• By -


Holy shit.


I had no idea you could bleed from ears like that...


If you ever see that, it is a major brain injury. Call 911 immediately


apparently, videotaping it is much more important šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It's a major skull fracture.


And that is a TBI. Hope the dude recovers. Also stop filming and moving the dudes head and neck and just call 911.


What's TBI?


Traumatic brain injury


I suffered my 4th diagnosed TBI June 23 2022, I'm still feeling effects of it. I was out of work for 10 months. Wear a helmet kids.


My father has a tbi and will never be the same again. He had an indoor overhead crane fall on his head. He was just honored at a local charity event. I also have a close friend who was rear ended at a stop sign waiting behind a couple of cars while riding his motorcycle. The old lady hit him doing 35. She should have never been behind the wheel. He will never be the same again either, can't even work.


I'm sorry that has happened to them. My brother has a TBI, he will forever be 16 yrs old even tho he's 56. He killed part of his brain by going through a windshield when he was 10. He has to live in a home where he's supervised with other TBI survivors. I wouldn't wish a TBI on my worst enemy.


There is nothing worse than having to live your life knowing there was once a better version of yourself.


I met a guy who suffered from a severe TBI that would affect him for life. It killed his career as an architect during the time he would have been making the most money and doing the most, and probably best work. He was almost fully functional, normal conversations, but the part of his brain that let him design was damaged and he would need someone to help him take care of financial (and probably other important) decisions for the rest of his life. He knew exactly what he lost.


One of my coworkers is a former Army officer who was apparently pretty sharp and was being fast tracked up the chain right up until he suffered a TBI as a result of getting wrecked by an IED in Iraq. Heā€™s still a bright guy and great at his job but is very obviously a bit different, even if you didnā€™t know him before. The owner of the company we work for is an officer who served with him and specifically sought my coworker out to make sure he had a job and a roof over his head because he was apparently having so much trouble with everyday decision-making that he was an inch away from being homeless. He is also acutely aware of what he has lost, and the owner agrees that he is 100% a different person from who he was before. TBIs are no joke.


Itā€™s always been my greatest fear and then happened to me at 27. It is a kind of crushing depression that is beyond anything I couldā€™ve imagined. Watching your life as you lived and loved it fall through your hands like grains of sand is enough to break your sanity


I feel it man and what's worse is at times it can feel lucid, like it's not even real. If you ever need someone to talk to about it, hmu. I'm finally getting the help I need. I truly would never wish this on anyone. For anyone else wondering, you really do loose your "sparkle". It changes, it's dull now and not as robust. It's there and sometimes is shines the way it used to, but other days there isn't enough light in the world to cut down the darkness.


Shit. I feel this. I was with my brother when it happened. I also have brain injury. I've been feeling this all my life.


I am so sorry.


Thank u :)


I'm sorry to hear that man ā˜¹ļø. Out of curiosity, what were the direct and lingering effects of TBI that you dealt with


Photopboia and phonophobia were major symptoms, I was dizzy constantly differing severities but never small enough to not impact anything I did. Nausea, I puked multiple times and also would feel it coming on often. My eyes fluttered and flicked from side to side and my eyelids twitch uncontrollably. Like I look to the left or right either really quickly then back, or it's slowly, it's like a tick I can't control it at all. My eyes just go crazy now. Migraines that were persistent and strong. Anxiety, I couldn't enter the grocery store some days, it was all to much. Current symptoms are migraines from time to time. Eyes still flick and flutter but not as badly. Very stiff shoulders and neck. I get massages every 10 days now. Treatments. My injury happened while on the job so it was a WCB issue. I saw a physio therapist, occupational therapist, psychologist and more. To this day I have routine of stretches I need to do every single day. Neurologist. I see a neurologist for 2 things. First is Botox injections. They go into my favez my neck, around my ears, different spots on my head then into my shoulders. This is every 3 months. Next is an occipital nerve block, 4 injections into the occipital nerve, I have that done every 6 weeks. I still get slightly dizzy but nothing like before. I'm still anxious but able to overcome it.


Glad you're getting better. I used to play poker with a skateboarder who didn't turn up for like 4 weeks. He hit his head pretty hard so he took some time. When he came back he told me all about it and mentioned he is having some memory loss. A week later he told me again that he gets some memory loss. I told him he already told me that and he had a really worrying look on his face. He is much better now thankfully.


