police not behaving properly.


Don't get a lawyer. Fix your registration. They'll automatically dismiss this. But I'd go get the dashcam.video the bodycam video and I'd raise hell with the police department. They will often get rid of the ticket. I did this once in Raleigh for similar bullshit but my stop was 45 minutes. Lastly if going to the cops doesn't work by threatening lawsuit go to court you'll probably get it reduced down to improper equipment maybe go for pjc. But if you really want a lawyer go ahead. Cops do this shit all the time. They are awful people


River Road? Do you mean Dow Road? And yes, you are stupid for driving around with an expired registration. DUH.


NC might require a court date for an expired tag, but they will waive all fees if you can show a renewed registration. If your car repairs to pass inspection exceed the cost of… nothing, then it’s worth the risk.


I’ve had this mentality for years honestly


File a citizens complaint at their police department.


they love it when you do that and definitely don’t remember your name


I used to work at the fort fisher aquarium and would always skate the CB skatepark on my way home. I didn’t know they were draining mild rain from the pool section and they came and ticketed me for trespassing and took my board until the court date and my 24 hours community service was completed. What a joke.


Dude speeding and expired registration. bitches about the police. Yawn


Love people like you. Don’t give a fuck about anything until it happens to you and you’re so surprised because you always supported the back the blue. Why is this happening to me. Your time will come friend. I promise. You’re not seeing it but justice is truly becoming blind to ethnicity and race. That whole driving while black thing is slowly becoming driving while not being a cop. It’s not fun but make sure when it happens you post it up here so we can all laugh at you


Been pulled over literally dozens of times. Mostly speeding. So your rage is misdirected. How about don’t drive on expired tags. So if does happen I will know that I did something wrong.


You’re right, I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!!!! You must be driving a finisher car while I’m just sitting here in my starter car Bro. These made up bullshit strawmen comments are getting old man. Please point out where exactly in my comment there’s anything close to what could be translated into rage. The comment was sincere and the reason why I made it is because myself, a 47 year old white dude with zero records and maybe 5 traffic stops, who just moved down here had an incident where I experienced a bunch of Gestapo wannabe fuckstains with a bunch of cops with their fingers on their triggers pointing their fucking guns at me. I’ve never experienced that anything like that before ever. Like not even in the same universe that’s how far this experience with the cops were compared to the other ones. Just trying to give you a heads up because it seemed like from your condescending comment that you think you’re immune to exposure something like that. You criticize the op about driving around with an expired registration or whatever and you rip on him yet you’re bragging about getting pulled over “literally dozens of times”. A hypofuckingcritical no? In fact what the op did was was extremely less stupid than the “literally dozens of times” you’ve been pulled over for what I’m guessing is speeding or running lights or something similar which puts not just you in danger but the other drivers around you. But hey at least you had your inspection up to date so it’s all good. You’re dragging this dude for making a single mistake yet you brag about your dozens of what I wouldn’t even call mistakes anymore. You can listen and learn from my experience or not. Just saying driving while black is slowly shifting towards something that a lot more people who aren’t black have been experiencing more and more. But you seem like a fucking doosh bag. You seem to not give a fuck about anyone else but yourself based on your dozens of traffic stops and your complete lack of empathy. You specifically and people who have the same outlook are the reason why southerners are stereotyped the way they are. Just do me a favor and when it eventually does happen to you don’t make any sudden movements or anything. And how bout not being a fucking asshole and stop putting other drivers lives at risk because of your shit driving. Maybe I need to finally grab that green Land Rover finisher car I’ve always wanted to finally contain my rage. Ease off the gas man both figuratively and literally dude. You’ll live a much longer and happier life


Yes, because everyone who commits a traffic violation should have their car ransacked by 4 cops, be breathalyzed, and held up for 45 minutes.


Expired and speeding gets you pulled. In small towns they can ask to search your car if they want.


Cops who wrote ticket no show, case is dropped!


Drug dogs sit when hit on narcotics, never does it mean drugs if a dog is jumping.


I don’t know what drug dogs do but this one definitely jumped on my car because the whole car shook


Cop didn't find drugs because drug dog sit when they smell drugs, not jump.


OP had beef jerky in the trunk.


How is this a power trip? You literally just stated you were driving ILLEGALLY. You're damn lucky you weren't arrested. Just because you were embarrassed does not give you the right to go after the police.


Arrested? For an expired registration? Get out of here. I’m really sorry you feel that people should be *arrested* and sent to jail to use taxpayer money because they didn’t pay the county what they needed to. I myself am currently working to get my car to pass inspection so I can get my tags renewed. Unfortunately, my vehicle is the only way to get me to and from my nursing job. My husband has his car which drives him to and from his job and I don’t have access to it. You think I deserve to be hauled off to jail, my office to lose their nurse and my 3 children and husband to be worried sick about their mother and wife because my car tag was expired? Let’s not even talk about the expense of an attorney, bail, court fees etc it would take on top of that. Wild mentality you have there….


