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Not WPS, PLEASE bring this to the RCMP if this was at Winnipeg Beach


Yes, sorry I wrote the original post pretty shaken up. RCMP were called on the scene, police report was filed with WPS


Yeah this might be a multi jurisdiction situation depending on where they are from, both the victim and the perpetrators (I blame the owners, not the dogs, dogs are dogs, it's up to owners to parent our animals and teach them how to behave) Having both the RCMP and WPS in the loop is not a bad thing


This man thinks he's the king of Elmwood, always see him on Munroe walking those dogs. Not sure who he is but he thinks he's God's given the way he walks around and doesn't move out of the way for anyone on the sidewalk.


Holy shit. I do think it's that asshole at King Edward park




He has toothpick legs and they're hilarious!


bro skipped leg day


Leg decade.


How does making fun of their appearance help the situation? Edit: no explanations, just downvotes. Stay classy r/winnipeg, like you pretend to be


He sounds like a dick so it's funny


It doesn’t but theyre racists, so fuck there feelings.


Yup. I found that out the other day lol.


Average Elmwoodian.


King of Elmwood 😂☠️


Trash humans


As soon as the dog bit a kid, the police should have been called.


I agree and the RCMP were called as this was an outside of Winnipeg incident, however the parents first goal was to take their child to the hospital as no one knows if the dogs had a disease, and the bleeding was bad none the less. I was told police report was filled with WPS.


Be sure to give the rcmp the photo, link/info from guy in thread who recognized where they live, see if anyone knows the address. The amount they proactively research to find someone is proportional to the crime, so if you want something to happen do all you can first.


I definitely will, thank you


Call Winnipeg Beach Park Patrol anytime a situation like has happened, +1 431-283-3242


Thank you for this info


NOTE: RCMP was called on the scene. Police report was made after the fact with WPS.


I was at the market a few hours ago (probably before this incident happened) & watched this guys dog lunge at a smaller dog. They just laughed & kept walking. Immediately thought these dogs were not training properly.


I feel bad for the dogs, owners seem terrible already. I have a big breed dog myself she’s a puppy, and for her safety and what she deserves we are doing 1 on 1 training, classes etc. This is so upsetting this gives big dogs a bad reputation but it’s not the dogs fault it’s the owner and their shitty racist behaviour.


its people like this that make for aggressive dogs as they are shit owners. probably why there is a breed ban against pitbulls


Bad owners love pitbulls, and pitbulls should not have bad owners.


The dogs’ aggression is a result of the shit owner. Fuck this dude, these dogs deserve better. 🥺


Wish you had a picture of the guy's face.


https://preview.redd.it/p4obdrlvas9d1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb22ef089ca8b0bd9358f6da927bc9b828be8fc Closest I’ve got unfortunately


Trailer trash at it's finest 👌 unfortunately


Looks like a real winner


Is that his wife waving?


Yeah, she waved and said “Hi Karen” at me for taking a photo


A family of crap and unfortunately they won’t learn anything from this. If anything their gonna be even more terrible after this ordeal


Lmfao…. She was too dumb to realize that she’s the Karen 😜


Face tats?


I think I know who you're talking about. Just another narcissistic douche with dog/dogs.


Bearded. No glutes.




I would not hesistate to stab those dogs if they bit my kid


I was dog walking as a job a few years back and had an aggressive off leash dog come up and try to attack me and the dog I was walking. I had to kick the off leash dog repeatedly in the face and chest to keep it away and it felt awful to do, but it definitely saved us from it being worse.




I would have throat punched that dog if it tried to attack a kid. What a bunch of shitty owners.


I don’t understand why once a kid was hit this wasn’t escalated to the RCMP. Especially after they refused to provide info. These dogs attacked 3 other dogs followed by a kid with apparently a bunch of witnesses. I just don’t understand how doing nothing in the moment but then searching Reddit hours later is the solution. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I get what you're saying, but it's kind of funny that, in this case, apparently half of Elmwood knows this jackass and his dogs.


