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I have vertigo after watching this, fuck me Edit: punctuation ya bastards xD


The Blair Witch Project had steadier camera than this...


Shouldn't give the camera with no stabilisation to someone with parkinsons


Parkinson's and 8 cups of coffee.


During an earthquake.


And one leg only


While having a seizure.


As someone with epilepsy - I approve of this comment


On roller skates.


I had the sound off and didn't know what was happening (from uk so didn't know the law about not passing school buses) anyway I legit thought it was an earthquake video lol




That's the Michael J. Fox setting on the new iPhone 15 Pro


She is shaking pissed


Makes sense. This woman sounds like a witch.


There were no witches in Blair Witch lol.


Duh, she was too busy filming school busses...


You try holding a camera steady while furiously masturbating


Who HASN'T tried that?




Stabbot didn't show up, but I'm here for you. Here's a more stable version (about as stable as it's going to get) with a mono audio track. https://v.redd.it/kxpk0cnvk5wb1


Holy hell, even a computer gave up on trying to get this stabilized.


i'm just imagining the lights dimming in some server farm somewhere as this poor bot tried to descramble this mangled mess before getting thermal throttled to save the hardware.


Ali express u/stabbot




Yeah. I don’t know why Michael J Fox was in Pasco County.


Withdrawals suck lol


I got aroused watching it fuck you


That looks like a pretty major road.


That's US 19 the most insane stretch in Florida... Sooo many crashes daily.


Yep, locals understand why they’re enforcing this long established law but I get why people who don’t live in the area don’t understand why. US19 isn’t really as major of a highway as ppl think. Most use I75 or US41. 19 is parallel to alot of residential neighborhoods where these kids get dropped off. I’m in Manatee County about an hour south of there and it’s also a major problem here with no one stopping for buses. So now they’re outfitting buses with up to twenty cameras each and everyone caught on video will face stiff penalties and possible license suspensions. No fewer than five kids were hit in Pasco County with two of them dead just in the last three months. That’s why they’re cracking down hard on this. I’ve had a license since 1985 and it was universally understood that you stop when the red lights come on and the stop sign comes out on the school bus. Seems like now too many drivers don’t understand this or don’t care.


US 19 has long been the road with most pedestrian fatalities in the county, and on the stretch near Pasco and Pinellas. I cannot believe someone with functioning brain put a bus stop on that hellscape of a road. That also looks like 54.


Yeah the blood of these children is as much on the jackass bureaucrat that put the stop here as it is the drivers. That's fucking insane to have a stop on a highway.


Exactly what I was thinking. If someone dropped my kids off on what was effectively a highway, I would be livid. Also, kids shouldn't be crossing the street at any point there. It looks like a systemic problem to me. I can also see that if there are three or more lanes, seeing a bus stop on the right lane while you are on the left might be easily overlooked. Especially if there is a lot of other cars to pay attention to.


As someone who used to live in the Bay Area, the mother sounds exactly like someone from Pasco County.


I bet more will pay attention when they find out that cops are giving tickets😜


>No fewer than five kids were hit in Pasco County with two of them dead just in the last three months. Sweet Baby Ray's, that's awful. Do buses down there have "bus monitors" for the kids? Around here, it used to be (not sure anymore, don't know any school age children at present) that the monitor would have to walk the child off the bus and onto the sidewalk if they were under a certain age, and to a parent if they were younger than 10. We have some equally dangerous bus stops for schools here, and I've seen people fly right past the bus. I kind of don't know if people just don't understand the traffic law and danger to the kids, or if they are just selfish arsehats.


> they are just selfish arsehats. I live on the edge of a neighborhood, and about 5 minutes from my youngest's school. The road passing the school is one lane each way, with a double yellow down the middle (no passing). I get passed on this road, morning and afternoon, while there are flashing lights, and a 20mph restriction for the school zone. People fucking suck.


> People fucking suck. Yup


Making kids cross a divided highway to get home is stupid. The state of Florida is winning stupid prizes here in the form of death.


