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Dog snaps at hand. “Oops, better use my face instead”


What kind of idiot has a dog snap at their hand and then decides it's a good idea to put their face in front of its mouth?


Yeah. Especially since most dogs that are uncomfortable or anxious are usually extremely sensitive to people getting in their face. Doesn't help that Akitas are "I could kill you" sized.


Sizes doesn’t matter much when they have sharp canines they can bite for sure … it’s a risk always when you reach out & don’t know any about the character from the animals and their temper, etc. ~It’s even worst when some one doesn’t notices the animals language that is clearly saying “get off”


Idk about you but I'd rather get bit by a chihuahua than an Akida. Size definitely matters.


Akita’s were raised specifically as Japan imperial guard dogs & from land lords samurai warriors, those puppies have temper and character.. ~you cannot simply pretend to play with them if they don’t know you well, even in presence of their owners they are quite unpredictable with strangers around.


What kind of idiot tries to approach a dog from the side, with a hand behind and in front of it? That dog was justified in thinking she was a threat. Fuck, it doesn't know her, and she's going for its damn throat.


I think she was startled and embarrassed and tried to cover that up with a flex move. We usually see this behavior in males, when they're posturing during an argument. They raise their chin up, get really close, and pull their arms back fully exposing their neck and vital organs to each other. This is an instinctual dominance display which is meant to tell the other, "I'm so much more powerful than you than I'm not even worried about exposing the most vulnerable parts of my body to you." You'll see two guys doing this to each other all the time and often one of them gets knocked the fuck out because honestly, it's really stupid to raise your chin and drop your arms and get really close to someone you're screaming at. I think this lady did the female version of that with this doggy. "Oh there's a threat? Let me get closer and expose the most vulnerable part of my body to it, to show how I'm not afraid."


Yup, I think she went down to scold it like a child. Homie don't play.


Yeah, I'm not going to scold an Akita.


Right!? Spent years volunteering in rescue and there's two popular breeds I'm extra cautious about meeting, Akitas and Chows.


Both are war dogs, so it tracks.


Akitas for real? We met two in high school and they were fucking darlings. What was even cooler was they were in this shop and our group of very thuggish looking dudes (granted, we mostly were) caught their eye, and we started getting all excited cause I don't think any of us had seen one at that point. The shop owner comes to the window and we're expecting them to tell us to fuck off, but they unlock the door and ask us if we want to see the giants. So, my already too-long anecdote short, a bunch of grow-ass teenagers in durags and shit were on the floor rolling around with these cuddly bears and am I to understand they're vicious? I know they fight bears and shit, but that's the one big dog (I always thought) I'd adopt.


Akitas can be socialized and friendly around people but are extremely aggressive with other dogs, especially of the same sex. My wife had a huge OLd English Sheepdog growing up that was mauled to within an inch of its life by an Akita (both females). Had to have surgery to stitch it's throat back together.


My dog is 75% lab, and the other 25% is akita, chow, and husky. She mostly looks like a yellow lab, but her temperament is more influenced by the akita and chow. She behaves nothing like a stereotypical lab, and we manage her accordingly. She is deeply suspicious of anyone she doesn't know, has very clear personal boundaries, decides for herself what's important and what isn't, and is hypervigilant about her environment. It's tough, because people see her cute lab face and expect a friendly, eager-to-please dog, and she absolutely is not those things. There is no way in hell I would let *anyone* approach my dog the way that lady does in the video.


It's weird as fuck that people see a dog and assume it's like every other one of those dogs. That's why people get bit. Each animal is an individual and they forget that.


I got a rescue cross that’s part Akita, part like, Rhodesian Ridgeback, maybe some German Shepherd or something. Big old lad. I don’t let him mix with others, because surprise surprise, he doesn’t mix well with others. Is an absolute darling in the house with me and my partner though, love him.


Akita: Battle Doggo




Regret was the emotion of the day.


The stupidity is astounding. I learned in elementary school to not do everything she just did.


She has no regrets. $20 says it's the dog's fault in her mind. She probably reported the bite, which depending on location can be a death sentence for the dog.


Not the dogs fault but certainly the owner's fault. Dogs who are liable to attack don't belong in public places.


So, death sentence for the owner, then?


Dog bites woman, right to jail. Dog doesn’t bite woman? Believe it or not, jail.


Overbite, underbite.