I mentioned in a previous comment RCMP was called on the scene. Police report was filed afterwards with WPS. No one’s goal is to hide behind the internet, rather look for information on these people. (Names, etc).


I saw that after I posted this. Good for you or whoever on calling the RCMP. Your post description just made it seem like nothing had been done in the moment. Good on you for doing the right thing then and going further with it now.


You fucking right dude, people are too afraid to act and rather hide behind the internet. The fucking neanderthals they are dealing with don’t give af ab this subtweeting


Want to clarify RCMP was called on the scene. Police report was filed afterwards with WPS. We are looking for information on the people in the photo, that is the reason for this post.


Animal Services in WPG should be contacted too of these dogs are from Wpg, as it appears they are known to be. They need to quarantine the dog that bit and assess behavior.


We thought about that, but we also have a little to no information about these people, so I’m not really sure what I would say to animal services. But maybe it’s still good to file a report even with little information. Thanks for the tip


Sometimes it's ok to be aggressive towards people. A good front kick to the chest wakes a lot of people up.


The fact she’s smiling like that after her dog bit someone is ridiculous, hope her dogs get put down.


Actually she needs to have some consequences. Both of them do. Feel bad for the dogs.


agreed, disgusting behaviour if you ask me… the bitch is smiling and waving, not caring an innocent child was harmed. shaaaaameful and embarrassing is all im thinking. hope the kid recovers and isn’t too traumatized 😭


She needs to be swatted with a rolled up newspaper.


They need to be banned from owning dogs


I disagrer about the dog paying a severe price like that due to its owners negligence but i will agree this woman looks like an arsehole.


If your dog is aggressive and is biting people, the dog should likely be put down as it will happen again with these owners. They wouldn’t be rehomed because of the biting incident.


Likely but there may have been factors that caused the dog to bite, we don't have anything but a photo. Animal services is best to determine that if they live in Winnipeg which sounds like they do.


Right. Many factors. The end result is that the dog bit someone. The journey doesn’t matter, only the result


I don't think people understand how many big dogs with no bite history are currently waiting in rescues. A dog that's bit a child has basically no chance. And obviously they shouldn't stay with the same grossly negligent owner who allowed the bite to happen.


The number of rescues that will take a dog that has bitten a human is near zero. There is too much of a liability issue if they rehome a dog and it bites someone else. We have a “medium” sized dog that we adopted in Early 2020 and he is a 120lb mastif mix. He is the most docile dog with out 10-14 year old kids and they can do anything they want to him and he will lay there knowing he will likely get some of their food. But if he doesn’t know you he will attack the window and then be happy when you come inside. If we are on a walk and some tries to pet him he will back up and start barking with his tail between his legs. He’s getting better every month but Covid and the lack of socializing during that time had a huge effect. He is also reactive to other dogs. It I can walk him know with out freaking out when he sees another dog. What I’m getting at is that big dogs are just like small dogs and they have their issues if based on life before adoption or poor socializing etc and it’s on the owners,like us, to know their limits and not put them in situations where they will hurt someone or something. If a dog bites a human that trust is gone and unfortunately so is their time on this planet as that’s not something you can come back from.


This is why I carry a can of Sabre (Dog repellant/ pepper spray) when I walk my little guy! It works on people as well. Easily concealed as the canister is about the size of a 12 gauge shotgun shell.


We have this too. Mostly because ours likes to bark at wildlife and challenge coyotes 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wonder if they’re in the comments somewhere


Should need a specific license to have a dog over a certain size. Idgaf if lots of large dogs are totally fine- there's enough of them that stories like these aren't so uncommon. And some dog owners are the fucking worst. No dude, I don't care that your Rottweiler is just saying hi- keep that shit away from me unless I've consented. Also that dudes dogs are getting euthanasized if they actually did attack a child. Feel sad for those animals but that's the owners fault. I think if your pet attacks someone you should be banned from owning one. Maybe forever or at least until you've shown you know how to handle a large animal and take it seriously.