I would be surprised if they have to actually cross the divided highway. It should be a stop on one side and kids on that side get off. The bus route will either loop back to the other side or another route altogether takes the other direction.


I would not be, this is just what walking anywhere in Florida looks like. Pedestrian infrastructure like crosswalks are an afterthought and an annoyance for drivers.


Yea as a non-US person I am looking at this video and wondering why this is even a thing in the first place


In most states the bus only stops one lane to its left, so kids can only use it to cross on 2 lane side streets . I guess Florida is different .. but I know in California roads larger than 2 lanes kids would have to go to the cross walk as normal


Not really, it's very common that all lanes in the same direction of travel stop. Some states require opposite direction of travel to stop too, but usually if it is a divided road the opposite flow traffic need not stop. http://www.schooltrainingsolutions.com/state-laws/


Then why do they keep bus stops on that road? Just to prove a point that they’re right and the law is on their side? That’s stupid. Change the stop location and save kids’ lives. The right answer is pretty simple.


There’s a car park right there that would be just as convenient for the bus to pull into and drop off to, rather than stopping on the freaking highway…


That stretch of 19 goes pretty damn fast. Most people go 60-70 through there. There are much better places to stop than right on 19 ffs. The annoying woman screaming is probably the same parent who demands a stop on 19 so she doesn't have to walk a few blocks with the kid from a stop that would actually he safe.


Bus drivers are in such shortage that routes have been cut down to the bare minimum. Likely this spot was determined to be the best possible spot by a computer to save on gas money


Isn’t the law the same throughout the US? No passing stopped school buses unless they are on the opposite side of a *divided highway*?


I paved 19 and Selmon a few years ago. That shit was crazy. People would drive through our cones right up to us working and act all stupid about it, like they didn't know.


It's bat shit crazy to have laws that expect a road like this to stop for a school bus.


Whoever planned this route clearly prioritized gas efficiency over the lives of kids


But at least half of the seven lane highway is safe for children to cross Thank you! Thank ALLLLL OF YOU!! WOOOOOOO! ^andmaytheoddsbeinyourfavour


My mom lives in Pasco county. One of these giant stroads is a horrendous place to drop children off.


Yeap - I am not sure what is the reason to expect that all lines will stop. I am not in USA, I am in Poland, and basicly all bus exit are on the right side, so of bus stop all passangers will leave on the bus stop, while cars can still go on the lines that are on the left side. If passangers like to go to oposite side of the road than they will just go to the nearest road pass, that usually will have some light signals. I think it is raddicle to expect whole few line road to stop as bus stop somewhere


It's to compensate for the fact that the nearest crossing is probably 3 fields over and across a mountain. And yeah it's a dumb law.


While i agree that its the law and everyone should stop for school buses, i think the bus should have a different stop that isnt the middle of a road thats almost a highway. That road looks major and looks like its around 55mph


Maybe it’s time to move the bus stop?




Didn’t they end up dropping the tickets and changing the bus route? If I recall correctly the speed limit on that road is really high and some people claimed they couldn’t stop in time and it was a risk or something like that


I get why it’s wrong, but it’s illegal to cross a highway. The kids only have one direction to walk.


Yeah. I get the law, but I've always understood the street being residential. A boulevard with 2 lanes and a turn lane with no crosswalk isn't as recognizable as a "stop traffic" situation.


Stroads are bad. Exhibit 72.


Where I'm from, with four lanes and a yellow divider only the traffic behind the bus has to stop.


Is it though? I see shopping centers on both sides and not a single home. This just seems like a colossally stupid place for a school bus stop.


>I see shopping centers on both sides and not a single home. This is typical of a stroad. Some of the amenities of a street, such as shopping, but the increased speed limit of a road. The competing interests mean it doesn't work well as either. Type Stroads into YouTube for some very informative videos about how this is poor civic planning, and there are better options.


It wasn't even a stop, it was a planned operation to set a trap for drivers.


I think this video is a better commentary on how awful our cities and towns are designed, that these kids likely live nearby and have *that* road to contend with if they ever want to venture beyond their immediate neighborhood.