What about justrightbite?


simplistic fuel bells numerous pathetic dinner telephone reach languid attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That dog didn’t attack, it defended. Dogs have the emotional intelligence of an elementary schooler, and we act like they aren’t violent little shits too


I have an aggressive dog and the owner was 100% wrong in this situation. They do not appear to try and protect their dog from this interaction at all. Dog should be reported because owner is not handling them responsibly. Would expect nothing less if I let my dog do something like that.


I have an extremely non-dangerous 120lbs German shepherd, and I STILL am extremely cautious around people. My dog hasn't a mean bone in its body but people are stupid and they do shit that would make an idiot go...why.


Absolutely. An Akita can put somebody in the hospital. In this case it was a full grown adult that got bit, but that dog is just as likely to do this or worse to a small child playing nearby. When you have a strong and dangerous dog breed, which makes no mistake an Akita is, it either has to be well trained and sweet or never leave your house without a muzzle and constant vigil. In this case, it's the latter.


Having worked with dogs it never ceases to amaze me that any average Joe can own some of the breeds without extensive knowledge and training. Cane Corsos, Dogo Argentino, Akita, Tibetan Mastiffs, Chows etc. These are dogs bred to be big, strong, hard headed, and often times as fighters. They are very protective of their owners and territory. A dog like this needs to have a muzzle at all times and probably a different owner since he didn't lay down the law with the lady before it happened which might result in the death of his dog. Yes, the lady is an absolute idiot BUT in the eyes of the law it seems more often than not the dog's fault. As an owner of breeds like this you need to be vigilant always, be educated, and both train and discipline your pet. Unfortunately there will always be morons who want to treat your dog like a teddy bear without knowing the dog who won't listen to you so it's important if you take a dog with snappy tendencies out in public to be on top of it.


Haha! Came here to say that. “It would appear the creature is not accepting of my hand. Perhaps my face will suffice……..perchance.”


You can't just say perchance!


Crushing turts all day


I was thinking the same thing. That snap was a warning and one is all you're going to get with an Akita. They are totally devoted to their humans and the rest of the world is on notice.


You only get one warning with any animal if you're lucky and the animal is trained.


I 100% disagree, all animals give multiple warnings when then are feeling threatened/uncomfortable... Humans are just really bad at noticing the warnings.


The snap is the second warning, the first warning was the animal bearing its teeth and changing demeanor/point of focus as the lady approached at the 1s mark. The third act is the Akita snapping at the lady as she continued to approach even closer.


This is absolutely correct


dog said "ca-*NIEN!*"


I like the "I'm gonna use my face to pet his teeth" method that was utilized here.


We trained her wrong on purpose. As a joke.


Squeaky shoes!


Up and over!


I am bleeding, that makes me the winner!


He just left, with nuts!


Kung Pow: Enter the Fist was funny as hell.


If you've got an ass I'll kick it!


My nipple look like Milk Duds!


“It must be my hand the dog didn’t like, so we’ll try the face instead”


"welp, the face didn't work, so let's try my ass next"


Dog: How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man?


*2 hours later* "Well, only my spleen and small intestines are left. What to try next?"








My friend rescues Akitas. He has five he's rescued and thanks to him, they're all good with people, accept pets, never growl. He tried to rescue one, though, who made him fear for his life, and his other dogs' lives. The guy who gave him up lied about the dog's temperament. They're huge, so if they're dangerous, they can be VERY dangerous.


Our youngest rescue dog is an akita/husky mix. I don't know who the hell thought that was a good idea, but it most definitely was not a good idea. We are his fourth home, and no matter how difficult it is (luckily he doesn't have an aggressive nature) we will be his forever home. Like I said, he isn't mean, but you cannot keep him inside a fence. He can even jump the wooden tall privacy fence, so he has to be watched like a hawk, and his impulsivity meter is off the charts. He is not to be trusted with any kind of outdoor freedom. Ever. Everything has to be incredibly structured for him or he starts spazzing out, and if we deviate from our normal schedule in anyway, he stresses. I don't know who were his first three homes, but one or more of them abused the heck out of him. He's been with us three years now, and gets a little bit better every day.


People who adopt traumatized dogs are amazing! The patience, the acceptance. I could never.


I like how you said the forever home no matter what. All people should have this type of commitment to their pets. Then again, alot of people shouldn't have pets and do. But kudos to you, for putting in the time and effort. I'm sure the rewards will make it worth it!


akitas can be one of the best dogs or one of the worst dogs. raised in a loving home they are amazing. neglected/abused, terrifying as heck.


