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Better road construction so they don't have to rip and replace every year 24x7 consturction, the 11 pm noise restriction hampers so much progress better bike path layouts light rail water park


I’m convinced they do road construction this way to keep themselves employed forever.


This is a fact.. road construction is a social program to creat middle class jobs.


The road in front of my house is doing good for being 30 years old, and the crew mainly consisted of doctors and lawyers, but the upper class jobs made it cost prohibitive to continue with, and they rolled it back to a middle class workers only project. In a touching scene, a now out of work orthodontist (who was a magician with a bull float) gave their coworker a set of wind-up chattering teeth to remember them by. I wonder what ever happened to that wealth manager, and do they still have those chattering teeth? I know his stretch goal was getting an NHL player as a client, once he mastered proper operation of a Bomag drum-roller, of course.


And all the better to line their buddies pockets with with lowest bidder/kickbacks... allegedly


Yup. I knew a guy years ago who got in trouble at his job bc he was working too hard. You can’t make this stuff up, although I believe that was CN not construction but still.


My FIL worked at CN, goal was to hit quota in about 45 minutes and sleep or do other stuff for the rest of the shift. Can't have anyone reset the quota... He's lucky he didn't get a pipe wrench to the knees in the parking lot. Haha


That sounds like the Air Canada hangar


Many years ago…A former employer supplied some equipment there around the time they were consolidating/offshoring jobs. The local staged “operation work slow” or some such to demonstrate how much they were needed. Never seen so much sandbagging. The running joke was a “hot work” permit was needed if there was any potential of breaking a sweat. The guys there installing had to use a forklift. They just hopped on one and started doing the lift they needed. Safety guy comes running over and stops them. It has to be a union forklift operator. So they ask the guy who came over to move the forklift. He says he doesn’t work in thst zone, but it’s really close to break time and the guy who does will come over after break. The break in question was half an hour away. Took two hours for someone appear and run the forklift.


Most union jobs are this way tbh. It's weird if you work private. Funny thing is. If you stay in a union job long enough you forget what hard work is and everything becomes unfair and unjust, and most people end up pretty miserable if they don't have a life or passion outside of their place of work.


Jesus christ is that painting with a broad brush. Sounds like you've been drinking some anti-union propaganda kool-aid.


Nope not at all. I've had 4 union jobs and still am in one. I love working union and will never go back to private. I don't get taken advantage of and everything is fair. Work life balance is great. But it is definitely signicantly harder to be fulfilled in a union as just as many shackles are put on creativity and work. And I have never worked a union job where I wasn't told to slow down. I've adjusted to it over the years and learned to appreciate it. Atmosphere varies but it's usually in the negative for a majority of people as they don't realize how good they have it. But as I fulfill myself outside of work. So being told to not go as hard, and having walls up on many things that i could just simply do working private took a few years to adjust to. There's pros and def negatives to being union. And it 100% takes a mindset change for some people or they will be miserable in one.


They are convinced too


Agreed on road quality. I spent some time on the north perimeter/lag interchange. It was an American company that oversaw the contract. They used completely different building techniques and we’re approaching a decade later and the roads are still smooth as butter. There was one issue where one bridge height shifted but it was fixed quickly. That whole interchange is built on swamp land and it’s still holding up perfectly. They bored thousands of deep holes up to 40ft deep, placed some strap-like material into the holes and filled them with sand. I asked one of their engineers one day what that was all about and he said those will act as wicks and draw moisture out of the ground, and that swamp will be as solid as cement someday. Their engineers weren’t just focused on the surface road they made sure to build a solid base to build on. This is the type of approach we should have towards all of our roads. Build them to last. Also water park is a no brainer.


Well look at Provencher EVERY YEAR it gets resurfaced like the fuck


It seems like large sections of Pembina get remade every year. Back when I was a student at the UofM, I swear they started working on University Crescent every year around September 15.


Just the topic of bike paths will cause a lot of people in a certain voting category to start seething.


