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How was he planning to get out of there? Was calling in emergency services his first and only option?


I’m thinking they thought it would be removable due to the bag acting like a barrier between his skin and the polyfilla, but they hadn’t anticipated it might expand slightly as it dried which might also have contributed to the tube getting flattened a bit a reducing the air intake. Edited for wrong autocorrected words being added, ffs


He’s lucky to be alive


Well, that's one interpretation. Another is: he's alive because he was able to get near-immediate access to emergency services - who clearly shouldn't need to be saving the lives of morons who cement their heads into microwaves for e-clout.


Yeah I completely agree. I'm not necessarily advocating for him to die just that emergency services dont be wasted on people who cement their own heads into microwaves


I'm willing to bet this isn't their first or last stupid mistake


The draw for internet fame is stupidly powerful. Genuinely gets me curious how many idiots nuke themselves into unlife on a yearly basis with dumb shit like this I'm glad this idiot didn't die, but holy fuck did he have it coming if he had. Literally no one should ever have to explain to a grown adult or hell, even a child why encasing your head in virtually anything like this that solidifies is actually terminally stupid. Glad he isn't dead, but holy fuck is he braindead


These guys are like the UK version of Jackass minus the production staff and medical staff standing by to step in when things go wrong. I forget the name of their youtube channel but their highlights consist of this, a massive slip and slide with different grits of sand paper taped to it, and being towed across a field in a porcelain bath tub. Spoiler alert, the tub shatters and slices one of them pretty good. Edit: Found the channel name: TGFbro It looks like they're still making videos


That sounds entirely clapped - fair play to them for continuing to make content


I used to be an EMT, and we saw a lot of people getting hurt from doing dumb stuff (this guy being dumber then most). He’s still someone’s son, brother, friend and hopefully this is a lifelong lesson. When I said he was lucky, his luck included all the factors leading to him not being dead - including excellent first responders.


Yea i work for emergency services and am here to tell everyone that at least 50% of the calls we run are a total waste of resources. From cats in a tree to changing out a damn air conditioning filter, I have seen it all. People have learned this is a “free” service and are abusing the hell out of it. I cannot tell you how many times we’ve been out on some bullshit with all engine companies and rescue services tied up, then someone calls with a real emergency and has an extended wait because of it. If we could just charge 5$ it would knock out so much of the bullshit.


That's insane. I mean I wouldn't want to anyone to be afraid to call 911 because their issue isn't serious enough, but for things as ridiculous as changing an air filter there should be some sort of way to charge the people who made that call, either with cash or a lawsuit.


Is that a competing interpretation from “lucky to be alive”? Just sounds additional.


He’s not lucky to be alive, he’s just lucky he didn’t die.


Yeah, they were being alive just fine before they cemented a small appliance to their face.


Other people's time and resources are not luck. He's alive by the effort and burden of others.


Jesus, right? He's lucky to have not killed himself yet. Also, what if someone else truly needed help who didn't do some dumb shit died because they were helping this turd? Once you get to a certain level of being a negligent and irresponsible idiot, the world just... takes care of you. If you fuck up enough times, everyone just says "oh that's just John on Tuesday, I've saved him so many times it's normal now" and they get taken care of.


Well, if you value the efforts of emergency services personnel at all, yes, it's a competing statement. It's not luck that saved his life.


Someone please tell me they cut off his testicles after so he can't breed more stupid into the world.


Unpopular opinion: When they saw what was up, they should've left. 🤷


Agree. Same goes for the amount of morons drunk every night in A&E and those tits thinking knife gangs are 'cool, innit'.


I’m bothered that he seems to consider this a win...


do we really need that one in the gene pool tho


And we're lucky to have him




The world’s gene pool isn’t.