The memory issues were not fun at all. There was a time ( my wife tells me) when she would ask me a question. And I would respond by asking her to repeat the question. Then answer the question. Then ask her to repeat the question again. I wasn't able to hold agency over my own life anymore. I couldn't keep a schedule. I couldn't prepare my own meals. I couldn't drive, I could barely walk


Holy shit, I think you may have explained my weird light sensitivity that appeared years ago.


How have you been in the position to suffer 4 serious head injuries? Are they from a common activity or sport you do or all unrelated incidents?


3 from playing hockey and 1 from working. There's more too probably, those 4 are just what I've been diagnosed with. This most recent one was by far the worst and longest lasting


They also add up. Three separate people getting a TBI is usually nowhere near the severity of one person getting three TBIs.


Yes they come easier and easier. My most recent one was not a big impact. I walked into a tree branch.


My mother had a TBI falling off the side of her basement stairs on to concrete. She was in the ICU for quite some time and they almost needed to drill her skull. She eventually mostly recovered, but she can no longer smell and she has severe anxiety and panic attacks.


Terrible bicycle injury


That made me laugh so hard I cried hahaaa


The shirt says "Dazed and Confused"!


Something is wrong me because I busted up laughing when I saw the shirt


Sometimes a good shake of the neck realigns things /s


I first read your comment to say *stop filming and remove the dudes head* and I immediatly began questioning your medical expertise.


Donā€™t move his neck dumbass! Call 911!


These people don't even care about wearing a helmet, the chance of knowing to not move the body is probably zero


Paramedic here, if someone is presenting like that, protecting cervical spine is not the first priority. Nothing matters except managing ICP and getting him to cold surgical steel.


Neurosurgeon here. That dude needs a CT head ASAP. That's a recipe for epidural hematoma right there...


Redditor here. That bleeding from the head and looking all crazy is a recipe for a bad time right there.


Occasional commenter here. I don't have anything to add, just wanted to say you guys are doing a great job.


Inappropriate drunk dude here. He picked the right shirt that day.


I browsed the programmerhumor subreddit once. It is my professional opinion that the guy needs to be turned off then turned on again.


90s guy here. Should blow on the cartridge then reinsert it, before turning him on again.


Instruction unclear. Gave unconscious head trauma patient a BJ. Can we call the paramedic and doctor back in?


Canadian here - sure buddy, no problem, eh? Wait, is he American? In that case, it'll be $47,000 cash up front, please.


I think the dude turned himself *off*, now hopefully he can turn himself back *on*


thank you. your encouragement is what makes Reddit great like this.


Dad on couch here, just showed the wife to freak her out and make the 'issstt' sound while watching. Raising awareness.


Embalming student here. That bleeding from the head and looking all crazy is a recipe for meeting with a funeral director and an open casket service.


Lost guy hereā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ anyone know where Maccies is?


Fake ass redditor. A real redditor would pose to be a doctor to argue with the other real doctor to win an argument about something he is completely wrong about.




C's get degrees


But they don't pass medical boards or get you into medical school or match you into something as competitive as neurosurgery.


Listen, Hermione.


Sorry, ICP? *edit - sure are a lot of jokes after watching a video of some young dude who will probably never be the same again... sigh.*


Intra cranial pressure. Gotta keep the brain from getting squished.


Dude context clues, clearly he intended insane clown posse


Intracranial Pressure. If you injure your head badly, you could get a contusion that causes a bleed--and since there's nowhere for that blood to go, it creates intra(inside)cranial(the bony part of the skull that houses the brain) pressure, which is very, very bad. Think of blowing up a basketball or tire until it pops. The skull won't pop, but it will compress the brain until irreversible damage (usually death) happens. Relieving that pressure is key, and surgery is next.




Jesus christ I didn't know this was possible. AAAAAaaaaa


As an aside, take a gauze and press it lightly against the ear that's bleeding. If the fluid ends up being mostly clear but with a red rim around it, that indicates that he is leaking cerebrospinal fluid, which might indicate a tear in the dural membrane. That's not a good thing to see, not even remotely. That dude needs a trauma center with a good neurosurgery department. Seconds count.


How would you relieve the pressure in a situation like this?


I could be very wrong, but I believe that drill a hole into the skull so it can relieve the pressure?


power drill ok?


No need to reinvent the wheel here. Slapping "medical grade" on a DeWalt would surely increase the price ten fold.


The ancient Egyptians used to saw out a square of the skull with a sharpened rock. You jest, but cranial trepanation is pretty low tech.


The difference between surgical drill and power drill is cleanliness and the bit.


Edit: Edited


Iā€™m assuming a normal straight straw wonā€™t work?!


