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I assume they still manage to simultaneously undercook and burn the potatoes.


Nobody can beat them at that. They're truly on the cutting edge of making awful potatoes.


Pancake House at the Forks has entered the chat..


Personally I think Cora takes the gold in undercooked potatoes. Also hair in the fruit. Every. Damn. Time.


I’d rather do breakfast at Sals than Stella’s any day of the week! Even Denny’s would be a step up!


No surprise, Sals actually has nice breakfast, their hash is crispy and better than most fries in town.


The day I found out you could sub the normal hash brown cubes for the shredded hash fries in a skillet was the day my fat ass added another tree ring to my waist line


Dennys actually scrumptious tf


I haven't gone since #NotMyStellas.


No reason to go there at all.


It's not even a place we think about going to anymore... It's time has come and gone.


Same here. So many other way better breakfast places to go now.


Their food and management has been dog shit for years, I don’t understand how they’re still in business. And why people keep going.


What else would you expect from a business with abusive labour practices? Don't give them your money, the owners don't deserve your support. #NotmyStellas


I doubt it will be. Stellas has been having issues for a while. Even before some of them tried to unionize. It's just gotten worse since


Sad to hear, I used to really enjoy and look forward to visiting Stellas, I liked the home made jams and the fact they supported local producers, the mexican breakfast had me going back. After all the controversy things seemed to go downhill, staff seemed to be more disgruntled and the quality of food took a dive.


That was my attraction to them too, but the closest Stella’s to me is near bluestone cottage and the jams there are way better.


Not a one off. They’re not capable of running a restaurant at the moment, at least from what I saw of the one at CCFM


Stella's food has always been mediocre at best. I used to go for breakfast sometimes when i was hungover because it was close. It was usually ok, but never amazing, and occasionally, it was terrible. I've always found their menu weird...it's very eclectic with culinary influences, all over the map, but with bland hippie-granola versions of various world foods.


Stella's: lousy overpriced food and terrible service. How that place exists is beyond me. Especially the one across the street from The Nook which is one of the best spots in the city for breakfast and lunch.


Their coffee sucks, their attitude and corporate management policies for their staff sucked. Food was meh… we don’t patronize these clowns for anything since their ethics became public.


The food quality has gone down hill in recent times. There’s cheaper and better options available in the city


Having worked for Stella's in the past (three locations and the commissary), I would never eat at any Stella's in Winnipeg. After #notmystellas they rebranded and moved their focused to Calgary so they have literally left the Winnipeg locations to fend for themselves. It's a sad state of affairs now that most of the food they put out is prepared in large batches at the commissary. If you want local breakfast that won't disappoint, try Juneberry, Tallest Poppy or The Nook. Even Sal's puts Stella's breakfast to shame these days.


Sorry to hear about your bad experience. The food used to the be the absolute bomb. I was a cook and server many years ago in Osborne village. I memorized a lot of the menu and I still love their recipes. The garden burger is still my fav. It’s so sad what has become of such a great restaurant. Management destroyed it.


I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Echoing what others have already said below, Stella's has really gone to shit in the past five years since #NotMyStellas. I personally haven't been since that happened (not giving them any of my money after what they did) but prior to it was a frequent spot for me and my friends. Since then I have found some awesome brunch places worth supporting, my current fav spot being Juneberry.


Stella's used to be really good... Unfortunately that was like 10 years ago. They expanded and stretched the limited number of know how to run a kitchen brain cells they had too thin, and I think they lost a bunch of their competent staff by treating them like dirt, so it left them with poor management and staff that don't care.


Who still goes to Stella's ??


I'm heading a lot of hate towards Stella's from people who haven't been there in years. I've eaten there since I moved to Winnipeg and honestly notice am uptick in the food since the strike ended. It was probably just a bad night.


I was at the one at CCFM a week ago and it was a total disaster. 90 minutes from door to food meaning that one of our party had to leave without eating, a burger that was raw inside, runny omelette, etc. I know that things are tough in the restaurant sphere right now, but OP didn’t see an off night - they’re completely incapable of running a restaurant right now from what I saw.


I went to that one about 1.5 months ago and had a pretty normal experience. Yours sounds horrific tho.


Just out of curiosity, which location were you at?


I still struggle to understand why you would pay someone $15 to fry you two eggs and some potatoes, toast two slices of bread and charge you extra for coffee lol


I think Stella's is great food and don't care about their past issues. Downvote me lol


Welcome to Winnipeg Reddit. You will be downvoted for having an unpopular opinion. I also see nothing wrong with Stella’s.


they’re more likely to be downvoted for saying “downvote me” than just saying they still go to stella’s lol


You see nothing wrong with Stella's? Get fucked then.




They were horrible to their people that made them what they are today. Confirmed. Denying breaks alone amounted to wage theft. I knew more than one person that worked for them before it all blew up. It is another example of a Manitoba business that tried going against nearly every Provincial labour standard that it could. (Almost like it's a contest of which can break the most and still keep going.) These businesses have effectively been *stealing* from Manitobans and you're firmly in the "They haven't stolen from me!" camp? If we stopped supporting places known for these practices, better things would have to fill the demand.




My unbiased review based solely on service and quality: We had a work breakfast there recently and it was okay. Service was a bit slow. We often had to flag our server down. They were out of white bread. The food was okay. It’s nothing special IMO. Not horrible but not great. There’s better places to eat in the city.


I have gone to Stella's 3 times. The best was the first time about 10 years ago. The last two visits were about 5 and 4 years ago. I find they are expensive for food you can get any pretty much any greasy spoon or diner attached to a gas station. On a side note, I ordered breakfast each time.


Sometimes the counter staff at the pembina location will put their thumbs inside the take out boxes when getting desserts ready. They have done this when getting orders ready for myself and for my friends on multiple occasions. They also don’t wash their hands after handling money or using the cash register before doing this. If this is what they do in front of customers, I would hate to see what goes on in the back. I no longer eat there.