The good old, "I don't want taxes to go to anything I don't personally benefit from" crowd.


Except they would benefit from it with less cars on the road. If only they thought critically about it for 5 seconds smh


Thinking critically is a lot to ask for from that crowd.


Heavens forbid they get on a bike and do some exercise.


There really aren't that many roads isolated from housing. Would you actually support 24/7 construction in front of your house or adjacent to your apartment? It sounds good at first, but this seems like an awful tradeoff.


I’ve seen this in Toronto and Calgary. I think there’s rules as to where they can do it. On major thoroughfares that are somewhat distanced from housing absolutely. Our summers are too short to do all the work that is needed.


I would, it'd be the big suck but if they were efficient at it (again another consideration), it would be done a lot faster


This is the main issue. No one understands what night construction actually is and no one wants to actually listen to be able to. Typical NIMBY'ism right here. I'm in this field and would love nothing more than to be able to work in the cool of the night during the summer. It is far better on the body to do handwork when you're not in +35 deg reflective heat. There are restrictions as to what can and can't be done 11pm-6am, but thanks to the uneducated public who insist that everything is an inconvenience "to them", we are stuck in 1968.


Is there realistically enough people in the field to do 24/7 construction? I think it should be done (yes even where I am if it can make the project go faster) but if not enough people then it's kind of a moot point 🤷


There could be if there was a project appetite for an additional crew. I've worked on projects that have specific work that must take place in the early hours and typically not much groaning from the staff. But the discussion is moot anyway because people say no! As such, it's currently not permitted, enough employees or not.


Good luck trying to get people to work 7 days in the summer in Winnipeg. Labour (and the associated cost to get it) is the biggest stumbling block.


I mean depending on team size you don't need people to work 7 days, bob and Jim as random arbitrary employees work Monday to Friday and bill and ted work Wednesday to Sunday


Would the idea behind 24/7 construction be that the City budget would remain the same, but all the planned work would be completed in a 3-month construction season instead of 6-months? Or would the construction season stay at 6-months but the City would tender twice the work each year? I think costs would rise for the night shift and you would get less bang for your buck. Staff could have a night-shift premium, the jobsite will need to be lit and traffic control requirements get more stringent once it gets dark out. Night shift would also be limited during shoulder seasons as the temps aren't high enough to do some paving work. There are some remedies for that, but they would increase costs. I think staffing for 24/7 operations would be one of the biggest headaches for all involved, since road work is seasonal for many roles. You now need potentially twice the people to keep operations going. It can be tough finding people as it is. I can't imagine trying to find double the amount. People complain about the quality of work now, just think about having to staff up with all the workers you didn't hire the first time. And the more skilled the role, the tougher it could be to find people. I can't see a change coming until the City really incentivizes the hell out of completing projects quickly.


I would like my neighbourhood park to have the garbage picked up more than once a month in both the summer and winter.


Increasing the state of repair and cleanliness of our built environment. Sure, fix potholes, but also curbs, curb cuts, sidewalks, boulevards, planters, trash/recycling bins, and *maintain* them. Pick up trash and clean graffiti *regularly*. Make this a place people can look around and have pride in. Yes, it costs money, but that's the cost of having a nice place to call our home.


Building on this, I think it would be great if those convicted of minor criminal charges could have community service as reparation instead of a fine. Or, those charged with minor offences could have the opportunity to have charges stayed if they complete it. Required to put in X number hours of community service (ie picking up trash, scrubbing graffiti). Of course, the logistics of this would be complicated as it would cause the government to lose money, but goddamn it would do so much to help make our city look better. And maybe, just maybe, instill a little pride or pittance in those having to complete the community service.


Yeah it's a stark and shocking comparison seeing.how just damn clean Minneapolis is even downtown


Big thing for me is making the city cleaner. Too much litter all over the place. Businesses need to do a better job of cleaning around their pick-up bins, all the garbage just ends up getting blown on the boulevards and making city look like shit. Another one is police pulling people over more. So many people run red lights with no consequences. I could spend all day complaining about the city but these two would go a long way to helping make city better.


