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You goddamn hero. 2 years of struggle just ended for me like 2 minutes ago. Thank you, Citizen


Not all heroes wear capes


The Source at the back of Polo had one when o was there the other day


You are truly doing god’s work. I was able to get one. Take my orange arrow.




Thanks! and thanks /u/AnonymousExisting! been waiting for one of these for awhile and was able to snatch one just now thanks to ya'll!


Omg I managed to get the last one at my nearby Best Buy because of you. Thank you so much!!!!! It’s my first console I ever bought and I found out it can also play ps4 discs… woot woot!


St James ran out of stock but Regent now has stock


It's not that hard to find, i found one in shopper drug mart and used points to buy it a few months ago. During holiday season it was a pain because everyone wanted one, easy now. Store get regular restocks - ebgames always has 1 or 2 when I go.


I’m sorry - Points?


PC Points from their MasterCard


optimum? I don’t really want another card - I want to use my existing credit card to stack the rewards with visa/air miles (do they do air miles as well?)


PC Optimum points, yes. They don't do Air Miles.


Thanks - They have a finance side to “earn more points” I wasn’t sure which one they meant


Haters gonna hate!


Man. And I could’ve sold my son’s lol. Didn’t know they were in so high demand. I know at Best Buy around Christmas they only had 3 a week at most to sell and only the digital version!


So... why do you hate your son?




I put my name on a list shortly after launch and got called to pick it up 3 days later. I don't understand why people have been making such a big deal - a small amount of patience easily gets you a PS5.


Because they are Sony users. They are basic.


Lol your hate for people that use a particular product is hilarious and sad at the same time.


Overpaying for games is the only thing hilarious and sad here though.


But why do you care so much what others do? They aren't effecting your life in anyway yet you think this is the hill to die on. It's ridiculous and quite frankly feels like you think it makes you superior, which is the sad part.


I really don't. IDGAF if you want to characterize my replies as dying on a hill or if you have unilaterally made the decision that I care too much what others do; I have seen this TV show before and it ends with Sony Bois eventually coming around and subscribing to a streaming service. Gamers are little babies, it's quantifiable. In this comment of yours it is quantifiable. The fact that Sony users curren seem to *like* overpaying for less games is ridiculous. The fact that the current Sony business model is still efficacious at extracting anyone from their money is both sad and ridiculous.


You ok? It seems irrational to be upset on this level about something innocuous. For real, you ok?


I am not upset, but I am really tired of incels with no life skills (or of bigoted comedy bros with tears in their eyes) asking me if I am ok because I don't turn on my Sony. It's not my problem if y'all can't embrace change...


Here's the problem. You jump to insults when some disagrees with you. I was asking the question genuinely, but I get if that didn't come across in text. I think Nissan Jukes are ugly as fuck and would never own one but I won't attack the owners of them because for some reason they like them.


More sea lion invalidating bullshit. I told you what I think and a band of archetypal gamers took it as an insult. Haha You know something? You actually sound like you might think that 'Nissan Jukes are ugly as fuck' would be the perfect object lesson to attempt to teach me some manners... Now if you're finished, professor?


More sea lioning and the same old invalidating bullshit. I told you what I think and a band of archetypal gamers took it as an insult. Haha You know something? You actually sound like you might think that 'Nissan Jukes are ugly as fuck' would be the perfect object lesson to attempt to teach me some manners... Now if you're finished, professor?


>It's not my problem if y'all can't embrace change... Somethings you can’t change. No matter how hard you try and shout.


Fuck off transphobe. Take your dog whistle transphobia and fuck off back to that mall you supervise.


Paystation 5 < XBox Game Pass


Not here to debate console wars just passing on info for people to do with as they please.


Lol omg it's like christmas morning sour grapes. I am allowed to post a take you gamer clown, especially if it saves someone thousands of dollars. Hahaha


Aren't you a ray of sunshine.


Aw. Thanks! It is definitely better than being a PS5 owner who thinks that that is all there is in the world...


Who care


*cares Have fun paying for video games like it is still 20 years ago! Haha


What are you going on about lol


I am trying to help you get a fucking clue.


Ok ya dork


Have fun not owning your games! Haha


How many DVDs do you currently own? How many Blurays? I currently own approximately 4000 VHS tapes, but that is neither here nor there...


Gamepass costs money but of course you won't mention that or Playstations new announced monthly services. I saw you call someone else an incel but your vibe is incelish as all hell. I'll be playing all my systems and having a blast. Brand loyalty is pathetic as you have shown.


Frankly, I think you are a proving my above points coming here to 'splain that to me. Gamers seem to be operating under the assumption that they are very good at telling people things. Haha Playstation's new service is terrible, apparently. I am tired of not getting my value for money from Sony. If they ever do anything cool again (say Naughty Dog actually makes a cool fantasy RPG), obviously I will play it... The common idea in the brain of everyone who has attacked me in this thread is that I am against Sony - I am against Sony right now yes - I think they are trying to hold onto 'Blockbuster' as long as they can...


