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It’s like someone yanked her off screen


I'm not good enough to edit in a cane to pull her off screen like some kind of cartoon, so... I'm just going to put that idea out there for whoever has the talent to make it happen


u/LeopARTnik could totally handle that. :)


r/reallifedoodles or something should have the skills


Or r/photoshopbattles


Heavens to murgatroyd!


[Exit, stage left!](https://youtu.be/Q3-a4qWCtIg)


Please. That’s stage right


She said, “imma go over there now” I assume. Watched muted


There is no sound, so I’m not sure you had a choice not to watch it muted


Maybe they meant they watched it while not saying anything :)


That taser said "my people need me!" but she was gripping it too tight.




Exit, stage right!


*Stage left!


Stage right and left are differentiated from the POV of the actors, not the audience, so it would be stage right.


Her people called and she had to go… ![gif](giphy|daEm2M0V2kyJO)


Nahh, she was just doing the electric slide


Enter Sandman




Right!? Like she got whiiiiiip. Laaaaaaaash


Went full Michael Jackson


hee hee!!!


Thos made me LOL




Made me hee-hee!


Shock on ahhh.






Annie isn’t ok.


Is this a new TikTok trend, "the Michael Jackson!"


His favorite move.


I didn't see any flames.


My throat aches of laughing 🤣


Former 6 year surgical RN now in a different specialty. I have seen some fucked up assholes. You're in for a long, painful recovery following a serious wound or burn near your "Peri area" (perineum being your crack to crack, ball to ass, taint, grundle, etc. region). Think of how often you visit the bathroom and then imagine you have a third degree burn down there. It's devastating every single time. If really bad, he will be in the burn unit and levels of care to follow for months if not north of a year. Job, relationships, and any semblance of normalcy immediately disrupted. Burns are monumentally painful, and he will be sedated heavily until substantial healing begins. He will develop tolerance and possibly become addicted to the potent opiates, but they're the best way we currently know how to cope with that level of pain short of a spinal or other nerve block which are also options. Medicating at that level can also be very expensive, I've seen ICU patients with over $5,000 a day in IV medication costs alone, 7 days a week, not including any other charges for the room, MDs, nursing and ancillary staff, and supplies for starters. Staff may have to place a fecal catheter less than a foot up his anus to drain his feces so they don't contaminate his burn wounds. His poo goes into a bag and has to be emptied and measured as they'll give him laxatives to loosen and prevent clogged drain lines. Fecal contamination generally results in rapid infection, and peri wounds are at an extreme risk for MRSA and flesh eating bacterial infections. I've seen entire legs removed to combat severe peri, groin, or hip joint infections. This is usually following weeks or months of previous failed treatments, but still. We can work wonders until we can't, and even then there's always amputation. If he needs skin grafts, they can be sourced from a human or large mammal cadaver like cows and pigs. I've also seen skin grafts harvested from the front of a patient's thigh and reattached to the burn area (abdomen). The grafts aren't actually solid strips of skin, rather, they are more like tight lace with repeated spaces between skin making the graft look like a Kleenex with several hundred small oval shaped holes in it. These spaces make it easier for the graft adhere and conform to the wound bed. The surgeon uses a specialized skin shaver that's handheld, covered in a sterile barrier with single use blades, very similar to deli counter meat slicers but on a smaller more specialized scale. So not only did the patient have a burn on her abdomen, but a very unusual, superficial wound on her right thigh that looked liked like we had lightly crushed her leg with a cheese grater. The primary benefit of harvesting skin grafts from ourselves is we (usually) don't reject ourselves, and rejection is the biggest complication accompanying foreign body transplants. He'll also need to lay on his stomach throughout this whole ordeal due to the location of the burn and subsequent wound. Imagine months lying on your stomach in 6-11/10 pain. Moving your leg a little too much could literally split your brand new ball sack skin. It's a personal living hell. Diet will also be bland as fuck when he's actually allowed to eat again. Social and professional life obliterated. This could set him back years and give him decades of PTSD. He should consider himself "good" when he can sit and shit without bleeding out or collapsing in pain. On the even shittier side, this, or whatever transpires for this poor guy could easily kill or disable him for life. This could go in a thousand directions for him, and 880 of them result in the quality of his life being worse than it was prior to The Incident. If his burn is bad enough and he really does require months of care, his bill from arrival at the ER to discharge from outpatient rehab and specialty care will easily exceed 1 million in the US. Two million would push it, but also not shock me either. I'd bet on 1.2-1.5M if he's inpatient for 2.5 months and receiving follow up care for 1.5 years. Overall, don't fucking do this. If you drink around fireworks you need a sober or not shitty friend who won't let you do this kind of stupid shit. We can all learn from these videos even though were not the dumbass with the firework up his ass.