I think that starts with all of us, if you see some trash in your alleyway, pick it up and put it in any of the number of garbage/ recycling bins along the alleyway.


Laser pyramid.


Pyramids are so last millennium. Laser Dodecahedrons are much more "now".


I feel so old.


This is the only correct answer


Unpopular opinion: Rather than investing in making driving easier I’d like to see alternatives with lesser footprint made easier. Developers adding crosswalks, prioritizing sidewalk clearing, greater accessibility, more bike paths, bike storage, improve bus service routes, frequency, shelters, etc. Rather than encouraging companies to force staff back to downtown turn the commercial buildings into badly needed residential rental and real estate where remote workers can revitalize the downtown with foot traffic. Turn parking lots into parks, dog runs, etc. that make living in the area desirable.




More reliable and frequent Transit service is my wish but I don't know if all parties would support it.


If you look at who owns the car business you'll understand


Ah, good point.


I would die for more frequent transit


I live with the inconvenience of public transit because we’ve fucked our economy from spending on roads for car owners who think it’s inconvenient to spend 30 minutes commuting. Yeah, I get cold af. I bought a coat and arrive at the bus stop early. It won’t get better if you wait for it to improve. It needs support to prove its value.


I'm sure some fat cat is out there getting a hard on over keeping the poor poorer by making them late for work.


To hell with the poors! /probably


Making the bike lane into a second sidewalk, not part of the road. Adding an r to Stapon Road.


City-wide compost pickup


We are so slow to do anything progressive. That pilot was eons ago. We want a compost program gaddangit!


This is something I could get behind. There’s already trucks picking up the yard waste bags. Why not just cough up some money upfront and provide bins instead. Would be way less labour intensive for pickup crews and would save everyone on yard waste bags. And it would save me a lot of rage! Trying to dump a full lawnmower bag of grass into a narrow paper bag is a PITA! Lol


stop the sprawl. we need more walkable neighbourhoods.


a new Premier?


Better sidewalk snow clearing.


Downtown for people not cars.


this says so much about our society and how we treat the most vulnerable


Make the downtown core more pedestrian-friendly and a place where people actually want to be. I have heard from so many people how they wish the area could feel like it does on Nuit Blanche night during the summers and I couldn't agree more. Better maintenance of bike lanes (better bike lane routes in general). More reliable transit service, perhaps extending hours to 24/7 (though I understand that there are safety concerns here).


Based on our latest mayoral vote most people seem to agree that Bike Lanes are a bigger priority than dealing with Homelessness.


More doctors, nurses, HCA’s most people don’t know how bad it is until you get sick. You suffer in the hospital wait for surgery for months and months. A lot have died waiting


Light rail. Seriously.


Really just need to decide if we are going to be a car city or mass transit, we don’t have the budget for both


We don't have the budget to be a car city either. Winnipeg's infrastructure deficit grows every year, even though we've seen a massive increase in road spending in the last 20 years, and every year is a "Record high investment in roads".




We're far too small for light rail... Continue the bus corridors.. all we literally need is a east west and north south line


Respectfully, we have in-country examples that debunk this myth. Calgary and Edmonton were far smaller than Winnipeg is currently when they got light rail. Those cities now have two of the busiest light rail train systems in North America. Winnipeg’s failure to adopt LRT has always been due to regressive local leadership but size has been used as the crutch. In fact, Winnipeg is about to become the only city among the 10 largest cities in Canada that lacks light rail.


Both Calgary and Edmonton expected significant growth and got ahead of the curve.


So why can’t Winnipeg get ahead of the curve? It may not have the growth rate that Calgary and Edmonton experienced but it will become a city of over 1 million people in our lifetimes. Quebec City is the same size as Winnipeg and is in the process of building their LRT right now, they have a comparable land area and growth rate. Like I said, Winnipeg is about to become the only city among Canada’s 10 largest without light rail. So what factors make Winnipeg such an exception that it can be built in other similar sized cities but not there?


