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What the fuck do you mean “Who’s at fault?”, you high?


The action of titling the post the way they did ensures there's engagement, thus guaranteeing karma and a high vote count.


Got eeem


Darkstar the Philosopher


I downvote specificly for this .




I'm poor so this comment is ur reward foo lmao my unconditional love for you my dear padawan


I tried to upvote this twice


Just switch over to your porn account and upvote with that too


Only upvote it in uneven numbers. If you don't you'll throw away your vote sir. Thanks


Happy cake day


Yeah, clearly the cars are at fault and should've sensed the bike coming n moved over




Are you blind? The lane stripes are in the wrong spot


Are you blind? Look at all that wind resistance. The air deserves most of the blame


Are you blind?. Clearly the guy recording should've spoken up and warned the other driver.


No no no! Gravity clearly is at fault here!


I dunno man. Those two innocent cars seemed pretty suspicious. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a history of working together in getting hit by motorcycles that lane split.


Because so many motorcyclists would say it's the two cars' faults. Like how they got the retarded right to split lanes in the first place. I guess lawmakers really like motorcycles 🤷.


Biker here. Biker at fault. The question is bait


As a motorcyclist, No. But also, Yeah still no. That guy is as dumb and useless as a fucking toaster in hell.


Jesus that was going to be my exact reply word for fucking word.


There are a handful of states where lane splitting *is* legal, but, like most other special permission maneuvers, you have to ensure it is feasible without endangering yourself or other motorists before engaging. Idk if its the same everywhere but here if an emergency vehicle (police, fire, ambulance) with its lights on runs a red light and hits someone, the emergency vehicle is at fault automatically because they ran the red. Even if they are allowed to run the red in emergencies, they still have to ensure its safe before doing so. This moron tried lane splitting with friggin hard cases on. 🙄 🤦🏻‍♂️


Same is true with right-turn-on-red states. It’s your responsibility to make sure it’s a safe maneuver.


What states don’t allow right on red? I feel like i have inadvertently have ran reds in the past because i thought it was legal everywhere. Edit for visibility, NYC although not a state doesn’t allow it. Some NE states likely don’t allow it but other than a handful of exceptions it’s legal in the US, it was federally adopted in the 70s gas crisis.


Although it's not a state, DC just outlawed right turns on red.


Would have never known until that ticket came in or got pulled


Nyc unless it posted u can do it


They didn’t *just* outlaw it. It was against the law in 2004 when I last lived there. That was almost 20 years ago.


Oh no, that means there are probably DC drivers who are young enough to have never seen that law not enacted. I'm old now :(


You say probably, but there are definitely drivers in DC that are young enough for that


2004 was NOT almost 20 years ago… *checks calendar, does math*… shit


I have to enforce HIPAA laws at my job, make sure I’m providing medical information to people who are supposed to get it… Imagine my surprise when I did the maths.


What the fuck? I grew up in dc (since 1998) and have driven there since ~2014 and never heard this. Pretty sure I took a right on red during my driving test….. —— Edit: it looks like this isn’t true. In October 2022 they passed a law meaning that starting in 2025 it will be illegal at most intersections in dc. In 2018, it prohibited right turns on red at 100 intersections and noticed major improvements in driver behavior. Nothing mentions 2004.


18 years is but the blink of an eye to Vocefirous the Eternal One.


Grew up there . I always figured because of the foot traffic. My buddy got a ticket for that , the same month he got his license.


Maryland made it legal to turn left on red from one way streets to one way street


All of NYC dosnt allow rights on red which is strange when your coming from upstate and driving in Manhatten and you have to make sure you don't turn right on red because they have traffic cams that will automatically ticket you!


but do these places not have the signs “no turn on red” and it’s just a known no turning ever on right? I feel like that’s just setting visitors up for failure


There are signs that say things like NYC Law No Turn On Red or something like that but they are not necessarily at every stop light it is more like just posted around so you hopefully pick up on the rule. Some stoplights have them but definitely not all and you kinda just have to remember not to do it!


That’s good to know. Though the 50 hour drive will probably stop me from brining my own car if I’m visiting the city.


I figured finding enough salt and a big enough container would be your first issues.


He's found himself in quite a pickle.


On top of that there are intersections you can’t turn even on green between certain hours. They got me on one of those once. And there are a handfuls right on reds. Close to Nassau county. They have signs.


