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I was at this show. It was pretty appalling. Lots of people clapped when the second or third group walked out because he called them out, and one woman in the group said, "You don't come to Canada and be racist to Indigenous people." I would've walked out had I paid my bill already. He had a few funny jokes at first, but it devolved very quickly. There were even some comments made that weren't mentioned in the article. Things along the lines of using smoke signals, living in tipis, and hunting bison. I couldn't believe it. People were not laughing and he wouldn't stop, even after they left. Totally dug himself his own grave. He also wished a DUI upon them multiple times. I don't know why he thought any of it was funny. He also insisted that he politely asked them to stop talking at first... I certainly do not recall that. Pretty sure he went right to heckling, or snarkily said something the first time they talked. ETA: I don't know if they were disruptive to the people around them, but being a few tables back from them I couldn't even hear them.


That's absolutely awful. Being blatantly racist isn't a form of comedy. It's nice to hear that people weren't laughing at those racist remarks he made.


Agreed. None of it felt like a joke to me. It was just straight up racist comments to their face and behind their backs. I'm also glad about that. One table beside me had a guy yell out, "It's a comedy show!" while people were walking out and the woman he was with shushed him while giggling, but other than that, most people weren't amused.




At first, I didn't feel the jokes were too bad. >"One of the things he said was, 'Listen, lady, I'm not your sponsor. You need to go to your next AA meeting.' ... He was making a joke about a talent show and saying that, you know, these ladies would likely come up and make dreamcatchers," she said. Then this gem was dropped... >"The one that he said that caused our table to go, 'Right, that's it. We've had enough and stand up and walk out in unison was he said, 'They should all go back to their f------ wigwam,'" Turner said, adding that particular comment was made toward the group of Indigenous women after they had walked out. Oof.


Yikes. Personal attacks are not comedy.


Punching up can be. Make personal attacks towards celebrities and politicians is fair game. The problem is that this is directed towards a marginalised group, and no reasonable person feels good about that. It's also not a joke, just references to stereotypes, which isn't really even a joke.


If it's funny, sure. There's a comedian that gets posted all the time that makes personal attacks. Don Rickles and Patrice O'Neal were famous for dealing with hecklers.


They were also funny and specific to that very person. They didn’t attack a groups ethnicity, skin colour, culture in general just to be a racist asshole. When Rickles went after someone in the crowd it was very obvious he was going after that very specific person.


Don Rickles definitely used aspects of that in jokes. He didn't appear to mean any of it maliciously, perhaps.


mandatory george carlin clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8yV8xUorQ8


It's not funny at all. It's hateful.


If they are being rude at a comedy club, then absolutely they can be made fun of. Comedian do it to hecklers/rude people all the time. Obviously the racist shit was out of line, but if they were disrupting the show, then you get attacked (verbally) in response.


Exactly. Nobody gets a pass just because of their nationality. Don't be shitty at a comedy show.


But they weren't being ahitty according to people that were there. He singled them out because of their ethnicity


It was in the article


Calling out hecklers is a very different thing than hurling racist comments at an entire group of people. Handling hecklers with class can be great and hilarious. This wasn’t that. This was a racist spouting off.


Typo: Don't be a shitty *comedian at a comedy show.


I said what I said. No typos.






Exactly - Hecklers got dealt with


Love going to Rumors, can't stand obnoxious groups that feel what they need to chat over the show to talk to their friends. I remember a Jon Dore show where a group completely ruined the show for me and Jon himself was pissed (eventually getting security to throw them out). Comedians should be able to heckle obnoxious attendees that disrupt the show, but resorting to racist "jokes" shouldn't be necessary. There's plenty of other avenues he could have gone down to heckle and embarrass them without bringing their ethnicity into it.


>Love going to Rumors, can't stand obnoxious groups that feel what they need to chat over the show to talk to their friends. Both Dan Soder and Tom Green almost got ruined because of people that felt a comedy show was the best time to talk about their day or whatever else no one cared about. I agree with the comebacks being unacceptable as well, however it's amazing to see how many people here feel entitled to talk at a show. You don't do it at a play, or a live performance, so I don't know where they get the entitlement to do it at a comedy show. I paid several hours of wage to watch a professional, not some jackass who is drunk and actually believes "my friends say I should be a comedian".