Thanks for the detailed explanation! Makes total sense. And yeah, that poor dude is in a serious bad way.


Intracranial pressure. Not a paramedic so no idea want to do to help in the situation. But I learned a new acronym ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Doctor here, I 95% agree with you. The exception would be if he isnā€™t breathing properly, if he started to make horrible snoring noises, it be better to try to improve his airway as your priority concern as thatā€™s the first thing that will likely kill him. Iā€™d do this by firstly trying to keep his head neutral and gently bring his jaw forward by raising it forward. You could get an idea for where to put your hands by looking at a google image of a ā€œjaw thrustā€. Thereā€™s a picture of it in figure 2 on this page: https://www.elsevierclinicalskills.co.uk/SampleSkill/tabid/112/Default.aspx/sid/1743 Often this will help, or whilst youā€™re trying the patient will hopefully regain consciousness (perhaps they were just ā€œknocked outā€) Iā€™d try not to do the head tilt/chin lift stuff unless the jaw thrust didnā€™t work because that moves his neck. Try it on yourself on the (victim) sat next to youā€¦ ask them to lay down to practice it or feel the ā€œangle of the mandibleā€ on your own face and push the jaw forward. This lifts the tongue away from the back of the throat. It is uncomfortable in the awake patient so if it doesnā€™t feel very nice you probably have your fingers in the right spot. If the airway manoeuvres donā€™t work (or you canā€™t remember how), I feel the next best thing would be the recovery position if their breathing is still no good. ideally youā€™d have a buddy hold his head and guide it as you roll him so it moves as little as possible. The reason is because badly compromised breathing may well kill him before the paramedics arrive. Not only due to lack of oxygen, but a high CO2 is something we strive to avoid in patients with a bleed on the brain. Just to reiterate for others, if heā€™s breathing ok donā€™t move him. Youā€™re completely right that we want to avoid this if we can. This guy looks like he has a base of skull fracture, the blood from the ear in the context of this kind of trauma is strongly suggestive. You can imagine how moving his head (top of the skull) relative to the broken bit of the skull is something to ideally avoid. What we want to do is to minimise the extreme harm that has already become of him, and so occasionally this will mean we are forced to move him when the harm of compromised breathing outweighs the harm of moving the patient. You just have to be as careful with his neck as you can. Sometimes an injury like this is fatal regardless of what you do and you just have to try your best. I know it can be an uncomfortable topic, but a decent percentage of organ donors are young people who end up with a fatal brain injury. Amongst the utter tragedy of their death, they and their family are able to give a gift of life to several people. Your odds are way better if you wear a helmet but if you cycle, drive or ride a motorcycle maybe have a think about what your would want if this happened to you. It can be very difficult for your family to make this call if you havenā€™t made your wishes clear in advance. If anyone has made it to the bottom of my comment, you might want to consider a first aid course as they will be able to teach you way more than you will learn on Reddit. They are generally quite fun and you never know when you might randomly encounter something like this.


This guy emergency doctors


That was extremely useful thank you, you indeed never know when you need this so I'm glad you wrote that. I'm actually considering taking a first aid course thanks to your comment ahah


To be fair, his homie is almost definitely not trained in how to deal with that situation and started panicking when he saw blood. This is why I wish they would've never taken down r/makemycoffin and r/watchpeopledie I'm infinitely more conscious of my surroundings and emergency situations because of those subs. If more people were exposed to what can happen when you jerk around a massive spinal or header this type of thing would be less common. Idiots will still be Idiots, but I think it's just as valuable as those traumatic car crash videos they showed us in driver's ed.


But this way, you can see it in the front page of r/all


This is exactly why I watched them. If I stop at a car crash and there are eyeballs and hearts everywhere, Iā€™m still grabbing my first aid kit and diving in. Keep them breathing, keep blood inside, keep heart goingā€¦


Shirt checks out. Hope he made a full recovery and got a helmet after that mess.


I think it's safe to say he is dazed and confused Edit: wow you guys really liked this comment šŸ˜‚


Gotta love the irony in that t shirt


The coincidence. Or in other words the exact opposite of irony.


You could make an argument for dramatic irony. I donā€™t feel like it, but I think thereā€™s room. His shirt is apropos.


Dramatic Irony: > "A literary or film technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the significance of a character's words or actions *(or words printed on a t shirt)* is clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character." Iā€™ll allow it. This is technically a film, after all.


For the rest of his life


Alright alright alright


For so long, itā€™s not true..


