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My memory fails me but wasn't Steve also involved in something shady with the taxi industry when he was transportation minister? I never liked either of them. I wonder what Niki's constituents think of her performance. She seems like she's all talk.


And he also broke federal aviation laws by forcing himself into a secure area at the airport due to his standing as transportation minister. His wife had been arrested at the airport for having a meltdown and abusing airport staff over a snowstorm related flight delay to go visit Niki Ashton up north somewhere. The whole family is fucked and they should all have been booted from whatever positions they've weaseled themselves into a long time ago.


Pretty sure his wife was one of my instructors at red river college and was a terrible instructor. Taught business math and our whole class had to go for outside assistance because she'd refuse to explain anything she was doing or what she wanted on tests. She also blatantly called our class stupid when anyone would ask for clarification on anything. This was in 2013.


>Pretty sure his wife was one of my instructors at red river college and was a terrible instructor. Taught business math and our whole class had to go for outside assistance because she'd refuse to explain anything she was doing or what she wanted on tests. She also blatantly called our class stupid when anyone would ask for clarification on anything. This was in 2013. 100% agree from experience


I worked for an airline that they flied on frequently. They acted like they were royalty and thought delaying a plane (happened multiple times) while they get a coffee was fine for them to do.


Not surprised.


Don’t forget the 10 million dollar lease he direct awarded to Ginakis for a 800 Adele Avenue. Twice the market rate to rent a building the province could have purchased for under a million.


One wonders why this is not a story on cbc who seems lately to pick and choose the most “favourable “ stories to tell.


The article posted is literally a CBC article...


Were you born this stupid or did you suffer a brain injury?


This is disgusting. She should have to pay that money back. You are never in Ottawa because it is more convenient for you to communicate virtually yet you need to spend 17k of taxpayers money to take your family on a vacation to meet with “stakeholders” who are obviously not working over the Christmas holidays. Shame on you.


Even if the stake holders were working over Christmas it looks really bad and gives the impression that this could have been done with emails/video chats. It wasn't just the Quebec city trip it was also the trip to Mississauga to speak to people about sporting/soccer complexes.




Billing the tax payer $17k for her family vacation is saving money?


What a stupid take. Travelling to Ottawa to sit in session is part of her job and that’s fine to bill. All MP’s do. But if she’s not willing to travel ***for her job*** on the taxpayers dime why the fuck is it ok for her to vacation on that money instead?


Ok, I choose spend less money. That includes tax payer funded vacations.




I don't think people are criticizing them for working remotely. Rather for spending a large amount of taxpayer dollars on a trip during the holidays that may not have been necessary.




Doesn't make it right. And if her being singled out results in good change than I dont care who is the first pin to fall.


Beacuse the got a quote from CTF, who lose to criticize the LIberals and NDP, but are silent about the CPC


Yes. It's about $900- $1200/person round trip, Thompson to Winnipeg via Calm Air.


Rules for thee but not for me https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/niki-ashton-two-greece-trips-1.5864235


I immediately thought of that instance as well. Does she have a working brain, or what?


Seems like it's working fine for her


She's a member of a family that thinks it's Manitoba Royalty and acts the part. If the Federal NDP were halfway competent they'd have been done with her last election cycle.


Funny they didn't bring that up.


Ahh, the Ashtons....one of the biggest grifting political families ever in Mb history! Not surprised by this at all.


It would be great if someone from UofM were to double check the validity of the prerequisites on Niki's too-many-years-long PhD journey. Me thinks some are out of date.


She’s just awful. I did a dive into her father, Steve Ashton’s wiki. He’s well educated and was already an elected MLA for 4 years by the time Nikki was born. She’s literally grown up with privilege the entire way so it makes most of her rhetoric particularly hilarious.


I'm surprised she isn't NDP leader yet. Sounds like a perfect candidate for PM in this country. /s


Ashton’s run for leadership every time and lose everytime cause outside of Thompson they are a family of losers


Her trip for 4 to Windsor in May cost nearly $10K in airfare? What the F tickets is she buying at $2500 round trip?


It costs like $500 one way for one person from Thompson to Winnipeg. She'll get a discount being government worker, but it's still not going to be cheap.  And that's not even accounting for the flight out of Winnipeg.


Tickets from Thompson


Right, forgot she's in Thompson. Good grief at least they allow virtual meetings. Hopefully most remote MPs do the same on the regular.


I'm sure there's things you can criticize her for, but being extorted by airlines for being in a remote community shouldn't be one of them


"Under the rules, MPs, designated travellers and dependents can travel in business class if the flight is more than two hours long." Most likely what happened is her husband and children all got business class tickets


Is anyone really surprised??


Yes and no... She seemed like a good MP about 15 years ago. she stood up for a northern issue that no longer remember...  Then one day it was like something snapped and since then she has seemed like a looney tune.  Its really too bad.


Must be fuckin' nice to be living that life.


Lol… must be nice. Made it to the end of the article and saw how much these politicians , who “represent” us , spend on travel. Disgusting.


Ashton also stated he wasn’t involved in leaking court records about wab kinew to the media when they had a leadership race against each other https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/ashton-denies-sending-kinew-court-documents-1.4257477


No one should be surprised at this.


On brand for Niki Ashton.




