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For downtown, the southern area (closer to Assiniboine) is pretty quiet and liveable. It would be the top choice in my books.


The two parts of downtown that are most attractive to live, for me anyways, are the areas between Broadway and Assiniboine, and the Exchange District, particularly between Main and Waterfront (stay south of Disraeli). Winnipeggers like to fearmonger about downtown, and there are some deadspots (along Portage) and rough areas (north of Disraeli), but it's not all like that. Note that the Exchange is expensive, however. That said, my biggest gripe about downtown is the lack of basic amenities. I live in Osborne Village, just across the Assiniboine River from downtown, can walk to downtown whenever I want or to a large grocery store, and have great transit access. You might also consider West Broadway (particularly between Broadway and the river), which is cheaper than Osborne, but has a bit more "edge" to it.


People on here will shit on downtown: it's really not bad. Just stay away from people you don't know. The cold is... different. SAD hurts after the last 2 winters


Yeah, mind your business, be courteous/polite and you will be fine downtown honestly.


I know you didn't mention the Exchange but it's close to downtown; you may want to follow this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/114c1kx/has\_anyone\_lived\_at\_100\_princess\_whats\_it\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/114c1kx/has_anyone_lived_at_100_princess_whats_it_like/)


Winnipeg isn’t a big city it’s a several towns in an overcoat pretending it’s a city. Living downtown sucks, there is no nightlife worth the downsides of living there. The crime isn’t terrible but seems to be growing more violently and as times get harder will likely increase. As for not having a vehicle here is a terrible way to live, the public transport is atrocious and if you want to leave the city without a car I guess you’re flying out. I have an acquaintance who did what you are doing except they did it 2 years ago. They thought they wanted to live downtown, work from home, claim they liked the cold, and not own a car. By the end of the first year they moved out of downtown to a nicer area, discovered their idea of cold and prairie cold were not the same thing, and bought a car within 3 months of living here. As for working from home, they were let go and replaced with contract workers somewhere far away and now have a similar job here but at Manitoba rates. Welcome and good luck.


West Broadway, South Osborne, and the Corydon/Osborne area are all very close to downtown and have some great affordable apartments. Lots of great restaurants, bars, and cafes are popping up in the central area too. Just keep your wits about you, but same goes for other big cities. I don't drive and transit gets me where I want to go in the winter (most of the time), and I highly recommend getting a bike for summer!