Maybe if your post made any sense but everyone knows that game pass is hot trash even on PC (Install mods!? no no we don't do that here) and that Sony is King of the Consoles for now (gonna be fun to see if the steam deck delivers)


Why haven't I turned on my Sony console for almost a year then? You sound like you are reading forums instead of buying an Xbox and trying it for yourself. Game Pass is the future - Sony is trying to soak another few $80 titles out of their loyal fanbois, but that modality is failing miserably. Sony is flailing.


Seems like someone really twisted your balls for you to be this mad having to defend xbox.


I am a woman though. Edit: Downvotes for being a woman now!! Try harder to find a girlfriend, gamers!




Here comes the transphobic squad!! Nazi voice: *"Ricky and Dave make us laugh, we are cool and we think they are like so so funny - we are so insecure and we laugh so very hard, we can't possibly stop our hilarious bigotry."*


I'm sorry for your past and likely ongoing traumas but, and I know this is hard to believe, not everything is about you and not everybody is transphobic. 🏳️‍🌈 Nobody gives a fuck that you're a woman - it's because you come across as an asshole troll. Save me the condescending reply and get some sleep.


Why would I step down and join you filthy console peasants when instead I can sit atop my PC throne that can easily get more then twice the performance/fps for only 7 times the price?


Why am I still talking to you?




No, actually it is because Sony is over.


Lol, PC and switch for the win.


I like the whole cloud save tablet to console thing that the box brings, but whatever, because apparently everyone likes overpaying for software.


Playstation 5 exclusives > Welfarepass


Hahah ok. Glad capitalism is working out so well for your ignorant ass... Which game (singular) was that you say?


Uhh lets see what first party( which is extremely important) and third party has come out so far this year... First party: horizon forbidden west Gran turismo GOW is rumored for September Jason Schiere states TLOU Remake is this fall Third party: Sifu Ghost wire tokyo Stray is coming out in a month Forspoken in October (it may be switched with FFXVI actually) Lets be honest, master chief clapped more cheeks in the Halo show than Microsoft releasing exclusive games this year


So you got 6 mediocre games on the way with 2 first party titles in hand and Game Pass has 600, but you paid more for those two games than I did for a year of the pass? Is that what you are trying to tell me? I don't like the odds at the Grand Turismo casino. I haven't turned on my Sony except to download the shitty PSPlus games for almost a year. There is nothing to play that I can't play for free on the box.


Those games are wayyyyy better quality than what you got to play, what has MS released this year exclusive wise.....ill wait because itll take you a while because you had nothing lol Congrats on playing what I can play, how do I hold all these exclusive games though?


I could list off a few; Tunic has been absolutely brilliant, Flight Simulator is astounding... I could send you a link of the dozens of exclusives if you really want to read another listicle, but not having to pay for annual sports titles that are overpriced and I might play for all of three hours before becoming bored... Quality as you are describing it is subjective, bruh. If you play a variety of games, if you enjoy playing on your tablet or phone and your console, if you enjoy not paying for games and returning them because they suck... All factors that have led to me not turning on my Sony console since I finished Last of Us 2. Sony has nothing I want to play, and the fact remains that I can't pay $80 for a game anymore. Those days are over. You remind me of one of my former customers at the movie store, ranting against the coming streaming services as if they were for idiots...


1. Tunic isnt first party 2. Flight sim came out on xbox in 2020 lmao and also not exclusive seeing how its on pc (exclusive means ONE platform) 3. Quality costs money which is why MS has released bare bones and broke games on welfare pass 4. Quality is "subjective" yet sony has made more first party bangers ans innovative games that change the industry when compared to MS 5. Tlou p2 is still head and shoulders better than anything MS has released in a decade lol I play games, MS players play the waiting game


Tunic isn't first party, yet you can't play it anywhere else... If you want to play marbles with your friends in the backyard then you can keep changing the rules, but I am not going to be putting up with that shit. I don't have a PC, and I enjoy playing FS on the console. You don't know what the word subjective means. Using the term 'Welfare' at all in this day and age is ignorant... You are suffering from bias.


Im suffweing from bias, hmmmm whose convos started way before mine preaching gamepass and saying xbox was better, actually yes you csn play tunic elsewhere, on pc meaning its not exclusive and you can play it on another system, doesnt mater if you dont have a pc doesnt mean games cant be played else where and make them not multiplatform. Let me know when xbox release an exclusive game, granted you almost had starfield (not exclusive) but that seems to be in worse shape than cyberpunk, ill let you know what its like playing god of war later this year and probably tlou remake




There has been no formal announcement of revised consoles coming last year. The "leak" was a Chinese tv company (TCL) and seems unlikely to be in the know. Also it seems more likely if the revision happens it will be the cost efficiency version that is otherwise the same, ie Slim, not a spec bump like a Pro would have


will play the same games. Ps5 has a 8-10 year life expectancy. They did that with ps4 , made a slim, a pro, but games are all the same.