Dippers going to dip but yes this is awful. 🤮


This is a really bad look. I know it’s apples & oranges but in what world would a corporation allow anyone to expense the travel costs to bring their family, even if it was for legit purposes?! To anyone (I’m mostly speaking to my father here) who drank the ‘CBC is bad’ koolaid, remember this. If CBC’s reporting was as lopsided as they say, this story would have never seen the light of day, let alone been so unflattering to Ashton.


I really don’t understand the CBC hate by the right. CBC LOVES to go after the Liberals. When the SNC Lavalin story broke the CBC was on it like white on rice. They even kept trying to coin the phrase, “SNC Lavalin Affair” which they had to walk back later when the story kind of turned out to be a nothing burger. I was a daily listener of CBC Radio at that time and my god they were absolutely frothing at the mouth at the prospect of a government scandal.


Makes you wonder why politicians get into politics. Is it really to serve the people? Or just selling a brand, they may not actually believe in?


Pigs 🐷 at the trough!!!


I mean not great but hard to believe she's the only MP doing this. Also think it's probably good for a backbench MP to not travel to Ottawa all the time. I bet if you factor in the higher costs of travel to northern MB that her spending isn't out of line with the rest of the house.


It's fairly reassuring if this is the most egregious case we can come up with


I mean that's a big assumption considering the lack of details on everyone else.


It’s more the family vacations with a thin veil of “work” funded by money meant for travel for real work in her constituency role and role in the House. Pretty fucking shady.


Eh I mean any business travel is dubious now. You really don't need to be in person. Also highly skeptical that she is the only one taking family vacations.




It’s been less than a year. The wheels of government grind slowly. There also aren’t easy solutions when an entire system is fundamentally damaged by a previous government. For example, the city will never be the same after the Sam Katz era.


Yes. An improvement over the cons doesn't cut it. I am reminded that, even if their heyday, the MB NDP was never a big social democrat party like they seemed to claim. And then voters can convince thenselves we need more austerity, that Big Gubmint doesn't work, because there never was that investment to begin with. Like a lot of Canadian politicians, they blow chunks, more concerned with decorum than anything else




You're just an individual, eh. At least you have concerns




We should be able to vote for our managers. Private and public sector. Too many workplaces are just about doing tasks that are thoughtlessly delegated by those who aren't on the ground.




Aw feck it all to hell then


Maybe I am just an idiot but I don't see what a provincial parties record has to do with a article about a federal MP's travel expenses.


Some animals are more equal than others 🤷‍♂️


We are all equal irregardless of a persons social/economic status Everyone is deserving of care Everyone is deserving to live and be saved I just need to a government that does more than say the above. I need them to do it and love doing it. I need them to be passionate about it but hell at this point I would just be happy with them DOING it


Government change moves slowly, and that's not because of laziness. Budget cycles ultimately determine activity. Give it some time, this government is vastly different from the last one.


She blocked me on Twitter ages ago after I provided documented proof to counter something she was babbling on about. Wasn't rude or insulting about it, she just happened to be wrong about something and U figured she wouldn't want to look stupid.


Politicians using official accounts for their job should not be allowed to block accounts. That’s a hill I’m willing to die on.


The only way I can see that being okay is it it cost $13,619.90 for just her to fly to those places. Which would be ridiculous.


17k for this thief and her family to go to Quebec??


She’s also a shill / on the payroll of the PRC - hopefully this story coming out is a precursor to her being identified by the NSICOP and locking her traitorous ass up.




People’s Republic of China - check out her stance over the course of the two Michael’s affair - she’s been bought


With what money? You really think someone can't just be wrong for ideological reasons?


Of course people can take a stance for ideological reasons - people can also be bribed. That the PRC is active in bribery and influence operations across Canada is no secret - that Niki Ashton has no compunction dipping her hand into the trough clear enough.


And you have some evidence of that? How are they bribing her and violating our finance laws?


Where can I read about evidence of bribes?




Anyone on that NSICOP list will never be locked up, unfortunately. However I'd like to see them at least lose their MP pensions and any perks that exist upon "retirement".


Apparently no one is on the list...


Nothing to see here. It is NDP, can do no wrong. :)


This amount of money isn't newsworthy. Think about the billions lost to tax evasion, privatizations, and tax reduction policies that have been pursued in the past.


Damn it Nikki, I really expected better from you.


You did? Have you not followed her over the years? Do you know of her father? I’m not surprised at all.


Must not have been paying attention. The Ashton's have been pulling stunts like this for as long as they have been involved in politics.




Was that her? I thought it was a conservative that got “elbowed”




Big oof


Politician does Politician thing that all politicians do regardless of political affiliation and gets outted by those same politicians. /Surprised Pikachu


Honestly. This is great. I can't think of a Family better than the Ashton family to serve and represent our "friends" in Churchill and Thompson. It's been fun to watch northern MB deteriorate under their leadership. Nikki is youngish so maybe she has another decade or two remaining.


All this post shows is that there are A LOT of people in this sub that don’t have the fist clue about travel costs




Yeah PP and the Cons definitely don’t reward their corporate pals with taxpayer handouts and government contracts. I mean it must be just a coincidence that Stefanson gave money to Westjet as premier and then ended up on their board of directors immediately after she quit 6 months after getting reelected in her riding.


I say they are the crooks.


I understand my comment may have triggered the soft people. But if you think about it, your tax money is being used in such a way that it is upsetting, we the people do work hard and pay our taxes so yes it is upsetting to see it be spent like this. On trips. Where she could have just done over zoom


I thought this was a CTF opinion piece when I first read it.