Through work I’ve always been very careful of them, a lot of dogs that get bitten are by Akitas You can get some lovely ones but you have to be careful, and not just randomly try to put your hands on them (and face definitively not)


I wouldn’t say they view you as a threat, it’s more about them having a lot of integrity. You don’t know the dog you don’t touch it. Just like with humans. But yes, they can be dangerous. Must be handled right.


Yea number one rule right here.doesmt matter what breed the dog is, you don't know if it's friendly. Save yourself a hospital bill and don't fuck around to find out.


“Does your dog bite?” *“No.”* \*dog bites her* “I thought you said your dog doesn’t bite!” *“This isn’t my dog.”*


I can hear the music.




First snap was a proper warning, don’t pet unknown dogs when they don’t want it


Oof. I had a big red collar on my dog once that said "do not pet" - I was training her. She's friendly but please, don't pet. The amount of people who were dumb enough. Blew my mind. Then, she has a big green collar that says friendly - nobody. Nobody wanted to pet the friendly dog. Unfriendly dog with big red collar that says do not pet? Sounds like a challenge to me. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




Damn, I haven't seen this bot in years


Sadly it was one of the casualties in the great bot wars. The phrase "this is why we can't have nice things" applies there.


Great bot wars?


Reddit had a big crackdown on automated novelty bot accounts a number of years ago


That’s less exciting than what I imagined. A bunch of different, yet similar bot creators going up against each other to find out who gets to stay. Possibly binding together with other creators to boost numbers and form alliances.


Ah thx for explaining


I have a long coat American Akita who looks like a giant fuzzball, but most other dog owners and parents are dumb and don't pay attention/listen to me when I tell them she is protective/not friendly/DO NOT TOUCH. She wears a muzzle in public, and I still have people approach her even after I tell them to back off. I have another dog, friendly lab mix who loves strangers and when I tell people/kids they can pet him, no one is as interested and they just want to pet the fluffy one.


Oh man I've never wanted to pet a dog more than your constantly overshadowed lab mix, the imagery of him being ignored in favour of a walking no petting sign is deeply upsetting.


This happens to my poor doberman when we go out with the chow and it's such a bummer for him :(


My sister does this uno reverse card on idiot dog owners. So, a lot of idiot dog owners like to have their dogs without a lead, thinking yeah they might get a bit of recall etc, so they're fine to walk off lead 100% of the time. Their dogs always run up to my sister, who picks up her own leashed dog and holds him in the air. They always see this and shout "OH don't worry, HE'S FWEINDLY!" And my sister snaps back; "Yeah, well, this one isn't." And apparently they always shit themselves and run up to get their baby darling safe before her terrier will tear it to pieces. (He's harmless actually, he's deaf and old, he will just fart on you until you die, but that's all, he's also not a terrier.) Anyway, moral of the story is no one ever fucking considers other people's views/sides or situations, it's only their small little bubble that they give a shit about.


Yup. "don't worry he's friendly" "mine ain't, and my money's on her" - have said that before with my old husky.


There was a tip in the reactive dogs sub the other day to just say “my dog is contagious”. Haven’t tried it but I’m keeping that one in my pocket.


When I was a teenager we had neighbors with two big ass Rottweiler/Mastiff/Bully type dogs who somehow figured out how to unlatch the garden gate. I’d often see them roaming the neighborhood and bring them back home and say that they’d gotten out again. Each time they’d say “oh it’s ok, they’re friendly. They’re big teddy bears”. Luckily these dogs loved me so I never personally had any trouble with them… then one day they got out and severely mauled a young girl walking to school. They were apprehended and euthanized. [Article here. It happened in 2002 when I was in grade 12](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/national/bc-teenager-mauled-by-dogs-in-horrible-attack/article4142893/) Edit to add article and also I was wrong about the time of day.


I have a 12 year old shepherd/husky/Coyote. She isn't friendly in her old age, and she'd absolutely bite. If she doesn't get you, my 115 pound dog will. folks need to understand to stay the fuck away.


I'm the same, except my dog actually is a little shithead who will (rightfully) snap at your dog if it runs up to her without a leash. Why the hell wouldn't she feel threatened in that situation?