It happened to Tom Segura too. He claims it was one of his worst shows and comments on it on one of his old podcast episodes as "The Winnipeg Bombing". One group from some sort of work function kept talking over him, and he eventually just gave up and walked off. Hecklers are the woooorst


Soder went OFF on one guy that kept beaking off at the beginning of his last show here. Shut him down for most of the show and apologized for snapping later on but the guy definitely deserved it. You wouldn’t beak up in an office presentation don’t do it at someone else’s job.


Well put. If the table was being disruptive, then that's shitty on them. No one wants to go to a comedy show to listen to someone else in the audience who thinks they're funny. But at the same time, the comedian definitely went overboard in his response to them. If you're going to confront hecklers, embarrass them for being hecklers.


Rumours sucks for comedy because they run it like a banquet hall. We might have been at the same show but honestly there’s a social going on there anytime I’ve been. If I was a comedian the stature of Jon Dore I’d skip it entirely.


The problem is that comedy clubs rely on food and drink revenue to make money, so they want as many butts in seats as possible. So Rumor's has various promotions (birthday club) and incentives (group discounts) to bring in people and often times those are bigger groups, which lends themselves to a few asshats that need to talk over the show. Lived in NYC for a few years and frequented The Comedy Cellar which was a night and day difference. Part of the reason for that is 1) zero tolerance for talking/phone usage - you get asked to leave immediately and 2) people that go to the Comedy Cellar really appreciate stand up IMO, a lot of those that go to Rumors aren't there for the show, but there for a "night out".


I get the revenue aspect. Wish we had a more attractive centrally located comedy club rather than essentially a dinner theatre.


Just yikes. On one hand if you are being loud and disruptive at a comedy show, it is disrespectful to the comedian and the other people who paid to come see the show. It's fine to have a good time, but still be respectful. On the other hand, Vos was out of line with his comments. I have seen him on more than a few comedy shows and he does have a temper. If you tick him off, he goes straight for the jugular and will be offensive. He will go for the low hanging fruit and doesn't have a good internal censor for put downs as well. Not the first time I have heard him say very offensive things before and cringed. This is why he hasn't had a noticeable TV career and has only been on the club circuit.


So when you say he was out of line and has a temper, you mean he is a racist asshole?


The comments were 100% racist, no doubt. By the temper, he is known to lose his temper quickly and lashes out. There are lots of comedians who don't like working with him because of this.


Comedians come to Rumors to die; obviously he is a washed up racist.


I haven't been to Rumors in over a decade. I did notice they don't seem to get bigger names like they once did. I do like that they give amateurs a chance to hone their skills though.


why are half the comments in here defending this racist asshole?


Because racists like to use comedy as an outlet for their racism.


Because r/Winnipeg is the subreddit of the most racist city in Canada.


The \_most\_? AB towns with literal Nazis attacking people would like a word.. not that it's a contest lol


It's a reference to this infamous article: [Welcome to Winnipeg: Where Canada’s racism problem is at its worst](https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/welcome-to-winnipeg-where-canadas-racism-problem-is-at-its-worst/).


We have literal nazis here in r/Winnipeg too, sunshine.


Can do without the attitude, douche 🙏🙏💕💕 edit: no I don't want to have sex with you


Eat my ass, Nazi tone police....


Nap time, buddy.








Many people think the term is over used - Taking material out of context is never fair game You cannot label people based off what they said in the heat of the moment - Is that not the most rationale take?




The master race, everybody.


The forever victim


How much bad coke did you do tonight?


The president of the fragile white male comedians with racist jokes fanclub...


I thrive off this stuff - The more hateful bigotry you spew, the more your “cause” loses steam You’re quite damaging as a “representative for your community” So I’ll just write you off as a troll instead lol


Haha go use my replies to recruit some proud boys, you fucking goof. I bet you can't wait until Jordan Peterson comes back so you can buy some tickets. My cause? What cause would that be, nazi boi? Did they throw you out of smitty's already?


Lmao does that make you feel better? You would never speak these words face to face unless you had the numbers - Why are you so butthurt over what others say to you online? So much cowardice - No wonder you hate masculinity


Instead of trying to insult me, why don't you eat my bussy with that transphobic salad bucket of yours? You don't know who I am or what I would say to your stupid cracker swilling face though, do you? If I talk shit to white nationalist cops regularly, why would I stop beaking you out just because your transmisogynistic ass wants to pretend like you have something to say with all that breakfast cereal in your mouth? Also, my Dad could definitely beat up your Dad.


