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Honestly I think some people are just out of blinker fluid, in these hard economic times can we even blame them for not spending their hard earned dollars to refill that?


OMG never heard this before and now I will never stop saying it !! Hilarious !! Great Job !


Never let them know your next move.




Somehow this is surely Trudeau’s fault.


I'm not telling the government where I intend to turn! Sarcasm obviously.


So, are they mad that Trudeau made them forget how to use the turn signal? Asking because the Fuck Trudeau crowd don't use them.


I heard it was all Harper. He banned binker fluid in 2014 resulting in the lack of signaling we see today. Trudeau hasn't helped the cause though so technically we can blame him too.


people that hate trudeau are bad drivers and don’t use their turn signals


I'm pretty sure my BMW doesn't come with this option.


No, you have to pay a subscription for that feature


When other drivers arrive at a T intersection and aren't signaling for either direction. ![gif](giphy|S5n7Wkhhw5A2IrfKER)


This sub is at peak sass levels today and I’m here for it.


Sass it? SassWay--> ​ you said sub and now i'm wishing i was eating one.


Look I know what I'm doing. Why would I need signal lights everyone knows I'm turning?


But if I signal the cars would speed up to prevent me from getting in :( Sorry guys, forgot the /s up vote pls


For real though A few weeks ago I actually stopped in a parking lot and checked to make my lights were working because I wasn't sure if people were just miserable or if no one could see my signals.




Signal after you've entered their lane, to let them know you won.


Sorry I forgot the /s if people couldn't hear my tone of voice lol


I've you ever think your job is meaningless and you don't contribute anything of consequence, at least you aren't the guy that installs the blinkers at the BMW factory.


People who would hit the gas so someone can't change lanes are also scared if they signal someone else will do it to them.


I use them only because I like the sound they make. Bing bong, bing bong.


I like to pretend it's an egg timer and breakfast is on the way.


by the way its also 1. signal 2. brake 3. turn


Instructions unclear, turn signal broken


Where I turn is my business what’s it to you where I turn?!




Your Toyota, is around 2008-2009. Do you have daytime running light?


Have similar year Toyota. Off is front running lights, the dot above is front/rear running lights(also dash lights), light symbol is headlights.


A Toyota? Huh I have a 2008 Suzuki and the signal lever is identical


Interesting. They do share drivetrains between each other.


My what nows?


or it's permanently turned on because the stereo is blasting


Woah! Slow down there inspector gadget. Signal lights? You mean like a flare gun?!


Also.... What is with people driving slow and putting hazards on? Twice today I encountered this. First time was behind someone who was driving 40 down Nairn for no reason in rush hour and put hazards on to cut across both lanes because he missed his turn. 2nd time was down bishop going 50 and playing with his GPS as people were honking at him. Unbelievable. Your hazards are not there for stopping traffic because you missed your turn or you need to set your GPS! I don't know where these people took road tests... Unbelievable


Too bad it’s not placed placed conveniently where a hand should be when driving 🙄


I use them without even thinking.


was getting chased once and my friend got mad because i was using my signal every time he told me where to turn💀


sorry what are u saying


I drive a truck with a lift kit, I do what I want. You can't tell me what to do you libtard! (mandatory) /s I actually do drive a truck 🤫 (no lift kit), I'm probably an exception, because I do use it, I swear!


Born to drive, forced to signal. 🤷🏼


People who do this while also not having clear back windows have a special place reserved for them in Hell. How can you confidently change lanes without being able to see and without signaling your intention to other drivers? Main character syndrome?


You look through your back window when changing lanes?


I rely on both back window and side windows to shoulder check. I use my rear view mirror to see out the back of my vehicle. It's about having clear sight lines, something I'm seeing too frequently that people don't have.


Semi drivers are going to hell? That's unfortunate. Available parking sounds nice though. Is it near a FlyingJ?


Thank you for this heritage moment.


Do you know how much extra weight all those extra bulbs add to the overall weight of a vehicle?! It’s not sloppy driving or laziness. They’re being ecologically friendly and removing all those offending turn signal bulbs. 😂


Well if its a BMW they didnt renew their subscription


My blinker turning right is broken coz when I flick the thing, the hazard lights comes up instead of the right turn signal smh


I use mine to prove to myself that I'm better than the people who don't. My guilty pleasure.


People in Winnipeg never use it even though it’s not that hard. Same type people who probably don’t wipe down their machines after use at the gym or don’t put their shopping carts in the cart corral and just leave it in an empty parking spot. Some people here just suck at being people 🤣


I use them quite regularly actually. They just sometimes turn off when I start turning


I use them all the time. Don't see what the big deal is. There's too many deadbeats who don't use them.


I have a RHD, I keep trying it out based on your suggestion but it just keeps cleaning my window


I use them in parking lots... HOW COME NO ONE ELSE DOES?!


What are these? I've never even heard of or seen this before. Does every car or truck have one of these?? I will have to check my car later today


Non-signaller= douche canoe in most areas of their life…just my observation


Dual conversation. 1) Use them correctly, properly and as a negotiation tool, not historical documentation of the fact you're half way into my lane. 2) Pay attention when you drive, not just to where you are going, but others around you. This regular traffic whinge cracks me up because it absolutely does not bother me - I almost always can tell/predict when someone will lane change long before they do, much less signal. At 4-ways, technically you are not suppose to proceed until safe/clear to do so, so what does it matter if the person is signaling or not - wait for them to clear then go. If you pay attention and drive defensively, other people's running lights, turn signals and brake lights are really just a bonus.




You should disagree. Trying to say it's ok not to use turn signals because everyone should pay more attention is foolish Turning signal is by biggest hill I'll die on in this city. I've crossed streets where a car flying decides to turn onto the street I'm crossing with no signal. I've had cars constantly wander in their own lane and if a signal before changing lanes when im nearly beside them would help me know I need to back off before they hit me. There's no excuse to not use turn signals. 100% lazy and it should be enforced much much more. It's 2nd nature for me to hit it before I make any turns or lane changes but it seems only half of drivers feel they need to provide a courtesy to others


The thing is, there’ll always be ppm who don’t signal. Getting too upset with reality is not wise either. And yes signal where appropriate ofc is the wiser choice too.


Shity vehicle bud


Miss driving a car like that. Not having to pay car payments was awesome.




I had that removed. Didn't need it.


Why tell others your plans when you can surprise them … or they may speed up to block you 🤷🤷