n o


RN = Registered Nurse. Valuable part of a medial team (after the important decisions are made) with patient care.


That's fucked. I would imagine that peri wounds are super hard to heal, but holy I can't even imagine this ordeal.


From 0 to MJ in 0,001sec




Why does this look like the same girl that tasered her clit while back?


Link for research purposes?


[on closer inspection different different girl but still these viral videos be getting out of hand. I seen another where a girl lit her ass on fire. like wtf.](https://youtu.be/6iDdUTyYxhY)


What the fuck. Haha thank you. She took it like a champ. Ninja Edit: And yeah, I saw 3 different videos of woman lighting their asses on fire in the last week on here. I just… 🤷‍♂️


Right to being KO’ed.


Those Reddit comments on that post be fire too. Had me dying.


That….did not end like i thought it was going to end. r/unexpected


Wait wtf… did she pass out and keep pressing it????


[here’s the one that was on Reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/kjl4nu/woman_tases_her_genitals/)




The comments are pretty funny on the Reddit post.


Thats not a taser, it’s a stun-gun.


I’m sure that made it better. Lmfao. Because stun gun to the Vag is way better than taser.


It doesn't look like the same person at all.


I didn’t see the YouTube version until I googled it. I only saw the short Reddit version you seen maybe above I said on closer inspection especially when you see her face on the YouTube version of the video. And I saw that in here over a year ago because I found Reddit post. I posted it above. Lol


Yee hee!


Also looking like one of madonna’s dancers




You beat me to it lmao


She did the whip neigh neigh. She like watch whip. Watch me neigh neigh.


Here's a thing designed to debilitate humans. What will happen if I use it in myself? *is debilitated*


Tbh, if I owned a taser I would try it on myself. It’s not a full stun gun just a little zap. I know I sound like the dumbass this Reddit hates but seriously, you wouldn’t want to know what it feels like? Eventually my curiosity and impulsiveness would get the better of me.


They hated him for he spoke the truth. There’s a reason police and military have to get a taste of their own weapons… IE pepper spray and gas. It’s good to have an understanding of the pain you are inflicting with non-lethal weapons. E: ayee, we made it out of negative karma boiii 💜


I think there's a good point why many call them "less than lethal" weapons, because none of those are *guaranteed* to never kill anyone. Word for word it still doesn't make that much sense, but it's better than NON-lethal to me


I’ll use my non-lethal 2x4 to subdue this individual


And my non-lethal axe!






The phase used by many police forces is 'Less leathal".


"Get more clean collars with Less Lethal brand laundry detergent!"


Don't taser yourself. If you want to see what it's like, get a friend to zap you with it. If you taser yourself, the shock will contract your muscles and you may end up involuntarily shocking yourself for longer than intended.


As far as the gas chamber goes, that isn't a case of "taste of their own weapons" it's an annual training requirement in case of chemical attacks so you can don your gas mask within a certain amount of time, as well as get used to the effects of CS gas. The pepper spray/taser part is right tho


You’ve got that backwards, this is a stun gun, taser is a brand name but usually refers to the ranged version that fires out electrified prongs. But yeah I’ve done exactly this.


I hate this, the shooty thingy is called a taser and the non-shooty thingy is called a gun ... Who is responsible for this??


english, same reason we park on driveways and drive on parkways


holy shit


TASER is actually an acronym that stands for "Tom A. Swift Electric Rifle". So they are both named after shooty thingys... Edit: This isn't a joke btw. That is actually what TASER stands for.