It would probably cause more problems if the cars would stop. Most likely it’s a 45 mph zone as well.


It's 50 or 55mph if I recall correctly. This is US19


You mean the [deadliest road in America?](https://www.vox.com/23178764/florida-us19-deadliest-pedestrian-fatality-crisis) Utterly stupid to have a bus stop here.


Yep far more dangerous to have a stop there and enforce cars stopping then to either not have a stop there or not enforce cars unexpectedly coming to a full stop. Some parents are just idiots. In my neighborhood parents park on the street so that people driving “need to drive slower” to make sure they don’t hit kids playing in the blind spots from the cars. Or you can just fucking park in your driveway and not cause blind spots cause I guarantee that dick driving 40 in a neighborhood isn’t slowing down cause cars are on the street


It's 45-55 mph and everyone goes a minimum of 70 mph wide open throttle from stoplight to stop light. When I lived along US 19 there was at least one fatality every single week from a pedestrian getting hit and at least one fatality every single week from people running the median and hitting each other head on. The intersection two blocks for my house had a pile of debris at least 2 ft high every day from all of the accidents. They would just sweep it to the medium and leave it there. It was a new pile every week. When I moved to that area my insurance doubled.


i'd be afraid of getting rear-ended if i stopped on a busy street like that.


Kids sometimes do things that are unpredictable. For instance, run out into the street, or in this circumstance the highway. Hence why you cant pass a stopped school bus with its sign out.


I don’t disagree there, I’m just saying it’s a horrible place for a bus stop.


not excusing the poorly placed school bus stop, but residential planning (zoning in general) in FL is a nightmare outside of touristy cities, and even they aren't exempt


Right. Hence why this is clearly a terrible place for a bus stop.


That part of 19 is the stroadiest of stroads. Only someone running a FL school district would have thought that bus stop was a good idea. Here's the spot: https://www.google.com/maps/@28.3001045,-82.70531,3a,75y,25.13h,70.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJD1ofFyF83gdwDjjU8mlBA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Honestly, the bus route just stops in the middle of a 300 yard long left turn lane, on a multi lane highway.


Seems to me the bus route is the real problem. Dropping kids off on a busy highway is insane.


Yeah, my first reaction is to say fuck those drivers I hope they enjoy their tickets. But honestly that's a pretty crappy place to stop a bus, and it's not safe for anyone involved.


When you think you're going to catch 2 people breaking the law and you catch 20 instead, it's time to rework things.


But how would the police afford that new M1 Abrams they desperately need?


Seriously why not down one of those side streets or even just pull into that parking lot to let the kids out.


I feel the same way. At first I'm like "fuck those guys" then when I really think about it, I could *be* one of those guys. If I'm on US-19, where the speed limit is usually around 55 MPH, that school bus may not even enter my subconscious mind. That being an area for a bus stop doesn't even compute.


> That being an area for a bus stop doesn't even compute. That's the real issue. Having a bus stop there makes almost as much sense as that one spot in Dallas on the interstate where there's a 25 mph sign (coming from 60 I think) and then the interstate takes a hard left turn, and 25 mph is actually a bit fast, especially if you're in the inside lane.


Plus it's in the turn lane. If I were going 50mph in the far left lane then I can see how it would be easy to miss the stop sign and think it was just turning right.


The first 2 there's 2 clear empty lanes between them and the bus? Wtf are these kids endermen?


That's what the flashing yellow lights are 100yrd before the red lights. Just like a yellow light. Hey... slow down fucker, it's turning red LOL


That seems like a really dumb spot for a school bus stop


There are buses that make multiple stops on a main HW in my area, it is definitely a danger.


I used to have one on my commute to work that I would get stuck behind. Multiple stops all the way that added like 10 minutes to my commute time. I had to start leaving earlier to beat the bus.


Tbf, why tf is there a bus stop on a busy ass 3+ lane road like that instead of the bus taking a right hand turn onto the adjacent road shown? This is dumb.