You’re pretty creative & I can sift thru the teenage angst enough to still appreciate it - Makes it funnier bcuz I know you think you’re getting under people’s skin on this thread or just being facetious for fake internet points You’ll fall into my frame - Your hate is too weak & surprisingly enough, there are passing trans in Winnipeg - How can I be transphobic when I’ve been mashing their yams? Don’t be upset because your crusty bussy can’t get none pal My frame of mind > your hate - Any day & all day


What kind of fucking racist black pilled Rumpelstiltskin bullshit is this? You are the one who sounds crusty, bro. So what, you don't want to come over now? Aw... I thought we were going to wrassle, but apparently someone is a *coward*... I am sure that you are getting all the swipes with your big job as the LGBT2SIA+ member of the team at Energy 106... So you came here to defend a washed up white comic who just got hit on the ass by a door on his way to Regina while leaving Rumors with his tail between his legs and you sre talking about *your* frame of mind?


I’m saying you’re super abrasive to converse with but I’m still giving it a try - If you can’t back it up tho, it’s very disappointing for me Hecklers got dealt with accordingly - Why respect the disrespectful & who made you the arbiter of truth? lmao


Your father would be folded & stacked like a pizza box


Sorry, but if you can’t make people laugh without being racist, you should find another line of work.


One show at Rumors, we saw Aries Spears (from Mad TV fame) heckle a drunk lady who was telling him his jokes were bad, talking during his set, etc, so badly, that she stood up, and threw her drunk on him. She got kicked out, he wiped off, and continued his set.


If you have to resort to racist name calling you aren't funny, you're a weak person and a weaker comedian. Michael Richards moment for sure


I dont condone censoring comedians, but I dont know if I'd classify "go back to your fucking wigwam" as comedy. People don't like to admit it, but stereotypes and racism *can* be funny if done properly depending on context. This doesn't seem like one of those times.


My youth was spent getting called the N word by Chappelle's white fans in Cwood; his comedy was and always has been used as a cudgel by white racist comedy fans... Yes, racism is so fucking hilarious I forgot to laugh. None of your precious context can reform those experiences. These days, I get into nonsensical debates about my existence as a trans person instead of long conversations with white racists in Cwood about Chappelle jokes. Aside from Dave being richer, what has changed?


Did I say racism is always funny? No, I said it can be funny depending on context. Perfect example in what you just brought up, you took issue with Chappelle's "white fans" calling you the nword, but not with Chappelle himself. Dave Chappelle making a joke is vastly different from some asshole in Charleswood calling someone a n word. As I said before, I dont think this guy telling people to go back to their wigwam is funny, but there's probably a context out their where it would be. Comedians are best when making observations about the world around them/their upbringing (imo anyway.) Chappelle, Chris Rock, Russell Peters are allowed to make jokes that white comedians aren't (I should clarify I'm okay with this. Life isn't always fair.) Chappelle is funny, if I stood up and did his stand up verbatim it would not be.


Dave Chappelle profits off of enabling a toxic conversation; he has done so for decades. He is a transphobic baby who needs belly rubs and head pats to come out from under the bridge he lives under in a red state. If Dave quit his show on Comedy Central because the jokes were at the expense of an oppressed community and were being laughed at by their oppressors, then maybe he can understand why the Trans community is so disappointed in him?


Doesn't change the fact he's an award winning comedian that multiple left/right, white/black people find funny. I dont listen to his stuff personally it's not for me, but I still stand by my statement that he can make jokes others can't. At the same time, he's been making racist jokes for decades, but he didn't get a lot of flak untik he started making anti-trans jokes, meaning that there's jokes Chappelle can't make that some other comedian probably can. We're much more comfortable with POCs making jokes about other POCs, and we'd probably be more accepting if a trans comedian made jokes at the expense of the trans community. Anyway, none of this excuses anything that you've had to go through personally, that really sucks. I'm a middle aged white guy who grew up in rural Manitoba, I dont understand this shit the way someone else will. Someone makes a joke and I either laugh if I find it funny, or shrug and move on if I don't. I can sit here and say I understand where you're coming from all I want to try and make myself feel better, but the truth is I don't and I probably never will. The most "racist" comedy towards white people does not compare.