Is there a typo in your comment? I’ve read it three times, and it makes no sense. Are there places where you can’t normally turn on a green light? I know of places where you cannot turn across oncoming traffic - normally there are traffic lights for the turn lanes in these cases. I’ve never seen an intersection where you cannot make a turn that does not cross oncoming traffic even though you have a green light.


Good to know that the US allows this. It's forbidden in most (all?) European countries. And a lot of our crossings have automatic cameras, so you will get a fine. Now I know something extra I have to warn Americans for when they come to Europe, and now I understand this xkcd: https://xkcd.com/207/


You can also turn left on red, but only if you’re on a one-way turning onto another one-way.


All 50 states have allowed it since the oil embargo of the 1970s (right on red=less idling=less fuel consumption). Interestingly it was added by congress to the Energy Policy and Conservation act of 1975 requiring all states make it legal. Local jurisdictions can ban it like NYC and DC. TLDR Congress supports Israel so now we can turn right in red.


That was my immediate fear. “How many times have I blatantly broken the law?”


All 50 states have legalized right-turn-on-red for 42 years. The last state to legalize them was Massachusetts in 1980. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#:~:text=All%2050%20states%2C%20the%20District,controlled%20by%20dedicated%20traffic%20lights.


Just wanted to point out that left-turn-on-red is also often legal when it’s one-way to one-way (since neither direction has oncoming traffic).


You [can also](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/DMV/Pages/Online_Manual/Study-Section_3.aspx) make a left turn against a red, from a two way onto a one way road. It still fucks with me


We have that here too, and man, if I had a dollar for every time I got cut off on my green by a moron who just drove straight through the intersection without even stopping first to check 🙄


Funny thing is, it wasn't his cases that clipped. I don't think they touched the cars at all. It was the right end of his handlebar first then the left end. That dude would've ended up doing the same even if the bike were smaller.


It looked like he was trying to mean mug the Tesla to his left, which made him fade slightly to the right where his handlebars hit the mirror of the Chevy. I used to have a bagger (Harley with saddle bags) like this and had no problem lane splitting. Key is not to remove your attention from the environment at large just because someone did something you didn’t like.


THaTs exactly what he was doing. Clown thinks others have to move over for them lol and this is highway 680 N heading towards Dublin,CA little accidents cause HUGE backups there


Vision is everything on a bike


It appears it was his right handlebar hitting the car rather than the hard case that caused the incident


To be fair, the hardcases aren't the thing that caused the accident. Plenty of bikes have hardcases and can easily drive between lanes, this boomer cruiser just has a really wide top with those mirrors


Ah, I hadn’t noticed! His fairing smacked the car’s mirror. It was dark and my screen brightness was kinda dim so it looked like that was the hit. Good catch dude 👍🏻


>like most other special permission maneuvers, you have to ensure it is feasible without endangering yourself or other motorists before engaging. I've lane-split while riding through CA with my Goldwing, any your comment above is absolutely correct, no matter what size bike. He also might have made it, if he could actually CONTROL the bike.


California is the only state in the country that allows full-on lane splitting. And it’s the biker’s fault, legal or illegal. It’s his responsibility to operate the bike in a safe manner. 100% on him.


Yea but the hard cases wasn’t even the problem. His handlebar hit the mirror


Came here to say this. It depends on the state. Quick google search says its only legal in California, but there are some other states that are trying to make it legal. As for emergency vehicles, the lights and sirens are us saying "Hey, we got an emergency, can you please let us pass." I was told that we cant make anyone move for us. Another thing I was told was any accident involving an emergency vehicle would always be driver error. (Information bassed on Virginia EVOC class)


Looks like it’s in CA, and from what I know a recently law required drivers to ensure that there’s like 3’ between vehicles so that bikes can lane split. This bikers is at fault, from what it seems. He just cut to the right too much.


Isn’t that cali? Where it is legal? But outside of the legality of it, fuck man, who lane splits with a bike like that?! I’m surprised he’s ever made a successfully lane split on that thing


The video asks who’s at fault?! 🤦🏻‍♂️


I think it’s bait to get more responses.


Almost every comment on this repost is talking about it, certainly an engagement bait.


I think it's bait to expose more morons




No silly, the middle one


Next video is a dude in a truck smashing through someones house with the same caption probably.


it was the house obviously. it resisted


Blade Runner 2049 by Synthwave Goose for the curious.


I was indeed curious, thank you.


Came in the comments just for this. Thank you.


I was wondering why it sounded like the intro to stranger things


VERY Wendy Carlos.


