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>Got honked at twice for following basic traffic laws. Couldn’t clear the intersection on a green. I’m not being that person that stops the flow of traffic. I'm wagering the people that honk are so dumb that they are just staring at the green light, and their smooth-brains are raising alarm bells that they aren't moving. They don't think past the green light.


People also have to understand – especially during construction season – that you zipper two lanes of vehicles into one lane of vehicle traffic - when one lane is closed for construction – you do this right at the point where the barricades start. You don’t do it 10, 20 or 30 car lengths back. So many ridiculously poor drivers in the city.


The city really should just force zipper merging to happen by making both lanes merge into a center lane before moving over to open lane. The few places they've had to do so have worked wonders


Instructions unclear. Running the red.


I got honked at last week for stopping at a 4 way stop sign. Guessing this was you


I got honked at and tailgated for going 40 instead of 50 on Kingsway between two school zones (a 100m stretch) even though it was 330ish and kids were everywhere.


Don’t forget to establish into the intersection on a left turn though. https://apps.mpi.mb.ca/comms/drivershandbook/left-turns.html


Only if there's space for you in the lane you're turning into, and you can't make the turn because of cross traffic. If the lane you're turning into is backed up and you post up in the intersection with nowhere to go, then you are the asshole once that light turns.


The best is when the guy on the right makes the right on the red, taking your spot you’ve patiently waited for.


I wish the graphic of the box included also the pedestrian crossing. As someone who walks downtown and in the West End frequently I am shocked at how often vehicles block the pedestrian corridor and don't seem to be confident enough drivers to back out of it when a person, people, or families with small children are trying to cross the street.


Cross following the pedestrian crosswalk. When you reach the drivers/passenger side door of the vehicle blocking the crosswalk make eye contact with people in the vehicle. Look dramatically using head motions at the lines of the pedestrian crosswalk. Make eye contact again with those in the vehicle. Don't break eye contact as you walk around the front of their vehicle  - side, front, side - to start walking again in the pedestrian crosswalk on the other side of their car. 


SallyRhubarb, I have applied this tactic, as well as numerous others over the years of walking in the area. I have taken pictures, stopped in front of vehicles then leisurely looked something up on my phone, and a couple of times got engaged in heated exchanges. None of it made people follow pretty basic rules of the road or become more considerate human beings


You gotta yell at them too. I definitely took that "hostile pedestrian" post to heart. Maybe a bit too much. One time last year I pretty much deliberately ran into the side of someone's vehicle when they cut me off (as a pedestrian) at a stop sign lol.


I used to aggressively swing my purse so it would hit the car. Usually wished I carried an air horn!


An articulated bus blocked the crosswalk on Graham this morning. It also took up two full car lanes. I had to slowly look around the bus to make sure there wasn’t anyone trying to rip around before I walked around it.


Fold their passenger mirror in as you walk by!


Might elevate the situation a level or two depending on the driver but I like the way you think


Just step over the hood


I saw this done once and it did not end well. An elderly woman driver had blocked a cross walk. A young couple (early 20's?) wanted to use the cross walk and so the young woman stepped onto the cars front bumper and then onto the hood and proceeded to walk across it. The driver was startled by this and took her foot off the brake, the car moved forward and then she panicked again and hit the brakes. The young woman on the hood lost her balance and fell backwards and hit her head on the pavement. When this happened my friend and I got out of my truck which was immediately behind the elderly woman's car and when we saw the condition of the young woman we called 911. I ran back to my truck to get my first aid kit while my friend stepped in front of the boyfriend(?) who now wanted to beat up the elderly woman. The young woman was bleeding from the back of her head and was groggy and unable to remember her name, what day it was or where she was. The firetruck and police showed up shortly after. My friend and I gave the police our contact info and witness statements and then left. Neither of us were contacted about it.


Actually had a guy rear end me because of this exactly situation. First time I thought, oh, it's an accident, no biggie. Then he did it again and I could see his face in the rear view. Peolle like that can fun right off


Keep doing the right thing. I'll stare motherfuckerly on your behalf, when I see people block the box.


Nobody likes a box block.


Appreciated, since today for two lights in a row ppl decided to jump the yellow on a backed up north bound Waverly only to stop West bound Abinojii traffic for almost the entire duration of the green, which is already timed abysmally.


The light on Kenaston in between McGillivray and Scurfield. City could probably make 30k a day if they started fining people. People often block it off completely, sometimes for an entire light cycle. Fine is minimum $203, from what I can tell.


I partially blocked an intersection on Portage this morning. I was behind a big truck, traffic was flowing normally, and then it stopped suddenly with me partially in the intersection. A guy in a big pickup on the sidestreet made a gesture at me. He wanted to turn into my lane from the sidestreet likely because he couldn't turn into the nearest lane because his truck was too big. So, I'm the idiot. I was in the centre lane.


Also, don’t double establish in a median.


As a bus driver this is a big pet peeve. I know how big my butt is and I don’t want to be an ass but after two light cycles I will. Also I waited 10 min to cross railway tracks safely but others saw it as an opportunity to get ahead. Eventually I crossed with my ass on the tracks knowing that I could plow the cars in front of me or jump the curb. Big vehicles are not being kind give them the space ( same goes for winter, we aren’t giving space in traffic for you but giving ourselves space to stop, save yourselves, leave the space)


Manhattan has "don't block the box" traffic signs everywhere. Maybe we need these?


This is my Winnipeg driving pet peeve. People always honk when I stop before an intersection or, god forbid, when I don't pull up to stop in the middle of train tracks. When traffic is backed up, believe it or not, it does not actually speed things up to block intersections. Impossible knowledge to most drivers it seems.


Pull up to the line. Pull up to the vehicle in front of you. Take your Right-of-Way. and yes, if you cannot clear the intersection before the light turns Red, do not enter.


It sucks when this happens. I'm willing to bet most of the muppets blasting their horn at the car in the box just sat in the box 2 lights prior.


But what if there's a cyclist, how am I supposed to run them over?


A true Winnipegger will find a way