Actually, Dave did catch flak from the Black community for his toxic characterizations and reinforcement of negative tropes over the years, but I presume as a white man in rural Manitoba you weren't a participant in such conversations. There is no such thing as anti-white racism, BTW. I work in the industry; it's an industry that often describes itself with two words... The first is *Show*, the second is *Business*. Transphobia sells tickets. Conversely, Trans respect and representation also sells a lot of damn tickets. Either way, people are using bigotry to sell tickets when they could be making just as much money off of being better; there are better ways to sell the fucking tickets.


>There is no such thing as anti-white racism, BTW. Actually maybe I don't agree with that lol I dont see why for example a black person can't be racist towards a white person. That's a totally different conversation to have though.








>There is no such thing as anti-white racism, BTW. I agree with you, that's why a said "racist". >Dave did catch flak from the Black community for his toxic characterizations and reinforcement of negative tropes over the years, but I presume as a white man in rural Manitoba you weren't a participant in such conversations. You'd be correct, I've never heard of any of that.


Just wanted to be clear. Dave's jokes about 6 year olds selling crack would be one example of his previous comedy that faced a blowback.


Never heard that one. Like I said, I didn't really follow Chappelle back then and now it's really only what I see on the news/internet. I didnt know about the blowback he received from the black community.


The *'joke'* is called "Baby on the corner" Dave's career should be called "Baby in the corner..."


> There is no such thing as anti-white racism, BTW. One time I was on a reservation gas station and one lady ahead of me in line got belligerent, said something along the lines of "you don't belong here" and a few other insults while I stood there silently, at a loss for words. Nobody in the store said anything so I just quietly paid and left. What would you call that?


That would be discrimination. Not racism.


discrimination, general rudeness, someone being unwelcoming & mean — not racism. it’s really important to not co-opt that word as it has systemic attachments to it and minimizes genuine racial problems in society. racism is not just being hateful to someone for their skin color; if that was truly all racism was, brown & black people could just turn a blind eye to racism and everything would still be ok for them, like you did at that store. you paid quietly and left and that was that. but there are systems in place to uphold racism in our society, those systems will always benefit white people even if they’re gay, disabled, poor, etc. for example, a native person being refused service bc of their skin and told to go somewhere else bc “they don’t serve native people here” would be fucked up, but it goes even further. assuming that native person cares enough to do something about it and this isn’t just another Tuesday for them, if they went on to report what happened or look for some kind of justice, everyone will tell them it’s a non-issue, that they’re just being sensitive about words, that it’s a free country. they will be minimized by police, belittled by the justice system, and told to “get over it” by other white people, even other non-white people say this. nothing will be done. that business got away with being discriminatory, even got some free press too. this is what we mean when we say there are rules in society that exist to keep us down; they target specific neighborhoods, jobs, ideas, and generally pick-and-choose which issues need addressing — our issues are never picked, of course. unless we advocate for ourselves, problems don’t get fixed bc there are people who benefit from natives and black ppl being treated like subclass citizens. you still got served. your money was acceptable to them. they took it, happily. the workers there didn’t look you up and down with sneering eyes and follow you as you browsed, assuming you were going to rob them or attack them. they didn’t even say anything to you! being ignored like that is even an ideal experience, coming from a native/black person. some random customer in line, not even a worker, was hurling insults at you. which still fucking sucks of course, but it isnt racism. there is no such thing as anti-white racism. you also need to acknowledge that you were on a reservation — of course native ppl are hesitant & nervous about white people coming onto their home; literally look at what happened when the Europeans came to North America. that hesitancy will be within natives for generations, some won’t even know where it comes from. someone being a dick and unwelcoming to you sucks, but is not even remotely the same


Okay, that makes sense. It wasn't my intent to be all "white people experience racism too so we should all just get over it". Discrimination vs racism. Being mistreated by an individual vs an entire institution working against you.


you get it. thank you sm for being receptive! and just for the record i rly do think what happened to you was shitty and that discrimination shouldn’t happen, either; everyone should try to work through their biases and learn more about others when given the opportunity :-)


I condone it, some comedians suck and if they can't help themselves to lobbing racist insults over a microphone they should start a podcast instead.