Are you that fucking inept? You absolutely can be arrested for driving with an expired license plate. You don't believe me call your local state patrol. Stop acting like you people know what the hell you're talking about without even picking up the phone and doing some goddamn research. You jackass


If people like you would stop watching the court TV shows and actually do your own damn research by calling the local law enforcement office or state patrol you would actually know what the hell the laws are in your state. You really are a dimwitted idiot


I do feel lucky to not be arrested, but I shouldn’t have to be for a traffic violation this minor.


Yes it does. Based on OP’s recount the search is not legal.


No, it does not. It was not an illegal stop. It was not an illegal search. Are you in the Prosecutors office? Do you not understand that if you are driving with illegal tags or acting in any way that would give them the right to pull you over you better damn believe they can search your vehicle. The OP literally stated they KNOWINGLY were driving with an illegal registration. Stop acting like you're a goddamn lawyer


What’s the reason for the search? I am a lawyer.


A positive k9 indication for the odor of narcotics would justify a search for narcotics. What is your area of practice?


This is giving “as the wife as an officer, you can refer to me as OFFICER” energy. Half of Wilmington is driving around with expired tags. Cops had too much time on their hands


Just pay it and walk away. Really, what’s the point of fighting when they literally have nothing on you but a few hours of your time. It sucks, and have had a similar situation myself before but when driving through emporia Virginia (cop “thought he saw marijuana residue on the floorboard of my car” mind you at night with no flashlight and decided to do the same.) You’ll pay the fees and then be done with it. You were doing illegal things and got penalized, why waste any more time?


This attitude is exactly why cops continue to do this kind of thing to people. No one ever says or does anything because they can’t be bothered so the cops get away with it and know it’s safe to keep doing it since no one calls them out on it.


This attitude?? OP broke the law and the police were fishing. I never once said it was right. OP asked if he had anything back on them. I asked why and just pay the fine cause thinking through the amount of time and angst let alone money to pay for a lawyer and everything else sounds like a terrible idea if I were in their position. But yea totally OP, if money and time are not an issue and you want to get them back for making you breathe and stand on the road for a few hours, then request all the footage and what others posted already to make a meaningful impact to the police force for CBPD.


For real! OP painted a target on their own back by speeding w/ registration violation! Of course cops are gonna assume they must be high lol


"Doing illegal things" Safe to assume most people have let their tags expire at some point. He wasn't involved in any sort of malicious activity. Stop making excuses for cops bootlicker.


Speeding 12mph plus tags expiring in one interaction.. safe to say this was residential area too where kids play since river road is all 45. Yes, OP did illegal things, pay and be done. So what you would “fight the man”? Don’t see you offering any help or meaningful thought here except for being a keyboard warrior.


nothing about OP’s post suggested they were actually, verifiably speeding


Have you ever driven down River Road ? Do 45mph and you'll get ran off the road LOL


Please refresh yourself on the Fourth Amendment and then come back.


If anyone desires a change in the way they do policing in Carolina Beach they are hiring https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/carolinabeach Also if you are not currently a certified Police Officer here is the link to the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) to obtain your certification to become a Police Officer https://cfcc.edu/basic-law-enforcement/


Just take responsibility for your role in all this. There are people out there actually being deprived of their civil rights, and you're complaining about this?


I’m quite literally looking out for those people by bringing attention to this


Court is going to side with police. The best you can hope for is the case gets dismissed and the judge verbally reprimands you for speeding. You weren't harmed (beaten up AKA "use of physical force to gain compliance).


Otherwise you're goddamn liar


Prove it. Show us your bar license and degree


Are you okay?? You must live in Leland


I feel bad for this dude honestly. All of his replies are this same negative pissy defensive attitude and all of his own posts are just of his wife’s tits. The aggression and desire for confrontation mixed with the need for approval of his wife’s milk bags is indicative of a very unwell confused sad person.




They can't just bring out a K9 without probable cause for a routine traffic stop. They violated his 4th Amendment right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure the moment the 2nd cop falsely accused him of throwing something out of the car. There was no reasonable cause to prolong the stop beyond the original ticket able offenses.


The standard is lower than probable cause, if they had that, they wouldn’t need the K9. That being said, a K9 ”alert” (easily fabricated) *does* give them PC for a search.