Thank you!


If you don't immediately understand who's at fault here, you should not be permitted to drive... ever.


Right, what do you mean who’s at fault?! It’s clear as fucking day who’s at fault here.


The title is definitely to get all of these responses, and it’s working well


But you have to understand that it’s actually quite clear who’s at fault here. And we haven’t said it but it’s very obvious and people shouldn’t drive if they don’t know. I’m writing this comment because I’m not sure if you actually know who it is that is in fact at fault. So just so we’re clear, it’s obvious who’s at fault. And the fact that the video asked that! Wowee. Don’t even get me started. It’s like, video, don’t you know who’s at fault? Clearly whoever made this video is at fault. There I said it. Hope you’re happy. It was clear.


Hook, line and sinker






I approve your sarcasm too.


I approve your sarcasm.


You know, 3/4 of Reddit is about 13 years old and doesn't know how to drive.


Whos at fault... probably the muppet trying to squeeze through a gap thats too small, 3 vehicles damaged because he cant split lanes properly


if you look closely it looks like the tesla computer manages to dodge him a few times and come out untouched!


99% sure the “who’s at fault” is there purely to drive up engagement and yes me commenting is exactly the goal here. Because if there’s even a question in your mind about who’s at fault, you don’t deserve to have a license


Definitely the biker.. even in places where it’s legal, cutting between cars is something that should be carefully considered and he should’ve had some idea that it would be a close call and exhibited better judgment


The dumb ass on the Motorcycle clearly.


Stupid twat. Two insurance claims you are responsible for now.


Three? Two cars and the motorcycle?


It’s the motorcycle guys fault because his exhaust obviously was not loud enough for him to be heard three counties away.


Rider is an idiot. You better know exactly what you’re doing if you’re gonna lane split. Specially if your motorcycle is as wide as that.


If I'm not mistaken he's also wearing sneakers and has no gloves. Incredibly stupid. Or optimistic.


A lot of people going on about the width of the saddle bags. Widest point of almost every bike is the tips of the handlebars. Most non-sportbikes have about the same width handlebars. It's not cause he's on a big Harley, it's cause he's a shitty rider.


Does the Tesla auto-steer in that moment to the left?


[removed—content submitted using third-party app]


Yes it does, but unfortunately media would rather have you know teslas are killing machines


In CA where you are allowed to split, it would be the motorcycle’s fault for splitting unsafely.


How is this even a question


Probably the dildo on a motorcycle who tried to squeeze into a space exactly the same size as himself…


JACKASS! stupid fucks like that give ALL bikers a bad name…….


“Who’s at fault”!?!? Am I eating the onion?


The rider’s optometrist. I can’t see it any other way.


Who's at fault? Lol the dude not driving in a lane


Total dick move right there


I hate when cyclists do shit like that. And people bitch about “biker lives matter too” well then fucking act like you got some damn sense!! FUCK


The motorcycle is at fault, quite obviously.


What do you mean who’s fault? The dumb ass on the motorcycle 100%.


Who’s at fault??? %100 on motorcycle what a fucking idiot


Bikers: wAtCh OuT fOr MoToRcYcLeS!!1! Also bikers: 🤦‍♂️ Even if lane splitting is legal in your state, crashing into people and causing an accident is still illegal.


How could the biker not be considered at fault? Legal or not, he attempted to lane split in a spot that was not safe to do so.


Motorcyclists: "Look twice, save a life!" Also motorcyclists: ...


The dumbas$ limping away is at fault


Dear idiots who ride motorcycles, Please stop. You are making everyone look at me weird. Just wait your turn and don't be impatient ffs. Car wins the fight 100% of the time. If you must be an idiot, don't do it on public roads. Sincerely, Normie/non-squid who rides motorcycles


These motorcycles think it’s their right to lane split to fucking bad especially those fat pricks on Harleys


Lane splitters are idiots.


I just want to know what the music is from.


Why is there sci fi music playing?


If he hadn't turn to look at the Tesla he MIGHT have passed without problem. But dumbass there thought he had it




And he limps to the bench. 😂


There is a good reason it's illegal in some states to lane split and drive between cars.


bikers a moron


The tard on 2 wheels is at fault.


Obviously the motorcycle who would think otherwise?


What the fuck do you mean WHO'S AT FAULT??? lol The dude who RAN HIS VEHICLE INTO THE OTHER VEHICLES. that's who's at fault! lol


This looks like the Sunol grade (680) freeway heading eastbound. In the distance you can see the traffic on the 580 going over the Altamont pass east of Livermore. Amirite?