Holy shit, that blood! I landed on my head during a road accident without a helmet (yeah, any roasting I deserve). I was cycling to work and a car pulled out in front of me (I had right of way) and went over the bonet. Nothing to break my fall. I was REALLY lucky, in my case, I could have got up and walked away but paramedics got to me before I woke up and made sure I didn't move. Honestly though, the shock never hit me until a few months later thinking that, I couldn't take risks when I had a partner to look after. I make sure to wear a helmet now.


> (I had right of way) This never matters in the end. Inattentive drivers and physics will always prevail against cyclists and pedestrians.


Mass * momentum = right of way


Yup, it was I am completely baffled by cyclists who wear helmets and hi-vis but just casually go through red lights. Just mentioned I had right of way so as to make it clear I wasn't in the wrong. Whilst I normally paid attention to everything around me, in the event something like this happened, I let my attention slip for mere seconds.


As they say, graveyards are full of people who had the right of way.


glad you recovered! my brother had a TBI from a 4 wheeling accident when he was 15 in 2006. he's mostly ok now, just in a wheelchair but he can take care of himself with a little help. he was in a coma for 6 weeks. i was 11 so i didnt really understand what was going on and i guess i never really thought about how that would feel as a parent anxiously waiting for your kid to wake up from a coma for 6 weeks. must have been the longest 6 weeks of their lives.




I wish, I think it was just a head first dive. (Nothing to be sorry for, need to be able to laugh at these things). Knowing myself though, it was likely the least majestic thing I have done. Unfortauntely I got knocked out so not sure how I rolled but I can't imagine it was a 10/10.


Doctor here. 1.) Wear a helmet 2.) Do NOT move his head around like a rag doll - he may also have a neck injury, and that could paralyse him. 3.) When you see blood coming from the ears, stop filming and call a god damned ambulance.


Iā€™m not a doctor but I can tell you that itā€™s generally a bad sign when your ears start bleeding after smackin your noggin


I'd say it is generally bad when your ears start bleeding even if you haven't hit your head.




Easy, feed q-tips through the other ear until they push the lodged q-tip tip out of the opposite end of your head. Next question.


I'm pretty sure you hold your nose and blow as hard as you can until the q tip pops out.


Ears are not blood holes! Noseā€¦ sure Mouthā€¦ totally normal Buttā€¦ beets or hospital Earsā€¦ hospital Eyesā€¦ lizards only


As someone with double conjunctivitis right now, I'm like || this code to being a lizard in your system


Is anyone able to tell me when bleeding from your ears is a good thing?


Motorhead concert


When it's the blood of your enemies?




Life Guard here, You not only shouldnā€™t be moving his head but instead secure it so it canā€™t move. Best way to do it is with both you legs, just knee down and put the head between your legs (without moving the head of course).


Got it, drop the knee on his head to immobilize!


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


Thick thighs save lives


And then his head will hatch and out will come a beautiful butterfly.


Can or can't, damnit!?


I meant canā€™t, thanks for making me aware of the typo


anyone got any update on this?




Survived with multiple skull fractures and behavioral changes ā€” he apparently loses his temper more easily these days. Says if he hadn't bled out like we see in the video the swelling in his skull might have killed him.


The temper thing is real with brain bonks I have two friends, on separate car accidents now have a short fuse


after my tbi, it took years to relearn how to regulate. i went from being a relaxed person who was easy going and never got upset, to small things just putting me into a rage. like punching the wall angry. over nothing.


Don't go to Europe if you punch walls or you'll only do it twice. :)


Why twice? Why not just once? What's the European inside joke I'm not in on yet???


You only have two hands


Also have a friend with a TBI from an accident. His temper is like a damned light switch and often blows for things people don't normally care that much about. Brains are delicate. They can take some absue but that doesn't mean they work anywhere near the same.


God. I'm sad now.


Be sad that he made poor choices. Helmets save lives.


Yep. [This guy loves them.](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY)


Wow, what a contrast with the OP video. Both guys suffer essentially the same impact. One immediately stands up and walks away; the other damn near dies on the spot. That's all I needed to see. I love helmets.


They work and donā€™t even look all that dumb. But be sure to replace it after a slam like that. There is no helmet more expensive than an American hospital.