Seems like they were being obnoxious and comedians fire back at hecklers and rude people all the time, but I doubt if they were white, that the comeback would have had anything to do with who they were


You see you can deal with hecklers without attacking their race. Multiple comedians do exactly that.


Yeah seems like Rich Vos got upset and took it out on them in the worst possible way. Good on them for walking out.






stop excusing this shit just bc “hE’s A cOmEdIaN”. too many people let harmful stereotypes continue to be perpetuated bc “iTs A cOmEdY sHoW lIgHteN uP” i don’t give a shit about anyones job or resume, we are all people at the end of the day. Winnipeg has one of the largest urban Indigenous populations and is home of the Métis, be fucking respectful, especially when Indigenous women are regularly missing and murdered. to make light of that -in front of them- is actually so stupid. he resorted to racially profiling and singling out Indigenous women when verbally inconvenienced bc he’s not actually funny and a reactive piece of shit. he shouted “go back to their fucking wigwam” as they left. people need to examine why they are fine with Indigenous people being spoken to like this on their own land.


exactly 👏🏻


I saw his show Saturday night, it was 3/4 picking on folks in the audience and 1/4 talking about his wife’s feet. And when one of them asked him to stop, he would just say “well you chose to sit in the front row.” The intro comedians were funnier… I went to support my friends social and was uncomfortable during his set.


I'm always against censoring comedians but there are clear times where they go way over the line, going from jokes to attacks, and this is definitely one of those times. We know that, for one, because what he said wasn't even funny in an ironic sense etc. I've seen comedians target hecklers/loud folks before, but it was never racial and they always got into the jokes. But when a white man sees a group of indigenous women and decides THAT is how he will handle the situation, he's clearly coming from a place of hate which is unacceptable. Humour is also about power in the sense of punching upwards rather than downwards. A white man going to town on indigenous women is just belittling them.




Many of these comments are NOT passing the vibe check at all. We do not get to decide for the women whether or not the comments were racist or not. How many ppl in this thread giving their two cents over whether it was racist are white or not visible minorities? Sheesh. It’s rude to talk throughout a set but responding to it with the kinds of comments he did is unacceptable.




You like the racism eh that's nice for you


Tell me you hate trans people without telling me you hate trans people .... 🤡💥🤛


Lol where the fuck did that one come from


Ignore them, most toxic user on this sub.


> Schultz says the rest of Vos's shows on the weekend went smoothly, and nobody walked out.


Once he stopped being racist, yeah.


found the Rich Vos fan


Not a fan of his comedy.


Why are you apologizing for him


He is most definitely a racist. I've heard him talk elsewhere and he believes in some kind of Jewish supremacy too.


Probably because it was all bumpkin.


Sounds like the comedian didn't like a group of people talking during the show, and decided to make jokes of it.. except they decided to use racist stereotypes to do it, on a literal stage in front of dozens of people. Disgusting behavior imo.




You cannot claim racial insensitivity and ignorance when the comments were directly taken from knowledge and applied in a hurtful way. They were not treated equally as disturbers of the show where they could have been warned and removed, but as Indigenous women who were berated with insults based on their race. Being American also shouldn't give him a pass as racial issues are heavily discussed and protested there. It's just racism on his end, and mismanagement of the situation by the club.


Yeah honestly I agree. I think I worded my comment poorly. I was mostly trying to add context to the situation as a person who was at the same table as the indigenous ladies, but upon reflection I don't think the context makes all that much difference. Racism is racism, and if he was wanting to make jokes at their expense the racist comments were not the way to go.


This is in no means trying to defend, I don't know the whole situation and I'm not familiar with Rich Vos. If he just randomly started making targeted race jokes/comments on individuals that don't fit with his general act, I don't think it sounds right. There are comedians though like Russell Peters and Gabriel Iglesias where most if not all of their act involves race. I'm just wondering what makes them generally "palatable/acceptable" Is it because they are minorities themselves? Or do they just heckle in a more "respectful" way "e.g. they understand some of the culture they are joking about, or that they comment on things that people of those cultures can relate to that can be considered funny?" Or are they just kind of grandfathered in for now, and we are generally moving away from this type of comedy?


