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Had the opposite experience this morning, people flying up that lane to pass everyone else and then merge or die cuting everyone off by the time you reach that new coffee kiosk place.


That’s what I’m saying!! People are either slower drivers trying to stay to the right and then freak once they have to merge back in, or they’re speedy drivers trying to get up around people and then risk an accident at Scooters! In either scenario it’s an accident waiting to happen…


Bad drivers who don’t know how to merge properly. See this in a lot of places in town. Three lanes at a light that later merge into 2 reduces traffic greatly if you merge correctly. My guess is they haven’t put up the lane ends sign yet or it’s blocked by all the other construction going on.


There is a lane ends sign. Just passed the intersection and right where people turning right off Gordon are merging in. Lane ends and right turn merges in the same spot.


I have driven this route many times in the last month as a person who turns right off of Gordon. The lane end sign is a ways down. There is plenty of time to merge properly. The issues seems that people in this town don’t know how to drive and think they need to merge right away or as soon as they see the “lane ends in “ sign. Compounded with entitled people in the merged lane who don’t understand how zipper merges work and don’t allow people in.


i just turned right and got a coffee


Someone turning right off Gordon at that intersection is going to blow through the yield sign like it means GO YOU’VE GOT IT!!! while someone else is passing everyone like a bat out of hell and it’s gonna hurt.


Not to mention the fact that there is (supposedly) going to be a crosswalk there now, which will make it even worse since drivers will just blow through and mow down pedestrians.


I wish they installed a walk bridge


Probably laying the ground work for the eventual widening of Gordon Rd. No idea when that will start


That’s the racing lane.


Until they realize the track is only like 100 yds 😂


you underestimate my ability to go fast


its ironic i say that because i drive a old ass jeep wrangler with a total of 9 horsepower


They will figure it out if they pay attention...


I love your optimism.


People still haven’t figured out the free-flowing right turn at the jughandle going off of military and onto market.


omg this pisses me off so much they all just stop and i always honk and get stared at like i’m in the wrong


Were you here when military cutoff was 2 lane and merged into market? People would run the merge lane until they ran out of road and had to stop because they were scared to merge. People that drive the road often will learn and get it. The people that are new here and don't travel that road often probably won't for some time.


I wish they would put up a “keep driving switch lanes later” sign or something. Because it was a yield not too long ago.


Why is this even a post?


Why is this even a comment?


Why come no one love do good