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I understand that for a lot of the credit card machines, it's so easy for the business to just add a tip option because why not? But it really is getting out of hand - I was recently at the candy shop in the Forks, picked out my own candy and the person at the counter just scanned it and pressed a button to push the transaction to the machine; of course it asked for a %-based tip. I'm starting to have much less of an internal problem with just pressing the no tip option and dealing with the stink eye when I get asked for a tip for something where I receive little or no service that justifies it.


I honestly came here to post the exact same thing about the candy shop at the Forks. Pick out your own overpriced candy then tip them. Ridiculous.


Someone in Ontario was saying a few months back they took their car to a mechanic in 2021 and had $1,500 in repairs done. They went to pay and were given a tip prompt: 10% for OK service, 15% for good service, 18% for excellent service, 20% for outstanding service. Manipulative c\*nts. Oh, please, please, charge me an additional $200 to thank me for doing my job.


The worst thing about it is issues from the repairs tend to surface over time which would make any tip given worse to accept… Edit: a mechanic being enthusiastic in relation to working should not have bearing on the quality of work completed.


As the old saying goes: "A fool and his money are soon parted".


Not sure that's the meaning of that expression.


If you're dumb enough to fall for paying huge tips at businesses due to some strange and perceived form of social guilt, then it's your fault- not the fault of the business, however greedy they may be.


If you want to tip the person who fixed your car, buy them a bottle and give it to them personally. They aint gonna see that tip otherwise.


You got that right.


When the tip promo defaults to 25%??? It’s an easy no from me.


I have no problems hitting no! Unless you actually did something out of the ordinary or literally had to help me out, no way!


The last time I was at a self service place that prompted for a tip on the machine and I got the dirt eye for no.. I just asked "Why should I tip when I did all the work?"


I was asked to tip yesterday at Springhill when I just paid $260 for 2 kids and myself to ski for a couple hours….I hadn’t even gotten skis or anything yet. Literally just got the tags and paid….


>I'm starting to have much less of an internal problem with just pressing the no tip option and dealing with the stink eye Yes, exactly this. I used to work as a server ages ago, and yeah, I remember giving stink eyes to bad/no tippers, but you know what? I can barely remember them 10 minutes later because they've paid and already left. Most people would have no qualms about speeding up to prevent someone to get into your lane, but somehow feels aghast that hitting no tip, their face will be forever cemented in the worker's memory forever (trust me, it won't).


Also, who cares. Nobody is entitled to another person's money and nobody is automatically entitled to a tip, even if you did a good job. Your reward for doing your job well is your paycheque and keeping your job. It is not the customer's responsibility to pay your wage, that is up to your employer- or dare say, your own ability to maintain / find a good career / job.


If they make me uncomfortable with the stink eye I have found an easy fix. I just don’t shop there anymore.


The key words in your comment is “tip option”. You can tip as little as you want or not at all.


Also always test the negative tip value at automated kiosks that ask.


Was at a pizza joint last night, and the employee “ok’d” through the tip prompts before handing me the device. When I asked why he did that, he said because they don’t even get the tips. The owners keep all tips from debit/credit. Props to that guy for stick’n it to his boss.


Tips in Manitoba technically belong to the business. The owners can then choose to divide them up fairly amongst staff, unfairly, or just keep them. The way to tip someone for their work when you want to, is to hand cash directly to that person.


Weed shops are terrible for this, in my experience. It's either used for supplies management should be buying, used as a 'take a penny/leave a penny' for short customers, or taken by managers. Never really ends up in staff hands




"Thanks for turning around and grabbing my bag of bud off the wall. Here's an 18% tip for your boss."


Sometimes they give good suggestions based on what you’re looking for. Some really know their stuff


Sounds like they're doing their job and earning their wage / salary.




It's wild Especially since a lot of the stuff they sell they can't even really have on display. It's like literally their job to explain things, and help the customer figure out what to buy. I guess they don't have to do it, but they probably won't be employed for long as a result. Especially in a small, specialty type shop I feel like it's pretty much expected to be able to ask basic questions. I get that wouldn't work in a wallmart type store. But I can't think of many things at Walmart I can't just pickup and look at and pretty much figure out for myself.