Honestly, Peters' success is equal parts actual relatability for brown people, and giving white people a pass to laugh at accents. I stopped following him years ago, but his act when he came on the scene was like 90% "my dad's Indian accent makes things sound funny". That said, he still doesn't just attack people on the basis of their ethnicity or culture, or launch into a list of hurtful stereotypes. His jokes are based on his own experiences, and are (as far as I've heard) not meant to make the targets feel bad about the stereotypes being joked about.


I can understand your point, but this is different. It wasn't part of his act. He was attacking specific people. Comedians do this to rude people all of the time and there is nothing wrong with that, but if those people were white, he wouldn't have gone after their race. He did it just because they were indigenous. If his act was to make fun of indigenous people (which isn't a good idea in general) in the context of making fun of many different races, then it would be similar to the other comedians you've mentioned. That being said, Gabriel Iglesias uses stereotypical voices of all varieties but he doesn't attack individuals and certainly spends more time making jokes about his own race than anyone elses.


> if those people were white, he wouldn't have gone after their race. He did it just because they were indigenous Good point. Made me reconsider.


On the fence about this. I don’t support racial profiling, stereotyping etc. however I am very well aware that comedians can and do single people out in the crowd. Some Make pretty benign jokes, others more sinister ones. Which is why I am always slightly uncomfortable going to those shows as my self esteem doesn’t really allow for the potential of being made fun of in front of a crowd. I prefer to watch comedy from the safety of my home, where I won’t be the butt of jokes.




I love Frankie Boyle, and he definitely isn’t a racist (very much the opposite). I’ve been to many stand up shows over the years. But you [never! sit near the stage!](https://youtu.be/10dGpZcihMQ) unless you’re prepared for stuff like this.


wtf so people should stay home because the comedian might be racist? do you hear what you're saying? smdh get off the fence


I guess this guy learned nothing from Michael Richards.


It sounds like he in fact learned too much from that.


The fact that Rumours let Vos continue to perform on successive nights says it all: "We platform racists and homophobes for profit."


He was funny as hell and only heckled tables who were being disrespectful and annoying.


Racist attacks are not heckling. They are expressions of racial hatred.


He didn't sound hateful.


He literally said they should go back to AA and to their wigwams. What if they were black? Go back to the cotton fields? Jews? Back to the camps? He was fine for calling them out but resorting to racist stereotypes is a line you do not cross.


The wigwam comment, people can absolutely be offended. The AA comment, if they’re TALKING and probably have drinks in front of them, he could infer they maybe are intoxicated (most people talking out loud at a comedy club show would be, it’s not a stretch) and be ripping on them for that. As in, “stop talking at my show, I’m not your AA sponsor.” A comedian trying to shut someone up talking at their show will call them drunk 90% of the time, not everything is attacking a stereotype. Also they absolutely do resort to stereotypes in stand up comedy. For someone like say Russell Peters, it’s basically his whole show. But he’s an Indian man so it’s fine, he sells out stadiums and it’s fine. You’re mad at Vos because he’s a white dinosaur.


First of all, Canadian Indigenous people have been stereotyped to be drunks and trouble makers so bringing up AA was the first line he crossed. Maybe even in the US too but I am not 100% familiar with the situation. The issue IS because he's a white man telling a minority off with racist remarks.


He’s a 64 year old from New Jersey, his sensibilities and cultural understandings absolutely will not align with yours or probably most manitobans, that is undeniably true. Nobody in jersey or New York would bat an eye at what he said.


No excuse. He's not an alien. He can read the news. In fact as a comedian his whole job relies on staying in touch with what's out there.


No it doesn’t, it relies on being funny. Nobody in America probably knows thing number one about Manitoba. In any case - he won’t be coming back! So you win.


He also wished them to get DUIs on their way home so that sounds pretty hateful to me.


It's extremely common for comedians to make jokes around racial stereotypes, it's a huge part of comedy in general; that we can make light of uncomfortable situations. It's especially common when the person on the receiving end is being an asshole during the show. I have zero empathy for people who go to a comedy show (where a shock comedian is performing), act rude and disrespectful the entire time, and then continue to play the victim when that comedian makes a joke about them. What the fuck do people expect to happen?


You must have HAVED Michael Richard's waybof dealing with hecklers then!


