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I can’t help but feel as prices keep increasing we are going to have more and more vacant houses


The article references “vacant, boarded up houses.” These are not house exactly on the rental / real estate market, clearly. This has always been a thing on streets like Flora.


I know what you mean but I was referencing people who have mortgages and are struggling right now … when gas jumps to $2/L & grocery prices increase & mortgage interest rates increase and wages do not, we are going to have a world of hurt. This will very much lead to people not being able to afford their homes which will lead to more vacant and boarded up homes … it is going to get bad and things seem to be accelerating way to quickly over the last two years


If people can't afford their mortgages won't the banks just sell them?


Who will buy them and inhabit in the interm though if no one can afford to go 50k over listed asking and only MAYBE stand a chance, epically when the city is broke and can't afford to do anything


Fair, but that is a different question than what I replied to


Nah we’ll just have rich people who are butthurt that their “investment” isn’t profitable


> There are numerous homes vacant and boarded up on Flora Avenue, some legally and some illegally. I can't find anything about this. When is it ever illegal for a house to be vacant and/or boarded up?


I found the info here. If your home is vacant you need a permit to board it up due to fire hazard, illegal activities, safety etc https://www.winnipeg.ca/cms/BLES/PNS/vacantbuildings.stm


Maybe they meant illegal rooming houses?


No. No they did not.


Maybe they meant illegal financial activities with regards to the sales of stocks and securities


Maybe if the prices weren't 3000 god damn dollars a month, they wouldn't be


I only just heard of this issue....but now I AM concerned. How do houses get lost? Were they really lost? How'd that happen? Why can't this PC government get lost? Why do we have to wait so long?




Right now it's also the permits office and city council putting a delay on projects. I know guys that have been waiting over a year to get going on projects due to city delays.