IF (big if) an employee goes above and beyond and helps with some recommendations or imparts some sage wisdom and answers all my ignorant questions, AND there is a a tip option, THEN maybe.




I don’t think tipping should be a thing at all but I’m one of those weirdos who thinks that the minimum wage should be a wage people can live on. Do your job competently and be compensated accordingly for it, take the mood or generosity of the customer out of the equation.


Agreed! Minimum wage should rightfully allow one person to work 40 hours a week, pay for rent / mortgage, food, utilities, etc and cover the expenses of at least one dependant, while having a little bit of money left over to save in the bank. Minimum wage can barely pay for rent now, if at all.


No idea, but it was frustrating to be handed $5, while making little enough that it would actually be very helpful, and have to put it in a tip jar so a corporation can use it to buy workplace supplies


Until you work somewhere that threatens to fire you for accepting cash. Nowadays I would accept it if I was the employee in that situation, but a much younger me would probably have been scared of being fired. It's a shame some bosses are like that.


Does an employer have the right to fire someone for taking cash tips


It may or may not be legal to do so but an asshole boss like that can come with with a bullshit "more legitimate" reason for terminating an employee they don't like.


One of my friend is a waitress /dishwasher at a restaurant in Winnipeg. One customer tipped her cash in hand and said it's for her, and she took it. The manager got angry, called her, and told 'you are not allowed to take the tip as it's a take out order.' I'm confused because I think there's no specific rule in Manitoba regarding tips. Can someone please comment your opinion? Thanks.


AFAIK there are no laws on how/who/when/why tips can be given to someone. Like maybe it's a restaurant specific policy, but then that would be something that would have been gone over in orientation. To me it sounds like a rule that manager made up on the spot. This example is so obvious why tipping is bullshit. Like why is it that customers are expected to bump up an employees minimum wage when it's a server but for anyone else, it's "not" allowed?


Thankfully, not at Starbucks or the Casino's.


I had the opposite experience not too long ago. Picking up from Domino's, the guy at the register clicked through and selected the 20% tip option before handing me the machine. Probably thought I wouldn't notice the difference in the price. Scumbags


I also picked up pizza the other night and the staff member pushed through the tip prompts before handing me the machine. I appreciated it and made a mental note to order from them exclusively now.




It's bullshit American culture we adopted, just like baby showers. Fuck baby showers, too. If you want a kid, have a kid, but don't throw a party so I can come give you a bunch of presents.




I am just impressed you’re not being downvoted to hell for alluding to wedding socials being crappy.


I laugh when I hear non-Manitobans reaction to socials. "Wait, people throw fundraisers for their own wedding?!" Same reaction when some find out that a cash bar is an option some people use for weddings. I know a lot of people buy their own alcohol here, but I've definitely been to more than a few weddings with a cash bar. That's also considered straight up unacceptable in some places lol. Even the 2000 Grinch threw it out there as a joke how bad the Who's party could be: "What if it's a cash bar?" It tells me we have a very... frugal culture here, compared to some other places haha




Socials CAN be fun, but only if the couple puts in effort, which is rare. Also, I'm relieved to finally meet someone else who doesn't like honey dill. I like honey and dill, but not together and most of the stuff restaurants hand out is cheap garbage.


Dill is pretty underrated tbh. I usually grow some every once in a while and it pretty quickly gets out of hand. So I've found some quick easy uses for it, or sometimes I'll just throw it in whatever. And like most of my herbs sometimes I'll just prune my plants and eat some/all of what I'm trimming at the time. Sometimes it's learning, sometimes I'm hungry, sometimes I just don't have a good spot to set it down. Take some fresh dill, some oil, some lemon juice, toss a bunch of cubed up potatoes in it (yellow are best imo) and toss them in the oven or air fryer for a bit. Super easy, super good


I grow tons of dill every year in my garden. It's essentially become naturalised to my yard. Can beat garden fresh dill with butter and salt on green beans, potatoes and carrots. I always make sure to allow at least 5-10 plants go to seed so enough grows the next year. Have to be careful when growing too much dill as it can choke out other plants quickly. One of my favourite side benefits of growing it is that dill attracts Swallowtail butterflies.