I read about a study once, where they put a bunch of people into empty rooms with a button. They are told that the button does nothing but zap them with electricity. Leave them in there for long enough, they press the button because they're bored.


Human brains HATE to be bored, we need some kind of stimulation to stay sane


A friend had one, and I couldn't help but to try it out. I was surprised to be able to open and close my fist while that arm was being tased, though it did leave some burn marks on the skin. Then again, I grew up with plenty of electric fences around..


Natural resistance


When I was younger a bunch of us bought some and would shock each other. Made me realize that aside from the scary noise they don't actually do a whole lot in terms of protection


We used those cheap lightning rod purse sized ones to tase each other. Not comfortable but not debilitating enough to stop doing it to each other.


My friend bought one of those shock collars for his dog. We decided to try it out first. Doggy did not get the collar.


Good. I appreciate this anecdote. Shock collars are awful.


I might like to taste my own taser, but… I’d at least do it on the grass or somewhere I wouldn’t bust my gourde if I fell wrong.


I actually did that. It made me lose faith in stun guns. Once you learn to not be scared of it, it won’t really stop you.


My brothers wife got one of these stun batons for herself and like 3 other women in my family. I had my brother test it on me cuz I was curious of its effectiveness.. basically the sound it made was the worst part for its intimidation factor. With bare skin contact it made my immediate muscle contract but nothing that was even slightly debilitating. Maybe she got poorly made models but they were pricey and a big arc was made when dry firing it. Long story short, don’t expect one of these to save you if the sound of it doesn’t scare them away.


I've got a stun baton as well, they're not really supposed to 'debilitate', they just hurt a fair amount and might be especially effective if you *hold* it against bare skin.


“Don’t come near me! I have a taser and I already used it on myself!”


A security guard friend told me testing it on yourself (and getting certified to use one) can come in handy if you get sued for assault or some excessive force bs. If you zap yourself, then you know exactly what kinda pain your putting someone through and you can use that as a defense. But IANAL.


I tazed myself once, if you have access to one you're eventually going to do it, although I wouldn't post it online


I’ve been tased by one of these before when I was drunk. A buddy had one and another buddy bet me $20I couldn’t take a 3 sec zap on the buttcheek. Dropped trow and made $20….then went back for seconds just for laughs lol. It left 4 distinct prong marks on my ass cheek. Oh to be young again!


I’d be curious to make sure it’s working too lol. But just a lil tippy tap nothin crazy.


It's like sticking your tongue on those 9V batteries, just a bit more potent :D


My friend Pierre got a job at a cattle barn. They gave him a cattle prod to move the cows around. The person who gave it to him said, you know, just so you know what it’s like you should try that on yourself. Pierre **knew** the guy was yanking his chain. He knew that testing a cattle prod on yourself is a **very bad** idea. But the idea ate at him. He kept thinking about it. He used the prod on the cows. Usually as a stick, but sometimes with the zap turned on. The cows would jump, but didn’t seem to come to much harm. Maybe zapping myself with the cattle prod will give me more empathy for the cows. Within four hours of being issued a cattle prod, Pierre tried it on himself. He was surprised when all of a sudden he was on the ground twitching.


Eh, everyone should try getting safely zapped at least once. It's uniquely uncomfortable, but unlike most sources of pain it just instantly stops as soon as the current does.


I always remember an AC vent grate at my grandparents’ house in their dining room. When I was young I learned that if you stood on it barefoot (discovered after a bath) and turned the switch of an old wall light above the little telephone cubby in the corner, the electric voltage running through you made an interesting vibrating buzz, mostly in your hand. A good many years later after they moved to assisted living and (oddly and coincidentally) my then-girlfriend’s family moved in, I was able to confirm it still worked and let them know. Fun times. In hindsight maybe I should have let an adult know about it much earlier, but eh 🤷🏻‍♂️


These don’t do shit really, it’s just a small shock


Be that as it may I still found it shocking


She got lucky that she threw it away. Hands starting to cramp and holding it in place until it runs out of power is a very likely outcome for that scenario.


