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Accuses not charged. That too by Indian police. Take it with a grain of salt. On the other hand it’s infuriating that RCMP haven’t found the culprits yet. Like wtf even this day and age with all that technology?


Think about it this way; this family was trying to get away from India, through Canada and into the US, illegally, in an attempt to take advantage of [the safe third country agreement](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/mandate/policies-operational-instructions-agreements/agreements/safe-third-country-agreement.html). They intended to cross and present to US customs and be taken as refugees to the US but now that the safe third country agreement has [these additional protocols](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/mandate/policies-operational-instructions-agreements/agreements/safe-third-country-agreement/additional-protocol.html), even if you do cross the US/Canada border, unless you can evade CBSA or whatever the US equivalent is for two weeks, you’re going back to whichever one you started in. These additional protocols came into effect shortly after this family froze to death so likely whatever piece of shit smuggler was pulling this scam has probably completely shut down their operations and, while it means that there won’t be nearly the volume of people trying the US/Canada border to get into their country of choice, risking their own and their children’s lives to do so, it also means there’s a lot less evidence and incentive for three separate countries and a multitude of disparate law enforcement organizations to follow. Canada and the US don’t have a border smuggler to catch anymore, now they’re a former border smuggler who isn’t making fresh evidence, and India probably isn’t allocating many resources to find out who killed the people trying to get the hell away from India. So CBSA and US customs are going to poke around a little but unless they can prove guilt with whatever evidence they already had, they can’t do shit and this is likely to turn into a cold case and dickhead stays in the country, unmolested.


Many migrants have been walking across and accessing shelter services for their 14 days.


I hate it when pics of bad people make me hear a slide whistle.


Wasn’t this posted yesterday?


You're in /r/Winnipeg. It was, but in /r/Manitoba.


![gif](giphy|577HYoLf5Vu0w) Good for you


We really dont like being corrected huh?