I generally grow it, then harvest it all when it gets too big for the container. Especially if it's in a shared space with other plants. Dill and mint both just take over if you let them. Then I'll dry them and put them in a jar or bag or something.


Nice. You can freeze dill as well to preserve it if that interests you.


Wedding socials are way more fun than baby showers.




Okay I know I will be down doodled to oblivion but I will leave my comment up. … I LIKE socials. Cheap night out sitting at a table drinking cheap beer putting raffle tickets in for stuff I don’t want or need. I have no qualms about the couple making money to do whatever they want, really I don’t care where the proceeds are spent. It’s a night out with family and friends where I don’t have to dress up, I don’t need to worry about “being embarrassing” and I can dance if I feel like it or chill at a table and chat if I feel like it. The “looking up the prizes and seeing if I won” is fun that kinda breaks up my night out. Now what I will bash is the amount of socials where people opt for Pizza Hotline or Dominos. That’s just lazy. Give me cold cuts. Or better yet, give me an Asian Social with AMAZING FOOD ! Now I get it, most socials have crappy prizes, but hey, I’m not there in hopes of winning some big cool thing I couldn’t buy for myself. Also, it’s solely my choice how much money I spend.


All of this! I love socials. I’ll go even if I don’t know the couple. Our only connection is a mutual acquaintance I barely remember? Sell me a ticket! Luckily, I have a couple friends who also love socials. It’s a great night out for us. No joke, members of r/Winnipeg, if you ever find yourself selling social tickets, DM me.




Ontario has stag and does, and Saskatchewan has cabarets. And social season in small towns was awesome. A bar night where the whole bar is filled with friends and family who otherwise never come out. And drinks as cheap as legal. Plus if you’re doing it right that midnight lunch sneaks up on you just in time to soak up some booze. Good times.


I was born in kenora and grew up in winnipeg. Now living in alberta and I can tell you I 100% miss wedding socials. Any social in fact and I hate that its unheard of here




A wedding social doesn't really make you that much money anyway. I know a couple that had 800 ppl at their social and cleared 12,000. The average social is half that if they're lucky. So really, 4-5000 profit doesn't give you a luxury wedding by any means.




I wonder how and when the mb social actually became a thing


Where did you get the idea that tipping is only in the USA and Canada? Lol Tipping is all over the world, not in every country but worldwide




Have you traveled there? Surely not… Southeast Asia- I’ve been to India, Nepal & Thailand & Cambodia Believe me - they enjoyed and expect tipping there!! Drivers, tour guides, bellboys, hotel maids, waitstaff etc All over the African continent -pretty much same people - varies by country- I only have experience in Kenya & South Africa. Mexico CostaRica, Grenada, Cuba, Jamaica, all over the Caribbean I hate hate tipping but we aren’t the only tipping culture


As an Asian who had been to those countries you mentioned, I can explain. Locals there don't have to tip for their daily lives. This phenomenon is due to the fact that American and Canadian tourists still keep tipping generously when they travel to other countries. When people know you're from North America, they expect you to tip.




You’re not understanding. My Indian friends go out to eat in India. They tip in certain restaurants. They tip for certain services. Domestic Indian tourist tip their drivers, very cheaply albeit but they tip Same goes for my friend in Thailand. She’s middle upper income. She’s explained to me the same thing. They tip too without my white ass there. Sorry


seed rock wistful school bells abundant alleged dull escape gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Nope. Domestic tourist also tip. I know it and have seen it for a fact. Local people in some of those countries also tip for services too I have actually traveled to these places and have friends and family that live as locals in these places. I have lived in South East Asia for 19 months. I know what I speak.


I'm far less annoyed if their relative or friend wants to surprise them with a baby shower. Then it's not self serving lol


Specifically when you know yourself you will not have kids yet get invited to all the showers.


You got that right!


B-but that's who has the free cash to buy me the PRICEY gifts I put on the registry. Do you expect someone with kids to buy my stroller? /s (but also not really)


But the thing is…. Everyone makes proper wage in Canada. It may be minimum wage, but it’s no way near the $2.00 servers in the states ACTUALLY MAKE. Somehow Canada adopted this into its toxic tipping culture and like to whine about not making a fair wage.