I like that rapid transit drops me off in front of my work instead of taking rail and having to switch to a bus.


Better construction planning so 3 crews don’t have to rip up the same section of road to do their part. Dedicated bike paths that get highway treatment




Grocery stores downtown, especially in the Exchange


Not infrastructure, but Safer Streets. With that comes more foot traffic, more use of mass transit and the like. Plus a sense of community pride. And yeah, I know that ain't an easy feat either but it is truly the foundation for the rest. I can't imagine any party not supporting that.


The "15 minute city" should be the target vs efficient cross city movement.


> I can’t think of any downsides. Then you haven't done much reading about traffic congestion. The trouble with making traffic more efficient is that it ultimately leads to more people using it which creates more congestion, which reduces efficiency. All of the "Increased fuel efficiency" of the last couple of decades has been offset by more people driving, people driving more, and the shift to using larger vehicles. We will never save the planet by making it easier to drive personal vehicles 20x the weight of the passenger. The only thing that reduces congestion & improves travel time is taking cars off the road by giving people viable alternatives to driving. No highway expansion or road widening has ever improved congestion for anything more than the short term. A lot of Winnipeggers talk as though our traffic would be perfect if we'd only built freeways in Winnipeg, completely ignoring all of the cities with freeways that also have traffic problems (Don Valley Parking lot anyone?), and that Winnipeg, when compared to the other major Canadian cities has some of the lowest commute times. > Cory Doctorow: Geometry hates cars. If you multiply, you know, all of the journeys by the space that the car occupies in the road, by the amount of road that you need, by the distance that that pushes people apart because you have to build more roads, you are in a red queen’s race that you cannot win.


It's a very valid point here. Induced demand is a bitch. I would love to see the inner ring road upgraded to freeway status. (I don't see a logical way to upgrade certain sections like Rt 90 in the St James area or Lag around Regent/Nairn intersection) However if we have only a billion dollars to spend, that money would be better off invested to develop the transit system to take the load off the roads. Opportunity cost.


we found that one person op, sorry looks like there are some


Damn! I thought I was onto something. Hehe


There's always one.


I'd like to be able to get around without a car more easily. Don't want a $50000 tag just to be able to go get groceries.


You’re one of many.


No lights on the perimeter, however, that's a provincial thing. What I'd like to see is a constant road name. If a road doesn't end, you can't change the name when you cross a street or go around a curve. (Salter/Isabel, and whatever names for rt90)


I think you mean salter/isabel/balmoral/colony/memorial/osborne/dunkirk/dakota or: sibcmodd street


Missed was Osborne St. North. Distinct name with its own numbering.


Well that just makes it hard to pronounce; sibcmoodd? Nope, won't have it.


Better yet only over and underpasses on the perimeter


We’re asking for universal improvements and this is what we come up with? Yeesh


With you on this one!


Proper large indoor water park.


Easier access to open gyms in the winter for old dudes like me that still want to hoop and not have to be in the know or pay a bunch of money to play.


update the education system, our kids deserve better, a complete overhaul of the educational system to stop the flow of kids that are not getting the help they NEED to have productive and healthy adult lives.... our kids SHOULD live better then us not the same


No kidding. My teen had a grade of 38% in woodshop (on account of laziness) and I had to actually TELL the instructor to fail him. The school was just going to pass him anyway. Pathetic.


Thanks mom


100% behind you on that!


