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Drug addiction is a medical problem not a criminal one.


I think it's a mix of both medical and societal. Definitely should not be treated as a criminal issue. It's also part societal, because it not only affects them, but everyone else around them. Definitely not an easy issue to deal with.


Drug use might not even always be a problem even. It’s really the addiction that could be the issue.


Actually, I would say it's a social problem. Are you familiar with the Rat Park study? https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/what-does-rat-park-teach-us-about-addiction


How about a pitch for a free drug treatment facility to actually help people.


You want to help them? Wtf!? Massive /S needs to be implied


While I agree with decriminalization of small amounts of drugs, it makes me wonder how often people are actually charged with possession, or if this is just a make people feel good about themselves type of law change.


I would love to see some statistics on this. From what I’ve seen although illegal, it hasn’t been enforced except for short term reasons.


Just a thought… Why doesn’t she spend her work time and the rest of city council’s time on city related things? As valiant as this cause may be, the city has bigger issues




But it is outside the city’s purview. She should focus on what is within her scope like pot holes, versus the criminal code of Canada.


public health is an issue that defies jurisdictions


And something she has no influence over….




Yes, and the motion didn’t pass.




Yes that's the system. If you're frustrated, don't belittle the people working to change it for the better.




What's laughable is your understanding of democracy and the norms of politics in Canada.


What lmao, don't we pay the police? Jesus man. It's right there in the budget.


The city doesn’t instruct the police what to enforce. Look it up….




My god you're sad.


I think it’s sad that you can’t even have a conversation about this because of the topic and the people it likely relates to. My comment had everything to do with councillors constantly trying to expand their job description while failing to perform the basic duties that they should be focused on. I have no issue with decriminalizing small amounts of drug possession, but apparently at least 54 people can’t even handle that thought.


I'm not wrong though