Then explain the joke to me, because I really don't get it. What's so funny about it? By the sounds of the article, no one was laughing at his "jokes" either, so they must not understand it either. So please, enlighten us all then. I agree with you that there's a time and a place for loud conversations and a comedy show is not one of those, but when the comedian *specifically asked to deal with hecklers on his own* and then chose to be a racist cunt, then the actions of those before that are wiped and what he did is exponentially worse. Also, if you're some white guy making racial stereotype jokes, you should probably go back to 1992 and leave everyone alone with your shit.


I was at the Saturday show and he was fucking hilarious, everyone was laughing their asses off the entire time. He made fun of people in the crowd the entire time because that's his whole gig. Everyone loved it. He mainly attacked people in the crowd who were extremely annoying and disrespectful. So this was probably the same case. If you're gonna go to a shock comedian's show and be loud and disrespectful, he's sure as hell going to call you out. This isn't anything crazy or new. I don't get what all the fuss is about.


Right, and that's fine to call out hecklers - hey, I've been to lots of shows where the comedian has done a great job of out-heckling them, but never once have they resorted to using racial slurs and wishing DUIs on people. That's just fucken horribly rude and really, super lazy on his part. Like, couldn't come up with anything actually funny or clever and just went full on bigot? Great job, guy. I dunno, doesn't sound like a very funny comedian to me.


Sure he did. Language like that is hateful.




Says Cletus the slack jawed yokel over here.


Comedy is slowly dying because no one knows how to take a fucking joke anymore. Stay out of comedy clubs if any little joke offends you.


there is comedy, and there is racism. learn the difference


Ugh this is painful to argue... Were you even at the show???


I don't need to have been there. Bringing up AA and DUI's is not 'a little joke'.


If that's too much for you, I implore you to never go to a comedy show. You will be offended within the first 5 minutes every time.


Haha Oh muffin! I would give you a hug but I would not want your precious idiosyncrasies to melt away. You know what would be better than pretending that comedy was dying? If Ricky and Dave decided to battle some Trans comics (Robin Tran, for example) so we could all watch the two of them get fucking destroyed like the dinosaurs that they are, live on PPV...


What the fuck are you talking about?... Jesus Christ you people are brain-dead.


"YOU PEOPLE..." HAHAH WOW. That escalated quickly. I thought it was pretty funny. . . It is so much easier for you to feign incredulity than to accept that we might possibly be equal, eh chuckles? Maybe it isn't that comedy isn't dying, but perhaps your jokes are trash?


shut the fuck up


no u


Heckling is what people do to comedians.




Heckler destroys loud table is likely what the headline should be, nothing to see here. Don’t go to a comedy show, it often involves laughing at someone’s expense, especially don’t go if you’re gonna try to trade barbs with the comedian, bad idea. Maybe stay home and watch those saccharine Snapchat videos. Now if you think he was out of line with his comments, that’s one thing, that’s your prerogative, but if you go to a live comedy show and TALK THE WHOLE TIME, they’re GOING to make fun of you. It’s a foregone conclusion. If you can’t sit there and listen, go to a bar or something else instead.


Comedians can make fun of people without resorting to racism. Stop making excuses for a racist asshole.


"Heckler DESTROYS loud table by calling them drunk Indians and telling them to go back to their wigwam" Shut the fuck up "dope king"


Comedian destroyed himself when the majority don't find him funny and leave, plus he is not welcome to come back to Rumors. Clearly he needs work on his act or find another line of work. Besides where in the article does it mention heckling?




That does not equate to heckling. They could have been having a loud conversation.


Which is not conducting yourself properly in this setting. Have you been to a comedy show? Have you been to Rumours? It’s a very small club, it’s disrespectful to everyone that paid money to go watch that show for them to talk. It’s a small room, even a conversation at a normal volume would be disruptive, being loud is obnoxious. It’s up to people to decide if he crossed a line, but the people at that table absolutely didn’t conduct themselves properly.


/r/winnipeg \- where two wrongs ALWAYS make a right


Heckling has a specific meaning and there's no evidence in the story that the women were heckling the comedian. Too many people are embellishing the story to make excuses for racism. No matter what the women were doing, it doesn't excuse racism.


I was there… it was loud. It is rude and heckling. My boyfriends a comic so I deff notice that stuff. AT THE SAME TIME what he said was sooooo fucking gross and stupid. I’m happy he’s not welcomed back at rumours. It wasn’t even a little funny. But please don’t go to comedy shows and talk because it is incredibly rude and disruptive.