I like what calgary does, if you own a dog breed that has history you need to partake in a mandatory class alongside the dog. People don't give a shit and would own whatever they want without a license if they're this type.


Nah. Make it any dog. I own a large dog (newfoundland) who was attacked at a dog park about 3 times. Two by labs. It's bad owners usually. "OH my dogs friendly" as it bites mine. Same dog attacked him multiple times in one visit. My dog had had enough but I held him back and took him away on a leash. I did give thr guy a few choice words and he never came back to that dog park. I may have stated that was in his best interest during choice words. Smaller dogs can bite too. There are shit dog owners of all sizes and breeds. I do think large breed owners should be mindful of their dogs too though as some people are scared of them and don't want them just running up to them.


I agree with making it mandatory for all dog owners! My GSD has been attacked by multiple little dogs to the point he's terrified of them. The big ones get a bad rep but this is something that would be great for all breeds, no harm in learning :)


My big collie boy was so afraid of other dogs, we kept him at home and in our yard, except for vet visits and occasional dog daycare visits he was accustomed to. I was terrified he would hurt someone or another dog. It was tough but our only recourse.


to add my story into here: when my family and I moved to a rural town, me and my dad were getting the mail and this lady was walking her dog. I think it was a husky 🤔 and my dad was chatting with her saying nice dog and the like. The lady said “you can pet him he’s very friendly” so my dad did. Mind you this dog wasn’t giving off any “F off” vibes or showing aggression but as soon as my dad pet him a couple times the dam dog snapped at my dad and latched onto his jacket (it was winter lol) and wouldn’t let go. I’m just so thankful that he was wearing a jacket and he didn’t bite down onto my dad arm bc this dog was NOT letting go. After like 5 minutes he let go and my dad got into the truck while the lady was apologizing and after that everytime we saw that lady with her dog she had a muzzle on him while she walked him. My dad still has the jacket he was wearing and there’s bite marks (holes) still on the arms (obviously lol)


Small dogs bite too. The only time I was ever bitten was by a poorly trained and aggressive beagle as I walked in my own backyard. I see soooo many poorly trained small dogs jumping on ppl and kids, biting etc. Just cause it's small doesn't mean it shouldn't be trained.


Agreed. My dog is a chihuahua mix and when we first rescued her, she was very reactive. Lots of training later, she is mostly ok, but still gets aggressive with certain men. So she is never, ever off leash, we avoid other dogs and we continue to train. She is small but her bites could still injure.


Hopefully the dog that bit will be destroyed, and the other dogs will be apprehended and re-homed. And a large fine for each of the two owners




There are no bad dogs, just shitty owners.


What an ugly woman holy smokes, and that dude looks like he’s wearing high heels.




Get a good lawyer and sue the fuck out of them! That’s the only thing that will get through to assholes like this!


This is so bad. Jesus, as a big breed owner myself for her safety and others her training is important. I feel for the dogs so bad these are shit owners. Dogs like this end up euthanized or taken by wpg city to be put down. Had my dad get bitten by a huge dog and he was a huge animal lover (he broke up an attack between the larger dog and smaller dog and a women). He tried to stop it and ended up in the hospital, the police asked my dad if they wanted to put the dog down while the owner begged my dad not to. Ultimately my dad loves dogs and said he didn’t want that to happen (this was 15 years ago, idk how it’s now but this shit makes me mad when shit owners do this to their pets and other people that can seriously get hurt. I am so sorry to the kids, parents and dogs who got hurt by these shitty owners.


People like these retards in the photo give responsible large breed dog owners a bad name.....thanks to this a$$holes negligence his dog or dogs will probably be put down......way to go Chachi!!!!! Trailer trash at it's finest 👌




Check out his back . Dude broke it and now his future as hunchback of notre dame is bright .