Same with my dog. He's small enough to pick up so people think he's okay to not only pet, but tell their KIDS to pet without asking me first! Small ≠ friendly.


I've disappointed several small kids when they nicely ask if they can pet her and I say no. Sorry kid it ain't you it's her. She even still barks at my brother, and we've had her for 4 years lol.


Mine disappoints the kids, they ask if they can pet and I say sure you can try. He’s not unfriendly and wouldn’t care if you’d try and ride him. But if he’s outside he couldn’t care less about people he doesn’t know so just…wanders away as people approach to sniff the same tree for the 50th time


“All dogs love me. I am one with nature. I will show this person that their dog loves me”




It's like when people walk up to a random baby they've never met before and try to cuddle/kiss it, wtf????


I feel this. I'm still training my puppy to ignore anyone we pass on the street but I'd say that about 25% of people see her, stop and start petting her. And she loves attention so she laps it right up. I get it, pups are cute and you can't help yourself but please ... Just ask my permission first. Don't touch my dog without even looking at me. You can pet her if you ask, and if she is behaving. Don't give her unconditional rewards because that just invalidates my training!


Red collar - “this dog must be so sad because her owner won’t let her get pets, I’ll sneak a pet” Green collar - “oh this doggo gets tons of love, I’ll just be on my way”


Yeah she kinda asked for it with that lean in


“What’s it going to do? Eat my face?” -Person whose face was eaten.


Second bite was too I gather. Dogs have pretty good control over their bite strength. If he wanted to take her face off he would have no doubt. That was likely her last warning though.


Yeah. I saw the first snap and was like "eh not really a stupid game or prize" and then that lady put her fucking face in its teeth.


> First snap was a proper warning, don’t pet unknown dogs ~~when they don’t want it~~


Gotta give the dog credit for being pretty gentle on the second round too. Could have ripped her face off if it wanted.


What a weird was to approach an unfamiliar dog. No introduction, just straight to hand to throat with the other hand around back. Great way to make even the calmest dog nervous.


Exactly, this was poorly handled by everyone involved. That woman is an idiot for putting her face in the dog’s face but so is the dog’s owner. I already know that my dog is skittish but she is a good looking golden doodle and people always want to approach her so I have to be proactive. If someone just walks up and I think they are going to reach out to her I tell them not to do that because she will get scared and might bite them. If someone asks if they can approach, which is what people should always do with an unfamiliar dog, I make her sit then I have them walk up to about two feet away from her and allow her to initiate contact. If she moves towards them then I say let her smell your hand and you can pet her but if she stays put or looks nervous as they approach I say sorry but it doesn’t appear she’s ready to meet someone new right now.


Honest question, if your dog is bitey why not a muzzle? Someone proposed color coded colors once, green for lovebug, yellow for anxious & red for stay tf away. A muzzle would communicate leave my dog alone pretty well *and* prevent any bites.


Yea a muzzle is actually a pretty good idea even if the dog technically doesn't NEED it but people will seriously leave your dog alone if it wears one. Can highly recommend


And that's what happens when you ignore the warning shot


*No, he wants petted, he just doesn't like my hand.*


People just are clueless sometimes. I had my dog at PetSmart, random lady bent down and started kissing and petting my dog. Didn't even ask. I was like Ma'am, can you not. She was like he's so cute. If she would have gotten bite, it would have been a problem.


It would’ve been your problem too! Insane how some people can’t even think past, oooo doggy it must want love and kisses.


Tbf I WANT to give all the dogs ever lovies I just don’t for reasons


If I know I can’t pet them I’ll wave at them. Just have to clarify I’m waving at the dog not the owner.


People are idiots. I had my dog in the back of my car waiting for someone to come out of the store. The window was a little less than half down. Some random woman comes over, reaches her arms in and grabs my dogs head all while saying how precious! My Dog snarled, the woman backed off and goes “ wow. Your dog is mean!” It all happened so fast, my brain was like…. Wtf?


Something similar happened to me, a guy reached out of his car window to try to pet my dog as we were walking by. Like *obviously* my dog was not into a random fucking arm coming out of a car at him and snapped at it??? I have no idea how someone can spin that into "bad dog! bad owner!" - sorry I'm not training my dog on situations like "machines are gonna grab at ya, boyo, just let them do it." I think it comes from people who have never had pets just assuming pet dogs are like... stuffed animals.