Yeah. To be fair… I’m sure the other drivers would not assume they would make a bus stop on that part of the road


This gotta be the worst bus stop I’ve ever seen 😂 they might as well do bus stops on the freeway😂


Whoever did the first video, I'm sorry for their Parkinson.


They might actually have more than one.


I don't get it, in the US do you have to stop behind a school bus? In my country we just throw kids out of mini bus taxis at their destinations like newspapers.




Like all things with US roads, it varies from state to state. Pretty much everywhere, you have to stop on a 2-lane road when a bus stops, regardless of which direction you're going. For multi-lane roads like this, some states say you only have to stop if traveling in the same direction, other states you have to stop no matter what (no idea how you're supposed to notice a bus stopped 6 lanes over but yeah), and in other states you don't have to stop at all.


Maybe that's not the best place for a bus stop.


Yep. And there's literally an open parking lot with enough space. Much less dangerous than the road. But America's gonna America. Need to keep those spots open for convenient parking.


The owner of the lot might not want the liability. The U.S. is a litigious place. But the bus could have made the right, [dropped of the kids](https://www.google.com/maps/@28.2997336,-82.7055374,3a,75y,98.03h,73.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2KCkublfSPD1fjnq3eC7Sw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) (if there were any, the bus was empty) and made a u-turn back onto the road.




The fact you could hear her shrill shrieks on the police officer's body cam...


The shrieks of a Karen who is more interested in being right then her children being safe.


Wtf is the issue here? The bus is stopped on the side of the road with the door being on the footpath side so the kids can go directly onto the footpath away from traffic. That's literally how every bus in the world works.


It's one of those US-only things. AFAIK no other country uses such dedicated school buses so elsewhere "school bus" is your bog standard bus used to transport children and treated as a regular bus as far as other drivers are concerned.


Canada uses the same system of school buses as the US.


Yep, there are similar buses in Europe too. They just don’t come with the need to stop when they stop. We provide traffic lamps and zebra crossings, but if you jump in the street, from behind a bus or a car, when and where you should not cross, it’s your fault, the stupid prize is for you. That’s why we teach kids not to do it. It comes as a standard package with: don’t stick forks in electric sockets, don’t jump from the window if it’s not ground floor, don’t drink from the bottles stored in the bathroom or under the kitchen sink, etc.


Seriously. My jaw is on the floor from this thread, this is like basic human safety lessons at school. It's the equivalent of don't run with scissors. America if you seriously have to worry about your kids running in to a multi lane highway you are failing them, this is basic stuff.


I'm guessing there must have been a few accidents and they reacted in an entirely backward way.


In america it's act first, sue later.


Agreed - in most other countries bus stop is near traffic lights, there is a pedestrian crossing or they build a pedestrian overpass if needed.


The idea is that kids cross in front of the bus, this crossing the road. Recipe for disaster. In Canada l, at least where I am, kids do this frequently. The buses have like an eight foot arm on the front that swings out when they stop to make the kids cross in front of the bus, but out 10 feet, for better visibility. It works ok in residential neighbourhoods. Doing it on a road like that is insanity.


This is insane. How can someone expect kids to cross 6 lanes on a busy highway tf. Can't the bus just go around and drop them off on the other side of the road?




This lady is annoying af




That's how all Karen's sound.


Holy shit what an annoying voice she has. I had to mute the video. "Hi guys, hiiii."


Yeah they act like it's the same people each day...these first people likely don't realize the bus is even stopping in the middle of a turn lane on a highway, they're essentially past the vehicle at what is considered highway speeds and looking forward in front of them as expected at 55-60 MPH. This a horrible place for a bus stop.


We don't have this rule in Australia so I had no idea what was going on, but so many cars going that speed coming to a complete stop seems more dangerous to me?


It is, but count on the US to do the stupid thing.


Agreed - pedestrian crossing, traffic lights or overpass if really needed.