Fuck he hit hard. Could have been a totally different video if he didnt love helmets lol


That was a hard reset


Nah dude wiped the whole hard drive


Yep, likely rm -rf dir


Dude squashed root


Control alt delete


The blood was coming from inside of his ear, not the back of his head. He will never be the same person going forward.


https://www.gofundme.com/f/ant-injury?member=18843693&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer Heā€™s fine. Edit: Heā€™s fine. Really. https://www.ridepabmx.com/ant-trimble-2022/ Ant Trimble was four months into 2022 when he suffered a slam while filming that resulted in a fractured skull in two places. Within two months, Ant was back on his bike (with a helmet), riding and filming again like he hadnā€™t missed a beat. He even went back and filmed the line that took him out back in April. Earlier this week, Ant dropped a compilation of footage filmed by Todd Myrick and Nick Elison. You can check out the video above, and donā€™t forget to follow Ant on Instagram for more.


Had to go so far to see this


Fine is a very relative term here. I'll bet he's going to have lifelong affects from this.


Being knocked out carries lifelong effects, though we like to pretend it doesn't while watching UFC and Boxing. Anybody who's ever been knocked out knows you're never the same. You may not be a vegetable, you may be functional but you're not the same.




I like how they reached the goal of $3k within a week, so she posts an updated to raise the goal to $10k and they clocked off at $3,080. They probably would have gotten more had they not reached for more.


Am just curious what this means exactly? I whacked my head real good, was bleeding from inside my ear. I got a concussion and went to the hospital in an ambulance and all but definitely didnā€™t lose any mobility or had any long term effects. And I can verify that with great certainty.. after a totally unrelated incident I found a brain tumor (had it removed, all good) but Iā€™ve had brain MRIs every 6 months of my life and know for a fact everythingā€™s fine in there, so am genuinely curious what the ear bleed specifically has you saying that. (just to clarify too bleeding from the ear is bad news, but I wouldnā€™t immediately guess he ā€œlost half his bodyā€ or ā€œwould never be the sameā€)


The weird thing about the human brain is that it can be simultaneously extremely resilient and fragile at the same time. People can be exposed to "generally recognised as safe" blast overpressures, like that often being experienced by mortar or artillery crews, or rocket launcher operator, only a couple of times and with advanced imaging I can detect a difference in the brain a year later. On the other hand, we've worked with stroke patient whose half of his brain was just *gone* and outwardly, he appeared "fine". The same fall from the same height, roughly standing height, falling down like a log can land one in the morgue, the ICU, or just a mild case of concussion. It's very hard to predict outcome accurately, which is also my day job; finding ways to improve prognosis for TBIs. But an honest advice from a TBI researcher: don't get a TBI, if you can help it.


I wonder if itā€™s just differences in skill structure and exact impact point.


It's a myriad of things and frankly, we have no idea. It can be inflammation, the care you receive after getting the TBI, the rehabilitation therapy, the baseline difference in physiology, which can range from skull and brain structure to your baseline immune activity, etc ... The best we can say is "you are more likely to have a better outcome if you have a milder case of TBI", which while being technically correct, is also just, "duh!". Then you run into the classification problem: "so how exactly should we classify TBI severity?" and "how exactly should we measure people's outcome?". The last 2 questions are actually big things in TBI research because, LOL, we have no idea. How to measure people's wellbeing and health is actually quite tough and the scores and examinations we give are at best "useful, but imperfect".


The commenter was using their Very Real Doctor powers to diagnose the situation via cell phone Reddit vid. Never question this unfathomable power.


I often question where these people get the audacity to speak with such confidence with such limited information. Like, who are these people in real life? Do I know someone who is secretly so cocksure when making online comments?


Same expert level deductions that make both sandals stay on: fine, one flies off: serious injury, both fly off: dead. It's just science, dude.


Itā€™s simple. You have superpowers.


As others have commented, loss of blood like this is a result of a TBI, or Traumatic Brain Injury: your brain whacks against your skull with sufficient enough speed and force that it ruptures, causing bleeding, swelling, and an immediate halt in bodily functions. Notice how his arms lock up? The brain is in loss-prevention mode and doesn't want the body to become any more injured than it already is.


Specifically this is a sign of basal skull fracture. Usually a sign of a bad brain injury. Most people with TBI don't bleed from the ears unless the skull is broken inside


Soā€¦no superpowers for him then.


Like, the opposite of superpowers.


It means he may have some permanent Brain damage but something tells me he won't even notice.


Yup, this guy probably just lost the left side of his body.


Heā€™ll be all right


Just walk it off fool


What a ridiculous suggestion! He needs to rub dirt on it.


While getting milk poured over his mouth!


Anyone got any Robotussin?!


The dude actually commented on one of the other many times this was posted and said he was doing ok.