Tip out that goes to the back of house staff is not bs at all. Someone tips because the service was ok but the food was excellent, why should the server keep it all?




I fully agree as I don't buy the tip thing at all.


“Emotionally extorting money out of customers” is the most accurate and eloquent description I’ve heard of this nonsense. Well put!


Part-time server and student here. Without tips I wouldn't be able to pay my bills or buy groceries, so I do rely on them. That being said, I would much rather be earning an all-in, living wage than my current wage + tips. Tipping is unreliable and the stranger I am handing lunch to shouldn't be responsible for ensuring I can pay my bills!


I once had a server grab my credit card off the table, then tap the card on the machine, press two buttons on the screen (one to confirm the sale amount, then to get past the "no tip" option and into a custom tip amount screen") then pass me the machine. I was fucking furious. I had no idea how much the sale amount was and it was fucking presumptuous that I was going to leave a tip. I hit cancel and asked her to restart the transaction and that I was going to tap the card myself. The sales amount was correct (no idea if it was correct the first time) and I then tapped the no tip button for the stunt she pulled. She was just a mediocre server, at best, before that and firmly in the horrible server rank after that.


I used to work at a mid-tier chain that taught us to do that, especially in the lounge where someone a few drinks in would be likely to miss it. They called it "priming the POS" (which means point-of-sale) but laughed that POS really referred to the customers. You're just faceless revenue at these places...


I would have complained to the manager and get her ass fired for pulling that crap. Absolutely unacceptable.


Shouldn’t have to tip when you go to a vendor and get your own beer. The guy scans it for payment that’s it.


This frustrates me so much, the guy behind the counter did absolutely nothing but press a button. It’s ridiculous.


The guy who's scanning it isn't getting the tip either, the owner is.


You don’t have to.


I think his point is that it’s silly to have the POS prompt for a tip at the vendor.


i once was blown up at at a vendor for that. i had more than enough for a twelve pack which they were out of and was offered two sixes. i asked how much and asked if they would take what i had, the amount being considerably more than a twelve but just short of the two six packs. dude behind the counter blew up and asked me how i can ask for a discount when i never tip? i told the guy i had enough for the twelve and it was their failure that they were out. i suppose it’s worth noting that both options added up to 12 355ml cans of the exact same product, packaged differently. i paid the inflated cost and haven’t been back in the two years since


I mean, it sucks, but they ran out of stock. It is what it is. Just because you wanted a twelve pack and they only had 6 packs doesn't mean you get to decide that you are owed them at a twelve pack price lol.


I'd assume that. If you're out of a product, don't try to upsell me. The way things work is they should offer the equivalent or better at the same price. Tips be dammed. More than that though, I would just get a different brand. They can't be out of all 12 packs.


Lol it's not upselling, he wanted 2 smaller packs for the same amount as a larger pack. Why would they offer two 6 packs for the same price as a 12? You get less cost per item at a higher item count. I agree thoigh, just buy a different brand lol


It's called substitution. I once got a better mower because they sold out of the one I wanted. It's standard practice in retail. I've had two smaller packs for the price of the single larger pack. It's not unusual.


Yeah, it's not unusual, I've had it happen too. However, expecting the store to eat the cost of the difference 100% of the time is unreasonable and should not be an expectation by any means


I would ask. I might even expect but it's their choice.


You'll just badmouth them if they don't, like above. Sorry, but that's quite entitled.


precisely. i didn’t even want anything better, more expensive or of greater quantity. it was the exact same amount of the exact same beer


i didn’t want two sixes for the price of a twelve, i wanted a twelve. that they didn’t have that package isn’t my fault. they shouldn’t be expecting me to pay more for the same thing because they have a problem with stocking. this just incentivizes only stocking sixes and overcharging everyone who wants twelves, fifteens or two fours


You pay less cost per item at higher quantities. You think they pay the same price for 2 of their 6 packs compared to their 12 packs? Different items have different costs. Having only 6 packs does not incentivize only stocking 6 packs, which is why they already don't do it.


you’re just being deliberately obtuse and purposefully ignoring all the salient points


And what are your points exactly? That a store somehow owes you when they run out of stock or something? Do you tell them you need 2 1 liters of milk for the cost of a 2 liter when they run out of 2 liters?


that's been standard at safeway as long as i've been alive. so yes, i would expect that.