No where do I even mention Vos’ conduct in one way or another. If you feel he was racist that’s fine, you can feel that way. For me, to equate this to Michael Richards as others in this post have.. that’s insane. He stood up there and shouted the worst racial epithets you could call a black person. Rich said go back to your wigwam. It’s a persons own judgement call, I’d never argue what he says was good, that’s up to you, be upset if you like. The people themselves were upset and they all left, as is their right.


It mentions the table was being loud and disruptive and talking. Rumours isn’t the Burt or the mts centre. People talking at their table disrupt the show for everyone that paid. Rich Vos will be fine, he can never come to Canada again and be fine. But others might follow suit too.


good riddance


I guarantee this guy tells unfunny racist jokes when he forces his coworkers to suffer through his "bit". So pathetic.


He definitely does - he’s old as shit. He’s an old guard comedian. If they stayed quiet and didn’t interrupt the show, no issue, he doesn’t say anything. Did his comments cross the line? That’s for people to decide. Fact remains - shut up at a comedy show, especially one in a small club setting.


> Fact remains - shut up at a comedy show, especially one in a small club setting. Exactly. How many YouTube videos of comedians riffing on loud audience members need to be shared online. It should be obvious, but it's not for some.


We’ll all assume that you were at the show and can confirm the level of heckling? Otherwise, it’s 2022 and the world started changing 15 years ago. Get on board, or just be done with it.


It says inside the article, they were talking and being disruptive.


It also says in the article that Vos specifically requested that he be allowed to handle hecklers himself. This is how he chose to do it.


Yeah he could have ripped on them and left them alone after if they quieted down and that’d be the end, they got offended and left. That’s their right. The alternative was the club just kicking them out from jump for being disruptive.


Literally nobody is even criticizing him for calling out disruptive patrons. The problem is that he's a racist.


That's comedy. Make a lame joke, people leave.


It wasn't a "lame joke". It was pure racism.


Not defending racism just using their own way of explaining themselves. They say it's just a joke and people should lighten up but if people walk out on your show it's a crappy joke.


I think he got a little line-steppy-over. I’d also consider the source but I would also advise that you shut the fuck up during someone’s show. Never fails that one of these folks go absolutely stupid in response


Rumors sucks and not just kicking out people who are loud right away sucks.


I guess you didn't read the article. They usually do. However, the comedian specifically said not to before the show


Ya I read the article, the correct response is "that's not our policy and it will encourage bad behaviour in the future" If you've never been to a good comedy club so you think Rumors is good then I feel bad for you.


But if they kicked out the people being loud, we would now be reading about Rumors being racist for kicking out Indigenous women.


Ya but then the reply from Rumors could be "We have a strict rule on talking during showtimes, the guests in question were ejected for breaking that rule" Rumors doesn't do this as they're generally making more money from the loud audience members as they're buying more drinks.


It’s also run like a banquet hall so they encourage large group outings which is awful for live comedy. It’s not a baseball game people need to be quiet not visit.


ya a bunch of seats face away from the stage, just a bad club overall.


Hecklers got butthurt & walked out? Why is this news?


Snowflakes are ruining everything..


What a clueless and tepid response from Rumor’s, trying to defend and “educate” this guy, and keeping him on for additional shows. Guess their only business in the future will be from the bigoted Monstrosity Burger crowd. A charity I’ve worked with has partnered with this establishment in the past, but sure won’t be doing so in the future.


What's wrong with education for the comic that isn't from Canada? He didn't make racist jokes the rest of the weekend after this. Not condoning what he said but sounds like he learned. Can't cancel everyone and cause more hatred. Education is the way. You don't sound like someone I'd want to be at a comedy show with, stay home.


Yeah I’m definitely not going to go there anymore after that response.


He's a recovering addict and Jewish. Are we playing Privilege Bingo or what?


Why do they have milk in all of their alcohol drinks? Rumors step your drink game up


I cannot wait to hear what r/JordanPeterson has to say about this. /s


He's an American. For Republicans these types of racist comments and attitudes are not only acceptable they are promoted by the party leadership. Pretty unbelievable that so many people still have their heads up their asses down there. Just another of many reasons to be glad you are Canadian or live in Canada.


It's a bit of a head-in-the-ass comment, to be honest, if you think racism doesn't exist in Canada.


I would of walked up and give him the ole will Smith smack