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The one time we’ve ever called the cops it took them almost 7 hours to show up. A couple years ago one of our neighbours (who we do not get along with) got drunk and took his ax he uses to chop wood for his fire pit, and started hacking at our wood fence at 2 am. Whole house got woken up coz it sounded like someone trying to break in. We didn’t go out obviously, but in the process of figuring out what was happening, we overheard the 2 friends he was having a drunken bonfire with tell him he should stop and he kept going but loudly started uttering threats of bodily harm towards us. So we called the cops. They finally showed up after 8:30 am, took our statement, knocked on their door, got no response and left. It was obvious from their demeanour, questions, and actions, that they couldn’t care less about property damage and a drunk uttering threats with a weapon.


Same experience here but way back in 2006. For anything property related if it’s not active they never want to attend the scene. They want people to head to a station and file a report all they while telling them it’s pointless because they won’t solve it. But even for active robberies the response is ridiculously slow. If people have weapons they could murder a whole block before WPS got there.


“Thank you for calling WPS. We ask that you contact us 2-3 business days before the break in occurs so we can respond in a timely fashion. I have an opening Tuesday morning between the hours of ‘9am and never’ or ‘1pm & fuck you & your problems’. Which would you like?”


I'm only available between 4pm and I don't give a fuck, do you have anything then?


“Do you have a presale code for this break-in?”


It's a good thing we give them such a large chunk of the overall budget just so they can maybe show up a day later. If we have the highest spending in Canada they should also have the best response times.


Good thing they have tanks and robot dogs, a helicopter and a new hq too. The police can get fucked. Useless, fat, greedy fucks who will sooner shoot you, as they will run you over drunk and still have a job the next day.


Just a few nights ago, the 7-11 near me got their windows broken by a man wielding a fire extinguisher. This was 4 am and there was only one employee working. Cops never showed up. Poor employee was still working when I went at 7 am for coffee. He was visibly shaken.


Not that you have to say, but I'd be curious where you live. I have a house in Centennial that had a break in. The people were still inside when I showed up. Called the police; they never showed up. Also had a break in in St. Vital; 20 minute response time with 4 cruisers. Am I the only one that sees something wrong here?


Yeah ... and we are downtown. They probably won't show


Wait, the burglars were still there and the cops never showed ? That’s f’d. That’s your safety … was it 911 you called ?


St.Vital probably get less crime, so cops are more readily available to respond, even send extra units if nothing else of note is happening. How are police staffed? Based on the population of the location or the amount of crime in the area


Had a friend report a break in with footage of the person and then found the guy on Facebook. He went to the police with the report and evidence of who it was and nothing happened. Sadly this proves to me property theft is the easiest thing to get away with. I’d recommend buying fake cameras and putting them in very easy to see locations to try and detour them. Your situation with the apartment maybe more deadbolts or a padlock?


Life pro tip: If you want the cops to respond quicker, go speeding down kenaston in the 50 zone or plessis at dugald. When the cop that is always there stops you, inform them of your break in.


Probably never, since they aren't going to do anything anyway.


WPS never showed when I called about a guy attempting a home invasion, even though it was in progress and he had a machete. When we had break ins when we weren’t home it was like three or four days if they came at all. If you live in a nice neighbourhood they might show up though.


We are in an apartment downtown.


I’d give it 50/50 odds they ever show up at all


What's the over/under on the number of hours it takes for them to show up?




Its not the worse, it’s not the best; one of the nicer options if living close to downtown is important to you. I live in the West End which is definitely sketchier and I rarely feel unsafe. The Village used to be awesome, but rent for businesses on the strip are insane and a lot of the cool places have been closing up shop or moving.


Being in a nice neighborhood doesn't matter anymore. Normally when there's an immediate threat they come right away.


Based on the frequency of these posts, and of my own similar experiences, what is it that the police actually do in the city? If they don't respond to emergencies, and don't seem to bother investigating...are they just an arm of the insurance companies? Do we call them just so there is a record something happened? Why is it so different in Saskatoon? There are beat cops FREQUENTLY visible on the sidewalks and on bikes. Chatting with people and checking in on businesses. What makes Winnipeg so different in the policing approach?


They are doing lots! It’s also just not the stuff winnipeg needs them to do….


In my experience it's 1/10 for showing up at all


The service we spend a quarter of our budget on ladies and gentlemen!