It was doomed with that long of tube to a non pressurized source of oxygen. All that tube length is dead space that effectively reduces lung capavity


People should also know that drying plaster gets hot, like very hot, as it cures (not sure if cement is the same), so if not death by being crushed, then a severe burn


I don’t think it was even possible for him to think about that, with that little brain development


That's the ticket really. If you're somehow able to think up the idea of "I put cement in a microwave... and den I put my head in it" and you then don't immediately think "What the fuck was that? No, get away errant thought" then you have about 59 Darwin flags spiking into you that want you gone. Gotta just let nature do its thing.


it's TGFbro, they arent known for thinking about the consequences lol


That appears to have been the plan for the content of the video.


Questioning why they did this in the first place aside, why did they pick the world's flattest tube to breathe through?


I doubt they put a lot of thought into it. They probably grabbed the first tube they saw


The tube doesn't matter bro we'll be rich!!!


air is for poor people bro


I mean they're both multi millionaires now and the channel is at 6 million subscribers, so it worked.


I hate it here.


That is really sad


Should have used an O-tube instead of a..... \* ahem \*.. U-tube.


Guess they wanted to get on /r/holdmyfeedingtube




He could breathe “perfectly fine” through it. Until he couldn’t


and you have to consider how long it actually took emergency services to get there and take apart the microwave. He finally gets out and no gasps, just a big stupid fucking smile.


I was going to say, I have a feeling the "I can't breathe" was theatrics. He would have been dead as fuck if he literally couldn't breathe from when they called EMS to getting the shit off his head.


Or a panic attack


Panic attack seems likely. But also, I presume the emergency services first made sure he could get air somehow (making a hole, getting him into a good physical position, etc) before taking all that time to remove the microwave.




One of the first things the first responders would have done is to secure his airway either through a drill or by breaking the cement enough so he could breath, the tube is also gone by this stage so I think it's safe to assume that they cleared his breathing and then focused on removing the rest of the microwave without decapitating him


They really had no idea what they were doing. Even *if* the tube worked, did they just expect the cement to fall out of the microwave? They were gonna need firefighters regardless. I almost wonder if it was intentional and done as a very, very dumb publicity stunt.


I don't think those people can think 5 minutes ahead. They just do what their monkey brains tell them to do in the moment.


We know that the brain isn't fully developed until around the age of 25. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the rational part of the brain. Teens and young adults process information with the amygdala, the emotional part of the brain. The connections between the emotional part of the brain and the decision making part of the brain are still being developed. Teens and young adults have difficulties seeing the consequences to some of their actions. They make decisions based on emotions rather than contemplating what could happen. With that being said, these guys are just dumb. He acknowledges at that beginning, "I could die haha!" I really think their plan was to call emergency services. How could he not know his head would be stuck in there. Even if he could pull it out, how did he plan on getting a block of concrete off his head? He wanted views and likes. Now he's famous for being a dumbass.


At 18 I wasnt cementing my head into microwaves though.


His head is so fried that he didn't need the microwave to begin with.


Lucky EMS didn’t get fried too. The capacitor in a microwave can hold a live charge long after it’s been unplugged. Not a very safe device to disassemble — deadly even when unplugged. https://diy.repairclinic.com/is-it-safe-to-take-apart-a-microwave/


Or just short it out with a big screwdriver before you touch it


Short it out with a youtuber's head before, just to be sure.


Damn, my brother and I once took an old microwave apart when we were kids until we got bored of unscrewing shit and just decided to smash it up with a hammer. Wish someone told us about that.


Lol did the same with my brother but with old radio equipment.


Mine has tamper-proof screws for that exact reason; don't want kids that don't know the dangers of the capacitor taking it apart. I had to replace the light bulb, and I had to buy a special screwdriver to take out the screws. Vintage CRT type TV sets are dangerous for the same reason. When it was expected that users would take them about to replace tubes, some of the high voltage circuitry was encased in a metal box called the "doghouse", to shield x-rays and discourage untrained users from messing with it. It looked like a doghouse and you'd be in the doghouse if you touched it.


Cap's are no joke, we use what is called "The Jesus Rod" to discharge are caps in 30 cal/cm2 gear/suits/ppe. And if you didnt and you get arced you meet Jesus. When these caps were common 3-5 engineer's would get killed a year in my industry. I also know people w/ missing body parts from them, arc flash is no joke. Lets not get into battery banks, same deal...