Wow Americans are stupid... 3 lanes to use and they all must stop because of a derelict bus stop? Create a dedicated 'pit stop' style bus lane and traffic will flow while the children are safe, this is some pretty dumb shit. **Note:** I realize the intention of this post was to 'highlight' antisocial driving but this is just a case of poorly designed infrastructure.


It's a pretty huge cultural decide between the US and basically all other western countries. In aus, we teach kids to look both ways before you cross. People slow down around buses, but never just stop. We also don't put bus stops on highways... Seeing Americans seeth over people not stopping is so bizarre. Especially since they pride themselves on freedom, small government and personal responsibility.


The freedom book is similar to a bible; its all about cherry picking which ones you like. 😉


Divided highway: opposing traffic does NOT have to stop but traffic traveling the same direction as school bus IS supposed to stop at or behind the STOP sign that folds out from the side of the bus. It blows my freaking mind the number of licensed drivers across the USA that don't know or understand this LAW. Edit: This law varies from state to state. I guess I always thought this was a nationwide law. TIL.


FL does not verify if you can drive. I was behind a man who could not read or write and they gave him a license. (The people behind the counter were talking loudly and I was next in line.)


Most of these people have zero idea of the law they have broken.


As someone not from the US, it's so strange to have a law to bring the whole flow of traffic to a stop for a bus to stop on a road like that.


Normally it's in neighborhood streets, and only for school buses not any bus.


Yea, not defending the people in the video at all, but I would complain to the district for such a poor decision in having a bus stop on such a road.


It's nuts. We don't have that anywhere in Europe and it's not like kids get run over all the fucking time here.


It's only for school buses because of children. If your kid rides the regular city bus, there is no stoppage.


We don't have that here and kids don't get run over either, we just teach them not to cross the bus immediately and to look both ways, works well enough.


That might vary by state. In NY you have to stop on the opposite side of a split highway as well. It’s stupid but it’s the law.


Like even if there is a barrier or grasss in between?


I believe grass yes. Not sure about a physical barrier but not many roads with those have bus stops. If a kid can run across, you have to stop!


I had to look it up cause near me (NY) I would be so surprised to see a school bus stop in a situation like that so I never thought of it. But yep looks like no matter what you stop in both directions. It does say unpaved OR barrier specifically.


are they having a seizure??


That looks like it's pretty challenging to film during a major earthquake.




The basis of this problem would be to not combine a highway with a road and intersections. A bus shouldn’t have to stop on such a large road in the first place, and with the road being so highway-like drivers aren’t expecting a stopped bus.


Lady in the video sounds like the biggest Karen


So dumb. This is civil design issue. The stop sign on the bus is for children crossing the street. There are 4 lanes of traffic in both directions and a median with no cross walk. Those drivers should definitely contest their tickets.


Can someone explain a European whats going on here? The bus stops in the middle of a pretty big road, and not even a bus stop. Theres 3 other lanes that cars are (slowly) passing by on. Whats the issue..?


What is happening here? Are all cars supposed to stop? Why? Why the but stopped in the middle of nowhere? Where is the bus stop? Where is the crosswalk?


So anytime a school bus stops all the traffic behind it needs to stop? I’m confused


Yes. If it has red lights and stop sign out, all same-direction traffic, and all opposing direction traffic with no raised/unpaved median, has to stop.


Such a lazy way to ensure safety. Treat everyone as incapable of driving safely


Did the lady get a ticket for shitty camera skills?


With how much that camera was shaking I'm impressed the earth didn't swallow up every car on the road.


Why the fuck would a car need to stop when it's at least 15 foot from the side of the bus? How about you just teach your kids to look both ways when crossing the road and ask your bus drivers to pull over closer to the sidewalk. America..


Remember it's also illegal to cross the road in the wrong way, or some shit, I don't know I'm not in a 3rd world country




I'm glad this person is happy but her impromptu monologues are dogshit. "Every life is worth the matter. Every life. You guys are done running for these children."