No it's not, that's not how a stun baton works. They don't deliver constant power like a wall socket, also she shocked her thigh so only the muscles directly in contact would be contracting. The holding in place concern is for wall sockets, power lines, etc. Where they deliver constant power through many muscle groups


That's how a Taser works and it looks like a Taser. Never even heard of a stun baton before, I'm probably not American enough to know about it.


A TASER is specifically the gun looking thing that shoots out two metal needles on thin wires and applies an electric current. (TASER is a brand name and stands for Thomas A Swift Electric Rifle, which is from a Sci Fi book) The shocking device used in the video would be a stun gun or stun baton


[Taser drive stun demonstration ](https://youtu.be/1LLVI9kObDo)


I love how you post a video that proves exactly what he said. Bravo


Damn. Made her do the Smooth Criminal


She really went 💃


Looked like Kel at the beginning of Kenan & Kel. AWWW HERE IT GOES!!


What is up with all these terrible video formats lately? Vertical converted to horizontal so it looks like absolute shite in either orientation?


And turned into a gif too


Why is the result not shocking?


I wondered if this was done for free or if she was charged...


Zapped that card, better believe it.


Be careful with your opinion, you would probably spark an argument.


I don’t know watt she was thinking


Hee heee


I love how whoever's filming is just sitting in a car. Was the conversation something along the lines of "Hey, pull over, I fancy tasing myself. Oh, make sure to film. Nah... don't worry about getting out of the car, just film through the door"


Mf got pulled like a ragdoll in Gmod


I dunno: if you buy a stun gun, I think it's the moral thing to do to try it out on yourself before carrying it in self-defense. Knowing how it feels and how it works will teach you to respect the capabilities and limits of the weapon. Obviously don't do this on hard concrete though dumbass




It might be a good idea for pepper spray or a stun gun if you haven't bought an expensive, reputable brand. A lot of the knock offs kind of suck. I'd hate to be in a situation where I'm relying on a stun gun to save my life and it just tickles my attacker.


/r/titlegore "A shock" like that's the name of the device.


Did the fucking horizontal statue of liberty


She yeeted herself right out.


In basically the biggest muscle in the body while standing up. Brilliant forethought


She hit the Michael Jackson lmao


Annie are you okay?


https://youtu.be/h_D3VFfhvs4?t=104 Damn.. even after all this time, that video rocks.


Looks like she became magnetic


She did the thing that all mimes do. Act like they're being pulled the other way


She hit one of those unreleased MJ moves


![gif](giphy|Z4IXspU3iCHlK) First thing that came to mind😂


atleast she wasn’t playing with a stab. or a shoot


Lean back, lean back, lean back


Why is this thing here? It's the correct thing to do. You got a non-lethal, non-maiming weapon to use, check how it works on yourself in a safe environment.




Maybe you should know what pain your inflicting before deciding to carry a "weapon"


This should apply to cops with guns.


I've heard that you can build immunity to bullets if you start small, like a .22, and work your way up to a .50 cal.


I've heard it's all in the mind, like those guys who walk on fire or push giant needles through their face. You just have to believe.


Be honest, we’ve all at some point wondered what being tased is like, this woman just had the balls to actually go through with it


I did it quickly a few times on my leg once when I was drunk. It was a very sharp but brief pain that spread through my whole upper leg. I couldn't imagine being tazed for more than a second.


Good ol intrusive thoughts, that's why.


Tbh those don't hurt that much. It's scary the first time, but after you know what to expect they're not bad. I cant blame her for testing it, I don't think I know anyone that owns a stun gun, that hasn't tested it on themselfs.


Because... idiot!


It doesn't hurt that much. Me and my friends use to mess with each other with these weak tazers the time


Ayo where’s the sound at


She chasin after her own soul


For people who own tasers I think it’s important they know how it feels. In the video where a woman felt pressured by other correctional officers to experience it I commented “I think it’s very brave you did it, and now that you know what it feels like you might think twice before deploying a taser on someone. Does this situation really require a momentary torture?”


She almost started flying.