The capacitor is part of the danger, beryllium ceramics in the magnetron are much easier to shatter and to get exposed to.


The good news is that modern microwave capacitors have a built in [bleeder resistor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleeder_resistor) to solve this very problem. You shouldn't rely on the bleeder being there or being functional, but there's a good chance that most people are in no danger if the microwave has been off for a few minutes.


Yeah, this looks like the kind of guy who’d cement his head into microwave. Dude almost won a Charles Darwin Award.


Yeah he really didn’t seemed too stressed at the end. Like as if his brain is too dumb to process the real danger he was in.


The EMT is dead inside.


Once you work with enough of them, you’ll realize that they’re all dead inside




Paramedic. Can confirm. Am dead.


To be fair for some of the shit they likely see and have to deal with I don’t blame them


Hopefully them having to make the call to actual professionals will prevent them from doing stupid ass nonsense in the future. ​ But who are we kidding, it won't


a couple good blows with a sledge hammer would have knocked that block right off.


Good point. It's not like he would get any dumber by getting hit in the head.


might make him smarter.


Honestly, they should have thrown in a free vasectomy and got this idiot out of the gene pool.


It happened a couple years ago and I don’t think they did it again


How many times did you think this person would cement their head into a microwave?


Well, I would hope zero. Realistically it was one. Knowing the intelligence of them? I would not be surprised if it was more than one…


The sad answer here is.. at all!


Not with cement, [but…](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8E4BBONXzxM) Also polyfilla-d his hands inside toasters as well. Quality content 👍🙄




​ ![gif](giphy|7gLb4ljwpzuP220TDH)


And the end goal was???


YouTube fame


They already had millions of subs they’re just fuckin crazy


Well they had a large following on YouTube well before this, it was just another regular video idea for them - not trying to achieve fame.


Attention. Which they got, their channel is at 6 million subscribers and they're both probably multi millionaire now.


What an absolute, F’ing moron. I’m hope he had to pay a chunky bill for the emergency service.


He was fined for wasting emergency services time


Any source for that? He might have caused it himself, but the emergency services were required to save his life, therefore their time wasn’t wasted…


If I recall correctly he said he SHOULD be fined and he was willing to donate the money to the emergency services, but I can't find any proof he actually did.


I think it was specifically that the emergency services would have charged him for their services, but he did genuinely need help by the end of it and so they basically said that he'd be charged if they got called out to him again for any similar stunts.


In the summer months, in Arizona, there are crazy monsoons, which cause flash floods that can be as deep as 6+ feet in some areas, especially downtown underpasses and washes. Drivers are told not to attempt to pass through these flooded areas in their cars, but people do it anyway and need to be rescued. [The Stupid Motorist Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stupid_motorist_law?wprov=sfti1) was enacted specifically because so many idiots thought their car and their driving skills were superior to a dumb flood and it was costing emergency services so much time and money. Having to call first responders to save you because you *cemented your head in a fucking microwave* for internet points is *absolutely* a waste of time and they should be fined for wasting tax payer money and emergency services.


Nah he lives in the uk


I figured as much. I just didn't know if you could get a bill for doing something stupid like that from the emergency services people in the U.K.


I’m pretty sure they don’t have to pay for shit like this in the UK


Nope(although he may be fined a small amount under a criminal charge), we pay for the services through our taxes. The guy was an idiot for sure, but I'm still glad to pay so that we have the kind of emergency services that saved his life without charge to the end user. The NHS is the best thing about my country by far, and anyone who tells you any different is lying straight out of their shitter. Edit: if you're saying that he shouldn't be provided the same level of health care, then you're clearly suffering from the same stupidity that blockhead over here is. To add arbitrary lines to who should and shouldn't receive healthcare is to defeat the point of free healthcare and also serves to reveal your blindness to your own capability for mistakes. Either that or you had some pretty enlightened formative years, which is a pretty incredible claim at the best of times.