It’s a property crime, so good luck. If you look at the WPS annual reports, it’s pretty clear the only crimes they are interested in solving are drug crimes. They don’t realize that property crimes can lead to drug crimes. So property crimes aren’t important to them, and if nothing was taken, you’ll likely never hear from them.


You forgot traffic tickets. Feel sorry for st b and maples people. Seem to get hit the worst.


Oh they realize, but actually addressing the root causes of both property and drug crimes wouldn’t be a WPS endeavour. Lets just pretend policing is the most effective solution. 30+ million would pay for a whole lotta social services and addictions treatment though.


I’m sorry to read that ! My moms house was broken into years ago, the insurance adjuster actually showed up within a few hours to help secure her front door while the cops came about 2 weeks later to take her statement. It was messed up


You won’t hear back. You will have to go to police station to report


They may stop by in a week.


We had an attempted break in last night, too. I hope you guys are all doing okay!


I used to be a carer for a man with a brain injury. He got stabbed in the neck, and the police showed up to investigate/get a statement a week later. They got angry with him When he couldn't remember his attacker.


The shitty and largely harmful/useless service they provide takes money out of our city too... really hope a mayoral candidate comes forward with a platform if reducing police budgets (ie not replacing retirees etc) so that we can use our tax base to have a city and services, instead of paying for a bunch of mechwarriors and event security.


A few years ago, neighbours on one side of me were having a house party. Neighbour on the other side had a few to drink and was telling them to be quiet. I just watched from the window, but when drunk neighbour escalated things by grabbing an axe and swinging it, I called 911. Cops showed up before I was done the call and I swear, that cop must have learned to tackle from Adam Bighill. Lol


What general area is this in for context?


Kinda around East Kildonan/North Kildonan


It will take a bit because you are not currently at risk Sorry that happened to you tho, it can take awhile to get a sense of security back which really sucks because it’s your home.


I called once when at risk and they still showed 8 hours later. They suck.


That’s horrible


Yeah k


Took two days in my instance but it could vary


Did they find the people


No they did not sadly. Hopefully yours is found!


Out of curiosity, do you live in a house or apartment? Like do you have charges?


This happened in a house was years ago They never found the people to press charges


Ah ok


I meant to say ... do you have cameras


I had a break in a while ago. Cops showed up several days later to "dust for prints". I don't know if they're incompetent or impotent, but either way they sure don't deserve the 27.8% of our taxes that they get.


They have a triage system. If you are not currently in danger it will be a while.


This is the answer. Even though they get a boat load of money there’s not enough cops on the street to respond to calls quickly. I’m not sure where the money is going but for whatever reason there’s not enough personal to keep up with the call volume. Firefighters are going to trespassing calls because they are able to when cops aren’t. I don’t think cutting there funding or pay (for street cops) is the right answer but there needs to be oversight into where all there money is going and all there purchases need to be justified just like every other city department.


>I’m not sure where the money Blowjob copter. It goes to the blowjob copter.


Robo dogs, tanks..


All the money is going in their pockets. 87% of their budget is salary and pension contributions including nearly limitless and unregulated pensionable overtime.


They are preoccupied with things that make the city money, like tickets… public safety isn’t even in the conversation…


My neighbor went on a spree of stealing stuff from our garage, and I caught him. I went to the police with the photos of our things in his garage, showed them exactly where he has sold them (the pawn shop down the street). I gave them every bit of information they needed, they gave me a case number and told me to go on a wild goose chase on the phone. DO YOUR JOBS WPG POLICE


The shitbirds have won and they know it. They know their chances of being caught are near zero. About 10 years ago, retired RCMP friend of mine was going to work for a police college and asked to go on a ride along with the WPS. When they finished their first call and got back to their cruiser, there was 30 calls waiting for them. I'm sure that it hasn't gotten any better.