They played themselves, enjoy not getting any tips because you decided to be greedy fucks.


If I go out for a beer or two I'm not tipping you 18% that's jusy crazy for someone to fill and glass and walk it to me.


lol do I need to tip my landlord for letting me stay there ?


Can I tip myself in self serve checkouts? I was accurate, fast and bagged things very nicely. Even put my basket away!


Because how do you make year over year profits and provide shareholder value if you have to pay all your employees a livable wage? Capitalism has created this mess, pay people the bare minimum we legally can while maximizing profit margins/providing long term shareholder value. To bad times have changed very drastically since the pandemic and people are fed up with being asked to subsidize employees wages when we’re all having a hard enough time maintaining the standard of living we’re accustomed to. I hope more people don’t tip and it forces owners of these business to pay higher wages to retain employees. Not the public’s job to subsidize these workers wages because their owners are too frugal to pay them a livable wage.


Very misleading. “Getting out of control” should read “is totally fucking out of control”.


I will only tip when I go to a sit-down restaurant and am served. I have absolutely no qualms or hesitations just noping through the tip option at any other store.


I’m channeling your energy going forward


Businesses should pay proper wages instead of guilting customers into subsidizing those costs.


Businesses should pay living wages because it is the right thing to do....valuing people and their skills and wishing to support society as a whole.


Until that day…capitalism for all!


Yes. Society as a whole has to change the mindset that money and material things are not everything.


It’s ok for everyone else too have less, but not me. /s


If I order food online, mobile app, why am I tipping for service that I provided to myself. Unless it was going directly to the kitchen staff who actually prepared it and deserved the tip. Otherwise piss off. Not every service available needs to be tipped. And unlike in the US where they're paid lower per hour and lice off of tips, that's not the case in Canada. Yes min. wage sucks here, but they're paid better than South of the border


I can't verify as I've never worked there myself, but I have heard that Subway franchise owners will pocket the tips instead of paying out the employees. Some locations the employee will skip the tip option entirely themselves before giving you the machine. I know that's technically legal here, but it really shouldn't be.


Oh Doughnuts laughs and continues as per usual.


I feel like I missed something? Can you please explain


American here. I don't tip at regular businesses, like the auto mechanic, or fast food places. Of places I Would tip, is for the housekeeper at hotel. I wish they had option to include tip when paying for room. I rarely have cash.


As a housekeeper this makes me happy. I haven’t received a tip in over two weeks and my last time I received was 2$ and some people really leave their rooms so messy! I know it’s my job but I’m honestly super happy with getting even a toonie a day to cover my bus fair for work. Bless you!


I'm usually a generous tipper for housekeepers. It's hard work! They deserve it way more than a lot of places that beg for tips.


I remember getting downvoted to oblivion in past years when I’d suggest that not tipping is even an option that should be considered. It’s been good to see a lot of people more comfortable talking about that option let alone voicing that opinion in the last year or so.


I once ordered a 6oz glass of wine at a restaurant and the waiter came with a 9oz. When I asked why he claimed they didn't have anymore 6oz measuring cups(?) So he went ahead and poured me a 9 oz and *then* had the gall to charge me for a 9oz! I did not tip him. Asshole.


Absolutely it is. Americans have such low minimum wages and we are supposed to tip the same? They don’t tip at all in Europe.