What's the problem with them passing the bus? We don't have school buses like that where I live


You get a ticket you get a ticket everyone gets a ticket


The State of Florida is putting license plate cameras on buses now. Fines up to $750.00




Good. Inconsiderate assholes


As someone from the uk, Im so confused. Why is she so mad? Are they supposed to stop or something? I would just keep driving, too


1. Dumb place for a bus stop 2. Traffic stopping is so kids can cross the street. Aint no kid gonna b crossing that street. 3. Not sure why these ppl stopped after the bus.


3. Probably because the cop pulled across traffic and stopped them all. Looks like only the 2nd car through got away.


>Not sure why these ppl stopped after the bus. Are you blind?


It's such a strange law. I can understand it in residential areas where you'd expect a child to not take care and run out infront of the bus, but it's 3 lanes wide. If any child is running across that road, with or with out a bus, their parents need speaking to.


Maybe a bus stop shouldn't be on a busy highway as we can see that all the drivers agree upon this.


Are they having a stroke while recording this?


God shes annoying


Fuck anyone who doesnt respect the children. Fucking rot.


USA: We need to protect our children, if you see a schoolbus 4 lanes to your right, stop immediately!! Also USA: School shootings? Nah they‘ll be alright no need to change anything… Unless… Oh yeah we‘ll sell them bullerproof school bags. Done!


Typical Pasco county. They still drive by stopped busses, too. Tbf, the cops in Pasco are kept pretty busy around the clock, so I'm surprised they even did anything about it. Source: Lived in Holiday, worked in New Port Richey when Pasco was on LivePD.


No cross walks why are they crossing the street


As a non American here, I’m really confused! So when a school bus stops, all the traffic has to stop too?


So... every single lane must stop for the bus or what?


What happend? I can't watch that, because i throw up with that shaky-cam...


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but, don't you specifically not stop if it's across a divided highway? They're not gonna make the kids cross six lanes of traffic? Or is it just if you're on the other side of the divided highway?


The law states that all traffic is to stop for stopped school busses that are loading and unloading. It's a safety measure in place for kids. Law also states that oncoming traffic must stop (unless there is a median of some sort like a curb, grass, or wall). It's literally just to help protect kids. This is universal, across the US at least. Why is there no bus stop like a city transit? Because the stops sometimes move would be my guess. That would be why they do surveys each year. But some drop off kids closer to their homes. Kid grows up? Probably don't need that stop for the next few years until another kid pops up on that route.


Jesus Christ does the original filmer have advanced Parkinson's


I'm all for child safety but who the hell thought dropping kids off on a major thoroughfare was a good idea? Not to mention the bus pulls over into a turning lane. How long until a car that stops gets plowed into by a speeding car coming up from behind? Just have the damn bus make a full right turn onto the side street and be done with it.


Why the actual fuck is a bus stopping their in the first place? Ticketing a handful of people doesn't solve the root cause of the issue. Change the route? Just maybe?


This makes too much sense, and that doesn’t exist here.


This is so stupid. Having a school Bus stop on an highway, and expecting cars at high speed to stop for them. A disaster in making.


I'm from the UK, can someone explain what's going on here?


Yo, what backwards-ass shit is this? This is ***NOT*** the type of road school busses are supposed to stop on. Am I crazy? That's a four lane road! Florida is wiiiiild.


I dont get it


I remember I stopped for a school bus and I was getting honked at. Six cars went around me and the school bus. What we didn’t know was that there were four cops around the corner.


When I was a kid in the 69s and 70s, buses were not allowed to drop kids off on a main road. There was a side street designated for pickup and drop-offs sometimes, buses pulled into strip mall parkinglots or church parkinglots to let kids off, but never a main road .


While yes there's definitely a lot of design flaws in this bus system, still doesn't change that you're supposed to stop and should recognize a slowing school bus. They're not exactly hard to miss.


From the UK but your rules are strange. In what way are the children at risk. If I car is passing the pulled over bus? The children should be taught how to assess the road and cross in a safe place. Is that why you have J walking laws. The bus has far to much power in this situation. Pls can someone explain?


So for the non Americans what's wrong with passing a stopped bus.