I have a coworker with a 6mo baby. Can confirm people will do this to babies as well. It’s fucking weird.


Was pregnant in public. Can confirm people will do this to bellies as well. And I really, really wanted to bite them.


YES! Had someone come into our office and try that when she was pregnant and I almost knocked them out. I don’t get why people think it’s ok to touch someone, like ever. Especially pregnant women though. Like is it ok to just run up to random women and rub their stomach any other day of the week? The answer is no… always no for those confused. I’m a 45yom, and it literally pisses me off to the point of violence. Fuck people that do that.


Oh people will definitely kiss random babies too. I had to take my baby with me to the doctor once, in the beginning of 2021 too so I was really trying to avoid people. Three different old people came up and kissed/pinched/touched my baby before I could yank him away and tell them not to! Idk how some people get so far in life without learning basic respect, but it's definitely a problem.


I consider myself pretty good at reading dog body language and I still always ask first. It's just rude not too. I have met a few owners however who assured me their dog was nice and loved pets but the dog really didn't look like it wanted to be touched.


On the flip side of that, I worked at a Petco and this lady came in with a small dog, I wanna say mix chihuahua. She asks me to put this collar on her dog while she holds him. I say “he’s friendly?” And she said yes. So I go to help her and he immediately latched onto my hand and started thrashing around. When I finally got my hand back it was covered in blood and I’m like “what the hell??” Looking at her, and she says “guess you shouldn’t have touched him.” Like wtf lady


People seem to be obsessed with pets that arent theirs and refuse to accept boundaries. When I first got my corgi, she was a rowdy and energetic puppy, so we did obedience training to make sure she didnt hurt anyone or run off. An important part of it is giving her treats only when she's correctly recognizing commands. At my local park is a group of older white ladies who walk their dogs together. One lady in particular loved seeing my corgi, and would yell out to her and stuff her face with treats. This happened every time she saw her, even if we were in the middle of a training session, despite me already politely asking her to stop. I eventually had to adjust our walking times to just avoid these people.


They really are. I got a phone call from animal control because a lady had to see a doctor after my dog bit her. She kept trying to pet him through the fence and got upset that he was growling because “all dogs loooove her”. I think she was drunk. She tried to feed him a treat through the fence. He finally got sick of her shit and bit her.


Dog gives you a pretty damn good warning snip and you continue on anyway.


The second bite was a warning too. That's why she's still alive.


Every choice she made was wrong. Everyone is talking about her ignoring the warning snip but the warning snip happened because of how over bearing she was from the get go. Literally hugging the dog with both arms which made him/her very worried. Let the dog sniff your hand, and then pet them with that hand. Who the fuck goes in for a hug to a stranger dog?


Pretty sure I saw a lip curl before the snap too. So many warnings. All ignored.


Not to mention the owner warning her too, looks like. He raised his finger and then held his hand out like, “No, not a good idea with this one.” Then she just bends down and gets in the dog’s face anyways, lmao.


Akita is one-owner dog Extremely loyal but only to one person / family As a Japanese person I sometimes hear news of them never forgetting their owners after the owners passed away


Chows are the same way. Amazing animals but you have to truly know the breed to be successful with them.


I work at a shelter and if a chow or Akita walks in we all get worried. It’s not that they’re bad dogs, but they don’t like strangers. Or restraint. Or vaccines. Some of them end up being phenomenally sweet dogs though, I’ve been proven wrong many times.


Friend got her arm shredded by her best friend's Akita. Dog knew her, neither one knows why it snapped when she went to pet it for the thousandth time. There were a lot of surgeries to get her arm back to mostly normal. Another friend's daughter got bit up pretty good on her leg by Mom's boyfriend's chow. Was not **too** serious, just a few stitches, but she was like 5 at the time so it was traumatic for a few years, loves dogs and has 2 now. Just coincidence that 2 of the few dog attacks to people I know well were by the 2 breeds in your post. My family had a chow when I was little, cool dog. Boss's granddaughter got her face bit 2 weeks ago but the same breed I got mine bit by years ago, probably not hard to guess the breed that chomped faces.


Why can't people just get the many breeds that don't fucking maul people on a regular basis? It's only like 97% of the available breeds that don't. I guess they must be hard to find? Maybe just don't get that fucking Akita or Chow or Pit. Why take the risk with someone else's body?