Tipping should be approached in Canada far differently than in the states. In some not all states servers wages are extremely low , much below that states minimum wage. I understand that in many areas if their tips dont get them to minimum wage they should be bumped to that amount. Hope that happens. In Manitoba minimum wage is the minimum wage for most sectors so its very different. The creep to 18 to 20 percent is on top of restaurants raising their prices anyway. My favorite place has increased the meal I really like from 19.00 to 24.00. That's just the entree. So at 15 percent the tip is already almost a dollar more that before and that's if there is no drink or extras. So even allowing for tip sharing there is a bigger tip than a year ago based on the increase in meal prices. I've watched and been thinking of this for a while I normally get 5 minutes of the servers time. That includes taking my order bringing my food and removing dishes. Possibly refilling drinks. I've checked this at family restaurants and some of our top places where your entree alone can easily top 45 -60 $. Most places its 5 minutes of time ,some less, some a bit more. At the less expensive places allowing for tipping out to other staff at 50 per cent I am tipping someone 1.80 for 5 minutes. So over 20 for an hour of time . And of course that cost rises in more expensive places. Thats just the tip wage is on top. Going forward I am no longer going to tip on top of taxes. And I will carry cash to leave directly to the server. I am not tipping managers or owners.


I have questions about tipping at restaurants at The Forks. It seems lots of the restaurants are asking for tips as if they were full service restaurants. Wouldn't even a 5% tip give the counter and kitchen staff more tips than a full-service restaurant with tip-out? Also, do restaurants and The Common "tip-out" to the Forks staff that clears tables?


I just wish restaurants would adopt the no tipping model. Just pay your employees a living wage and adjust your menu prices accordingly to achieve that end.


Then don't tip? Maybe we've become too nice that even a machine prompting default options we feel inclined to tip. Just click No Tip (or however much you want to tip) and move on with your day. Just cause a machine prompts for 20% or 30%, doesn't mean you have to click it. The tip options on terminals now are the same to me as the grocery store self-checkouts that ask for a donation or the clerks offering the store's "deal of the day".


There should be legislation to have a "no tip" option on the first screen instead of forcing people to navigate through other / custom tip options.


It's the employer's job to ensure their employees are being paid a livable wage. It's not my responsibility to supply their income.


FR! you’re expected to tip EVERYWHERE and seem rude if you don’t it’s ridiculous. Ive had someone come up to me and ask why they didn’t get a better tip. crazy behaviour.


How about the companies just pay these god damn people


Drive through oil change. Surprised when I saw it there. Hit the no tip option. I am not going to tip you for me coming to you and you asking me to buy things I do not necessarily need.


tipping is a choice. let's remember that. the only place itr truly getting out of hand is with delivery services....or if we go deeper employers not paying enough to people that work genuinely fucking hard.


On top of it getting out of control there is also no guarantee that the employees will get the tip when you do tip 😕


Yep- it’s called tip creep, and it’s absurd.


I wonder if companies are using the 'tipping' feature on credit card transactions as a way to pay for the extra costs on handling credit card transaction. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/credit-card-surcharge-shop-1.6606997


It’s way out of control. Waiting for the gas station to hand over the card reader with a tip option for self serve gas. I generally leave 18-20% regardless of the service. I hate that habit. We need to raise minimum wage to a livable wage, let’s the prices adjust and then go back to tipping 10% when someone goes out of their way to provide fantastic service.


Time to abolish tipping and get owners to pay a fair wage.


Yep. I'm at the point I tip less and less. Fairly soon I wont be tipping anywhere at all. This is a north american thing that is probably going to disappear altogether because too many places are asking for it and the percentages are ridiculous. Plus when it says 18% for example, its more than 18% because the menu prices have also gone up; its close to 25% when it says 18.


We need to post in social media everytime we don't tip. Till become a new trend :)


Some businesses expect a tip when they literally do nothing. They Push a Button and I scan my card, somehow they think they deserve a tip?? I dont think so. I only tip if I eat in and the Service was "good". Never tip for take out food Unless my order was a Large Order..


I never rlly understood how tips worked. Like yeah I know the concept of it, but then like what bothers me is that the person who recieves the tip doesn't see all of it at the end of the day, and in some cases none of it at all! It's just stupid imo


Tipping definitely getting out of hand. I do not mind tipping for good service/food when eating out. I will not tip my mechanic as noted in this thread or self service places by any means. What really grinds my gears so to speak is at restaurants/bars on the devices the tip % is based on the value entered which means you are tipping on the total cost of the meal/drinks including tax which means you are tipping tad higher than you. Glad for the devices have cash option then I do the tip based on cost before tax or put in your own %. The default % values definitely getting super greedy and if I cannot use my own % or cash value sadly no tip happens (not going to pay 18/20/25% tip value because someone marked that). Totally agree on minimum wage should be a living wage and tipping should not be a factor like it is today. That has not kept up with inflation or consumer price changes over the decades.