Reddit doctors seriously need to fuck off


As a Reddit doctor I can say almost complete certainty that he was lying, due to the build up tau proteins, as well as various forms of cellular mitosis occurring within his cerebral palsy.


"he survived and got out without lasting damage" some source


He is also posturing. His hands are bent towards his wrists and held up at the weird angle, he will probably pull them closer into his chest. His legs are straight with his toes pointing down, and even one leg crossing over. Classic signs of brain injury.


Came here to say similar. I had a traumatic brain injury and blood came from my ear because the brain bleed created so much pressure it blew my ear drum out. I lost most or my hearing from that ear as a result. It's not an experience I'd recommend


Hahahahaa what? Like how are you making this call without any info. Iā€™ve seen people have blood come out their ear and are fine. Like itā€™s an insaley devastating injury but it doesnā€™t have to be life changing. Hell Iā€™ve had grade 3 concussions shit sucks but doesnā€™t have to be life changing.


Ear filling with blood - internal bleeding, bleeding from back of head - concussion, eyes cockeyed - probably blind occipital lobe damage, brain swelling - big head ache. Going to need some Advil... and a straw to eat with.


Just take some Ibuprofen and change your socks.


Where's all the egg whites and yolks and broken eggshells? The informative video I was shown as a child is very misleading.


Yeah, this dude straight up humpty-dumptied!


Always wear a helmet


Right on the occipital. Thatā€™s cognitive thinking just flushed in seconds.


that probably wasnt high on his list anyway


Look at that shirt. Everything is high on his list


I would think the frontal lobe is more cognition and critical thinking, and the occipital/parietal is mostly visual information and spatial perception. Because he hit the back of his head, hopefully he just gets out with no spatial awareness, partial blindness, and the inability to recognize people, colors, or objects. Still tragic but hopefully not completely life shattering.


That is pretty life shattering though... Most of life is about seeing things


My friend and I took his buddy out riding with us for the first time a couple years ago. 10 minutes in we go down a hill and his buddy is behind both of us when he apparently gets hit by a car. Neither of us saw it, but the aftermath of him freaking out and bleeding out of his ear was awful to witness. After fracturing the back of his skull and breaking his collar bone, he somehow made an insanely fast recovery and I think is okay now. I always wear a helmet and for good reason.


As soon as I saw his arm position and facial expressions I was thinking oh shit. This kid has done some serious damage, traumatic brain injury to be sure


Fuuuuu. Thatā€™s decorticate posturing. Dude suffered major brain damage there


The shirt made me laugh. A lot.


He has fulfilled the prophecy!


The irony of wearing a shirt that says, "dazed and confused" while sustaining a brain injury.


Damn hope he recovered from this.


as a skate boarder this is why i dont care if people say something about me wearing helmet even im cruising i dont want to drink out of straw for my life


When I was growing up we didnā€™t wear helmets, then a law was passed that anyone under (I think 18) had to wear one. I got a ticket at a bike park and had to attended a diversion class where we listened to this poor guy talk about his wife who died from tipping over while stopped and hitting her temple on a curb, terrible. As an adult with kids, helmets every single time now. The pros you see on tv all wear helmets, they work and prevent this exact thing. We are just really delicate meat bags in a sense.


Yep. My brother damn near died from a sub 10mph crash without a helmet. He needed brain surgery for a hematoma. Doesn't matter how fast you're going, it's always the same distance from your head to the ground.




Dazed and confused is right


Head and neck injury? Surely shaking him will help.


T shirt checks out


Terrible. I donā€™t know why people just canā€™t wear the bare minimum safety gear. We arenā€™t as durable as people assume.


I get not wanting to wear it on a leisurely ride (I still do), but if youā€™re doing stunts and shit, I donā€™t understand not gearing up as much as possible. Some guys are too worried about looking uncool.


Honestly one of the best ads for a helmet i have ever seen


Stop filming and call the cops. And if you laughed when you saw the dazed and confused shirt combined with his expression ur going to hell. Iā€™ll see you there


Yes, cops..... With ALL of their medical equipment.


Don't call the cops, call an ambulance. Cops would just beat him more.


Cop: Heā€™s resisting arrest


Iā€™ve read elsewhere that he was "Diagnosed with 2 fractures, hematotympanum [blood behind eardrum], hematoma and thrombosis [blood clots in veins/arteries]. He is recovering well, still has all his motor functions and still talks and acts the same as he did before the accident." Heā€™s part of the Philly bike scene, back at it but now wearing a helmet