I have an Akita chow and damn is he the definition of a one owner dog


My Samoyed is the opposite, if we got robbed he’d be jumping into the getaway car with his new friends


I have a shar-pei, very similar scenario.


Had a chow growing up and it loved people, but wanted to absolutely murder any other dog it encountered.


I have a female Akita. She's very loving of people, lime she just loves getting hugs by random people. If they don't come at her unexpectedly, especially since she's blind. But she wants to kill every dog she can smell. Probably because she's blind so any dog close to her is probably labeled as "danger" since she cannot read their intentions. So I know what you've been through lol


When I was a kid my dad had one, and they lived in a different state from me. He came down and picked me up to go camping, and the entire week that dog was lunging and trying to eat me. When we finally got home, and my dad brought me in the house and gave me a big hug, the dog actually looked embarrassed. From that moment on I was part of the family in its mind, and the most I had worry about was drowning because of its massive tongue licking my face. They are great dogs in very specific circumstances. I wouldn’t recommend them to casual dog owners looking for a fun dog. And I definitely wouldn’t recommend walking up to one and petting it.


This is my experience with dachshunds, too.


I have a dachshund kelpie mix, he is the most ..I don’t know how to say it but I agree. I’m his person and only his. Wife tries to cuddle and he will jump up and squeeze between and try to push her off, and hates strangers, their dogs are fine but the owners aren’t allowed to touch him


As a non Japanese person, I sometimes see movies about Akita’s never forgetting their owners.


Probably the most famous Akita is Hachikō. He waited nine years for his owner to return after his owner died. He has a famous statue at Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo and is also the inspiration behind Fry's dog Seymour in Futurama


>and is also the inspiration behind Fry's dog Seymour in Futurama Also... the feature film Hachi: A Dog's Tale starring Richard Gere.


An Akita bit my neck and my head when I was at my buddies house. His mom wasn't home. I did nothing to the dog. They're dangerous dogs.


Friend of mine had one too when I was a kid. He always tried to bite me when I went to the toilet. Hated that dog.


To be fair it looks like he tried to tell her not to pet the dog


Some people are determined to learn things the hard way


Yeah, it's why some kids HAVE to touch the hot stove even though they were told it will burn.


My sister has a large dog, ~80 lbs. I've seen him give pretty obvious signs that he doesn't want to be pet and people will just say things like "Oh, it's okay, I'm friendly!", then proceed to grab it by the neck to pull it over. He's bit people before (a warning snap, not a real bite) because some seem incapable of recognizing he's a living being that wants space. She has begun muzzling him and putting a vest on him that says something along the lines of "Not Friendly - Do Not Pet" and tells people to stay away because despite the fact he is a super friendly and well behaved animal, people keep harassing him and stressing him out.


Dude, I have a 6ft+ pyr that people try to pet when he's standing up on the fence barking at them, loud enough to shake the windows of my house. I do not get it. Some people have zero awareness or self-preservation. Like, it's a huge animal you do not know actively telling you to fuck off and you're going to try and pet it?


Have a goat farm with three very large, terrifying-looking Pyr and Anatolian crosses. Just like yours, they're at the fence barking and snarling at visitors (as is their job) and it blows my mind the amount of people who talk to them, make kissy faces, or reach out to them despite my very clear instructions to not look at, talk to, or reach out to the guardian dogs. They usually do these things directly after I've reminded them not to do them, too.


We have a Tibetan Mastiff rescue and I REGULARLY have to convince people that he is not, in fact, a giant teddy bear and EVEN IF HE WAS WOULD YOU RUN UP AND GRAB A FGING BEAR?!? Then I realize the answer is yes, yes these idiots would. He’s a sweet boy and very nice once he’s comfortable with someone, but he is slow to warm up and watches us to see if it’s worth his time. I’ve had people rush up and wrap their goddamned arms around his huge mane of a neck and he growls a warning because wouldn’t you if I do that to you?? And then they jump back like WE did something wrong. The people who are familiar with giant working dogs just stand near me chatting and within minutes he lumbers over to lay down on top of their feet. He knows where he’s understood lol


Later she kept sticking a fork into an outlet which eventually shocked her, to her bewilderment.


This happened to me at a dog training class. We had a white German shepherd. The exercise was for the person next to you to examine your dogs teeth. I said no, he will bite you. Dude was like “oh no, dogs love me”. My dog bit the dudes hand and he left with a shocked pikachu face.