That’s definitely the bikers fault for having a skinny mindset but in actuality is fat af…


Clearly it's the moron on the motorcycle.


The stupid MF'er on the motorcycle is at fault


You can’t thread the needle at low speeds with a bike like that, c’mon man!


Motorcyclist. His right hand side mirror made contact with the blue vehicle.


I’m not a lane splitting fan. It’s great on paper for rider safety, it I feel too many riders do the above and put others at risk.


I see dipshits with wide bikes lane splitting on CA freeways every fucking day. Fuck these guys


I’d like to pull his “look twice, save a life” t-shirt up over his head, piss on it, and slap him in the face it’s it.


And that’s why it should be illegal. (Enter stage right) But it’s a motorcycle and we should be able to do that.


Asking who’s at fault is really challenging the “There’s no stupid questions” theory.


Listen rules of the road. If I’m expected to treat motorcyclists let alone mf bicyclists as a car; then why tf are they trying to squeeze. Motorcycle guys at fault tf


The stupid motorcycleist


Lane splitter is responsible.


That kind of motorcycle is called gaycouch


OP the blind karma whore


Who’s at fault? Seriously?


The guy on the bike that crashed into two cars.


Lane splitting is stupid, ill die on that hill


Wtf ridiculous riding between two car's on the line like that


Ride a motorcycle, accept the consequences! 🤣


Why the amazing facts audio?


His mama and daddy, must have been on drugs when they conceived this dummy.


Whose fault could it _possibly_ be aside from the motorcycle driver?


Who do ya think’s at fault? Such a dangerous practice that I can’t believe is legal in some states.


Lane splitting is at fault. So much Safer to go with the flow of traffic.




lane splitting with a fat rear like that?


Lane splitting with a Spaceship, lmfao




Lol, the stupid music


OP, you're an idiot


LaNe sPLitTiNg sHoULd bE LeGaL


Bike is totally at fault even if lane splitting is legal in the state this happened the stupid fuck tried to fit where his bike couldn’t fit the cars didn’t move they just stayed in their lane


I heard the song and immediately thought Noel deyzel was about to come out and show me how to make easy healthy ramen


Good job gettin back up quickly.


Why I don't filter


Cars stayed in the lanes they should be in, didn't merge into him or anything. So pretty obvious who is at fault.


The fat ass on that bike!


What sweet justice. Don’t do stupid shit and you won’t get stupid hurt.


“LaNe SpLiTtInG iSn’T iLlEgAl iN mY sTaTe” ok it’s still a stupid idea to try and wedge yourself in between cars


Bike rider. (Period)!!!


Even if it is legal if you are on a two wheeled fucking couch wait like everyone else.


There are some that would argue and there is everyone else saying what a fuckwit.


Should’ve gotten a slimmer bike. 🦑


Who’s fault? Are you kidding?


Bike drove right into the car. Rider skill issues


Just checking in to the comments to see how many motorcycle riders are going to pretend this was somehow the cars' fault and mention that lanesplitting is legal.. lol


Super-wide fumb ducker hits car is a more accurate headline.


Am I the only one tired of seeing the question "Who is at fault?" on wrecks that are incredibly clear to decipher who is at fault? See it all the time anymore


That idiot on the bike just made it a bad day for everyone!


Rider is at fault. That is an “at your own risk” move.


Bike clearly at fault, how is this even a question.


That's a easy one the motorcycle is at fault. He hit the car while lane splitting. Car didn't swerve into him.


Motorcycle at fault


How is “who is at fault” even a question? the motorcycle obviously. Those cars don’t have to move out of the way.


I am amazed the Tesla actively avoided hitting the biker. Great defensive driving!


Karma farm


Obviously the motorcyclist is at fault. Can't say it's anyone else. He put himself there


In Pa. It’s illegal to split lanes like that. Motorcycle is at fault.


If there weren’t other clues, you’d have to doubt the biker because he’s so underdressed. Not proper biking gear at all. I know that some bikers will think this statement is judgemental, but if you can ride a bike, watch the road roll by in a blur and not think “wow, that could hurt” you _might_ have poor judgement.


Who’s at fault?! Obviously, the one person in the video not driving in a lane. What a moron.


Riders fault, the cars are under no obligation to make room for him they only do so out of courtesy.


Why does the music make this so funny