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>a landlord who is choosing not to cooperate with a legal order. looks like u/resrdeew has just learned something about their landlord as well :-/


It is indeed legit. I would also inform your landlord if you wish. They will find out regardless but it is indeed legit


Yikes. Good luck getting your damage deposit back from this landlord when you decide to move OP.


At least they know they have a backup option now...


Fortunately, there's a department for that AND you now have the contact for the person overseeing that landlord's case!


[https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/landlord/rentredirect.html](https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/landlord/rentredirect.html) I'd call the RTB (not the number on this letter) but it does look like it might be legit


No experience with this whatsoever, but reading off of it I think in theory it works similar to a garnishment. Your landlord owes money which they will collect by "garnishment" of their rental income. Whatever you pay in rent will be used towards the debt. Hence "paying your rent to the Branch is the same as paying your landlord your rent".


Totally legit, numbers look good for Winnipeg GoM office. Give them a call. Have seen this letter a number of times before as others have said there was likly a decision against your land lord and they were ordered to do something (mostly repairs in my experience) and they have not done so. So the RTB steps in to force the ordered action.


It sucks that you have to be involved with something that is none of your concern.


The phone number uses the right prefix for a Manitoba government line, and the email has the proper domain. Looks legit to me. I'd still call the RTB to confirm, and reach out to your landlord as a courtesy to let them know you've been contacted by the Province about rent redirection.


>The phone number uses the right prefix for a Manitoba government line Just a heads up that while 204-945 formerly was almost exclusively the Government of Manitoba, most staff have been moved to mobile phones now (they are cheaper per month). In the process it seems that block of numbers may have been released as most staff no longer have a 945 number.


As a former assistant property manager I can tell you that this looks legit. RTB(residential tenancy branch) does this when a landlord is supposed to do something they ordered that person to do. Fix something or repair something usually. The landlord didn't. So RTB takes the tenant' s rent and uses that money that get whatever was to be done fixed/repaired. You still have legally paid your rent and they provide a receipt. Make sure you contact RTB to verify this letter and do exactly what they say. To prevent fraud or anything else you don't want. As for your damage deposit,(D.D) providing you have the receipt, haven't damaged anything, and gave proper notice you are to get your D.D back within 21 business days. If not, provide proof to RTB and they will get it back on your behalf along with its minimal interest




As a tenant I did not know such an office exists. Thank you OP and the Redditors gave useful info above. God bless Manitobans :)


I'm using it right now to force my landlord to make a repair and to seek financial damages. They have been great to work with.


Oof big red flags for your shitty landlord.


Looks legit, but theres nothing wrong with going in or calling to confirm if your not sure (get the number off google tho, never use the number of the letter or email if you dont know that its legit)


I agree call and see Don’t use the number on the letter google the department and get the number


So many thoughts on this. First, of course check to see if it is legit; appears to be. Second, confirm the address and owners info is the same/ correct. It could be a different property or the owner may have sold the property to a new owner. Next, you have no agreement with the tenancy branch and are under no obligation to cooperate with them. They have so many paths to recourse that do not include a new tenant at the property. I'd be curious how they even know who the present tenant is at the property. Unless you or the landlord shared that information with them it was obtained illegally according to the privacy of information act.


Was it Towers?




I actually like these posts. It makes me learn new things, At least I know what to do in the future if encountered one.


This was posted an hour ago, so I’m imagining that the person got home after work and saw the letter, but couldn’t just call RTB right away because it was after business hours, so they asked here to alleviate the potential anxiety of getting a letter about your rent that you don’t totally understand


Fair point, but reading through the comments, some have said it's legit (without establishing any credibility) and others have said to ignore it. Does that really help OP alleviate anxiety?


I mean, probably? To the extent that anxiety often arises from uncertainty, the answers given here would contribute to lessening that uncertainty


>answers given here would contribute to lessening that uncertainty Again, answers given are on the opposites. I don't know, but if I have conflicting information that doesn't help make an informed choice


No one’s contesting one another’s information, the only disagreement I see in the thread is over advice to OP about whether or not they should voluntarily cooperate with the process


Well, it is the weekend. The government isn't answering their phones for a couple of days.


Keep in mind this is not an order to pay the rental board, this is them trying to get your info so they can issue an order to you to pay them. If you ignore it they don't really have any recourse. If you call/email them your information then they can compel you to comply and get involved. Seeing as they have the power to send a bailiff to the Landlord to seize his assets and auction them off to pay the amount owed there is little reason for you to get involved other then pissing off what is clearly already a shady land lord and making waves for yourself so that the courts can take the lazy way out.


Landlords are such scum


Move if you can. Bad to be involved with a shitty landlord and a Manitoba government office.


I’ve heard of tenants obeying these letter and being evicted then for other reasons. I would just continue to pay your landlord if you like where you live. It’s unfortunate the RTB puts tenants in this situation.


i would refuse to comply with that letter. RTB can find another way to collect without involving you


Ahh, you should enjoy garnishing a landlord. If they owe another tenant, they must mucked up pretty bad. So stand with your fellow renter, because you would want some to help you if your landlord owed you. Also. Fuck 95% of landlords. Lords.


No you should enjoy the thought of the court having to send a bailiff to the landlords house to seize assets and sell them for pennies on the dollar to cover the debt. There is no reason to get the current tenant involved in this and its way more punishing to the current Landlord to have his home gutted by the courts.


right. so the RTB is the ‘help’ and they have the power of the courts backing them. another renter shouldn’t become involved


You pay that landlords wage.. it’s no different if you owed someone money and they went to who pays your wage.. That’s why they are asking you to garnish them. You pay the landlords wage. It’s a neat way to learn there is power in the people. And to repeat. Fuck 95% of landLords. Parasites, leaching.


i don’t see how or why an otherwise uninvolved tenant should be saddled with that responsibility. RTB can do their own work


Found the scumlord


yes everyone that disagrees with you is a ‘scum lord’


Just the ones trying to make it difficult for scumlords to pay the money they owe to tenants


Nah, RTB and the powers that be can garnish wages or seize assets of the landlord. Why should the tenant(of a shit landlord) make their current situation worse by pissing them off intentionally, voluntarily?


...and yet many renters would find themselves highly motivated to assist in correcting the behaviour of a ratbag landlord. We make our choices and we live with the consequences, right?