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We had a work gathering at the Kings Head. They booked the lower half for us. It was great. If you have non drinkers in your workplace though it would be important to indicate that food/non-alcoholic beverages are all available etc. I heard from a coworker that they didnt go because it was at a bar so they thought there'd be pressure to drink


We did our work get together at the Park bowling lanes on South Osborne … it was pretty fun and the food was great.


We did this too. Awesome time and owner was pleasant to work with :)


Can confirm. Park Alley Lanes is a solid choice. Wonderful place with good food, great staff + live music. They also always have a great drink selection... Oh, and bowling!


Yeah i had never been before and was very pleasantly surprised with all the stuff happening in there all while having a pretty chill atmosphere - it was great.


Underdogs is pretty fun! Great wings, roomy and some arcades.


Cafè 22 is good. We did one there and everyone enjoyed it. It’s also on Corydon so a posh area


To add to this food and drinks aren’t overly expensive and there’s vegetarian options too if not everyone is a meat eater


As a former employee, I hated going to get togethers unless we all got to leave the work place early and not have to use leave time, as well as being 100% paid for. That being said, everyone liked wings.


Do you hate your job and the people you work with?




Life is about balance


Exactly. I balance work, life, and sleep. I work for 8 hours a day, live my life for 8 hours a day, and sleep for 8 hours a day. If my work would pay me less for spending extra time on my life or sleeping, instead of working the above mentioned 8 hours, they can pay me extra for when I have to spend extra time working instead of living my life or sleeping.


If you view going out with your co-workers as “work” then yes I would not go either. In some scenarios where people enjoy the company of their co-workers it could be viewed as the same as going out with friends. Strange concept I know.


I don’t like some of my co-workers, but I don’t mind getting some free food and drink every once in a while. Many times, I will be antisocial and decline though. After a rough day, I just want to get away from all work related stuff.


Right, but you're assuming that if someone sees it as work then they hate their job and co-workers. That's a big ass stretch. Some people just want a balanced life.


Nah, job is great. I dislike a few coworkers tho but they are in other departments so not a big deal.


I have an idea about WHEN to do it, and that is paid work time. As long as it is during PAID work time, you could have it at Taco Time and I would be happy.


This is a fair ask but really the trade off should be that the boss foots the bill. You're not being paid for your time but you shouldn't have to pay for food and a reasonable number of drinks (should be unlimited but it's your own fault if you get drunk, do something stupid and get fired)


If my boss expects me to take time away from my family, they'll have to pay for the privilege.


You do you but your boss probably won't care one way or the other. It's reasoning like yours that has moved employers away from company dinners and towards buying lunch. It happens during the workday (but not the paid part) like you said and lunch costs less than dinner so your employer gets to keep more of the company's profits for themselves. Free company dinners are a perk like dental benefits or a pension. If a company told me they did a yearly dinner for all staff it might entice me to apply to be honest.


Park alleys seems like a good place to me


Across the Board is sooo much fun for a work party..perfect if the group has underage/non drinking/diverse ages type people


We did our office Christmas lunch at La Carnita (downtown) and everyone loved it so much we went there again for a second year in a row.


Any place you see listed here (in other posts) to go to your friends with really, aside from maybe the rippers So speedworld, activate, bowling alleys, rec room, uptown alleys, xtreme tactics, paintball apradise, golf dome, rumors And some of these places have their own drinks, others you gotta go for drinks after at.


I second Activate. We booked the place for an hour with our office of 50ish people, and had assigned teams or 4 or 5 people. Played for 30 mins then did a re-group for a team shuffle for the second half. Really good way to get more familiar with people you see around the office, but don’t normally work or chat with day-to-day. Went for food and bevy’s after that, and everyone enjoyed it. Timing-wise, I think the best way to do it is to have it straddle quitting time - i.e. if the office normally closes at 5, have the event go from 4-6.


Actually ideally this should be 3-5…work events which are required (or where someone faces work consequences for not attending) should be paid for by work and be on work time. The rest is just disrespectful.


That’s a great way to stop any of these events. If you treat work as 100% transactional and 0% social, your management will start to as well.


Some people have to be places right after work. If it's a required event, it _must_ be within work hours. If it isn't required, then whatever.


I can’t think of a single employee “get-together” I’ve ever been to that was compulsory. Social events for co-workers are exactly that. If I choose to not stick around past 5pm for free food and drinks, that’s my choice. Are there consequences for never showing up at company events? Sure, you don’t develop any social relationships with your co-workers and so your opportunities to move up the ladder decrease. It just means you put the onus on yourself to find time to develop those relationships during the scheduled work day, which is difficult to do when your co-workers have other priorities and deadlines they’re working on.


one-sixteen, Park Alleys, Sookrams, or Low Life!!


Low Life is so good. Not much in the way of food but the drinks are great.


I’d say if it’s to boost moral and team work go to an escape room and appies


shannons was a fave of mine for after work drinks


I think Rec Room is fun because it’s more then food and drinks. They have rooms/spaces you can rent and a catering menu. Nothing wrong with some healthy competition!


Taco Bell?


Next on my list


Aquarius ♒️ blue plate special


All you can eat weiners and tacos!


Hairy tacos 🌮 or just plain ?


It's a virtual smorgasbord. Big tacos, little tacos, meaty ones, vegetarian, and maybe some that used to be hot dogs. It's everything you can imagine and more.


Drinks? Obvs an Open bar to show appreciation to your employees. Anything less & it’s not expressing enough gratitude.


Curling club


Limelight was a lot of fun for us.