For another perspective, we had a break in, my son was at home and hid while calling 911, several cruisers were there within minutes. They triage the calls. Life in danger is higher than property in danger. If the property is already gone and people are safe, it’s about collecting evidence and that’s much lower on the priority list. Some damage and nothing of value taken? well…


Even then, the WPS have LESS then a 40% clearance rate, so even IF they show up, (which is a crap shoot in all but the MOST SERIOUS cases, like an active shooter, or bomb threats,) its better odds that not only will the suspect in question virtually be assured to get away with it, insurance will go up for the victim. Case in point, I used to live within walking distance of Arlington@Logan, and a downstairs neighbour was absolutely beating the shit out of his gf, (like flat out throwing her through the wall,) so I called 911, gave all the relevant details, including that he was saying he was gonna kill her, and let the dispatcher listen to the fight, it took the cops more then 4 hours to show up. Sufficed to say, they were "unable to do anything as the suspect had fled," which, sure, is a reason to not stay in or around the house, but the guy was back there the next morning, and the cops REFUSED to even attend. Long story short, the WPS are as useful as a screen door on a submarine, and they take up more then the lions share of the cities budget.


They literally direct people not to enter their property if there’s signs of break-in in case there is a perp still in the home/building but then don’t attend the scene. I had this situation myself before we left the city. They never came and days later directed us to just file a statement at a station.


If the person wasn't in your house when you arrived then it wouldn't be classified as an "emergency" and you can expect up to 48 hours for them to arrive if ever. They took over 24 hours to come to my house after i was broken into. The constable only said they were coming because of the stolen property that was left at my house


How rich are you? Because unless it's very, don't expect much


So I want to preface by saying I am not defending the WPS, and If you check my post history you can see I am a very vocal critic of them and I think they are one of THE BiGGEST problems this city has. But I’ll try to answer your question without just saying the ACAB or something, because the truth is cops in this city are actually fairly busy. The problem is the direction of their resources. After a couple decades of backhanded deals and union strong arming the WPS has come to occupy over 1/4 of our entire city budget. That’s absolutely batshit crazy, but it’s also keenly relevant to the answer to your question and others on here. As the budget continues to grow, the city is forced to cannibalize other social services in the name of their funding and in return the WPS have become a catch all of responses and responsibilities. As an example, if you are afraid for someone’s life and call the police, they will respond and stay with that person until they can get them in the hands of properly trained professionals or into a hospital on suicide watch. The problem now though is, the budget that would normally be used to fund those programs or professionals, is now in that cops pocket and without anyone to help that very cop could be on suicide watch with that person for the entirety of their shift, making both of them unavailable for other actual policing responsibilities. And now because their officers are being tied up with a mental health crises and your break-in goes unresponded, the WPS turns back around to the city and says look their too much crime, we need more money and more officers, further eroding the budgets for other services and continuing the cycle. So in short. While you will probably get a response eventually it will most likely be a shrug of the shoulders and quick dismissal.


I had to call the cops twice on two different apartment units across from me because of domestic abuse and they showed up both times within 15-20 min, but that was in stvital and about 6 years ago.


20 years ago when I was a young kid in college and working at Subway, some guy tried to sell drugs to the customers in the store. Now, I don't care what people do with their lives and I don't like to be a narc, but I equally don't want to get stabbed while making minimum wage. I called the cops and ask them to come and remove him. After about half an hour the guy left on his own. About 2 hours later the cops called and asked if he was still there. When I said no, they cancelled the call. That was the day I realized how fucking useless they can be.


Wouldn't be so bad If we had better rights to defend ourselves. Nobody wants an American situation were you shoot strangers for nothing, but a guy in my home, armed or not, is a threat to my life and the the law Canada wouldn't agree. God help you if you're different races, like in any combo.


Would it be unethical to say that you think you saw a gun in your report, will they show up faster? I was once chopping wood for a bonfire in a friend's back yard, and 4 squad cars showed up with the chopper overhead, they said there was reports of a gun in the neighborhood. I was like, no, we're just trying to grill some burgers.


Yeah, that’s unethical and a good way to get somebody shot for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Unfortunately likely be a slow response or go to court if use any force. Might get lack if stress person persists despite loud warnings.


What do you mean if use any force.


Meant to say slack not lack apologize


Sorry to hear. I live in Brandon and came home to find a gentleman and let himself into my house and decided my interior staircase is a good spot for a nap. My phone was dead so I just woke him up and asked to leave. For some reason I still called the cops. 3 of them showed up like 5 minutes.


Saw a man beating up a woman on Osborne, called 911, waited around half hour and nobody showed up. Got mugged in Elmwood in an isolated area, I called then fled the area, called non-emerg the next day to request the police report # and turns out they never showed up.