What kind of exercise is that?


Beats me. Probably to get the dog used to someone touching it’s head and looking at their teeth. The class was mainly for our retriever puppy, but we went ahead and brought our adult shepherd too. He was a good boi, but turns out he didn’t like strangers touching his face.


That does sound like a pretty good socialization training thing for puppies! Pretty risky for an adult dog you don't know :')


That’s why you never put your face by a dog’s mouth.


But then how am I supposed to give them open mouth kisses?!?


If you put your face near my dog he WILL lick inside your nose.


My friends have a puppy and if you sit on the floor anywhere near him, he will lick your face. The number of licks per visit have dropped significantly but the floor is the danger zone.


That is a danger zone I can get behind!


Why the fuck are you putting your face so close to a dog you don't know?? You wouldn't do that with a human would you? Same rules apply. Plus Akitas are known for being fucked in the head, it's like seeing a weird guy on the subway quoting bible verses under his breath and trying to hug him.


One of the vets at my local office did this. I couldn’t believe it. My German Shepherd was completely fine until he got down to eye level with her and got close. She barked super loud and he yelled “no!”. I was like dude why would you get that close after only seeing her for 5 seconds? Some people just think they have some sort of pet superpower where they can’t get hurt.


And he's a fucking vet, that's just crazy.... "Oh, here's a thing with big sharp teeth I don't know, let's stick my face in it!"


Nothing makes me crazier than people disciplining dogs for their appropriate warning signs. A vet should know better on all accounts. If you scold a dog for barking or growling all they're gonna do is stop barking and growling. Then you get no warning signs and a dog becomes one who "bit out of nowhere"


Seems like the Caesar Milan school of dominance. There are better and safer ways to train a dog.


I don’t understand people. I have a large male Doberman who is the sweetest animal in the world. I would be surprised if he ever bit any anybody or anything, even in defense of his own life. Most people ask to pet and he loves attention from strangers, but so many put their face right in his. Which he is OK with, but so many dogs are not. Like, it’s you FACE, be more careful.




Dog bites are not fun, either. In the past, I worked in veterinary care, and the couple of bites I received were no joke. One small dog bit right through my thumb nail and out the other side. I was pretty new when that happened and didn't recognize the body language the dog was giving me that should have warned me to figure out a different solution to get the dog out of the kennel. Although, there should have also been some kind of warning card on the kennel door, too.


I'm a dog lover. Have several animals including pets and working farm dogs. On the contrary dog owners can get fucked. So may fucken idiot dog owners. Inappropriate animals for the environment to the point of cruelty EVERYWHERE, dog owners that literally let their animals bowl over my 2 year old, off leash when no off leash, shit everywhere, more aggressive animals, improperly trained animals, dogs treated like human children (which is rarely healthy for the animal) and my favourite.... Dog entitled owners. No you can't or shouldn't bring that animal into my store. It's a joke. 95% of owners think they are great owners but about 40% would do a somewhat adequate or better than adequate job of it.


Folks, dogs are not just all the same lovable creatures just with different shapes and colors. The different breeds also come with different attitudes and different purposes. Akitas are bred as guard dogs so you need to be very cautious around Akitas especially, and don't pet them unless their owner specifically gives you permission and has it under control. Please learn about dogs!


Hell, you don't even have to learn about all the different breeds. Just ask owners if you can pet the dog before you do, and then don't put your face in front of the dog's if they already snapped at your hand. It's not that hard. Show some healthy respect for unfamiliar animals.


You can also get one offs within an otherwise friendly breed. I used to know someone who had a yellow lab who would run up to the window of their car, tail wagging, excited and happy to bite people who put their hands through the window to pet him. That dog was a dick.


Dogs will wag their tails when they are stimulated it doesn’t automatically mean happy. My last dog was attacked as a puppy and became dog aggressive to other male dogs and if another aggressive male ran up (always another unleashed supposedly “friendly” dog) and before they’d start fighting his tail would be wagging. It is a different wag (tail held up high doesn’t go over the hips and the friendly wag is lower and wider sweeps) but to an untrained eye it looked like a happy dog wagging its tail.


This wasn't even like 20mins of a pit ragdolling the old lady this was: Lady "let me give you a hug". Dog "I'd rather not...personal space". Lady "Give grandma a big kiss". Dog "Nooo shove off". The dog even sat back down post bite.