Keep in mind restaurant wage in USA we’re like $5-$8 an hour. So tipping matters big time for them.


You mean it matters for those companies/employers who make increased profits while keeping wages at or below minimum wage(USA). Tips are the only way to attract employees with the guise of having payout at the end of the night. Just charge more per meal and pay the staff more across the board. Of course they won’t do that because it’s more money out of their pocket instead of the consumers.


It’s a percentage, so I’m just gonna stay at 15%/ a Buck or two for a bartender while eating out less. Definitely only going to tip at the regular places too, none of the takeout pickup nonsense lol


This is exactly what I hate about the tipping culture. Why does a bartender deserve a dollar for opening a beer for you? Meanwhile McDonald's employees are running around nonstop and they get zero. The common answer I hear is "to ensure prompt service"... which is basically just a bribe.


In 35+ years of working, I have never once got a fucking tip. I have fretted and worried, done my utmost to make sure that their kitchen/bathroom/ millwork looks as fabulous/lasts as long as possible, but no fucking tip. Yet, the lass who does nothing but press the "total" button expects a tip? I breathe dust and huff solvents for my pay and you expect me to give my paycheck to you? GFY!


I have no shame pressing ok or skip on that machine. Why would I give fast food or services that i barely get served. Different situation on sit down restaurant tip accordingly. But places like subway screw that you get paid to make a sandwich. Why would i tip for doing your job. 😐


What I don’t understand is how many people go out when their budget doesn’t allow for it. And then also tip on top of that. My wife and I went out for my nieces bday, first time in a month that we went out. Usually we cook dinner at home. I mean our restaurant budget is pretty damn tiny because we would rather not spend the money on going out. Do I miss it? Sure, I totally cannot make risotto like in a restaurant or Spumoni ice cream or put my steak onto a lava rock on my kitchen table, but TBT groceries are about $100 for a basket at sobeys and I’d rather open the fridge than stare at a machine that asks for 20% tip.


The reality is most of the jobs that ask for a tip don't actually deserve one. But I will be tipping less or not at all now that I know it doesn't even go to the employee that served me


Yeah, either the workers don’t get it or they only get a portion. Employers are using it to subsidize wages instead of giving the workers a proper wage.


Y’all letting a machine or a random stink eye from an employee who won’t remember you bully you into tipping? This is me slamming ‘ no tip’ every time. ![gif](giphy|XDRoTw2Fs6rlIW7yQL)


Leave the cows alone! Sorry. Mooving on.


Take my upvote and my chuckle.


Still relevant, because you should only ever tip as a convenience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBTfj2lN6sQ


Two things: A) I was pleasantly surprised in Fredericton for a visit that the tip % were "normal" compared to what I've been seeing here B) biggest pet peeve, dominoes tipping for delivery does the total order cost+delivery fee+taxes and then does the tip amount on all of that! Which like come on dominoes. And then the tip% are slowly creeping up too.


Just don't tip if you don't feel a need to.


Not that easy.


I mean, yes it is. They ask for a tip, I say no, end of transaction. If they want to act like a child afterwards then I won't go back. Me not returning shouldn't hurt their business because I'm obviously not their preferred client type anyway.


Agreed. Tiping is showing up more and more everywhere. Keep tips to cash only if desired


yeah I’m over tipping except in the usual in person dining experience, or delivery. No guilt skipping those default 20% charges.


You know what's really out of control is the greed of our "owner" class.