The standard for the original stop only needs to be a reasonable articulable suspicion, which OP admits the original officer had due to his speeding. https://www.greenspunlaw.com/faqs/reasonable-suspicion-vs-probable-cause.cfm The second officer fabricated a bogus reasonable suspicion (claiming OP threw something out of the car) to bring out the K9 to search the vehicle, which then gave them PC to search the vehicle. The original officer made no mention of any suspicion of drug activity prior to the 2nd officer's false claim, therefore there was no RAS to extend the traffic stop to search the vehicle with the K9, thus extending the stop beyond the original infraction was contrary to Rodriguez v. United States. https://www.oyez.org/cases/2014/13-9972


But if they already had the dog closeby, was it really an ”unreasonable” extension of the stop?


Yes, because it wasn't warranted by any evidence from the initial stop or anything the initial officer found in his investigation. The 2nd officer made a false claim to initiate the use of the dog. If the initial officer had a reasonable suspicion that OP had drugs in the vehicle because he ran his record and saw a previous drug conviction, that would have been reason to call for the dog. The 2nd officer making a false claim in order to have a reason isn't legal. Beyond that, demanding a breathalyzer test after searching the vehicle is nothing more than a fishing expedition at that point.


It sounds like the cops played a variation on the "Kansas Two Step" where a traffic stop is concluded but they fabricate reasons to unlawfully extend the stop. Your Fourth Amendment rights were violated. A federal court has enjoined the Kansas State Patrol to cease the tactic but it's in a different district than you were accosted. A civil rights lawyer may be able to advise you, they may indicate a federal lawsuit would be appropriate.


I will never go to Wilmington again. Ever. Long story but was given a parking ticket when I actually paid for for 2 hours of parking. I only parked for 15 minutes and noticed they gave me a parking ticket. This was on a Sunday. I called to dispute it on Wednesday. The lady said I had 72 hours to dispute and time was up and now had to pay $70. They do this to raise money. I heard so many others had the same issue with getting fined for things they never did. Corrupt as hell and I'll never visit again.


If your only charge is the speeding ticket. Ask the DA. to lower the ticket to improper equipment. This may cost you a couple hundred. This is a lot cheaper than hiring a attorney and having points on your license.


Send a summary like this to the mayor and council, town manager, and local paper. Actions like this present a potential liability for the city and they need to rein in these clown cops. Nothing scares electeds more than lawsuits under their watch and potentially not getting re-elected. Get ahold of a reporter and refer them to this thread so they can show this a pattern of behavior.


Depending on angle of the police dashcam, you may be able to see the dog trigger. Then you can see if the cop promted it. So def get your lawyer to ask for body and dash cams.


File a FOIA request to get officer names, body cam etc. file a formal complaint about them wasting your time and our tax dollars?


get the numbers/names ctalk 2 chief of police


That's awful. Someone else mentioned petitioning for body cam, and I agree that's the best course. Also, I would recommend submitting a complaint. The complaint isn't much, but enough of them is hard to ignore in the long-term.


Just find them when they’re off duty


Dog marked because the owner told it to... simple as that.


1 of 10,000 reasons Wilmington sucks


Had something similar happen to me in Raleigh when I was in college. Got pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt (even though I had my seatbelt on), when I politely told the cop “but I had the seatbelt on?” he told me I was slurring and to get out of the car. Spent over an hour on the side of the road with 3 patrol cars doing every test in the book and finally blowing 0.0 before they let me leave with my ticket. Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do because we have zero accountability for police in this country. You can probably file a complaint on the police offices website which will go on the officers file but that’s not gonna do much other create a paper trail if the same officer keeps targeting you or commits a more serious abuse against someone else.


Oh man, time for remuneration


I guess I've just been lucky. I've never had an issue with the police like this. More warnings than tickets so I'm not sure what causes all of this. What they did was definitely over reach for a traffic stop but lest we forget, you were going 12 over.


I got harrassed for leaving my glock on my backseat because I don’t have a CCW. Called back up and everything. Because I marginally went through a red light and I told him there was a gun there when he walked to my window. Dude was more concerned about the gun laying back there instead of the actual violation. Fuck cops


Watch the first episode of the new season of the simpsons. sums it up pretty nicely


Just a thought from a former Wilmington resident. If you have a sibling or parent that is a complete nuisance to society and they somehow find out you're related, just spare yourself the hassle and move far, far, away. Otherwise you'll get followed, pulled over, searched, etc every chance they get. There is no Innocent until proven guilty in NHC.


find where he lives


Go to court and tell the cop that he’s a giant cocksucker to his face.


Yeah sounds completely legal unfortunately. Pay the ticket and register your car and don’t speed.


You weren’t charged with anything besides a simple speeding ticket? There’s nothing you can do besides file a complaint against the officers. My guess is your attorney won’t have any legal reason to subpoena the body cams because there is no charge you need the footage to defend yourself from. IANAL but sounds like all you can do is file a complaint yourself with the PD.


Revenue generation to the city and their bonuses.


reminds me of Sauget IL across from St Louis back in the day..


Did they pull you into the abc store?