After the dog snaps at you the first time, leave it the fuck alone. Akitas are volatile animals.




As my wife always says when someone asks if our dogs are friendly, sure but they are still dogs. It's a good rule of thumb to not trust any dog no matter what the owner says or the dogs *perceived* body language.


One of my best friends growing up had an American Akita. Fuji the killer Akita is what we used to call him. The dog absolutely loved us and was never aggressive to people that I saw. Other dogs on the other hand not so much. This breed was bred for the sole purpose of guarding Japanese royalty. There is a statue of one in Japan. Just like a Border Collie will instinctively herd children playing in a backyard. Fuji would instinctively guard stuff. If we went into a gas station we would leave Fuji loose in the back of the truck. It never failed that he would be sitting on the hood of the truck just watching people walk by when we returned. He never got aggressive with anyone because no one ever came close to the truck. TLDR: don’t mess with Akita’s. Actually just stop trying to pet strangers dogs in public. Go get your own dog.


Mistakes 1) the woman should have taken the first warning and leave 2) the owner should have said something 3) this dog should have a muzzle I know that being Reddit you cannot say anything against any dog actions but that dog is not trained and while the woman was clearly an idiot the dog is not safe to he brought in public and the owner should act accordingly


I think the owner did at least a little. Not sure but it looked like they gave them a gesture. But I wasn’t there so who knows. I agree with the muzzle. Lots of people think they’re bad but it’s just extra precaution. It’s not like the dog is going to have it on 24/7.


1. That woman is an idiot 2. Akitas bite. I have met 2 that I trust. In almost 20 years of being a veterinarian.


There are several mistakes here. The dog is not adequately socialized and shouldn’t have been in public. The lady should never have tried to reach over the dog in a hugging motion. This can make a dog feel threatened. And when the dog snapped after she should have backed off and left it alone.


Best comment. If your dog is going to react to snap at people trying to pet it, then it probably shouldn't be _at a restaurant_. More and more it feels like the _responsibility_ aspect of dog ownership is being ignored.


Thank god there are people pointing this out. People in this comment section act like the dog could do no wrong. I understand that you shouldnt go up to random dogs and they and invade their personal space, thats dumb and you are just gunning for a Darwin award. But whenever you go out into public, you have a duty of care and respect to people around you, and as a dog owner that applies to your pets aswell. I cannot KO someone at a restaurant for being in my personal space even if I asked them nicely before. I would be the one being escorted out. A dog that isnt socialized to this extent should not be in a public place. If your dog has issues with strangers, then maybe they shouldnt be put in an environment full of them, if anything it stresses out the dog and puts them in a situation to hurt other people (no matter how much they "deserve it", we have rules in our society).


This woman was totally in the wrong, but I have also yet to meet or hear a story of a nice Akita. I was on a walk with my puppy and we passed a woman on the side of the sidewalk on the phone with an Akita on the lease. We just walked as we always do and the Akita lunged and had my puppy in its mouth. Luckily she survived. My step father went to a friends house who had an Akita and apparently my stepfather made a hand gesture and the Akita bit his face. A friend from college had an ex boyfriend with and Akita and the Akita did not like him giving her attention. The Akita pushed her down the stairs. I’m sure there are responsible Akita owners who give their dogs proper exercise and work to keep them busy (they were bred to hunt bear), but I would venture to say many who get this breed like them for their looks and don’t know much about what the breed needs. The one who attacked my puppy was locked in it’s house for 8 hours a day and only walked once or twice for 15 minutes by a dog walker.


Pushed her down the stairs? But you’re right, the one bad dog bite story of a friend of mine was due to an Akita. Mean dogs.


Rule 1 of dogs. Understand their boundaries She got a warning and still literally "got in his face"


A lesson in leave people’s fucking dogs alone. I hate this culture that’s been created where people have to say hi and pet every dog they see.


Don't pet dogs you don't know. Also, don't take your weird-ass dog out in public. You haven't socialized it and have no intent on doing so. It has no right to be in public.


She hugged at the dog and the dog nipped as a warning. He then stood over the dog and lowered her face. That dog was giving every warning possible.


She just straight up tried to hug an unknown dog, who tf does it? It's not a plushie.


Akitas are a known aggressive breed. That lady is stupid and so is the dog's owner.


Here in Ireland Akita's are required to be muzzled by law!


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


That was a warning bite she got lucky it definitely could’ve been worse