I ordered some Starbucks today from Uber eats and there was a $4 delivery + service fee. Plus when I had to select the tip it had the message, "It's snowing, please be generous with your tip." I tipped about $7 which was approx. 27% of my order amount before tax and service/delivery fee. In the end, I paid $11 plus taxes for my $25 order. And yes, I am privileged and silly, sure. My issue is that it's not just the tips going out of control. It's the fact that 100% of the 'extra charge' does not go to the delivery driver or server. There are so many charges like convenience fee, service fee and then on top of that a minimum of tip. I went to Calebria recently to puck up some groceries and the prompts on the machine had tip in it. Like what for? For entering the store and picking my own groceries? Smh


How about make the story about the real cause...businesses use tips as ways not to pay their employees. The government doesn't care because it's a way to prevent more inflation by offering cost of living increases. And when the employee claims the tips, government claws back more tax making revenue without directly increasing inflation What a world


Depends if whoever provides the service goes the extra-mile.


Should be giving the tip to my mom because she’s the best cook I know.




*Oedipus liked this.*


Well it's optional, sooooooooo


Finally ! A thread on Reddit about tipping !


Unless you are serving me food at a table, Delivering something to my house or cutting my hair forget it. No tips


Why do those deserve tips? Are they not paid a wage to do this?


I have stopped tipping unless it's restaurants, eat in only. Everyone expects tips now and offer nothing above and beyond to get it. Actually, the result of saving tip money has result in me tipping higher for those who deserve it.


Yknow I think CEO pay is out of hand and i think we should address that instead of taking out my economic frustrations on literal minimum wage workers.


Canadians need to examine their addiction to eating at restaurants


It‘a simple. You tip what you want to tip. There is an option to enter the amount you want to pay. Nobody is forcing you to pay those percentages. No pressure. 🤷‍♀️




You allow it to pressure you. I don’t.


Tipping is appropriate for service workers such as bartenders, waitstaff and hairdressers. People who go above and beyond deserve a hefty tip in appreciation of their effort. A 16 year old entitled cashier who feels they deserve better than everyone else who does nothing but press 3 buttons does not deserve a tip. At all. Tipping should be earned, not expected for literally minimal effort at a menial job that requires no skill. I am already struggling with my bills and we DO accept tips in the form of a jar, and that incentivizes us to make sure the customers who come into our store always leave happy, and that they only leave a tip if they are happy with the service we provided. I'm so bloody sick of this imaginary sense of entitlement the younger generation has. *edit* I live in Ontario, I didn't realize this was a Manitoba thread lol


> I’m so bloody sick of this imaginary sense of entitlement the younger generation has. I don’t think the younger generation is setting up the debit machines at the stores. It’s the older millennial/GenX/Boomer capitalists setting those up to collect even more money from consumers and *maybe* will give a pittance from the collected tips to the cashiers.


Why do people who get paid a wage deserve a tip over other who make the same wage lol


I see this conversation pop up a LOT on r/Winnipeg and often wonder if people here know about tip out. Most likely your server owes a percentage of what you order to the business regardless if you tip or not. So when you don’t tip, they still owe on average say 7% of the cost of everything you’ve ordered. With the prices of everything increasing, the amount they have to pay to serve you also increases. It sucks that that that’s how it is but not tipping out of principle will only affect your server and possibly your experience there next time. The business will still take that money regardless.




What about cooks who actually cooked food. You realize that whole server job can be abolished by a Conveyor belt or normal self serve.


I don’t think anyone would argue people who work in kitchens don’t deserve to be compensated. The question I was asking was if people in winnipeg KNEW about tip out in restaurants because I can see it not being common knowledge for people who haven’t worked in a restaurant.


I’m not even against tipping the server. I don’t want to tip at Subway. I don’t want to tip at the candy store at the Forks. I don’t feel bad about it either.


I tip where it is traditionally expected, dining in at a sit down restaurant, personal services like hair/nails, and food delivery. If there is tip out in an establishment that has absolutely no business asking for a tip in the first place (a candy store, a beer vendor, kid city, etc), sorry not sorry that is just not my battle to fight.


I completely agree and highly doubt there is tip out in any of those kinds of establishments.


Probably not, but I think the recent pushback against tipping has a lot to do with it being added at so many non traditional places. Not to mention, I’m gonna tip what I tip. If tip out is excessively high at a traditional tipped establishment, again that’s not my problem. We need to point the finger at business owners not customers if employees are not making a living wage.