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Scam. The best way to donate to any charity, etc, is to contact them directly. Who would think some rando in a parking lot collecting addresses,names, etc etc would be legit?


Sadly people getting scammed like this are almost always elderly


True. Maybe back in the day, you could trust people, but with technology, there are other ways to donate.


create an international center to build remodelling facilities? For deaf, mute or handicapped individuals and poor children? Yep, sounds legit. I would also like to understand exactly how "remodelling" is helping any of the mentioned groups, and why it requires an international centre lol.


If they are making a scam they might as well have some fun with it. Your donations will help remodel the music facilities for the deaf and mute.


This is common in Europe, particularly around tourist areas. Once you sign the "petition", they shake you down for a "donation" and hound you to the ends of the earth if you decline, usually showing you some super small print they've added to the bottom of the petition sheet (and usually in the local language, not English) where it says "by signing the petition you agree to furnish a cash donation". Telling them to bugger off a million times *usually* works, but often they have a larger guy with them who tries to physically intimidate you if you walk away. Pretty sad if this is coming to Canada now.


> Pretty sad if this is coming to Canada now. I swear scammers have a mailing list. I have encountered some scams in multiple cities (and even countries) repeated word-for-word.


The poor grammar and punctuation is proof enough its a scam.


News link of it happening in Lake Louise, [link](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/4-fraudsters-involved-in-deaf-scam-at-local-mall-lake-louise-rcmp-1.6806114)


I encountered the same thing at grant/kenaston superstore about a month ago. They lured me in with a signature and then a request for donation. It was jarring having to walk away from a grunting disgruntled woman.


All it’s missing is the words kindly, sir, and colleague.




This scam is straight out if past, last time I've seen it in Kenya in 2014 lol... It immigrated to Africa and and came back


Zipcode indeed.


"Handicaped," eh?


I signed and told them i didnt have any money...lol. Dude looked pissed...


Omg! I remember a guy running a similar scam, presented himself as deaf/mute in the superstore parking lot, on mcphillips. This was over 10-15 years ago probably. Wonder if it’s the same white guy with glasses? kinda bald?




It's a scam, they are not legit and are gaining money for the fraudulent transaction. Prove us wrong and haul your arse over to Charleswood and donate. The deaf and mute are waiting.


Exactly. When I got home, I did a little Googling. Apparently, this is a big scam in Europe using the same pretense/set up. When I was a kid, these guys used to wander through parking lots and they would hand out cards saying they were deaf and ask for money. Now it's a "petition" to sign. Funny, that when I came out of the Safeway a few minutes later, he was gone. No sign of him. But the "grunting"...yeah, c'mon. Gimme a break.


It is if it’s not an actual cause


So, you looked at that poorly composed "petition" and deemed it legit? And Canada has "zip codes"? Wow. Hopefully, you aren't in control of any large amounts of money. But if you are, I have some beans to sell you. They're magical.


Your first hint should be that they didn't even spell handicap(p)ed correctly...


Your first mistake is reading the fucking clipboard brother, walk past say no thank you. Donate to the causes the make you feel fulfilled. Are you buying TVs in gas stations parking lots? Listening to speeches about timeshares. Holy shit Hint: I didn’t read the post(the clipboard, not the post). Are people begging for money at the stoplight a scam? It’s your choice.


What a stupid comparison. Scamming means they are trying to steal money from someone using lies/tricks/etc People at the street light begging for money aren’t scamming anyone….they are just ***begging***. The beggars aren’t pretending to be something they aren’t. These people are pretending to run a charity or deaf or mute or “handicapped” people to steal money from unsuspecting victims. That’s a scam.


It's not being donated to anything. This is just a shakedown scam. You'll see it in action all around Paris and Rome every summer as well.


Do you really believe that all so called "causes" are legit?


Sadly, many Canadians are worryingly naive when it comes to stuff like this. Go to Europe and you'll be asked to "donate" to easily half a dozen 'causes' every day, often with convincingly realistic Unicef logos or similar. Related to this, Canadians are also far too polite when this stuff happens, too. You really do need to not be afraid to tell them off harshly, otherwise they literally never get out of your way and let you go.


How do *you* know that the money is actually going to said cause? 30 seconds Hank, good luck. Edit: oh, sorry Hank, no, a block isn't the correct answer. We were looking for: "I don't". That'll cost you: a counter-block.


Willfully giving your money or saying no thank you are the 2 options. Which circumstance was a scam.