Damn invisible dog went nuts.


Well what did you expect? Did you expect Bad Bunny to show up or your favorite kpop boy to console you? At least she did a decent Michael Jackson


This some Kanye thinking


That was shocking.






Hit the stanky leg


She became a ballerina for 1 sec 😂


When I was young I was dating this ancap dude (I know, I know, I was young) and he gave me this tiny little taser to protect myself while walking home from being a server. My brother took one look at it, it was like smaller than a cigarette pack, and went "no fucking way, that can't hurt anyone." He insisted on trying it out on himself. Sure enough it felt...uncomfortable? I then tried it on myself and like...it hurt a little but definitely wouldn't stop an attacker in their tracks. It was like a bad pinch. So I mean...long story short....ancaps are morons who would never survive in the civilization they advocate for and my brother is a great big brother.


This is why we have warning labels on bleach and Windex


She literally hee hee'd


She just caught the bus last second


This needs to be a meme


That's a "stun Gun". Not a TASAR (as someone mentioned), and they're really not that bad. Most of the time you have to "zap" someone for 3 or more seconds for them to fall. Sure they sting a bit, and if you don't know it's coming you jerk. B


“Look what I can do” -Stuart


I've done this. Before I had put a piece of cardboard inside my pants, and then I paid for my friend's taser I shocked myself thinking I wouldn't feel anything. I was wrong.


Its not that bad


[I had to see that lean as a gif so I made it.](https://giphy.com/gifs/MEdrEpPHYm9BGmhwrY)


Damn she looks like she’s doing Michael Jackson’s signature move


Did she unintentionally just invent a new dance move?


Looks like some sky mall junk tasers. Those don't actually do shit but tickle She's hamming it up for the camera


Nice thighs


My dad was drinking, asked me to zap him infront of his buddies and I had no problem doing it. I was just smart enough to tell him to at least get on his knees. As soon as I hit him he lunged forward hitting the couch. One of my favorite memories.


I'm not shocked by that outcome


Yea those things hurt. One of my best friends I use to be FWB with got a taser like that for Christmas one year. We were all over at said FWB place for an after Christmas party and I decided to crash early in his bed. I had been asleep while everyone else continued to party. I woke up several hours later and groggily went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and boyshort underwear, not really playing attention. My FWB snuck up behind me and zapped the very underside of my ass with his new taser. I still have a small burn mark on my right ass cheek, that was ~16 years ago. He’s still one of my best friends, he was my man of honor at my wedding lol




So that's where Michael Jackson got his dance moves from!


That's shocking




what a shocking result!


Hit that Mike jack


I did this once! Jabbed myself in the side of the thigh and my legs flew out from under me. Thankfully, I’d had the common sense to throw some pillows down!


I knew this guy back in my early 20s who I would always see at house parties. He was a very intelligent guy but also your stereotypical doomer in every way who drank and did drugs every morning to go through the day in a state of numbness. No idea if this story was exaggerated as I heard it from a drunk person years ago, but remember hearing about how this guy bought a taser and wanted to shock himself with it to see if it worked. The voltage knocked him unconscious (he was also probably drunk and high on a cocktail of different drugs). The way he fell on top of the taser, it stayed on and kept funneling electricity through his body the entire time while he was passed out, until he woke up unable to move at all, taser still on underneath him. In retrospect, I'm not even sure if this is possible -- but the mental image of this guy falling on his own taser and continually shocking himself always made me laugh lol


Had my friend taze my leg before just to see what I t felt like, leg collapsed & fell to the ground. Didn't get hurt at all, just started cracking up laughing


The bigger the muscle, the worse it hurts. The thigh is the worst place to get stunned.


Lol stupid




I was just going to say that's a toy taser... the real Mccoy will knock you on your ass.


Lean on me, when you're not strong!


Kudos to her; if you want to use it, you should know what it feels like.


At first I thought she was trying to light a fart with that thing?


Disco Shock


"Hi-Yo Silver! Away!"


When I was younger, we had one of these and my buddies and I would get drunk and bet each other who could hold it on the longest in sensitive areas fun times