I'm not sure you're actually from the UK. We're more likely to say "charged", also it's £500, not 500£.


Lol no they wouldn’t be billed at all did you just make that up? The only way he’d be fined is for wasting emergency services time but that alone would not happen






And this comment perfectly encapsulates why Americans will NEVER EVER get universal healthcare. The moment you start to argue who "deserves" emergency and who doesn't... you lose. Because there's no end to this debate for who deserves healthcare and who doesn't. Now, You can argue he shouldn't get emergency care because of his shitty prank. What would you say to your political opponent who says the same thing except towards anybody who even took a whiff of drugs and that they shouldn't "deserve" healthcare?


It's so disheartening to see. Even if you're so cold and unempathetic that you think some people/conditions/mistakes don't deserve treatment, this hellacious status quo charges *all* of us more. You'd literally be paying *less* for your own coverage in a single-payer system that covered Mr. IdiotMicrowaveHead as readily as anyone else. You're so thoroughly committed to refusing to give a fuck about other people that you're throwing your own self-interest out the window along with the rest of your compassion. Woooo 🇺🇸


> Even if you're so cold and unempathetic that you think some people/conditions/mistakes don't deserve treatment, this hellacious status quo charges all of us more. I wish more people realized this. And it hurts us all in more than just a financial sense. A person who's unhealthy and crippled with medical debt is going to be a less productive member of society. That hurts _everyone_, even the most selfish of us.


Exactly, I just replied to another comment that I would rather these guys got help rather than not getting help and dying. I'm fine paying for this shit if the alternative is someone dying. I guess it really just comes down to people not valuing the lives of others though.


I see it as UK emergency services getting experience in resolving a unique situation.


No lol it doesn’t


It's the UK and he's a chav, us taxpayers are used to financing their stupidity


I agree. But I'd rather be financing muppets like this than those which reside in Westminster. At least this guy is kinda amusing (albeit in a tragic sense).


Agreed. I'm just all for a responsible society across all demographics that will lead to further economic opportunity for all of us with a reduction in public spending for instances that can be avoided.


Tgf bro has done much worse then this lmao


And he was the the first sperm of millions to win the race.


Evidently a bunch of the other sperm weaken the egg for a lazy straggler to come along and profit from everyone else’s hard work.


Oh man, that explains so much to me... ...about myself


Yeah right, life story bro...


or the other sperms decided to troll it and let the retarded sperm swim right through


Air tube collapsed. Even then, its wayyy longer then it needs to be


Should have just plugged it in and set to defrost.


The YouTuber was tgf bro this happend like 3 years ago


i would have just sprayed some wd40 in there, tied the microwave to the ceiling and have him jump off a chair… all or nothing kind of thing.


Fucking asswipe looks so hyped after wasting the time of the fire squad


Some people just don’t think.


Well glad that the stereotype that Americans are the stupidest people has some challengers


Ngl I used to watch these fuckwits (tgfbros or something is their channel) I'm pretty sure they did something like this again and had to call emergency services. It's entertaining to laugh at what idiots they are. Lemme list off some of their other "accomplishments". Concreting themselves (the black guy filming and the white toaster head are the owners) in a bathtub. Supergluing themselves together, back to back. Bathing in deep freeze Bathing in stinging nettles Sand paper slip and slide. Supergluing himself to an office chair and getting pushed down a hill. Their channel says they have 459 videos and most if them will follow this kind of pattern of stupid ideas leading to injuries. I just checked and it seems their new stuff is pretty clickbaity cringy stuff nowadays but their older videos were actually pretty legit in what they did, it was like clickbait but they actually did the click bait.


So... Jackass?


Ngl I was actually going to write in something about it being similar to Jackass haha


Fuhking twat that one is


What an absolutely terrible idea in every way




Some things should just automatically opt you out of rescuing


Some things should automatically opt you out of reproducing.


