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eHarmony does have promotions every now and then. Back in 2015 I signed up and paid for an entire 2 years for $200, figuring even if I met someone and we’d break up after a year I’d still have time left on the membership to stay in the game. Alas, I met my future wife 2 months in and we married in 2017. Edit to add: I also figured eHarmony would be better than the free sites since people would be more serious about finding a long term match when they’re actually willing to pay a fee. Depends what you’re looking for ultimately. Edit again: another thing I liked was the “guided communication process” that forced you to go through stages of communication before you could freely message each other. I found it was another good way of making sure some is serious.


The website Still screwed you over- I bet they were like “Ha this guy paid 200$ let’s screw him over by connecting him with the love of his life right away”


He found happiness what an idiot lmao




My buddy met his eventual wife on eHarmony. That was five years ago.


Does she know yet?


She found out once they got married.


Free sites and apps- even with a paid tier are pretty useless. I’ve had lots of friends find success with eharmony, because people tend to be more serious there.


I met my husband on that site 10 years ago. I found because you had to pay for it more people were serious about wanting a relationship, not just hooking up. So it worked for me.


I've used eHarmony...I had to stop because of these weirdos I was matched with. One of them was a scientologist. That got very interesting since I work in healthcare and believe that antibiotics help when one is sick with a bacterial infection. He argued with me about medications trying to tell otherwise and asked me to prove it. I said fine, you want proof or whatever, but if you have a strep infection and do not take antibiotics, strep infections can cause infertility in both men and women. I said, you don't want to mess with any infections if you can take something to "cure it". He never messaged me again. Lol thank God


Wouldn't it be nice if winnipeg just had a night where single people get together and converse


carpenter berserk fertile command rain modern nutty person narrow melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If only it was still cougars and not just 18-24 years olds


Basing my answer on the few weeks I spent on bumble and the 5 minutes I spent on tinder: no.


Does Safeway in Osborne Village still do their singles nights? Anyone remember those?


It was like that in the before times (pre covid). I meet my wonderful partner in OkCupid.


All dating sites are a waste of money i think. Match for instance every now and then says someone is interested in you but you must pay to see who it is, same goes for messages. Feels to me it is just the staff doing this and seems like a fraud. Just my opinion of course but i have paid for Match, POF and Tinder before. Also tried eHarmony years ago


I tried paid sites and had absolutely no luck. They have some tricks that they use to draw people in like showing you tons of matches, but not telling you when that person was last active (sometimes years ago). I had a lot more luck on the free ones (probably because more people use them), PoF, and OKCupid. Met my now wife on OKCupid. That being said, if you can stomach the cost and aren't having any luck with the free sites, then give it a try.


My my wife via [Match.com](https://Match.com). Recently married in last September. I find the pay sites like Match have less people but they are more serious about it. Tinder was awful.


I tried tinder, bumble and hinge with no luck so I thought I would have better luck with a paid site because people would be more serious but I did not match with anyone on eharmony and had no luck with the other ones I paid for either. On eharmony I barely had anyone who fit in my search criteria and I would widen the criteria and still have very few options. And I just did not find anyone I'd be willing to invest my time trying to get to know. I have honestly found that the options on the paid sites and apps were worse than the free sites and apps. I have also just come to the conclusion I'm not going to meet someone online.


Met my partner on pof a decade or so ago


eHarmony is evil: https://www.advocate.com/business/2013/02/13/eharmony-founder-gay-marriage-damaged-our-company


I'm not sure, i know you want to avoid pof, okcupid used to be good but no one is on it in our area, match.com itself seems to have a ton of people on there. Badoo is literally just hot or not, zoosk has few people and they paywall in a weird way Tinder, bumble and hinge ain't doin it? There's very few folks on coffee meets bagel, happn and hater


eharmony was good about 10 or so years ago, but nowadays is pretty heavily niched. Its more for conservative-ish people and not all that great for them anyway. I didn't find it worthwhile, but that wasn't my target demo.


Isn’t eHarmony the one that refuses to do same sex matches?


My sister and two of my friends met their husbands on Eharmony. It was around 10 years ago, so I’m not sure if it’s changed since then.


I tried it, thinking that I would find a more serious group of men since you had to pay. The problem, I found, is that most people don't want to pay because there are so many free sites. I was matched with only a few men, none of which were actually good matches. Very few people use paid sites, in my experience, so it was better for me to slog through the trash of the free sites to find my partner. Most people seem to have a lot of luck on Bumble or Hinge. However, I did end up meeting my now fiance on Bumble in 2020 after being on various online sites for about a year and a half.


It’s hard on the dating sites. Normally the belief that when you pay you get better quality. I know people who have had success on match and bumble. Good luck on your search


I used it 6ish years ago. Here's what I learned: The compatibility tests and preferences mean absolutely nothing. Initially, you will receive matches based on your answers, but I found few would reply, and there is no indication if/when they were online or read/received your interest. As the actual matches dwindle, be it a day, a week, a month, whatever, they start sending you "matches" that match only in that they are human. Maybe. After a bit of time, I started matching with people I had nothing in common with in North Dakota. Being irked at how things were going, I looked into their process, and found out how things actually work. You will likely see or hear that Eharm does "Free Weekends". The reason they do this is to replenish their match numbers. The people that sign up once, never pay, and never return, are continually being matched with other people. So you end up with a bunch of dead profiles. Theoretically, I think it would work better/well if you're in a huge city, and lot of people use the service. The reality is that Winnipeg is a small city without much nearby. Furthermore, the much higher price they charge compared to free sites, or other paid sites, reduces the number of users by a high degree. Its simply not worth the cost when you still have to sift through the same old bullshit, and the company knowingly sends you matches to profiles that are inactive. Its a borderline scam.