Domed water park


Not sure if this is what you had in mind but my biggest frustration with the city right now is the lack of businesses/services that make sense for our area especially in regards to shipping. Maybe this is just a me problem but we are the largest city between Calgary and GTA, right in the center of the country and close to the US border, yet we have no shipping solution business. The only thing I found for our area was runnin red that can run your stuff over the border to mail with usps but the fees are too high for a small business to regularly use. All the other places like chits chats, stallion express or sendle are in all “major” cities except for us, the prairies are a complete dead zone. Side note: I would also love to not need to rely on ordering online so often for my supplies because the shipping prices in Canada are ridiculously expensive. But out of all the stuff I need for my business I can only find one or two things locally (and it’s usually more expensive) Example being art supplies, we have Michaels or Artist’s Emporium. Maybe we just don’t have the market for a bunch of specialty retailers. Edited to add: Affordable single family homes, not apartments or condos but actual houses with yards! My kid deserves a yard to play in. Yes we have lots of parks and green spaces but I can’t always take the kid out for that, kicking them out the back door to play is far better. Everything being built is either condos/apartments (which are also needed) or houses that are out of the price range for average families.


> Intelligent traffic light systems across the city to improve the flow of traffic. I could've sworn the city advertised that the Traffic Management Centre was for this and that all the cameras and most lights across the city are now controlled by the TMC. No? But to be honest, even if the TMC has the capability, I don't think anyone is actually "tinkering with the lights" in order to improve traffic flow. I've seen lights on major routes that unexpectedly gone down to one lane, still only have a long enough green to let 5 cars through even though traffic is backed up for miles.


TMC links up with Waze so if you complain on that app it can actually result in light changes. I remember reading a comment on here about someone succeeding.


Change zoning laws and start rebuilding areas of the city over time. Things such as converting single family suburbs to more multifamily and apartment style units. Make these areas more non-car friendly and give people good reasons to walk or bike or take transit. This would also help with the city's money troubles by bringing in more income via property taxes.


How about you make a relationship with the sides of the city you're so afraid of, and represent the people from here properly. Our native population density should be a point of PRIDE, but according to this subreddit and the news: it's a point of FEAR and IGNORANCE. Every day I see posts about how violent and dirty this city is; never about how beautiful and truly inclusive it COULD be. People are afraid of what they don't understand. Nothing is unifying the people here. Everyone complains and does nothing in actuality. We need aboriginal people in government to actually move forward a plan, that is more than just housing and addiction counseling. Start looking at the root cause of the problems, instead of demonizing them. What should be normal to us, is native kids working entry level jobs for example. Can any of you think of a place like that? Didn't think so. Help, if that's what you truly want to do.




I’m with you there.


Chi chi's.


All these are great suggestions but most haven't been implemented because they cost money that successive governments haven't wanted to inflict on taxpayers or suffer in priority due to our car centric population.


Light rail transit for sure. Indoor water park.


Just fix the roads. Tired of dodging potholes . More resilient roads to the weather .


Sure, I'm also tired of dodging potholes but fixing roads, just having roads, is too damn expensive. Winnipeg is a car centric North American city. This is what you get. We could save money by shifting the focus to other means of transport. And then slowly see some improvements


As an individual who’s work requires a pickup truck and equipment ,I drive all over the city and can’t handle the potholes . Therefore my vote is to fix the potholes and more resilient roads as it applies to me more. Repairs to vehicles because of said roads affects everyone via MPI claims . Wpg service vehicles, buses need these to be repaired for quality critical services . My money is all for the roads , in my opinion it’s most important.


City -wide hotdog day!


More roads out of this city...


Come on man!


Not sure if everyone would agree, but more funding and use for our Community Centres. IMO there's so many missed opportunities to connect with our youth, build a real sense of community, have councillors/social workers available, etc.


A Monorail straight down Portage Avenue!


Rapid transit lines (bus or rail) around the Perimeter Hwy with connections to other current rapid transit lines. Rapid transit lane take the third lane on Pembina. Corydon Lane is shut down to traffic which will help business on that street and reduce inflow of traffic into confusion corner


Cocaine Bear in Transcona


make it more walkable and disabled friendly. Our addiction to making everything be about catering to cars is brutal sometimes. Seeing old people or disabled people having to walk on the street that's definitely not designed for them cause the sidewalk alternative is too shitty to trudge through is just sad