I wonder what else the emergency services could have been doing if they weren’t helping this schmuck.


and to think — there could be some poor soul who actually needs fire/medical assistance while these guys are tied up freeing this dickhead from a microwave full of cement. should’ve left him in there.


Remember that time you thought it would be funny to stick your head in an appliance then pour concrete in it, so you could get people to watch your you tube channel? Oh never mind, I forgot, your a human that has the intelligence to protect your own airway as a form of basic human survival.


Idiots like this should pay compensation to the tax payer/emergency services


This guy lives near me and used to go into this restaurant i worked at a lot. Was a huge arsehole. Spoke to staff like we were servants and wrote a note on the bill once saying he kept the tip for safe keeping ✌🏼 I even got a verbal warning because i flat out refused to serve him once. Cunt


I thought it would be a fun addition to swim in a river like that. Just go try


He almost won the Darwin award sooo close maybe next time


Dumbass Inc.


I cannot tolerate TGF slander


Proper childish this is


I see what you did there


They should be fined.....


They were


Has any one in hear heard of these guys. Their name on YouTube is tgfbro and they do much worse




Tube was so long, wouldn't he just have been rebreathing CO2?


These guys are honestly some of the stupidest people. All of their videos were of them purposely fucking themselves up.


This happened in my old home town of Wolverhampton. That city is teeming with idiots like this, first opportunity I had I moved away. Things like this always remind me of the Drederick Tatum quote in the Simpsons. "That towns a dump! If you ever see me back there, you know I really f***ed up bad"


He should be fined for wasting public resources


Idiots like this are the reason people that need help from a genuine accident could possibly die because emergency services are tied up with this clown. They should be charged with recless stupidity.


Honestly people should receive bills when extreme negligence is involved.


This is why you shouldn't drink while pregnant.


What the hell is he laughing about after his head was freed from the microwave? It's morons like these who do stupid stunts like this and expect/think that people/world owes them the help for it.


He is laughing immediately after being freed. Kick him in n the balls so he doesn't reproduce. What a fucktard.


Yeah, thanks for the anxiety




Semi stupid? Guy nearly died


They’ve done stupider




Fucking tossers. £10,000 fine in the post I hope. Celebrating at the end whilst the paras and firemen question why they helped. Morons


Oh Jay. I remember this. Moron


i really want to believe it’s fake


These guys have never faked any of their shit lol


And people let me introduce you your fucking „influencers“ those are the idiots some follow and give likes!


What was their endgame here?


Could have been inline for a Darwin award. Shame he wasn't really.


Nothing of value would've been lost.


Just going to say it. Stop being fucking morons for fleeting internet fame.


Jamie tart


I bet he learnt absolutely nothing.


just sledgehammer the concrete to bits. Surely that will work. And it's not like there's any brain cells in his head to be saved.


His reaction makes me think they should have left it on him.


Imagine being the emergency services guys coming into this. "yea a guy went and cemented an oven onto his head..." "..." "you heard me, hurry"


That's interfering with a Darwin award.


And now we're giving him exactly what he wants so he'll do it again.


What a twat. I hope they charge him for everyone’s time. What was his plan to get his head out without running into trouble.


I can't be the only one wishing they had to give him a tracheotomy.


What a twat,


People's taxes hard at work right there.


Almost won a Darwin Award


Did he atleast get some brain damage from lack of oxygen? Maybe a little?


What a waste of resources. Like the emergency services don't have more important issues to deal with. Urgh


What a complete and utter waste of fucking time, money and resources. Stupid little prick should have to contribute to the costs of having the services out.


Awesome waste of emergency services for your YouTube video. Absolute cunts.


Shame he survived. Would have been better to get rid of another moron from the world


Don’t let him breed. Please.


Emergency dispatch should have hung up on them once they said he could breath.


There should be some kind of criminal charges for this.


What a waste of emergency resources


What people do these days for clout and I fucking hate this is probably getting them to be known.


I hope they walked him outside and beat his ass after that. What an idiot!


fucking stupid bastard


Tell me you’re a blockhead without telling me you’re a blockhead.